Color the snowman with a colored outline.  We draw a snowman.  How to draw a snowman in a hat with earflaps step by step

Color the snowman with a colored outline. We draw a snowman. How to draw a snowman in a hat with earflaps step by step

But what to do if there is a desire, but there is no possibility - the cold, frost and a caring mother do not allow.

Don't despair! Pustunchik will help you arrange a real winter holiday without even leaving the room. We can’t blind, then we’ll draw.

How to draw a snowman?

In order for the drawing to come out correct and beautiful, you need to know what main parts the Snowman consists of.

Usually these are three snowballs: the largest is the Snowman's abdomen, the smaller one is his chest, and the smallest is his head. Snowman arms and legs can also be made from small snowballs. Often two small branches are attached to the place of the hands. The nose is usually made from carrots, and the eyes and mouth are made from coals. And, of course, an invariable attribute - a bucket, instead of a hat, and a broom, which he "holds" in his hands.

Now you can start drawing, and to make it easier for you, use the tips in the form of diagrams. They have a variety of snowmen on them!

Scheme 1

Scheme 2

Scheme 3

Good afternoon, today I'm uploading a great article that will help you choose the theme of the New Year's drawing, peep the idea and think over its embodiment in your creative drawing. On New Year's Eve, schools and kindergartens often hold "Christmas drawing contest" and we, as parents, begin to puzzle over the search for a simple idea that our child will be able to do. These easy to implement I collected drawings on the New Year theme here in one big pile. Here you will find scenes with snowmen, penguins, polar bears, deer and Santa Claus.

Today in this article I will do the following:

  1. I'll show you how to draw snowman(in different poses and angles)
  2. Ladies step-by-step drawings of New Year's characters(penguin, polar bear).
  3. I will teach you
  4. I will offer simple techniques for the image Santa Claus.
  5. And yet we will learn draw beautiful Christmas decorations.
  6. And the drawings landscapes with the image of the New Year holiday.

So, let's start our journey into the world of New Year's drawings for children and their parents.

How to draw a SNOWMAN

(simple ways)

In our New Year's drawings, we are used to depicting a snowman in the form pyramids of three rounds topped with a rectangle-bucket. Persistent stereotype.

But it's the same as portraying a person only " at attention, hands at the seams". If seasoned artists depict a person in a variety of angles and poses, then young artists can depict their snowman from the same angles.

Here is an example portrait drawing of a snowman. We draw only the head of a snowman, in a creative hat and add a plot New Year's zest to our drawing - for example, we hang a Christmas ball on a carrot nose.

You can put a bird on the snowman's nose. Or try to portray lively emotions on the snowman's face - rosy cheeks, head tilt, soft smile - and notice the direction of the carrot. It is not necessary to draw a carrot strictly sideways horizontally. A carrot drawn down and sideways (diagonally) gives the snowman a touching look. And a New Year's hat with a pompom will add the spirit of the New Year to our drawing.

Our portrait of a snowman can have a lively emotion - he can look at a flying snowflake with touching tenderness. Or pull a paw-twig to the falling snow and throw back your head for a long time to look into the skies generous with snow.

Snowman portrait can have touch of solidity- a high hat, a clear symmetry of the nose and an elegantly tied scarf. Or the snowman in the New Year's drawing can be an unintelligent bumpkin catching his hat blown off by the wind in mid-flight. Good work for the competition of children's New Year's drawing.

Here is an example of a New Year's drawing-portrait of a snowman - simple and step by step tutorial.

New Year stories

with a snowman and a bird.

A drawn snowman can hold a small bird in his hands. If you draw well with gouache, then you can draw such a bright snowman in a knitted hat and a woolen scarf - with a red bird in his hand.

And if you are a beginner artist, then you can depict the same touching story with a bird in watercolor. And then with a black pencil draw a clear silhouette contours and small details in the form of buttons and a nest with a sparrow. Very touching New Year's drawing.

like this New Year's duet of a snowman and a bullfinch bird even a child can draw. Simple shapes, and a slight overlay of shadows along the cap (on the one hand, darkening, on the other side of the cap, highlighting with white - this creates a visual volume-bulge). And we also apply light shadows around the snowman's face - we add a little light gray-blue color to the white - and with this "blue" white we draw shadows around the circumference of the snowman's face - so we get the effect of a convex spherical face.

And here is the idea of ​​​​a New Year's drawing for the same plot, where the bird sleeps wrapped in the tip of a long snowman scarf

Snowman with a friend teddy bear.

And here's another drawing oil on canvas. And you can gouache draw the same. First, draw simple silhouettes ... then paint over each element in its main color (white, green, light brown) in one color. And then we add additional shadows to each color (with a darker shade of the same color scheme we shade the snowman's belly near the scarf and the circle around the teddy bear's nose). And then with white gouache and an almost dry brush we add a white spray on the muzzle and belly of the bear and the snowman's hat and scarf.

That is, you just need to carefully look at the sample and poke with a shaded brush into the same places where shadows are superimposed on our New Year's drawing. And continue until your drawing looks like the original.

And here are some more simple examples of New Year's drawings with a snowman. On the left photo, the snowman holds branches in paws christmas garland of light bulbs. A simple silhouette - simple shadows of a light blue tint on the snowman's rounds. And whitish strokes of white paint over the black silhouette of the hat. Everything is simple, if you look closely and figure out exactly how it's done.

And here is the right photo above - GIRL wraps a snowman in a scarf. It seems that the drawing is complicated, but in fact - everything is simple. Let me describe how to make such a New Year's drawing for a school competition with my own hands. So that each of you CLEARLY AND CLEARLY REALIZE that the most complex drawings are actually created in very simple and understandable steps. As in principle, any work is done on the general principle - start, continue and finish. So it is with drawings. So let's see how a complex New Year's plot of the drawing is born from simple steps.

MASTER CLASS: How to draw a snowman.

STEP 1 - You must first divide a sheet of paper into a white and blue background - cover it with gouache. Dry this background.

STEP 2 - draw a silhouette of a snowman with white gouache. Dry and add blue uneven shadows on the white sides of the snowman. As they smeared the shadows, they smeared them - evenness is not needed here. Dry.

STEP 3 - With a pencil, draw the silhouette of a girl. The lines are simple. But if you doubt your abilities, then you can copy the girl’s template directly from the screen of your laptop onto a sheet of paper placed on the screen and transfer it to your canvas under carbon paper. If you need to enlarge the screen girl size, you press buttonctrl with one hand and the other hand at the same time roll the mouse wheel forward– the image on the screen will be enlarged. Wheel back - will decrease. And if the image, when enlarged, went sideways beyond the border of the screen, then the “left / right” arrows on your keyboard will help move the screen.

STEP 4 - Paint over each element of the girl with your own color - carefully with a thin brush, slowly.

STEP 5 - Dry the girl's face and then carefully draw a bang on it with an almost dry brush. Draw the eyes, mouth and blush on the cheeks with the reverse tip of the brush handle.

STEP 6 - Then draw scarf lines around the snowman. Color it red. Dry - and on the scarf (and on the girl's hat too), with a thin brush of white gouache, apply a pattern of white stripes and crosses.

STEP 7 - Draw small silhouettes. Nose, eyes, smile and snowman buttons. Girl's coat pocket. Rope ties at the girl's hat.

STEP 8 - In the background, along the horizon line, draw dark silhouettes of houses and trees. Put blue shadows on the snow under the snowman and under the girl.

As you can see, everything is simple. If you decompose all the work in stages - into simple and understandable steps. In order not to overwork, you can do the first 3 steps in one evening, and leave the rest of the steps for the second evening. So it is more pleasant to work - without fatigue and stress.

Snowmen busy

(children's plot drawings).

You can draw a whole group of cheerful New Year's snowmen riding on a swing. Or come up with your own story. You can peep it on the canvases of famous artists. And make a parody of a famous work of art, just the way it would look in the world of snowmen. Snowy Mona Lisa, with a mysterious smile, for example.

New Year characters

BEAR in a children's drawing.

Now let's talk about other characters with a New Year's look. These are, of course, polar bears. In red hats with white pom-poms.

Bears can be drawn in different styles. In different cartoon genres. Here are some options for a children's drawing contest.

The leaders of drawing circles can draw in gouache such a cute New Year's bear cub. The drawing, mind you, was taken from an ordinary table paper napkin.

And here's New Year's drawings with bears whose eyes are dreamily closed. One teddy bear is looking forward to opening a gift. Another polar bear is listening to a bird singing. Cute New Year's motifs - simple plots for children's drawings for the New Year. It can be depicted on a greeting card or as a work for the New Year's drawing competition at school.

Here a small master class on drawing a New Year's bear for a greeting card.

But a bear can be drawn not only in a classic red and white New Year's hat. The bear in your drawing may have a variety of New Year's paraphernalia(masquerade costumes, funny overalls in the style of "Santa Claus", knitted sweaters with reindeer, skis, skates, etc.). And you don’t even have to be able to draw a bear in its entirety - you can do it more cunningly. And draw just a bear's head sticking out behind a pile of gift boxes(ka on the right picture from the photo below).

PENGUIN in the New Year's drawing

for school competition

And of course, a winter drawing with a New Year theme is funny penguins. These birds are also considered northern, although they live at the south pole. But there are also snowy winters at the South Pole - that's why the penguin is also a New Year's character.

Here are options for New Year's drawings with penguins, which are also easy to depict with children's strength, with a little parental help.

You just need to look carefully and understand what steps you need to take in turn to end up with this image (gouache, watercolor, or colored crayons). The main thing is not to rush and let one painted element dry before painting over the second.

Below is a fairly simple gouache drawing made by children's hands. It just seems complicated - because it has a lot of small black drawings (black dashes on a scarf, rounded curls on fur, loops on balls. But in fact, look carefully at each element - and you will understand how simple it is.

STEP 1 - First, paint over the background of the sheet with blue gouache - stains and stains are welcome - let the background color be uneven.

STEP 2 - The penguin itself is a regular oval. First it was painted with white gouache. And then they made a black thick stroke around the edges (with a call to the ledges of the wings).

STEP 3 - Then we draw a white cap - wait for it to dry - and apply stripes on it in different colors in turn. Then we draw a scarf - also with white gouache - dry it, and apply stripes.

STEP 4 - Draw a New Year's staff on top with white color - dry it - and apply red oblique stripes on it.

STEP 5 - Draw the legs, beak. Against the background, draw white lines of snowflakes (cross and diagonal, and round dots at the tips).

STEP 6 - Christmas balls - also just round spots with white gouache - and on top of the circle already colored gouache.

You can draw like this penguin in the shape of skittles- in a long New Year's cap. Also a simple penguin model.

And here are a few step-by-step master classes of the New Year's drawing, where you can see how to draw a penguin yourself in stages.

Your penguin can be decorated with a variety of hats and gifts.

How to draw a New Year's deer.

The simplest images of a deer are a DEER FROM TWO PALM (left picture in the picture below). Or a deer FRONT VIEW. Everyone drew such a deer in childhood (a ball of a face, leafy ears, horns, twigs, and two columns of legs with hooves).

You can paint a deer in a sitting pose with paints (a round tummy-pouch, two front legs hang down on the sides, and the lower legs are moved apart a little to the sides).

And your deer can be funny fat guy. A sort of well-fed Santa Claus, a copy. It’s generally easy to draw such a deer yourself - its figure resembles an inverted coffee cup - add short legs with hooves, a red nose - eye points, and cute horns. Highlighted belly (in the form of an arch), hat and scarf. Everything is simple and affordable.

Your New Year's drawing does not have to contain the ENTIRE DEER BODY - from antlers to hooves. You can limit yourself to a very schematic (triangular) image of a deer head - as in the left figure below.

Or draw a deer head in a CUT-OFF VIEW (as if he is looking out the corner of his nose into your window) - as in the right picture below

Here master class showing how to draw a New Year's drawing with a deer.

Most often, a New Year's deer is drawn with Christmas decorations on the horns.

This technique can be performed in different styles of drawings. It can be a children's drawing of a deer (as in the picture above).

Or your deer can be a graceful female with thick eyelashes, modestly down. The deer lady is glamorous and majestic.

How to draw NEW YEAR

in the city, on the street.

And if you want to draw a NEW YEAR on the streets of the city, a festive atmosphere, cozy winter streets, Christmas trees in the city squares, then here's another selection of ideas for such New Year's drawings.

Please note that all objects here are painted with paints. Then around the lines of the houses is done stroke with a narrow gray frame along the paint contour(so that the elements of the picture become more contrasting and the picture acquires a general stylization). The silhouettes of passers-by are round spots of faces, and trapezoidal silhouettes of jackets (just a spot of the jacket is put on with paint). Then, when the jacket silhouette dries, we take black marker(or a marker) and on the spot of the coat we draw cut elements, pockets, a collar, buttons, a belt, cuff lines, etc.). In the same way, we highlight with a black marker fine drawing elements– lines of tiles on the roof, window frames, etc.

If the size of a sheet of paper is not large, then it will be difficult to place a whole street with houses. You can limit yourself to a Christmas tree in the square and draw several children.

But a great idea for a New Year's drawing, where children are skating.

And here is another idea for the New Year's city. True, here the city is depicted not in the figure, but in the form textile applications. But the compositional idea of ​​\u200b\u200barranging the houses and the Christmas tree in the picture.

You can draw a city VIEW FROM ABOVE, as if from the wing of an airplane. And then place on the wide dome of the sky Santa Claus flying on a sleigh.

Or you can not draw a crowded and multi-domestic city, but simply draw a small forest hut and an elegant Christmas tree nearby. And the departing Santa Claus, who had just left his gifts under the tree.

These are the ideas of New Year's drawings that I have collected for you today in one pile. I hope that your drawing for the competition to school will turn into a happy family gathering with brushes and paints. I wish everything worked out - in a magical New Year's way. Let the soul of the New Year touch the tip of your pencil or brush - and overflow into your New Year's drawing.
Happy New Year to your family.

Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the site ""
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Happy New Year to the author of this article, Olga Klishevskaya.

The snowman is a fairly popular character in New Year's and winter fairy tales for children. Besides, making snowmen is one of the most favorite winter pastimes. Therefore, it is quite justified that the snowman is so often drawn on New Year's cards, all kinds of wall newspapers, posters for the New Year, and just like that, for the soul. It would seem that it can be difficult to draw a snowman? It seems that everyone already knows how to draw a snowman in stages. A small circle is the head, then a larger circle and, finally, the largest circle. Let's add eyes, a mouth, a nose-carrot, handles - twigs, a bucket or an old hat on the head - and the snowman drawing is ready! But all this is so simple only at first glance. There are subtleties and secrets in drawing a snowman. You will learn about them from this article.

1. How to draw a snowman. Draw a snowman step by step

To add volume to the snowman drawing, place the buttons, arms, and other details in the drawing at an angle, and not strictly in the middle. The photo below shows how to draw a snowman for children.

The snowman on skis looks original. If you add another Christmas tree to it, you will get a wonderful New Year's drawing! The photo below shows how to draw a snowman in stages.

2. Draw a snowman with a pencil. snowman pictures painted

The drawing of a snowman is good because a child of any age can draw it, even a kid of 2-4 years old. Now we will tell you about some techniques and techniques for drawing a snowman for young children. For example, with kids, you can depict a snowman using a child's handprint. Help the child paint his hand with white paint, now let him make an imprint on paper. Together, draw the missing details for the snowmen with colored felt-tip pens or pencils. Look what a fun family of snowmen turned out!

A great idea is to draw a snowman with cotton swabs or directly with your fingers. Help your child outline the outline of the snowman drawing with a simple pencil. Show him how to use cotton buds instead of a brush: dip them in paint, leave marks. Here is the picture of the snowman we got!

Have you ever heard of bulk snow paint? Not? Then listen. If you mix PVA glue and shaving foam in equal volumes, you get a wonderful airy snow paint. She can draw snowflakes, snowmen, polar bears or winter landscapes. For beauty, you can add glitter to the paint. When drawing with such paint, it is better to first mark the outlines of the drawing with a simple pencil, and then paint it with paint. After some time, the paint will harden, and you will get a three-dimensional winter picture. Look what a wonderful drawing of a snowman we got!

Here is another interesting way to draw a snowman. The snowmen in the photo below are drawn using the monotype technique.

Monotype is one of the easiest non-traditional drawing techniques for kids. To draw a drawing using the monotype technique, you will need:

Any smooth surface that does not allow water to pass through (such as a piece of plexiglass or a regular baking sheet)
- dye
- sponge for washing dishes or paint roller
- cotton buds
- paper

Work plan:

1. On any surface that does not absorb paint (for example, a regular baking sheet), make a rectangular frame (to fit your picture) from adhesive tape or electrical tape.

2. Apply the paint evenly to the surface. Draw a snowman with a cotton swab.

3. Attach a piece of paper. The snowman drawing is ready!

3. How to draw a snowman for kids. snowman drawing

Let's move on to a more complex, but also more interesting way how to draw a snowman for children. The voluminous snowman in the photo below is a cross between a pattern and an appliqué.

To draw (more precisely, make) such a snowman, you will need to cut out three circles of different diameters (large, medium and small) from thick white paper. Also make a scarf, hands and carrot nose for a snowman out of colored paper. Shade the edges of the circles with a pencil lead. Glue the parts of the craft together with pieces of double-sided tape.

4. How to draw a snowman. Draw a snowman step by step

The photo below shows step by step how else you can draw a snowman. Look how funny the snowman turned out as a result! This drawing of a snowman, unlike the previous versions, does not have twigs, but snowballs. The snowman's head is decorated with a bucket, and a broom flaunts in his hand.

And this snowman in the picture is like a child enjoying the snow. By the way, it is also an interesting idea how to draw a snowman for children!

And if you decide to draw a whole company of snowmen, then here's another original idea for you!

5. Draw a snowman with a pencil. snowman pictures painted

We have already told a lot and showed you how to draw a snowman with a pencil. Now we want to pay special attention to the faces in the drawings of snowmen. After all, it depends on what kind of face a snowman has, whether he will be cheerful or sad, kind or even evil. The photo below shows examples of faces that can be drawn for snowmen. Choose what you like best!

6. How to draw a snowman for kids. snowman drawing

Winter children's fun is impossible to imagine without a snowman. The fairy-tale character is simple, but without him there will be no New Year's carnival and winter fun. You can make a unique sketch of a fabulous snowman not only from real snow, but also draw it on paper. We draw a snowman in stages - this phrase begins a fascinating personification of a fantastic snow hero. You can use different methods to create an image.

How to draw a snowman step by step

Beginners do not know exactly how to draw a snowman, so you should follow the recommendations:

  • a center is applied on a clean sheet, from which a circle is created (in its place there will be a head);

  • the next ball is drawn slightly larger than the first and placed under the head; picture

  • as a result, two circles are obtained for the body, located along the same line;
  • the base of the character ends with a large third circle; picture

  • we warm the snowman with a scarf, which is considered as an element of style (the tips are hidden so as not to hang around); picture

  • the draft lines of the pencil are erased;
  • the drawing is outlined along the contour; picture

  • curved lines are added, which are converted into a hat;

  • the shape of the headdress is fully formed;

  • arms are branches that are attached to the body at the appropriate level

  • the nose is a bright carrot (it is placed in the center of the upper circle);

  • a mouth is formed from pebbles or buttons;
  • a smile is depicted as an arc;

  • eyes are drawn large with black dots inside to enliven the look;

  • clothes are displayed with buttons in a row (even small circles);

  • wavy lines are scattered on the main background, which will positively play on naturalness and earthiness;
  • chaotic snowballs are added on the snowdrifts;
  • the final adjustment of the contours takes place after the study of the background

How to draw a snowman using paints.

After getting acquainted with how to draw a snowman with a pencil, you can move on to another stage of drawing using paints. Drawing a snow hero will be more difficult,

so first you need to prepare and take:

  • sheet of convenient format;
  • pencils B or B2;
  • eraser;
  • paints of different colors;
  • brushes;
  • container with water;
  • clean sponge.

Starting the first stage of drawing, lay the worksheet vertically and sketch on it several lines located in different places (there will be snowdrifts in their place). Leaving space from the edges of the sheet,

  • three lumps of snow are depicted with a simple pencil (first a larger one, and then a smaller one);

  • contours can be applied using caps;
  • you can add a Christmas tree to the background, which will add contrast to the picture;
  • everything behind the central character should be smaller;
  • you can add a moon or a small circle of the sun to the sky;

  • snowdrifts are neatly painted;
  • the transition from one color of paint to another is smooth (the lower and upper parts of the sheet merge using a palette of blue, blue, purple);
  • the drawing is periodically dried so that the background does not spread;
  • we decorate the night sky by mixing bright yellow with white for the main luminary;

  • with sweeping strokes we decorate the Christmas tree using turquoise, cherry and blue;
  • we leave the main drawing for the final stage, for which a thick mixture of paints is used;
  • the snowman is completely shaded in one breath, choosing a certain shade as a basis, gradually saturating it with paint;
  • volume is created by applying a thicker mixture on the left side;
  • the tree is a little wrapped in snow using white strokes;
  • a thin brush will help draw hands, a mouth and funny eyes;
  • you can tint white dried paint with blue strokes;
  • looseness and volume of the picture will be given by pale blue paint (it is applied with sliding movements).

Video for beginners and children how to draw a snowman

Simple drawing of a snow hero by cells

It's faster to draw a snowman using a checkered sheet. A schematic drawing is beautiful if each cell is transferred from the sample. Initially, you need to count the distances to each cell and transfer it to the sheet where you plan to create a new drawing. It is better to be creative on printed paper, copying strokes, and then adding new ones. The overall look changes, experimenting with colors.

Video how to draw a snowman in a simple way

How to make a snowman from Frozen

A playful snowman is a pleasure to depict on paper for children. It is not difficult to depict him, following the points: Figure 7.23

  • next to it are two ovals (eye contour);
  • a thick carrot nose is added;
  • mouth wide open; figure 7.24
  • the snowman has an irregular ovoid head, on which three hairs are visible upright;
  • a tooth peeps out of the mouth funny;
  • the body and arms are outlined last, adding a few buttons for beauty (Figure 7.16),
  • add a flower. figure 7.25

Drawing will be useful if a special lesson is assigned for it, for which the child can draw a New Year's character, following his imagination. Starting with a few circles, you can then follow your intuitive hand movements, creating an original image of a snowman.

Snowman pictures drawn - this is an idea for a competition or for evening leisure. Once a year, special attention is paid to the snowy fairy-tale character - he is drawn on different paper using simple pencils or paints.

How to draw a snowman in stages with a pencil will more accurately tell your imagination, which step by step will create a new image of the character

You can decorate it with a hat or a bucket on your head, a scarf or a jacket, but the carrot nose, button eyes and a mouth made of pebbles remain unchanged. You need to start drawing in a good mood, leaving unnecessary thoughts in the background.

A kind and beautiful snowman is a real symbol of merry New Year holidays and wonderful winter entertainment. That is why snowmen can often be seen on greeting cards dedicated to the New Year and Christmas. To understand how to draw a snowman in stages, not only an adult, but even a child is capable of. After all, a snowman has a very simple structure - as a rule, it is made of several snowballs.
Before you draw a snowman, be sure to prepare all those accessories that will inevitably be needed in the creative process:
one). A pen with black gel ink;
2). Pencil. You can use a mechanical one - it does not need to be sharpened. And you can use a simple pencil, only before use it must be well sharpened;
3). Eraser;
four). A piece of paper;
5). A set of multi-colored pencils.

If everything that is listed a little higher is already prepared, then you can proceed to learning how to draw a snowman:
1. To draw a snowman with a pencil, you need to start with markings. Draw a snowdrift. Then draw a vertical line indicating the place where the snowman will stand;
2. Draw three snowballs in sequence. First, the smallest one, which will be the snowman's head, and then two larger ones - they will be his body;
3. Draw legs for the snowman;
4. Draw a carrot nose to the snowman's head. Then draw two eyes and a smiling mouth;
5. Draw a striped scarf and three buttons on the middle wad;
6. Draw a hat with a pom-pom on the snowman's head;
7. Draw handles in the form of twigs;
8. Having learned how to draw a snowman in stages with a pencil, you can move on to coloring it. Circle the image with a pen, and then erase all the pencil lines with an eraser;
9. Color the carrot with an orange pencil, and a cap with yellow and green;
10. Color a striped scarf with pink, green and yellow colors;
11. Paint over the branches with a brown tint;
12. Color the buttons in blue, lilac and pink tones;
13. With a blue pencil, shade the snowman and the snowdrift in which he stands.
The snowman drawing is ready! Now you know perfectly well how to draw a snowman! In order to color the finished image of a charming snowman, you can use not only a set of multi-colored pencils, but also paints, such as gouache or watercolor.