Air travel.  Prayers for travelers (on a trip, on the road).  How to read Orthodox prayers on the road

Air travel. Prayers for travelers (on a trip, on the road). How to read Orthodox prayers on the road

Almost all people periodically make trips, starting with traveling to other countries and ending with a trip to the country. The road is a danger, and it doesn’t matter, it means flying on an airplane and driving a car. Prayer for travelers is a powerful amulet that will protect in difficult situations.

Orthodox prayers for travelers

Going on the road, many people begin to worry that everything will turn out well, there will be no problems, let alone accidents. To protect yourself from trouble, you can turn to the Higher Forces for help. Prayer for those traveling on the road can be read on oneself, and it can also be used by loved ones who are worried about those who go on the road. Both options are acceptable and effective if the text is read from the heart.

A prayer for wanderers and travelers should be pronounced according to a number of rules:

  1. It is important not only to read the sacred text, but also to understand its meaning. It is recommended to first understand the meaning of each word.
  2. It is best to read the prayer alone in front of the images of the saints, so that nothing interferes with communication with the Higher powers.
  3. If the text is difficult to remember, then you can rewrite it and read it from the sheet.

Prayer to Saint Nicholas for travelers

An assistant for those who go on the road can be Nikolai Ugodnik. Even during his earthly life, the saint saved the sailors, on whose path a terrible storm arose. Since then, he has been considered the protector of travelers. For more than one century, people who have a long road ahead have been turning to him. The Traveling Child Prayer is used by mothers who want their child to be well. There are several recommendations on how best to contact St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

  1. Before sending on the road, you must visit the temple, put a candle near the image of the saint and read a prayer. You can refer to him in your own words, speaking from a pure heart and soul.
  2. If it is not possible to go to church, then you can pray in front of the image of the house. First, light three times near the icon and repeat the text below three times.
  3. A prayer to Nikolai Ugodnik for travelers can be said by loved ones who want to protect their relative or friend along the way.
  4. The clergy recommend taking the akathist of St. Nicholas with you on the road.
  5. If the text of the prayer is difficult to remember, copy it on a piece of paper and read it if necessary. It is best to keep it close to you, such as in your pocket or bag.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos "Hodegetria" for travelers

This image of the Mother of God has been venerated since the beginning of the 12th century. Its name in translation means “Guidebook”, so there is such an icon in the house of people whose activities are associated with frequent moves. The Hodegetria prayer for travelers will help to avoid misfortunes and various problems. The presented text must be read before leaving, and it can also be repeated on the road, if such a desire arose.

Prayer for Air Travelers

A huge number of people experience a fear of traveling by plane, and for some it turns into a phobia. There are situations when it is not possible to choose another way of transportation, and then you can turn to the Higher Forces to protect you on the road. Prayers for those traveling by air charge a person with positive energy and give an awareness of being under reliable protection. The presented text must be read three times before the road, crossed and bowed many times.

Prayer for those traveling by car

According to statistics, the number of accidents is growing every year, and the causes of accidents are very diverse. Prayer for those traveling by car helps protect yourself from rash decisions, the stupidity of others, and various unpleasant accidents. In addition, the text presented implies a petition for other people who may be harmed by the car. A prayer for travelers should be said by a driver who takes responsibility not only for himself, but also for those around him.

Prayer for train travelers

Many consider train travel to be the safest, but various troubles can occur along the way, for example, theft, hooliganism, and so on. A road prayer for travelers helps to protect oneself from such problems and successfully return back. It is important to pronounce the presented text thoughtfully, putting your faith and gratitude into each word. On the road, it is recommended to rewrite the text and repeat it several times.

The morning of every believing Christian begins with a prayer to the Almighty. Any work, any deed is preceded by a request to God, they cry out to Him both in joy and in sorrow.

Without the Will of the Lord, nothing happens in a person's life, he is not accompanied by luck and happiness, there are no achievements, there is no well-being either in life or on the road.

Therefore, from the lips of every Orthodox Christian, when leaving home, and even more so when setting off on a long journey by air, a prayer should sound before air travel.

What are prayers for?

Although the plane is considered the safest mode of transport, it is still a little difficult and uncomfortable to feel safe, being at an altitude of several thousand meters from the surface of the earth.

Before the flight, many passengers experience fear of heights, fear of a possible plane crash, claustrophobia.

The upcoming flight causes a stressful state for many people, therefore, before the departure of the air liner, a prayer should be constantly heard for those traveling by plane.

Request before departure

Lord Jesus Christ, our God, command the elements and contain the whole handful, His deeps tremble and His stars are present. All creation serves You, all will listen, all will obey You. You can do everything: for this sake, you are all merciful, O Good Lord. So even now, O Master, accepting warm prayers of Your servants (name), bless their path and air procession, forbidding storms and contrary winds, and keeping the air lodia safe and sound. Saving and calm in the air, giving them a good intention and a good intention to those who made them merrily in health and in peace, if you please, return. You are the Savior and Redeemer and all the good heavenly and earthly Giver, and we send glory to You with Your Father without beginning and Your Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker

O our good shepherd and God-wise mentor, St. Nicholas of Christ! Hear us sinners, praying to you and calling for your speedy intercession: see us weak, caught from everywhere, deprived of all good and darkened by cowardice of mind: strive, servant of God, do not leave us in sinful captivity to be, may we not be our enemy in joy and we will not die in our evil deeds: pray for us unworthy of our Sovereign and Lord, You stand before Him with incorporeal faces: be merciful to us, create our God in this life and in the future, may he not repay us according to our deeds and according to the impurity of our hearts , but according to His goodness, he will reward us: we hope for your intercession, we boast of your intercession, we call on your intercession for help, and we fall down to your most holy image, we ask for help: deliver us, saint of Christ, from the evils that are upon us, and tame the waves of passions and troubles rising upon us, but for the sake of your holy prayers, we will not be attacked and we will not be mired in the abyss of sin and in the mud of our passions: pray, to St. Nicholas of Christ, Christ our God God, may he give us a peaceful life and the remission of sins, but salvation and great mercy to our souls, now and forever and forever and ever.

Petition to Jesus Christ before the trip

Lord Jesus Christ our God, the true and living path, to wander your imaginary father Joseph and the Most Pure Virgin Mother to Egypt, and Luce and Cleopa to Emmaus traveling! And now we humbly pray to Thee, O Most Holy Master, and by Thy servant (name) travel by Thy grace. And, as if to Your servant Tobias, the guardian angel and mentor, send, preserving and delivering them from every evil situation of visible and invisible enemies, and instructing them to fulfill Your commandments, peacefully and safely, and sensibly forwarding, and again whole and serenely returning; and give them all your good intention to your pleasing, safely fulfill it for your glory. Yours is more than to have mercy and save us, and we send glory to You with Your Father without beginning and with Your Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Appeal to the Blessed Virgin Mary

O my Most Holy Lady, Virgin Mother of God, Hodegetria, patroness and hope of my salvation! Behold, on the path that is set before me, now I want to leave and for this time I entrust to You, my most merciful Mother, my soul and body, all my clever and material forces, entrusting everything to Your strong looking and Your all-powerful help. O good Companion and Protector of mine! I earnestly pray to Thee, that this path will not crawl, guide me on it, and direct it, All-Holy Hodegetria, as if You yourself weigh, to the glory of Your Son, my Lord Jesus Christ, be my helper in everything, especially in this far and on a difficult journey, keep me under Your sovereign protection from all troubles and sorrows that find, from enemies visible and invisible, and pray for me, my Lady, Your Son Christ our God, may His Angel be sent to help me, His peaceful, faithful mentor and guardian, yes as if of old he gave food to his servant Tobias Raphael, in every place and at all times keeping him on the way from all evil: so my way, having safely managed and preserved me with heavenly power, may it be healthy, bring me back, peacefully and completely to my dwelling to the glory of the name His Holy One, glorifying and blessing Him all the days of my life and magnifying You now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to the Martyrs of Sebaste

O passion-bearers of Christ, in the city of Sevastia, who courageously suffered, to you, as our prayer books, we diligently resort and ask: ask the All-Generous God for forgiveness of our sins and correction of our life, and live in repentance and unfeigned love for each other, with boldness we will stand before a terrible judgment Christ and your intercession at the right hand of the Righteous Judge we will stand. She, servants of God, wake us, servants of God (names), protectors from all enemies visible and invisible, but under the roof of your holy prayers we will get rid of all troubles, evils and misfortunes until the last day of our life, and so we will glorify the Great and Worshipful Name of the All-Powerful Trinity, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Children are especially vulnerable on the journey, they need increased attention on the road, so be sure to pray for them. Thanks to mother's prayer, a small child will easily endure a long-distance flight.

More prayers for travelers:

Important! A child baptized in Orthodoxy must have a cross hanging around his neck. It is advisable to take holy water and a couple of prosphora on the road.

A prayer for a safe air flight should be read at home before departure or while sitting in the cabin.

Icon of the Mother of God of Kazan

In a quiet and calm environment, you can close your eyes and imagine that now you and the Lord are nearby, tell Him, even mentally, about your emotional experiences, ask for protection and peace in flight, for a successful ending.

Flight preparation

  • it is advisable to visit the temple, pray, confess, take Communion;
  • submit notes to the church shop for the health of you and your relatives, friends, for the repose of deceased loved ones;
  • ask for prayers for a successful journey and a blessing before a long journey from a priest;
  • you can take the icon of the saint whose name you bear with you on your journey, it is also desirable to have the face of Nicholas the Wonderworker of Myra with you - he travels to you and saves you from troubles;
  • draw some holy water on the flight - during a strong excitement, take a sip, and before you take your seat in the cabin of the liner, sprinkle it on the seat.

Other prayers to Nicholas the Wonderworker:

Flight behavior

  • during the flight, keep complete calm - everything will be fine;
  • do not create panic around you and do not transmit your panic mood to other passengers;
  • during a period of strong emotional excitement and worries, urgently read a prayer (out loud or to yourself);
  • remember that an Orthodox Christian is always under the protection of the Almighty and nothing will ever happen to him, unless there is the Will of God;
  • after the completion of the flight, make the Sign of the Cross over yourself and give thanks to Christ with the words: Glory to God for everything!

Do not neglect the above rules and prayer. After all, no one knows what awaits each of us around the bend of fate.

Advice! Believe in a miracle, believe that the Lord will hear and help! Do not panic, and in case of an emergency on board the aircraft, try to calm the passengers and invite them to pray with you!

The Lord is always with us in happy, difficult and even the most terrible moments of life. Believe in God, love Him as His Holy Saints loved - then your life will go peacefully and calmly, and no one and nothing can harm you.

Video about prayers that are read on the road.

Many people travel. These include both long tourist tours to distant countries, and ordinary trips to the country. As you know, any road is associated with danger. Prayer for travelers is a very strong amulet that will protect a person in the most difficult situations.

In addition, every person, going on the road, begins to experience inner excitement. Prayer will help you calm down and wisely gather. It is important to pronounce prayer words sincerely, with the belief that the Higher Forces will certainly provide you with reliable protection. It is necessary to fully realize and understand the spoken prayer phrases; it is impossible to automatically repeat memorized words. Prayer should be read alone in complete concentration.

Prayer for Air Travelers

Today, people very often travel by plane. This is a very convenient mode of transport, which allows you to cover huge distances in a short time. But many people have an inner fear of air travel.

To get rid of it, and calm down, you should read the following prayer before the flight:

“I, the servant of God (proper name), turn to the Savior of the human race, the Great Lover of mankind Jesus Christ. You are our Lord and Creator, commanding all the elements and maintaining power over everything. You are revered by all, You control the movement of the abysses and stars, everything You created rejoices in You and receives Your mercy and blessings. All believers submit humbly to your will. You alone are sinless, good Lord. So show your mercy to us sinners, do not punish us for voluntary and involuntary sins committed due to our unreason. Do not punish us for the iniquities of our ancestors, for we repent of all the sins of the human race, grant us your mercy and direct us to the true path. YOU, Lord God, Almighty Lord of heaven, listen to my prayers, the servant of God (proper name), bless my air travel. Forbid for the duration of my flight to rage with the winds, keep the aircraft intact, let it fly safely from the starting point to the final destination. Grant me peace and faith in the successful outcome of my air travel. You alone are the Savior and Redeemer, I believe in your strength and hope for your blessings. I praise You and accept Your will. Amen".

Prayer for those traveling by car (car)

If you have a long journey by car, then you should take care of your own protection on a spiritual level. To do this, use a special prayer.

“Lord God Almighty, All-Good and All-Merciful! You are a protection for everyone and you give your mercy to everyone. I turn to you, a servant of God (proper name) and ask the Most Holy Theotokos to pray for me, so that my road would be without obstacles and dangers. Save me, Lord, from accidental death on the road, protect me from all sorts of unpleasant surprises. I humbly accept Your will and believe in Your mercy. Forgive all my sins, known and unknown, for I sincerely repent of them. Don't punish me for my wrongdoings. Protect me and all those who travel with me. Help us all get to where we need to be safe and sound. Merciful God, do not let evil spirits harm me on the road and deliver me from devilish temptations that can wake up the spirit of drunkenness and recklessness, which can lead to my sinful death, which has no repentance. Save and save me, Lord, on the road! Let me live long years with an unclouded conscience and true thoughts. Do not let me go through grief, do not let me bear the burden of responsibility for the dead and maimed people all my life because of my dishonesty and negligence on the road. Your Holy Name will be glorified for mercy in my prayers now and forever and ever. Amen!"

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for travelers

The power of the Holy Wonderworker Nicholas is familiar to all believers. Everyone, at least once, turned to this Saint for help. During his lifetime, Nikolai traveled a lot, so he knows what dangers a traveler can face along the way.

The text of the prayer in Russian

The following prayer appeal to St. Nicholas will become a reliable protection for a person traveling by car:

“Oh, the All-Holy Miracle Worker Nicholas, the saint of God. You are an intercessor for all Christians living on earth, you support us in any sorrows and aspirations, giving hope for eternal life after death in the Kingdom of Heaven. I ask you to hear my prayer and turn your eyes to me, a sinner. Pray to the Lord God for the remission of all my voluntary or involuntary sins. I repent, the servant of God (proper name) in all my sins committed by my own ignorance. Cleanse, Saint Nicholas, my thoughts and fill my soul with hope for the successful completion of my journey. Do not let yourself succumb to the devilish temptations that can lead to trouble and premature death without repentance. I will glorify the deeds of the Lord God, and thank him in my prayers all my life. Amen".

listen to a prayer

Prayer for Traveling Children

Before traveling, be sure to offer a protective prayer for traveling children. They are more vulnerable, so they face great dangers on the road. But thanks to strong prayer, the child will endure any move without problems.

Prayer might sound like this:

“I direct, the servant of God (proper name), my prayer to the Lord God. I ask for help and support on the road for my children. Let them easily endure the long road, and the time on the road will pass unnoticed for them. Lord, do not leave my children and do not punish them for my voluntary and involuntary sins, in which I sincerely repent. I praise you, O Lord, and I glorify your name. Amen".

The icon of the Mother of God "Hodegetria" became especially revered from the beginning of the 12th century. In translation, this name sounds like "Guide". Therefore, it is believed that this icon must be in the house of a person whose activities are related to travel. If you read a special prayer in front of this icon just before the road, then you can protect yourself from a variety of troubles while traveling. You also need to take a small icon with you on the road, it will become a protective amulet. Periodically, during stops along the way, one should pray to the Most Holy Theotokos for the grant of prosperity on the journey.

The prayer appeal sounds like this:

“Oh, the wonderful Queen of Heaven, the Most Holy Theotokos, the Mother of God, who gave our world a Savior. Hear my prayer, sinful and unworthy. With a sigh and tears in my eyes, I turn to you, the servant of God (proper name) with a heartfelt prayer. Deliver me from sorrow and sorrow in my journey, do not let the irreparable happen. Protect me on the road from all misfortunes and slander of enemies. Keep me safe on the road from evil and grant me the strength to safely end the journey. Ask the Lord to forgive my voluntary and involuntary sins, so that they do not become God's punishment for me. Beg your Son, the Most Holy Theotokos, to save us and give us hope for finding peace for the soul in the Kingdom of Heaven. Until the end of days I will exalt your holy name and glorify the deeds of God. Amen".

Prayer Book: prayers for wanderers and travelers

Prayers for help and protection while traveling are a very effective tool. They are a talisman and allow you to calm down and make the right decisions in extreme situations. Any prayer provides a channel of communication with our great Creator. Being in spiritual contact through prayer, a person gets the opportunity to strengthen his natural defenses.

How to read Orthodox prayers on the road

Prayers are usually read just before the trip. To do this, you need to retire and adjust accordingly. There should be no negativity in the soul, remember that you should go on any journey in a good mood. Each spoken phrase must be fully conscious. That is why it is better to pray before the road to the Lord God and other saints in Russian.

If spiritual prayer arises, then prayers can be offered for the traveler and on the way. As a rule, this is done during stops, for example, when traveling by car. You can pray for good luck and well-being on the road not only for yourself, but also for loved ones. But in any case, it is very important that the prayer appeal sound sincere.

What is the power and essence of prayer before setting off on a journey

Any prayer on the road, first of all, allows a person to calm down and remove unnecessary excitement from the soul. In the old days, before a long journey, a person came to his confessor and asked for blessings. After that, the Christian gained confidence that nothing would happen to him on the road, because prayers were offered for him.

The power of prayer is in a person's faith. A prayer appeal will be effective if you believe in that, then your words will be heard by the Higher powers, and they will definitely help you. You need to understand that the power of prayer before setting off on a journey lies in the fact that it creates energy protection and allows a person to push away dangers and troubles from himself, and therefore ensure safety on the road.

Prayers on the road charge a person with positive energy. And, as you know, a person with a positive attitude attracts all the best to himself and always repels the negative. On the road, this is very important, as you can reduce the risks of unpleasant situations.

Sometimes it seems that some publishing houses and thick magazines have special traps that can identify a young author in advance and do everything so that he does not break through ... But the nature of literature is such that no matter how you control it, it will still develop according to its own laws, reacting to interference by external curvatures, but not by the internal device. The appearance of the book by Irina Air "A novel with closed eyes or every moment about love" is a phenomenon of this order.

From the very first pages, Irina Air conveniently suits the reader in her text, making it clear that the proposed series of wonderful and diverse metaphors is just beginning and the most interesting is yet to come. The novel begins with a preface, where the author opens a kind of code for his creative method. He insists that sensual life is the present, and everything else is just fluttering of our insignificant shell. And the plot for her is the movement of souls, not events ... Well! Sentimental natures will freeze enthusiastically at such a statement, and experienced and slightly skeptical aesthetes will smile. Let's see, they say, how she will cope with such a task on such a large volume ... And Irina Air copes. The novel turned out to be very solid, unusual and exciting. The first chapter is a metaphorical introduction to the whole story. And this beginning is this: if you love, it becomes possible - the most impossible. You just need to break out of the usual idea of ​​​​things. In the first chapter, dolphins invented by the author live on land. Fantasy, dream? Maybe. But you weren't bored with the neat and predictable reality... Dolphins existed in a beautiful forest among other forest dwellers. And in this forest, a love story broke out between a dolphin and a squirrel. It breaks off in the first chapter, before it starts, but the reader remembers about it, and willy-nilly ponders whether this is real or not? Irina Air will drag out the answer until the very end... Then we get acquainted with the main character named Aphrodite.. Someone will shudder now. Such a direct reference to mythology? Is it right? But remember the postulate already stated by Air: the impossible is possible... The main thing is to be able to believe and see... The fact that quite ordinary and even mundane parents came up with such a name for their daughter is important for the development of the action. By this, the author gives his idea of ​​life, which, like art, is not standardized and initially conceals something inexplicable. The desire of Irina Air to notice the inexplicable is one of the components of her extensive creative credo.

In the descriptions of the heroine's childhood, the main plot and compositional oppositions of the work are formed. It is distinguished not only by the name. Her rich imaginative world allows you to see everything completely different, different from how others perceive it. And this irritates many, including Aphrodite's parents, who live an average life and want the same life for their daughter as the best scenario. Her fantasies cause fear in them, and they are trying with all their might to re-educate their child. These pages are written very visibly, with a precise knowledge of child psychology. Air finds very subtle and calm words to create the effect of empathy. Many, I am sure, will put themselves in the place of this child .. In childhood, many are unusual. But how many manage to carry this otherness through life? Irina Eir makes you wonder if we are destroying our destiny in the bud, resigning ourselves to the fact that we are broken and combed for ourselves ... The heroine of Irina Eir does not give up and saves herself. After all, those who have a rich inner world can always hide in themselves ... Without really dragging out the children's scenes, leading the heroine only through the waves of a school failed love in full, the author tells the stories of the heroine's first adult love. At first, surprise covers, such love is justified and motivated, usually towards the end of the story. The story is touching and simple at the same time. The love-hungry heart of Aphrodite found her chosen one... He answered and filled this heart with himself without a trace... But the fairy tale unexpectedly transforms into naturalism. So unexpected that the reaction is close to shock. Aphrodite's chosen one turns out to be a completely earthly, modern, and subsequently cynically perverted person. He forces his chosen one to strange erotic experiments that forever make her give up happiness. The course is very rich. He immediately cuts the text, fills it with juices, creates emotional volume and shows that not only in life, but also in the text, everything is possible ... Eir accurately conveys the state of Aphrodite after what happened. Faced with betrayal, she seems to be empty. After shocks, subtle reflective natures tend to plunge into introspection. Aphrodite does this... The author describes the suffering of the heroine extremely calmly, which only adds credibility. The result of the search for Aphrodite is a complete reboot of herself, in order to no longer allow anyone to hurt her. She develops in herself an ideal restraint, counting on the fact that impassivity and indifference will help her build relations with the world on a mutually safe basis. It is surprising that on a very small volume the author manages to create a text that impresses with its complexity and multilevelness. The reader empathizes and waits for changes in the life of the heroine. But something is wrong with Aphrodite….

“Every day on the run, in pursuit of something without stopping. At night, when the girl was left alone, she wished that she simply was not there. How many days, months, years passed in the void, she did not know - she lost track of time. Alcohol appeared, which lulled the brain, leading away from the empty reality. Aphrodite has left the magical forest." Eyre masterfully brings the plot tension to the point where you want to turn the pages as quickly as possible. What will happen to the heroine now? It should be noted that Irina Air is a great master in the construction of the composition. Of course, it was to be expected that something was about to happen to the heroine, and she would find herself again. But even the most sophisticated and experienced reader could hardly have imagined that an unexpected friend, Timosha the pig from the zoo, would help her in this. I will not retell in detail all the collisions, all the intensity and fatality of the heroine's relationship with Patrick, who turned out to be not only the caretaker of the cage with Timosha, but also a wonderful guy. However, their paths with Aphrodite nevertheless diverged. The rollercoaster of ups and downs is not yet destined to stop... The second part begins with a stunning start. A new hero appears, the Spanish writer Alejandro, a suffering and disappointed man who hides from reality in his books. We soon realize that a completely different story begins here. Is it related to the previous one or not? The texts of Alejandro himself, interspersed in the narratives, are extremely attractive and lyrical. The artist Stephanel, who appears soon, is thin and mysterious. Soon there is a meeting of a man and a woman, the meeting is an explosion, the meeting is a melody. Here Irina Air shows us the magnificent landscapes of Biarritz and the mood that has people who find themselves in these wonderful lands. The text is beautifully instrumented and stylistically impeccable. You can hear both guitar bliss and drum riot in it.

“The subtle sound of the bell awakened sleeping feelings. Everything sounded like the call of an absolutely bewitching, unearthly melody, attracting you, forcing you to move to the beat, forcing energies to be generated, and immediately go out into the general field of prana.

The relationship of young people is described with knowledge of psychology, on the one hand, extremely romantic, on the other hand, with an emphasis on carnal background, on the mutual madness of love, not bookish, but real ... Alejandro and Stefanel do not disdain playing on the verge of a foul, but this makes them even more interesting. They want to exterminate something cold and dead from themselves at any cost, regardless of possible victims. It can be seen that the author empathizes with them very much and is not at all indifferent to the created characters, just as Alejandro is not indifferent to his heroes. They reach the highest point of feeling, but, as we have become accustomed to, the peak is followed by a fall into the abyss. Even in the story with Aphrodite, Irina Air showed us that she knows the terrible power of discord, and that the struggle of love and fairy tales with everyday life will not end soon. Her characters are happy when they become themselves, and if they go with the flow, luck turns away from them. In the second part of the novel, the writer goes to the end .. Romanticism, as you know, always prioritizes the category of the special, and no matter how critics consider it an outdated genre, it manifests itself in one form or another in all currently active genres. Crazy love, fear of this love, the impossibility of existing without each other and the unbearability of life side by side leads to the death of Stefanelle at the hands of her lover. I will say that Irina Air managed to convey this dizzying story without any stretch, very naturally, with the right intensity and details. Once again, I note that Alejandro's stylized texts create excellent counterpoint, and even the fact that there are quite a lot of them does not add the slightest artificiality to the verbal fabric. Alejandro, as befits a remorseful murderer, kills himself… It's sad… Love loses again?..

In the ongoing story of Aphrodite, the author continues to answer this question, stubbornly not believing in a bad ending. Yes, she writes what she wants to write, but sometimes it seems that she lives with the characters, and just like them, does not know the future. I must say right away that the reader will no longer have to part with Aphrodite. And fate and the author's will will lead her to those places where the drama of Alejandro and Stefanelle was played out. Air skillfully introduces cross-cutting characters that were already indirectly mentioned in the deadly love saga, and the meeting with the new hero Jose becomes key for Aphrodite: communication with him makes the girl try to reformat herself, to live differently. She makes another attempt to conquer the world around her, so unlike the fairy tales that she composed as a child.

Further, the text increasingly acquires the features of a fiction writer. We plunge into the everyday life of Aphrodite, become accomplices in what is happening to her, but we do not forget for a second that she is again in search, alive again, again trying to find something important and enduring. Although outwardly she lives a completely ordinary life of a modern city woman, moderately successful and fully integrated into the proposed circumstances. She plunges into dizzying novels, life throws her around the world, to different men, but she can’t stop at anything, all the time being on the road, in search. The descriptions of Aphrodite's friends are very colorful. The author does not allow to doubt his social and literary instinct.

As a result, Aphrodite again finds herself where she parted ways with Jose many years ago, who then gave her parting words on self-purification. At the end of the story, an understanding comes to her: that the main thing that hindered her was fear .. Love is fearlessness, creativity is also fearlessness ... Fear has no place there ... And only this is the way. This is the way out ... The desired happiness is found, and the reader closes the book with the hope that now the heroine will be fine ... What kind of writer Irina Eyre! Does she answer her airy name or not? It is not easy to answer all these questions. First, it has a global creative courage. She wrote a novel like no other, she deliberately forgot about all the canons and created her own space, organizing it to her taste, and not "as is customary." At the same time, one of her main creative techniques is to discourage readers with unexpected courage in plot twists and descriptions. I suppose that not everyone expected after the first chapters about the childhood of Aphrodite that her story would be like this. Something simpler and more painful, in accordance with the classic tradition of the "little man" with a fragile soul, was seen. And here is such a visible, such a rich narrative without boundaries and conventions, without playing at moralizing, without hypocrisy!

Secondly, Irina Air is a subtle and refined psychologist who projects her knowledge of the subject onto the text. After all, the character of the main character develops mainly due to psychological motivation, and not eventual. States of depression are described without picturesqueness and clichés, and ups and downs without enthusiastic busting. Psychologically subtly and truthfully written out and other characters. Irina Air uses her psychological knowledge not as a spectacular means, but as a movement towards real realism, where not types and prototypes work, but people as they could exist, and not as the author needs them in order for everything to line up and connect.

Thirdly, she herself is a very subtle person. And he is not afraid to test his subtlety with the genre of the novel, which needs an iron author's will and a long breath. And she stands the test, like her heroine. It is difficult to assume with any degree of certainty how autobiographical the characters in the book are. But let me admit that there is a lot of author's sensory experience in the features of Aphrodite. And perhaps this is what allows the author to hold out until the end of the novel, as well as the heroine to hold out in life ... I would also like to note that Irina Air is an excellent arrangement of her characters. She binds everyone into a single tangle, stitches it with through threads of biographies, does not lose anyone, and brings each image to the end ... She brilliantly feels the rhythm, but at the same time does not allow rhythmic gravity to prevail over style. As an experienced jazz player, she uses syncopations and free tempo movement... Someone will call Irina Air's novel a women's novel... Someone will not put the correct meaning into it... I tend to think that the times of dividing genres into low, high and middle ones are long gone. The first reason for this is the craving for synthesis so disliked by commercial publishers. Craving caused by a completely justified desire to rethink some stylistic elements. Irina Air boldly experiments in this part, and therefore her novel cannot be attributed entirely to women's fiction, much more unassuming and emotionally trivial... This is a deep and subtle thing, with many counterpoints and meanings... The writer could well focus only on the story of her heroine , leading her through torment to the slobbery happy ending so expected by housewives. Such a novel would be much more in demand and targeted at an appreciative and mass readership. But Irina Air is a true creator, an artist, it is important for her to express herself the way she intended, and to create a whole world in all its contradictions. The more refined and paradoxical the form is, the better for it. If you return to her author's preface about the love of a dolphin and a squirrel and compare it with everything written below, you understand what a phenomenally simple and at the same time the deepest meaning opens up here. And a person is able to open up through love. Yes, this is an axiom, but Air insists that one must discover oneself only through impossible love, which is still possible. If a person is built into life, he is, by definition, unhappy. The idea, of course, is not to say that it is absolutely new for art, but the form of its expression found by Irina Air is very fresh ... I personally am impressed that Irina Air is not burdened with internal weights, which are called "artistic necessity". She is not tormented by how to write, but simply writes, taking risks and winning ... Her inserted short story about Alejandro and Stefanelle gives the reader such a sensual impetus that he rolls further through the story of Aphrodite easily, plunging with pleasure even into everyday details ....

The combination of the sublime and the base excites the writer. She is convinced that without the base, we would not know what the sublime is. And it is in our power to overpower this base, revealing in it something that will allow either to get rid of it or to brighten it to the limit, changing its essence ... In describing love, Eir does not hesitate to show the state of a person in all his ups and downs, in all sensual cues. I suppose her creative method is best defined as metaphysical realism. Because realism for her is only part of a huge metaphor of happiness, manifested in stunning manifestations.

In every line of Irina Eyre there is an abyss of philosophy. Moreover, philosophy is not in the usual, scientific ontological form, but in the individual concept of the development of a person and his personality. Irina Air does not impose anything, does not explain, does not comment, she simply shows the world through the prism of her research. In this context, the plot role of José is very important. This image contains metaphors of wisdom. He is a necessary mentor. Everyone knows that sometimes one meeting, one conversation changes the whole life. Air shows such a meeting with such sincerity that everyone involuntarily recalls a similar situation from his life.

Air is an excellent guesser... She anticipates the reader's aspirations. Moreover, these are the aspirations of her reader, a subtle, poetic person who cannot imagine his life without reading and thinking, without emotions and revelations.

In conclusion, I would like to say a few words about Irina Air as a stylist. Her style stems from a poetic sense of the world, from captured moments on the way to eternity. In this movement of the soul, the movement of words - happiness. Her phrase, at first glance quite simple-minded, is built according to all the laws of word combinations. Her text breathes, sometimes exhausted, sometimes barely audible, but it happens in full breasts, unstoppable. The reception of insertions of other texts, Alejandro's stories, thoughts of the heroine and others can be called very successful. This gives the novel a stylistic mosaic, but by no means postmodern, but festive, with a touch of mystery. Have you met such a multi-layered meaning in women's fiction? ... I think not.

In today's stylistic and ideological polyphony, it is not easy to find one's own intonation. Irina Air succeeded. She seemed to start from scratch, and all the experience and wisdom of her predecessors acts on her intuitively, leaving no traces and not burdening her. She certainly has a literary future. I hope she retains her spontaneity and desire to express herself in a large form ... Our literature needs such independent figures like air, who seek their way in aesthetics, and not in near-literary games, and perceive literature as a vocation, and not as a combination of dubious trends.


Here's what it says

Maxim Zamshev

What is this book about for me? The most important truth that I have learned and which I share in my novel is that no one can forbid you to love, except yourself. At the same time, love is understood in a broad sense: for oneself, for life, for people, for work, etc. Love cannot be taken away or spoiled. Love is something that is from birth, that does not disappear anywhere and is not taken from anywhere. It exists unconditionally as a state of presence simply because we have the gift of life.

The story of the novel is the story of one soul in two incarnations. Alejandro, before dying, curses his soul for eternal torment without love. In her next incarnation, the soul suffers from this curse in the body of Aphrodite. Love returns only when the girl understands that “she is not guilty”, then she forgives herself: “I forgive myself! There is no more suffering, only happiness ... And no matter what happens, I am love! May love live in everyone's heart!