Do-it-yourself advertising sign.  Do-it-yourself LED sign?  Varieties of outdoor advertising

Do-it-yourself advertising sign. Do-it-yourself LED sign? Varieties of outdoor advertising

Types of outdoor signs

The most important task that outdoor advertising of any store is designed to solve is to attract the attention of potential buyers.

It depends on how attractive the sign of your store is, how interestingly the showcase and entrance group are designed, and it depends on whether people will notice and want to visit it.

How to tell about your company to all passers-by on the streets of the city? How to evoke positive emotions in people? How to attract attention and arouse interest?

All these complex tasks today can be solved by a store sign, coupled with outdoor advertising. Marketers and business owners around the world are struggling to make their signage bright, creative, and memorable.

Every street of any city is full of signs, advertisements, signs, light boxes, all kinds of banners and streamers.

And every entrepreneur strives to win the heart of his potential client, to do everything possible to go at least half a step further than his competitors.

Experienced businessmen know that the development of outdoor advertising design outlet it is necessary to approach responsibly, to involve specialists, designers, and creatives for help.

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And even if the store will sell goods High Quality on low prices if the service personnel do their job well, and inside it is cozy and comfortable, then all the efforts and attempts to lure customers will be in vain simply because the store sign is faceless, does not attract the attention of potential consumers of goods and services.

To avoid being in similar situation, every business owner should take seriously the design of their store sign.

Some entrepreneurs regard signboards as simply a necessary element for doing business, considering the money spent on signs thrown away.

But in fact, the design of the facade of the building, the entrance group of the store, its signs is a kind of "long-term investment", which over the years will attract more and more new customers.

The outdoor sign of the company, in the simplest sense of the word, is a kind of three-dimensional or flat design that carries information about the company.

Most often this includes the name of the company, its logo, data on the profile of its activities. Signboards are located, as a rule, above the entrance to the organization.

This is done so that people passing by receive information about what kind of company it is and what types of activities it carries out.

Today there are a huge number various kinds outdoor signs that can be installed on the facade of buildings. Let's consider the main ones.

First of all, all signs are divided:

1. Illuminated signs- these are outdoor signs that are illuminated inside the advertising structure or illuminated from the outside. Today illuminated signs are more popular than non-illuminated ones. The undeniable advantage of illuminated signs is that they can be seen at any time of the day due to the backlight.

The most common type of sign is a design with a light source inside - it can be the illumination of an advertising box or the illumination of each three-dimensional letter of the sign separately.

Especially often illuminated signs are chosen by convenience stores, pharmacies, flower kiosks - such bright advertising structures are clearly visible from afar, attract the attention of drivers and passers-by.

The disadvantages of illuminated signs include additional costs for electricity - such advertising actively consumes it - and the need for periodic replacement of light elements that tend to burn out.

In general, more and more entrepreneurs choose illuminated signs, which help the company become more “recognizable”. Illumination of such signs is also different, depending on the type of light source used: LEDs, neon and fluorescent lamps.

More and more entrepreneurs today choose led signs– structures are made using LEDs, which consume little electricity, are economical, but at the same time, LED elements are distinguished by their brightness, visibility and durability.

LED signs are visible daylight when, for example, neon, are visible only in the dark.

Neon signboards also durable, have a long service life. Neon lamps are rather unpretentious, do not heat up, are not combustible, are not explosive, work silently.

Neon lighting in the premises helps to create its own unique atmosphere, neon lamps are widely used in night and entertainment venues.

The color of neon lighting can be different, a neon sign is noticeable even from a long distance. Today, open neon signs are used (for example, when using the contour of letters), and closed ones, in which the light element is located inside the advertising structure.

The cold spectrum of these types of lamps is great for advertising structures, but the energy consumption of fluorescent lamps is considered to be higher compared to LEDs or neon.

Also, the illumination can be carried out by devices from the outside, for example, spotlights or halogen and metal halide lamps. This option is less common, but also has a place to be.

2. Non-illuminated signs very often used in the design of a shop window - these are external structures that do not have lighting inside; can be flat and voluminous.

To create the first, images are printed, for example, on a self-adhesive color film, which are then applied to the material. Volumetric signs are designs with the addition of volumetric elements, most often these are letters.

The production of non-illuminated signs is much cheaper compared to the production of illuminated signs, but they are not visible at night. Non-illuminated signs can be made in any shape, form, color and do not require maintenance.

The right sign will significantly increase the number of customers, and if the store is not automated, it will be difficult to keep track of goods. Try inventory accounting program, which will help you automate store accounting, create a detailed customer base and introduce a discount system.

Advertising structures

  • Light box. This is an illuminated sign made in the form of a narrow high rectangular box, on the surface of which an image is applied on top - an advertising material.

    Light sources, as a rule, are located inside along the perimeter of the box. This makes the advertising information of the light box readable at any time of the day.

    Also, the image can be placed inside the light box under the plexiglass. Light boxes are widely used for outdoor advertising and signs - experts believe this species advertising is the most effective and relatively inexpensive.

    10 secrets to creating an effective advertising sign

    • Pay attention to how well the store sign is viewed from different sides of the movement - from the sidewalk, the roadway, near, from afar.

      The sign of the store should not be covered by other elements of the facade, trees, poles, transport stops, advertising structures. Otherwise, potential buyers simply will not notice it and will pass by.

    • The sign should stand out and contrast against the background of other signs next to yours. The sign must differ from them in color, size, shape - only in this case it will be "noticeable".

      An ideal sign is one that uses no more than 2 to 4 primary colors. Also, experienced designers advise to make volumetric letters of signs located on the facade of the building in a color that is in harmony with the color of the facade.

      An overly colorful and “gaudy” sign made using acid colors will not only not attract people, but, on the contrary, can cause them a negative reaction and irritation.

      The sign font should be readable, large enough, do not use italics and ornate fonts, as well as several types of fonts in the name of one enterprise.

    • The store sign must contain the name of the organization or trademark, logo, and short description type of business of your company. For example, "Arnica. Pharmacy Chain" or "Furniture Salon" Taburetochka", "Cafe Chain fast food"Minute", etc.

      Too long explanations should not be placed on the sign either - it will be difficult to read them.

    • Backlighting will betray the greatest visibility of any sign, but every business owner must remember that the use of flashing elements in the backlight of signs is not allowed near the windows of residential premises.

      If the light from your sign interferes with the homeowners of the building in which your store is located, they can file a complaint, and then such a sign will have to be dismantled.

      Boost your store performance in 1 month

      The service will improve the efficiency of the store by reducing the loss of product balances, significantly speed up the process of revaluation, printing price tags / labels, strictly discipline the work of the cashier and limit his opportunities when working with discounts / sales at a free price.

    • For the manufacture of signs, use the services of only reliable companies. Make sure that the materials used are of high quality and durable.

      It is not uncommon for signs to break under the influence of natural phenomena, fragments of advertising structures collapsed to the ground, and through the fault of businessmen who tried to save money on the manufacture of signboards, people were injured.

    • Come up with a "highlight" of your future sign. It can be an unusual image “with humor”, an exclusive logo, original design, try to create not just an inscription, but a real “image” of the company.

      Do not be stingy and use the services of talented designers - from the several signage options they offer, you can choose the most suitable one.

      Also take a poll public opinion– Will others like the sign in this design and color scheme? It is always better to listen to the opinion of the majority.

      Try to make sure that the design of your sign is original and at the same time concise and makes the right impression on everyone who sees it. Your sign should be first and foremost "talking".

    • The sign must match the "image" of your company. The background of the sign must match the color of the picture on it, with letters. Choose the most compatible colors and remember that each color has its own specifics.

    How to make and design a sign for a store?

    For example, for signs of children's goods stores, mischievous, yellow, pink, bright green colors are most often chosen, but the sign of an expensive restaurant should be made in pastel soothing colors, a sign for a men's clothing store requires sharply defined fonts and calm dark colors.

    • Originality and creativity. Remember that it is an unusual sign that can make a passer-by stop to get a better look at it.

      And if the sign makes a person smile, positive emotions, then there is no doubt that he will want to go to your store or enterprise.

      Do not be afraid to be different, order creative signs - this is what will help you stand out from a number of competitors.

    • Remember that the amount of time a person needs to make eye contact to read a text or view an image is a few seconds.

      And it is in these few seconds that a person should have time to read your sign, evaluate the picture and decide whether he likes it or not, whether he wants to visit your organization or passes by, forgetting about its existence.

      If a potential client is “fascinated” by the idea of ​​your original sign and the design of the facade of the building in which the company is located, then in his subconscious there will be a desire to visit it and only positive emotions.

    • More and more businessmen are abandoning the usual signs in favor of more creative ideas, colorful pictures that play up the name.

      For example, a sign on the glass door of a shop or cafe in the form of a regular sticker that is attached to the glass door, but the design of such a sign can be completely different and will certainly attract the attention of passers-by.

      "Diversity" and "gaudiness" when creating signs today are a thing of the past, and designers are sure: "beauty is in simplicity!" So, do not be afraid to choose simple classic solutions and replace giant advertising light boxes with laconic chalk boards at the entrance to a shop or cafe.

      On such boards, you can apply colorful and original inscriptions with crayons, amuse passers-by with jokes and thereby attract their attention.

In recent years, people are increasingly trying their hand at opening their own business. Someone can invest heavily in the beginning and take risks, but not everyone has such an opportunity and a large scope is not always needed.

Let's say you want to set up a small repair shop. For a successful implementation, you need knowledge of the matter and a sign that informs people around you about your services. It doesn't have to be expensive, but your customers should notice it.

Now we will share a way how to make a sign with your own hands.

Types of signs

Now there are a huge number of ways to attract the consumer. The oldest of them is the sign. Looking at the photos of signs, you can see their diversity not only in the names and design, but also in the types of signs themselves.

So there are signs consisting of one name, and advertising signs, in which, in addition to the name, summary provided services.

You can also distinguish signs by the method of manufacture:

  • not light (ordinary);
  • light (neon signs and LED);
  • three-dimensional signs (boxes and letters).

Naturally, shop signs are most often used, but businesses never refuse to use this method of advertising themselves.

What you need to create a sign

To make a sign at home, you must first select the type of billboard. In our case, an ordinary non-illuminated sign was taken.

It is the easiest and fastest to make, and the workmanship will not be much worse than that of professionals.

What is required for this:

  • steel sheet two meters (minimum thickness);
  • self-adhesive in various colors;
  • rag, wipe glued places;
  • Double-sided tape
  • scissors (ordinary and for metal);
  • simple pencil;
  • computer, preferably with a printer;
  • tape measure or ruler (you can do both);
  • plastic card (bank or discount card is suitable).

Making a sign

Let's prepare the base first. It will be a steel sheet measuring 1 by 2 meters. However, our sign will be 2 meters by 50 cm, and since the width of the self-adhesive film is 45 cm, we will reduce the width of the future sheet to this value and make 2 cuts.

As a result, we get 2 bases for future signs 200 cm by 45 cm. In order not to suffer with accurate and even cutting of metal, we recommend ordering its cutting at the store where it was purchased.

For accuracy, after cutting, you need to sand the edges with sandpaper or a file so that everything is even and smooth.

When the base is ready, we move on to creating templates for the name. They are usually made on a computer, and Photoshop or other graphics editors are used as programs. In them, select the desired font and enter the name of the future sign.

After that, print the letters on the printer and cut them out. You will receive layouts that need to be glued to the film, and then cut out along the contour.

The next step is to stick a background on the sheet. This is more difficult to do than it might seem at first glance.

In order for the self-adhesive film to stick to the metal correctly and without wrinkles, the paper is carefully torn off from the middle. After that, with someone's help, they begin to glue the film to the sheet, from the center to the edges.


Use plastic for leveling. You should not rush when doing it, it will have a bad effect on quality. The length of the film can be made slightly longer than the length of the sheet. This will allow you to bend its edges and, thus, fix the self-adhesive on the metal even more reliably.

The final step will be the even placement of the name of the sign on the base. To begin with, the letters are laid out on a sheet and roughly placed in the middle of the base.

After that, it is necessary to apply an alignment line so that the letters do not “jump” (only if this is not specifically intended). Then, the paper is torn off the film from the letters and strictly along the resulting line they are pasted onto the background of the sign.

To avoid swelling when sticking, as well as with the background, a plastic card is used. The final touch is the edging of the signboard.

As a rule, film cuts from previous stages of work are used on it. The optimal width is 2 cm. The edging is glued from the edge to the center, and it is located both in plain sight and with reverse side bases, to hide the irregularities of the edges of the sheet. Accordingly, the width of the strip on the edge should be at least 4 cm.

After completing all the steps, you will get a beautiful and inexpensive sign made by you!


DIY signage photo


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A person who was able to organize a business can also think about making advertising with his own hands. Such a decision is especially relevant for those entrepreneurs who have just started organizing their own business and cannot afford expensive advertising. However, in a highly competitive environment, informing the buyer about their services and products using various advertising tools is the norm that allows them to survive in tough market conditions.

An advertising sign is one of the most effective ways to attract the attention of a potential buyer and briefly provide him with all the necessary information about a product or service. Everyone can make it with their own hands if they read the tips below.

Any man will not interfere with high-quality tools in the house. In the article “Choosing a drill: universality or specialization? » learn about the nuances of one of them.

To create an advertising masterpiece on your own, it is not enough to stock up on enthusiasm, you need to have some materials and tools at hand. Moreover, many tools do not even have to be specially bought, because they belong to the standard stationery that each company purchases: scissors, a ruler and a pencil. In addition, you should have a tape measure, discount or bank card (any, as long as it is plastic) and scissors that allow you to cut metal. It will also not do without technology, because a computer and a printer allow you to design an advertisement and print it.

  • thin sheet of steel (preferably galvanized). The minimum sheet thickness must be at least 0.6 mm, the optimal format is 1000x2000 mm;
  • self-adhesive film. It should be of several colors (any that you like best). It is better to choose an opaque and glossy film with strong adhesion;
  • auxiliary materials include rags, double-sided tape and glue (hard).

After everything is ready, you can begin to implement the plan.

Everything lately more people thinking about organizing own business. Some aim high and are ready to invest heavily at the start, but most try not to take risks and try to get by on initial stage minimum investment. Yes, and a large scope is not always needed. Suppose you decide to organize a small shop for repairing shoes, watches or making duplicate keys. Success will require skillful hands of a master and a sign that will notify people about what you are doing. It should not be too expensive, stylish and technological. In this article we will talk about making signs with your own hands.

Materials and tools for making signs


  • Galvanized steel sheet 1000 * 2000 mm (can be of minimum thickness, 0.6 mm)
  • Self-adhesive film in several colors (opaque, glossy, strong adhesion)
  • rags
  • Hard glue or double sided tape


  • Scissors
  • Metal shears or guillotine
  • Ruler
  • Pencil
  • Roulette
  • chopping
  • Computer with printer
  • Plastic card (bank or discount)

How to make a sign

Decide on the dimensions and mark the sheet of galvanized steel. The dimensions of a standard galvanized sheet are 1000*2000 mm. In our case, we need to make two signboards measuring 2000 by 450 or 500 mm. To make a sign 2000*500, the sheet of metal would have to be cut lengthwise into two parts, but then you need to glue the base of the self-adhesive film from several segments, because the standard width of such a film is 450 mm. Taking this into account, we decided that it was easier to make two cuts of galvanizing than to fear later that water would flow into the seam between the strips of the film, and it would begin to peel off. You can mark the galvanized sheet with a beating, or you can attach a rule and draw a line with scissors or a nail.

Cut the sheet according to the markup. You can cut the sheet yourself with metal shears or a guillotine, or you can order cutting at the store where you buy it (although not everyone wants to do this). If desired, after cutting, you can process the edges with sandpaper or a file to remove burrs.

Make templates for cutting out the cutout letters. The easiest way to do this is with a computer and a printer. Use a graphical editor (for example, Adobe Photoshop), as the size of the field, specify the size of the sign (in our case, it is 2000 * 450 mm). Choose the font you like and type in the text you want, such as "PRODUCTS" or "KEY MAKING". It is better to choose a bold font, so the letters of the sign will be more visible. Remember the name of the font and its size. Create new document with a margin corresponding to the size of an A4 sheet. Place one letter in this field and print the document. Repeat this operation until you have all desired letters. To save toner, you can change the letters to light gray instead of black, or check the Outline Only box.

Cut out all the letters, treat their front part with glue or stick double-sided tape on it. Roll out a roll of self-adhesive film of the color that the letters of the sign should turn out to be. When choosing colors, do not try to make the sign too bright. Red and white, blue and white or yellow go well together. The easiest way to choose colors is to use a special design table of their compatibility. Glue the letters right side to the paper base of the self-adhesive film.

Cut out the letters from the self-adhesive film along the contour of the pasted paper templates.

As a result, when you lay out the letters of the sign face up, they will not be upside down, but normal.

Wipe the surface of the metal sheet with a damp cloth. You may experience an unpleasant odor, which is a consequence of the reaction of the sheet coating with water. Don't worry about it. Let the metal dry and roll out a roll of self-adhesive film of the desired color on its surface. Since the width of the film is the same as the width of the sign, there is no need to adjust anything. Just cut off the excess length (you can even leave a small allowance that will wrap up and stick to the back of the sheet).

At this stage, you will need an assistant. If you start gluing the base from the edge of the sheet, then the film will definitely shift somewhere relative to the edges of the metal sheet. Therefore, you need to glue the film from the middle. Separate it from the base approximately in the middle of the strip and cut the backing paper. With an assistant, roll out the strip on a sheet of metal and align with the edges.

The assistant should securely hold his edge of the self-adhesive strip, and you lift the film over the sheet to the cut, slightly separate the paper backing and, stretching the film, attach the adhesive part to the metal.

Using a plastic card, start smoothing the film from the middle to the edges. Gradually tear off the backing in small pieces and smooth until you reach the edge. Repeat the same operations on the other side. The basis for the sign is ready.

Lay out the prepared letters on the base. Look at what height their base should be, and put a mark. Remove the letters and with the help of a padding, draw a line along which you will align the bases of the letters. Instead of a beating, you can use a strip cut from the same film as the letters.

Lay out the letters along the marking line, trying to ensure that the word is centered on the sign and the distances between the letters are the same.

Glue the letters. To do this, lift the first letter, peel off the lower part of the base and, aligning it along the line, press the adhesive part. Smooth the film with a plastic card, gradually removing the base. Try to glue the letters neatly. If something goes wrong, then tearing off the glued film will not be so easy. In addition, when tearing off the film stretches and re-sticking can cause problems. This is especially true for letters with a closed outline, such as "O" or "U".

The sign is almost ready. It remains to glue the edging. As a piping, we will use the strips of self-adhesive film left after cutting out the letters. The width of the strips should be about 2 cm. We glue the edges, unlike the base, not from the middle, but from the edge. It is necessary to position the tape so that only half of it is glued to the outer surface of the sign, then the second half must be wrapped back and glued to the back surface of the sheet.

Step-by-step instructions for one of the ways to make advertising letters illuminated with open LEDs.

There are many ways to make backlit advertising letters. As a backlight, fluorescent lamps, neon, LED clusters, and even miniature incandescent lamps are usually used. These sources have some disadvantages.

Fluorescent lamps are of decent size, relatively unreliable, compact lamps with a glow color other than white are almost impossible to find. At sub-zero temperatures, the light output of such lamps drops significantly, which is especially important for the Russian climate. EMPRA greatly increase the weight of the structure, electronic ballasts rarely allow you to squeeze more than 80% efficiency out of the lamp.

Neon is expensive to manufacture, install and maintain, is fragile, requires high supply voltages, and is therefore vulnerable to places with high humidity.

LED clusters good quality quite expensive, have dimensions that do not always allow them to be used in narrow places.

The following is a way to achieve good visibility of the letter from a long distance with low power consumption and low cost of light sources.

So let's get started.

To make letters 35 cm high, we need:

1. PVC plastic 3mm
2. PVC film Oracal 641
3. 5mm red LEDs with 60 degree beam angle. This product used 4R5 LEDs
(A 120-degree angle is preferred for these types of signage, but the client wanted the letters to be visible from as far away as possible, so a 60-degree angle was preferred.)
4. Connecting wires, hot glue gun.
5. Any tool :)

First, we cut out the letters themselves from PVC plastic according to the template. We mark the front side with the expectation of a LED pitch of about 20 mm, while retreating from the edge of the letter about 10 mm. We drill plastic with a wood drill with a diameter of 5 mm.

The next step is seaming the front surface with a red PVC film.

After this procedure, you need to cut the film on the existing holes with a cross. Preferably neat, within the hole. You can, of course, first roll up the letter, and then drill holes. We do not do this because the film tends to "dry out" over time, and we have a chance to get a white border around the drilled hole. In addition, the film is not so well drilled, rags are obtained that have to be torn off by hand.

It is convenient to perform the following operation with one of the LEDs, holding it by the leads. Carefully "pierce" all the holes from the seaming side so that the petals of the cut film stick to the walls of the hole. Thanks to this procedure, the LEDs will hold tighter in the hole and the film will not creep away over time.

The next step is to install the LEDs. They just stick in all the way.

Since the supply voltage of 12 V was chosen, the LEDs are combined into groups of 6 in series. (Voltage drop across the red LEDs is about 2 V). The placement step of 20-25 mm was not chosen in vain. This made it possible to dispense with the conclusions of the LEDs as connecting wires. The leads are unbent parallel to the surface and soldered together. With some skill, this is a short process.

I recommend orienting the LEDs with the anode or cathode in a certain direction so that there is no confusion. As a result, we get several chains of LEDs connected in series. The last chain is unlikely to come out of 6 pieces, so we place the missing LEDs inside the letters. We connect all groups in parallel and get two conclusions - plus and minus. For greater reliability, we install a 0.5 W 10-30 Ohm resistor in the gap of the positive wire. You can have one for the whole letter, you can for each chain - as you like. You can also install a diode to protect against polarity reversal during installation. Everyone has different means of protection :) We count the number of chains - let's say there are 7 of them. The nominal current of 5 mm LEDs is best set at 15 mA, which means our letter will have the following parameters: 12 V, 105 mA. , that is, it will consume about 1 watt.

We connect the letter to the power source.

In the future, the production of the letter continues according to the usual method - the sides of any height and a removable back are glued. Covering with a film - to taste.

These are several photos of the finished object at different shutter speeds. The frame is quite strongly curved, such was the idea - so that it could be clearly seen from different angles. As long as the sign is on in test mode and the current of each LED does not exceed 5 mA. The photos were taken with different exposures. In the last picture, the hand twitched :)

It is easy to see that the letter "L" glows a little brighter than the rest. This is because the last chain in it contains only one LED. It was a pity to throw away five additional LEDs to provide the desired parameters, so a resistor was used. At the rated current, the difference would not be noticeable, but at low current - if you please :) this moment the sign stands out among others at a distance of at least 500 m. In the future, a controller will be installed to obtain dynamic lighting effects. The total consumption of the sign in test mode is about 5 watts. The client, however, is already satisfied with the brightness, so its increase will be a pleasant surprise :)

About 600 LEDs were used to make the sign, the manufacturing process took two days.