Elderly ladies without.  Older women love younger men, why?  Sex is dangerous in old age

Elderly ladies without. Older women love younger men, why? Sex is dangerous in old age

Older women prefer younger men...
Perhaps today you have begun to pay more attention to couples where an older woman is in a relationship with her younger partner. You know how society treats such acquaintances. As for me, this is hypocrisy and double standards. Why, then, this respectable society closes its eyes and considers it in the order of things when a crumpled, but packed old man takes a girl who is fit for his daughter or even granddaughter as his wife.

Let's now think about why older women prefer younger men?

Have you thought about the fact that even an elderly lady can fall in love. As they say, "you can't command love" and now, we are already seeing a picture of how this very love makes a seemingly experienced woman do strange things.

The first thing that comes to mind is that

Between the ages of 18 and 27, guys reach their sexual peak, while women reach the same peak at the age of 35-45. And here we are seeing a picture that by the age of 40+, men are already less striving for manifestations in bed, they are already tired of everything, everything is predictable, and laziness in the end, the priorities are already different (doctors say that this is somehow connected with a decrease in testosterone) . Well, on the other hand, our young stallions beat with their hooves, and as they say "throw at everything that moves), which means that our elderly heroines in their face find themselves in bed.

Young men tend to look up to older women with admiration and appreciation. They are charm them with compliments well, as you know, everything women love compliments especially if it's well presented.

Young guys are more open, for older women it's like a breath of fresh air.

Well, we are missing out on equally important attractive factors, such as: young and strong body, sparkling eyes and a smile which makes their relationship more romantic. Here our elderly hero loses in all respects with his own, and sparkling .... And what are his boring thoughts about the meaning of life and eternal discontent and laziness.

The other side of the coin.

Many older ladies throw themselves at young men, perhaps because they want to prove, both to themselves and to others, that they are still young enough and can attract attention to their person of younger individuals.

After many years of marriage, when she does not receive attention from her husband, when her children are already grown up and live on their own, she feels the need to prove to herself that she is still desirable for someone.

Another reason why older women prefer younger men.

Don't you think that we are all in the soul, regardless of age, in essence we are children.

And perhaps this is the reason that makes older women, but young souls, "break away" - remember youth !
These are noisy parties, and long trips or hikes, extravagant outfits on the verge of a foul, or .. the desire to stay overnight with a young man.

Young men make older women feel younger.

In addition, according to my observations, modern women aged 40+ today look younger than their peers in their 40s and 50s.

Perhaps another factor pushing older women into relationships with younger men is satisfaction of their maternal instincts. The desire to educate and dictate their terms. This manifests itself especially in women who have been married for a long time to a spouse who suppressed her desires and aspirations to express herself.

For many women from the former USSR, it seems that by the age of 50 their life is already over.

It's no secret that today's mass culture is a culture fetishing for youth and beauty. But the times are not the same, comrades!
Look at 40, 50, 60... successful women today. Over the past half century, the social and financial status of women has changed significantly. Today, women feel much more confident and independent than they used to be.

Today the show has become popular in the west "Age of Love" featuring 20 year old young girls - "Kittens" and more mature "Cougars" 40 year old women. Women compete for the grand prize - love 30 year old tennis star Mark Philippoussis. After the NBC airing of this show, just a couple of days later, its ratings just went through the roof!

How many times do you have to repeat the hackneyed phrase that "Age is not about how old you are, but about how you feel." There are many young women who are already old women at heart, and vice versa.

At any age, you can start living anew. Age difference should not be a criterion for those who like another person, although younger than you.

Photo © iStockphoto.com © Fotolia.com
Photo: wikipedia.org

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And the older woman...

An older woman will never accuse you of stealing her best years because someone else has already stolen them before you.

Older women run faster because they always wear comfortable shoes.

An older woman is more honest. She will call you an "idiot" if you only treat her like that. A young woman will never call you that for fear of losing you.

An older woman will never suddenly become pregnant and suddenly decide that one of the two of you should get married urgently. If an older woman gets pregnant, you will usually be the last one to know.
An older woman will never suspect you of being "using her". She is just using you.

An older woman will simply call you and ask when it's convenient for you to meet her, if you want to. The young one will wait forever by the phone when you call her.

An older woman will never wake you up in the middle of the night with a stupid question “What were you thinking now, honey?” Because she just doesn't care what you think.

An older woman will cost you less. A younger one will cost you 12 Martini glasses at the bar, while an older woman will sleep with you after a cup of herbal tea at home.

An older woman can wear bright red lipstick during the day and not look like she just climbed into a jar of jam. This does not apply to a young girl.

An older woman always has a job in which she is already entitled to health insurance, which includes the services of a dentist. A young girl will not help you when your teeth are damaged from playing hockey.

The older woman knows how to cook. The young woman knows the phone number for ordering pizza at the place around the corner.

An older woman will introduce you to all her friends. The young one will hide you from them so that you don’t have thoughts about ...

An older woman always has an excellent collection of luxurious underwear left over from her former lovers. Young people rarely wear underwear, which practically excludes the possibility of striptease.

An older woman is perspicacious and quick-witted. You never have to confess to her about the scam on the side, because the hell knows how, but she always knows about it herself.

Older women have self-esteem, so they will never throw tantrums in a public place.

Older women are experienced and know that in bed you can’t always get everything right after the 12th mug of beer. It may take a young person a long time to realize this fact.

An older woman has many girlfriends, most of whom also want to sleep with you.

While some men are wondering if older women want sex, others are scratching their heads, what kind of sex do older women prefer?

It's no secret that the fair sex, who have reached the age of 50, have problems of an emotional and physiological nature.

Many ladies believe that they are no longer suitable for intimate activities. You will now find out what professionals say about this, in particular me.

Naturally, for every beautiful half that has reached old age, some changes occur in the body. The lady now needs more time to get excited. The walls of the vagina become much thinner. Sometimes spasms in the uterus cause pain.

In this regard, the woman begins to avoid making love. "Sex is now only one problem!". We should also mention that the production of estrogen decreases in older women. There is nothing surprising in the occurrence of hormonal storms in a woman. When they appear, the weak half turns into a fury. Her mood changes every now and then.

The woman begins to believe that everything is over with lovemaking. However, you absolutely do not need to convince yourself that strong halves prefer only young girls for sex. If you have any complexes, then you need to get rid of them as soon as possible. And stop wearing handkerchiefs!

You should remember that in older women, the level of androgens rises. These are male hormones. They help increase libido. So after menopause, sex drive increases, not decreases. Your sexual functions are saved.

Climax is not a reason to refuse to make love. Moreover, you may well like the representatives of the stronger sex. Recall that you are now more feminine.

Unfortunately, in our time, only some beautiful halves are aware of the dignity of their age. They not only have sex, but also look after their grandchildren and create literary works.

As for the rest, they get depressed. Here, to a greater extent, we are talking about those whose children started their own families. They are locked within four walls and tune in to a future without sexual intercourse.

However it's completely uselessat . The best thing you can do right now is to set yourself up for at least 15 years of sex life. It is worth noting that the lack of sexual intercourse further contributes to the process of withering and spoils the nervous system. As a result, the lady develops insanity.

How to survive the crisis of the beautiful half?

Naturally, you first of all need to awaken your sexual desire. At the same time, you need the support of a loved one. If he, by virtue of his nature, is not able to support you, then you will have to get rid of negative emotions yourself.

Do you find it difficult to think that you are going through menopause? But it can't last forever! This is a temporary phenomenon. You just have to adjust to your new sensations.

Of course, your hair will gradually turn gray. Wrinkles appear on the face. And there are a lot of beautiful ladies around you. However, you should remember that they, too, will someday reach old age. In addition, you have some advantages over youth. In addition, you can always make your appearance attractive.

It is worth noting that many members of the stronger sex believe that beautiful halves who have reached old age turn into real women. They are excited by the rounded shapes of the ladies.

We also want to say that as women get older, their sexual and creative energy increases. Naturally, strong halves feel this on a subconscious level.

If you want men to continue to pay attention to you, then you need to get yourself modern outfits and new sets of cosmetics. Start watching erotic films. It will not be superfluous to have a pet.

It will have a beneficial effect on your state of mind. If you wish, you can sign up for aerobics classes. You can also start writing books.

Are you constantly haunted by the thought that youth is over? There is nothing wrong with this. After all, the most important thing in a beautiful half is mystery. It is worth noting that the energy begins to beat just after reaching adulthood. And the representatives of the stronger sex understand this very well. So stop hiding!

Are you shy? Why don't you visit a sex shop while walking in the fresh air?

The study of all kinds of sex in old age

First, get a Kama Sutra. Try to learn some poses with your loved one. Does not exceed? Do you find it too difficult? Then it's best for you to do what you can for now. Engage in oral and anal sex. Does this seem indecent to you? Do you think this is debauchery? Recall that all the inhabitants of the Earth are fond of this. The missionary position has gone out of fashion many years ago. So it's time to try something different!

Naturally, if a representative of the stronger sex is characterized by such a quality as rudeness, then he may unconsciously hurt you. To avoid this, you can ask your chosen one to enter your anus with your little finger. However, even in this situation, a prelude is necessary.

It consists in massaging the hollow and stroking the woman's buttocks. It is worth noting that anal intercourse, committed for the first time, resembles defloration. Therefore, your chosen one should treat you like a virgin.

To begin with, the little finger needs to be lubricated with something. After it should be slowly and carefully inserted into the anus to the joint. Then you can start moving around.

If you have never had anal intercourse before, then the above must be explained to your loved one. It is possible that such manipulations will not please you. Then you will need to look for something more pleasant.

Attention! If you suffer from any rectal ailment, then it is advisable to forget about anal intercourse for the time being. Otherwise, the disease may worsen.