Last Stand.  Turkin Andrey Alekseevich

Last Stand. Turkin Andrey Alekseevich

Hero of Russia Andrei Turkin will never know that his second son was born, who was named exactly the same as his deceased father. Fulfilling his military duty in Beslan,...

Hero of Russia Andrei Turkin will never know that his second son was born, who was named exactly the same as his deceased father. Fulfilling his military duty in Beslan, the lieutenant of the Vympel group covered himself with a grenade thrown by terrorists at Beslan schoolchildren on September 3, 2004. At the cost of his life, he saved several children. And today, the saved children are friends with his two sons and thank that their father became a savior.

Mother and son are two friends

It is bitter to look at the photographs in which a single mother, who raised her only son, stands next to the bronze bust of a dead blood girl. She placed her hand on his shoulder. She felt cold, but she didn't remove her hand. It was her son, Andrei Turkin, a special forces officer.

He was born in 1975, in the ancient Ural city of Orsk, but due to family circumstances - his mother did not like to remember this - they moved to the Krasnodar Territory, to the southern village of Dinskaya. Andrey understood one very important thing early on - he was the only one with his mother and he tried to take on all the male part of the work, he tried to take all the responsibility. She raised him so wisely that she could become a true friend for her son.

Immediately became a driver and mechanic

And the small family lived very hard. I had to go to work - pick fruits and vegetables, dig potatoes. The 90s were in the yard, when the country of the Soviets finally collapsed, and along with its death, the hopes of many families for a normal life collapsed. In those years, people adapted to difficult circumstances. Andrei always helped his mother. She did not hide anything from him, consulted, discussed with the boy how best to act in this or that situation. He understood that it was very difficult for her. Therefore, having received nine classes of secondary education, he went to study at a local vocational school and could work in two specialties at once - a driver or a mechanic: this was said in his first diploma. Went to work.

The dog was waiting for him for a year and a half at the bus stop

His heart was pitiful. His mother recalled that, as a schoolboy, he read a story in the newspaper about a dog without a leg and begged his mother to go to Krasnodar and take the unfortunate puppy home with him. The dog then every day went to the bus stop, met his owner. And when Andrey went into the army, she was very homesick, ran out of the house, looked at the road for a long time and again ran to the bus stop. And so all the year and a half while he served.

And the mother also recalled that Andrey brought a flea, tortured kitten from an abandoned farm, fed him, cured him - it turned out to be a beautiful kitty. Once he even brought a lonely wandering horse around the village. And when my mother said that the horse most likely has an owner, Andrey went to look for him. And found. It turns out that this horse left the gypsy camp, located near the village.

Unloaded wagons to pay for studies

Before the army, he boxed and dreamed of being a bodyguard. But for training in special courses, money was needed. The mother didn't have them. And then Andrei decided to go unload the cars - he earned money.

His mother said that the testing went on for three days. On the third, final day, he asked her to iron his trousers - suddenly a piece of paper fell out of his pocket. It was a prayer. Andrew was a believer. And then the mother realized that her son was very seriously preparing to graduate from bodyguard courses, to follow the military path.

He went to the army with pleasure, considering this step as the next stage in his professional career.

"Zorgol" and "Buldurui"

He tried not to tell his mother anything, so that the poor woman would not worry, would not worry about him. After all, he ended up serving in the Priargunsky border detachment, whose area of ​​​​responsibility included guarding the border with China. The border guards were located in the small village of Priargunsk. This detachment was famous for the fact that there were two nominal outposts on its territory.

The Zorgol outpost is named after Vitaly Kozlov, who died in 1945: in the course of the pursuit of Japanese invaders, the Soviet border guard was captured, endured all the torments of torture - was killed with a bayonet.

The second outpost was called "Buldurui" in honor of the border guard Yakov Perfishin. He also died during the fighting with the samurai.

The names of the heroes of the past have become an example of courage for subsequent generations of border guards. For Andrew, too. Removable maneuver groups, rapid response groups, mobile barriers, horse patrols - Andrey went through all this together with his colleagues.

In 1995, he voluntarily went to guard the Tajik-Afghan border at a time when a civil war was going on in Tajikistan, and it was unbearably hard for the country to restrain rampant banditry and terrorism. Andrey repeatedly fought with militants rushing into the country. They carried drugs - death for many people. In battles, Andrei became an experienced fighter. He received the military rank of sergeant.

The teachers did not know that he fought with the bandits

After the army, he went to study at IMSIT (this is the Academy of Marketing and Social Information Technologies located in Krasnodar). As the rector of this educational institution recalled, Andrei was very different from the guys in appearance: he was fit, stricter and more responsible. I tried to pass the sessions with positive marks. And yet - joy always sparkled from his eyes. Everyone who knew student Turkin speaks about this amazing openness and responsiveness.

Classmates remember him as a kind, sympathetic and cheerful person. There was warmth and kindness radiating from him. His inner rich spiritual life was reflected on his face - as if the light was on when Andrei was telling something in a circle of classmates.

He sometimes said that studying is still not his main role in life, that he wants to return to the army.

After the first course, he transferred to the correspondence department. None of his classmates suspected that Andrei had passed a rigorous selection for a special unit of the Vympel group of the FSB of Russia. It was 1997 outside.

Photo for memory with the President of Russia

The operation to free the hostages on Dubrovka in Moscow in 2002 took place with the participation of Andrei. He covered his comrades. A unique photograph has been preserved in which the special forces, who took part in the release of the hostages, met with Russian President Vladimir Putin and, of course, were photographed for memory. Andrey is also in this photo.

He told his mother that he was working with documents, he did not want her to worry and worry about him. He did not quit his studies at the marketing academy, he struggled to pass the sessions, although unsuspecting teachers threatened to expel him for not taking the sessions on time. Who could have imagined that at that time he was undergoing a much tougher selection in the 2nd operational-combat department of the Vympel group. He learns to master a parachute, adjusts equipment, learns the basics of diving and mining equipment, undergoes special tactical, engineering, operational, fire and many other types of training. He descended from a hovering helicopter, skied hundreds of kilometers, fired from a Makarov pistol and many other types of weapons.

Usually he was put in the head patrol - Andrei was very hardy. Then they gave him a machine gun and he became one of the key figures in the detachment, showing his best side during the fighting during the second Chechen war.

His colleagues told how they had to stop after a successful special operation in a dugout that did not save from the rain. Clay and water fell on the shoulders of the special forces, and the rain fell incessantly, the mood of many was not so hot. And then Andrei took out a harmonica and began to play. Jokes and jokes immediately fell down, everyone came to life. He knew how to provide moral support to his friends at the right time.

Once, they were all simply exhausted by a many-kilometer forced march, fatigue and heavy duffel bags pressed people to the ground, everyone literally fell down. And then Andrei said that in his backpack he had a piece of smoked lard and a real bottle of moonshine from his native Kuban village. Here, whoever you want, the mood will instantly rise.

Call sign - "Circassian"

For the swarthy skin and the southern dialect, endurance and courage of Andrei, his fighting friends were nicknamed "Circassian". This became his call sign.

By order, the 2nd division of the Vympel group immediately went to the crash site of the Mi-8 helicopter. Special forces from the first division of the Vympel group were waiting for help. At any moment, terrorists from Basayev's gang could come upon them. We had to hurry. Andrei was one of the first to reach the helicopter crash site and began to pull out the wounded. One of the pilots in the cockpit pressed his leg, the wounded helicopter pilot could not get out. Turkin carefully pulled him out from under the rubble, built a makeshift drag and, together with the soldiers, they evacuated the wounded man to the main gathering place.

In the Vedeno district, the 2nd unit was combing the area, when, suddenly, there was a clap - a mine. Taking a closer look, the scouts saw that the area was completely covered with deadly traps: the bandits disguised them under fallen leaves. And on the field, in the distance, lay a wounded fighter, and it was necessary to go to him. The Cherkes went first, he cleared a dangerous path for everyone, skillfully cleared mines. They reached the wounded soldier and carried him out without loss.

Happy young father

In 2001, Andrei became a father. Happiness came to him after he met a good girl Natasha. They got married. The bride in a white dress hugged a birch tree on one side, and on the other, her embarrassed and happy husband held her hands. They had a son. And dangerous business trips to the Caucasus continued. In between them, Andrei made me laugh at school, came home to his young wife and son, visited his parents and friends, and together they celebrated birthdays.

A special holiday - the Day of the border guard for Andrey was his favorite. He put on his uniform, green beret, awards and met with his fellow border guards. Andrei did not tell anyone about his new job. Although friends understood that he was engaged in a dangerous business because the awards on his chest became more and more every year.

He received the medal "For Merit to the Fatherland" 2nd degree, and in the spring of 2004 the commander of the Vympel group sent a submission to the Order of Courage, but Andrei did not have time to receive it.

September 1, 2004. Beslan.

Beslan has become another hot, bloody spot on the map of the country. 32 terrorists seized school No. 1 during the solemn assembly of over a thousand children, teachers and parents.

All the people in the country watched what was happening on television with anxiety and pain. And Andrei Turkin's mother also watched the horrifying footage and did not suspect anything that her son was there, in Beslan. After all, he called her the day before and said that he would go to Sochi to rest with his colleague.

But in a matter of minutes, Turkin changed his mind when he learned about the tragedy in North Ossetia. He wrote a report asking to be sent to a special operation in Beslan. He couldn't stand aside. Even in his thoughts, he did not have to be on the beach at the moment when his comrades risked their lives for the sake of children.

Two hours before death

Colleagues of Andrei Turkin in the Vympel group managed to photograph him two hours before his death, when he was sitting on an armored personnel carrier in a green bulletproof vest.

The commandos received an order to storm the building when the bandits began to blow up grenades inside the building.

The militants captured the children right on the school line, drove them to the gym. And grenades hung on the basketball hoops. High school student Nadya Badoeva was put under this ring and surrounded by ammunition. So she sat. And when the assault began, the bandits began to herd the children into the dining room. At that moment, a grenade fell next to Nadia. She only remembered how a man in camouflage jumped on top of the grenade. And the girl did not understand anything more. She woke up in the hospital and wanted to know only one thing - the name of her savior. Nadya's legs were seriously wounded, her body was cut in several places by shrapnel. She remained alive only thanks to the deed of a man who died so that she could live. Several children who were next to Nadya were also saved.

After the operation in Beslan to rescue captured schoolchildren, ten fighters will be missing from the Vympel special forces detachment. These were the biggest losses in the history of the 2nd division. According to the materials of the government commission that investigated this high-profile crime against life, the special forces officers acted correctly and competently, in accordance with the combat situation.

A few days after the assault, the relatives of Nadia Badoeva were able to find out that Lieutenant Andrey Turkin had saved their daughter. For his feat, he was posthumously awarded the highest title of the country he had always defended. The widow Natalya Turkina received the Star of Hero of Russia No. 830.

He never found out that his wife, despite her terrible grief, gave birth to a healthy boy. The second son of Andrei Turkin was named after his deceased father. Relatives of Nadia Badoeva and she herself often come to their little sons - Vladislav and Andrey Turkin. His name lives on earth. The kids, as well as the rescued children of Beslan, rejoices in the sun and life. This joy was given to them by special forces officers.

Andrey Alekseevich Turkin(October 21, 1975, Orsk, RSFSR, USSR - September 3, 2004, Beslan, North Ossetia - Alania, Russia) - Russian soldier, officer of Directorate "B" ("Vympel") of the Special Purpose Center of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation , a lieutenant who died during the release of the hostages during the terrorist attack in Beslan. He was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.


early years

Andrey Turkin was born on October 21, 1975 in Orsk. Andrey grew up without a father, so he learned early to make, saw, plan. While studying at school, Andrei was engaged in hand-to-hand combat in the school section and sang in the choir. After the eighth grade, wanting to help his mother, Andrey left school, enrolling in vocational school No. 63 of the village of Dinskaya, which he graduated as a driver-mechanic.

Service on the Tajik-Afghan border

In December 1993, Turkin was called up for military service in the Armed Forces. In 1993-1995 he served in the Priargunsky border detachment of the Trans-Baikal border district. In 1995, he volunteered for Tajikistan, where he took part in the fighting on the Tajik-Afghan border. In July 1995, Turkin was transferred to the reserve with the rank of sergeant, after which he returned to the Krasnodar Territory, where he worked and studied at the institute.

In the Vympel group

In April 1997, Andrey Turkin joined the Department "B". In the ranks of "Vympel" Turkin participated in the hostilities in Chechnya and the hostage rescue operation on Dubrovka.

Last fight in Beslan

Together with the Vympel group, Turkin arrived in the city of Beslan in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, where on September 1, 2004, a group of thirty-two terrorists captured over a thousand children and adults in the building of school No. 1.

After explosions occurred on the third day in the gym where most of the hostages were held, causing a partial collapse of the roof and walls of the gym, the survivors began to scatter. The operational-combat group, which included Andrei Turkin, received an order to storm the building, as the militants opened heavy fire on the hostages. Even at the beginning of the assault, Turkin was wounded when, as part of his unit, under heavy fire from militants, he burst into the school building, but did not leave the battle. Covering the evacuation of the hostages with fire, Lieutenant Turkin personally destroyed one terrorist in the dining room, where the militants had transferred the hostages who survived after the explosions in the gym. When another bandit threw a grenade into a crowd of people, Andrey Turkin saved the lives of the hostages by covering them from the explosion with his body:

We shouted not to shoot, that there were hostages here. Then the Alphas knocked out the bars and jumped into the dining room. A militant named Ibrahim jumped up from behind the stove, threw a grenade, shouting "Allah Akbar." There was an explosion, my leg was crushed by shrapnel. Alfovets jumped on us and covered us with himself. Then they started saving us. I did not see that my leg was bleeding, I tried to get up and felt that my leg had failed under me. I fell, but still continued to crawl. Then they pulled me out.

Nadezhda Badoeva, a hostage rescued by Andrey Turkin

For courage and heroism shown during the performance of a special task, by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 6, 2004, Lieutenant Andrey Alekseevich Turkin was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (medal No. 830).

Turkin was buried at the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery (plot 75a) in Moscow, along with eight other officers of Alfa and Vympel who died in Beslan.


  • In the homeland of the Hero in the city of Orsk, a bust of the Hero of Russia was installed in the Square of Heroes on the Walk of Fame. The name of the Hero of the Russian Federation Lieutenant Andrey Turkin was given to the cadet class of the Orsk cadet school No. 53.
  • In the Krasnodar Territory, in the village of Dinskaya, a street is named after him. Secondary school No. 1 located in the village also bears his name, and a memorial plaque has been installed in front of the entrance to the school. Boxing tournaments in memory of the Hero are held in the village.
  • In the city of Krasnodar, on the building of the Academy of Marketing and Social Information Technologies (IMSIT), where Andrey Turkin studied, a memorial plaque was erected in memory of the Hero's feat.
  • The name of the Hero of Russia A. A. Turkin bears the Children and Youth Center for Patriotic Education in the city of Novaya Lyalya, Sverdlovsk Region. There is a memorial plaque on the facade of the center building.
  • A photo of A. A. Turkin with a description of the feat is installed on the stand "Heroes of the Soviet Union and Russia - pupils of the Red Banner Border Directorate of the FSB in the Trans-Baikal Territory" in the city of Chita.

A family

Mother - Valentina Ivanovna Turkina. Wife - Natalia. Sons - Vladislav (born 2001) and Andrei (born five months after the death of his father and was named after him.

According to Valentina Ivanovna, the Turkin family now considers the Badoev family to be their blood relatives.

Awards and titles

  • Hero of the Russian Federation
  • Suvorov medal
  • Medal "For the salvation of the dead"
  • Medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" II degree

They say that we are all born the same, and society, life and our own worldview make us heroes or traitors. How strange that most people live a very similar life, but every now and then such heroes appear among us, whose exploits you want to hear about and about which the Zagorod website is happy to talk about.

Andrey Turkin was born in 1975 in the Ural town of Orsk, where, while living with his mother, he soon recognized himself as a man. He quickly learned to do all the men's work around the house, and after graduating from the eighth grade he entered vocational school No. 63 in the Kuban village of Dinskaya, where a small family had moved by that time.

In difficult years for our country, namely in 1993. the future Hero of Russia was drafted into the Armed Forces. He got a troubled place of service - the Tajik-Afghan border, on which conflicts broke out at that time, there were skirmishes. Andrei served two years, received the rank of sergeant, after which he returned to the Krasnodar Territory, where he got a job and entered the institute. Two years after the return of Turkin, he was called into the special unit "Vympel" at the Center for Special Forces of the FSB of Russia. From that moment on, his life turned into a hectic merry-go-round: incessant hostilities in Chechnya, rescue operations for ambushed and participation in the release of hostages from the Nord-Ost in October 2002.
This is for us, ordinary inhabitants, the life of special forces officers can be called the dull word "clashes." In fact, it is daily risk, gunfights, restless nights, ambushes, injuries, blood, pain and homesickness. And at home - longing for comrades and their very dangerous, but very necessary work.

On September 1, 2004, one of the most horrifying and most cynical terrorist attacks in modern Russian history took place - the seizure by militants of secondary educational school No. 1 in the city of Beslan, North Ossetia, which Zagorod has already told about. There were 32 terrorists, more than a thousand hostages - children and adults. Knowledgeable people know that in such cases it is impossible to decide anything quickly. It is necessary to develop tactical plans and distribute roles among those who were supposed to confront the bandits.

The assault group of Lieutenant Turkin advanced to storm the building on the third day, when explosions were heard in the gym and the roof partially collapsed. The hostages in panic began to scatter, and the militants began to shoot those running in the back. Turkin was wounded at the very beginning of the battle, when his group broke into the building. But, realizing the importance of the task, Andrei remained in the ranks. Trying to get the hostages out of the dining room, Turkin destroyed one of the militants. At that moment, a grenade flew at them, which he, without hesitation, covered with his own body. In the loud noise, dense smoke and almost palpable panic, no one saw the lieutenant's feat. Pathetic and beautiful it happens only in Hollywood movies. In fact - only fear, blood and the desire to survive. Everyone has it.

The hostages survived, but the hero, as is usually the case in life, gave his life in exchange for them.

Lieutenant Andrey Turkin was posthumously awarded the title "Hero of Russia", and the widow was awarded a medal for No. 830. In the Ural city, a bust was erected in honor of Andrey, and cadet school No. 53 was named after him.

Sports school No. 1 in the village of Dinskaya, which the future hero once visited, is named after him, boxing tournaments dedicated to his memory are regularly held in the village itself.
A name plate has been installed at the Krasnodar Academy of Marketing and Social Information Technologies.

And two sons Vladislav and Andrey are growing up in the family, who already know for sure that their father's memory will not be put to shame.

A grenade thrown by terrorists at children could have claimed several lives, but took only one of Andrey Turkin's Russia. This is how the story should and should begin, about this courageous man, looking at his portrait in the Museum of "Heroes of the Memory of Beslan" GBOU Secondary School No. 2010. Andrei was a simple ordinary guy. Born on October 21, 1975 in the city of Orsk. It so happened that he grew up without a father. He began to grow up early: he knew how to make, saw, plan, and in the school sports section he was engaged in hand-to-hand combat, and also sang in the choir.

After the eighth grade, wanting to help his mother, Andrey entered vocational school No. 63, which he graduated with a degree in driver-mechanic. Then, as usual, conscription into the army, became a border guard and served in the Trans-Baikal border district with a place of deployment at one of the outposts of the Priargunsky border detachment. And here it is necessary to insert a small remark into our hero.

The fact is that in August 2008, the Book and Magazine Publishing House "Granitsa" of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation organized a raid called "Leading on the Book" in the Trans-Baikal District, including a visit to the Priargunsky border detachment. Writers and poets were included in the landing for interesting and informative meetings with the border guards.

Our associate, reserve officer, paratrooper Alexander Karpukhin, together with all the invited guests, visited the detachment's museum and suddenly saw materials about Andrey Turkin. It turned out that he served in the military service here, and until now his bed at the outpost is neatly refueled, and until now, when he enters the service in the border detachment, his surname is pronounced first ...

It was then that Alexander Karpukhin called Andrey's colleagues in Moscow, already in the Central Security Service of the FSB of Russia, and a little later, another of our associates, journalist and singer-songwriter Colonel in the reserve Alexander Minaev, brought Andrey Turkin's camouflage and other personal items to the museum of the detachment to decorate a separate stand - memory. And the service of Andrey Turkin was not simple and was not limited only to the Trans-Baikal border. There was also a period of contract service in the Republic of Tajikistan in his life, where he managed to take part in hostilities, performing tasks to protect the state border.

Returning home, Andrei entered the correspondence department of the Krasnodar Institute of Marketing and Information Technology Systems. But still, the craving for military service did not cool down in his thoughts and heart. I must say that even before the army, he studied at the school of bodyguards. In April 1997, an important event occurred in his life - he was accepted into the service of the Vympel Directorate of the Central Security Service of the FSB of Russia.

There is no need to talk about how Andrei successfully mastered the basics of special forces sciences: fire, operational, physical, parachute, light diving, mountain and other training. In a word - the fighter was from God - he mastered everything that was needed and studied everything that was necessary. Andrei Turkin also participated in the operation to free the hostages at the Theater Center on Dubrovka. He had many more dangerous business trips. Evidence of this is the medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" of the second degree with swords. He was even presented to the Order of Courage, but did not manage to receive it ... Together with the Vympel group, A. Turkin arrived in the city of Beslan of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania.

There, on September 1, 2004, a group of 32 terrorists seized over a thousand children and adults in the building of school No. 1. Here is what is briefly known about his feat from official sources. “... After explosions occurred at the school on the third day, causing a fire and the collapse of part of the walls through which the hostages began to scatter, as part of the assault group, Andrei received an order to storm the building. Even at the beginning of the assault, Andrei Turkin was injured when, as part of his unit, under heavy fire from militants, he broke into the school building, but did not leave the battle. Covering the rescue of the hostages with fire, he personally destroyed one terrorist. Seeing a terrorist running out, preparing to throw a grenade at the hostages, Andrei instantly realized that he would not have time to eliminate him, therefore, rushing at the terrorist, he pressed him to himself with a stranglehold, thus blocking the grenade with his body.

Having died in the explosion, Andrei, at the cost of his own life, saved Russian and Ossetian children ... "Andrey Turkin gave his life, saving another ... Ossetian children ... and, alas, left his children Vladislav and Andrei, who was born after the death of his father and was named after him, mother Valentina Ivanovna, wife Natalya without a son, father and husband. The sacred memory of the Hero of the Russian Federation, who was awarded the Suvorov Medal, the Medal "For Saving the Perishing" and the Medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree, will remain forever in our hearts. Andrei Turkin was buried in Moscow, at the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery. In the homeland of the Hero, in the city of Orsk, in the Square of Heroes on the Walk of Fame, a bust of the Hero of Russia was erected. The name of the Hero of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant Andrei Turkin, was given to the cadet class of the Orsk Cadet School No. 53, and in the Krasnodar Territory, in the village of Dinskaya, secondary school No. 1 bears his name. Also, in front of the entrance to the school there is a memorial plaque. Boxing tournaments in memory of the Hero are held in the village. In the city of Krasnodar, on the building of the Academy of Marketing and Social Information Technologies (IMSIT), where Andrey Turkin studied, a memorial plaque was erected in memory of the Hero's feat. Of course, our portrait, made in oil on canvas by our like-minded artist Vladimir Varukha, is added to the general memory of Lieutenant Andrey Turkin. This work of the artist is worthily located among Andrei's friends from Vympel and Alfa, and all of them are here together, as if in one bundle, in our museum in memory of the Heroes of Beslan. I would like to add the main thing that all portraits without exception, including him, are not just weighed, but together with us they participate in the “Lessons of Courage” among schoolchildren and youth not only in Moscow, but, if possible, throughout Russia.

Information and analytical monthly "Federal Patriotic Herald" No. 08/15 (August 2013)

Black Day of Beslan: Andrey Turkin

Andrey Alekseevich Turkin was born on October 21, 1975 in the city of Orsk, Orenburg Region, in a family of workers. After graduating from eight classes of the Dinsk secondary school No. 1 of the Krasnodar Territory, he entered the Dinsk secondary vocational school. In 1993, he received the specialty "car repairman".

In December 1993, Andrei was called up for military service in the Border Troops. He served on the Tajik-Afghan border, retired from the reserve in July 1995 with the rank of sergeant. He entered the Krasnodar Institute of Marketing and Social Information Technologies. But the true vocation of Andrey Turkin was still military service. On April 18, 1997, he was enrolled in Vympel, a special forces group of the FSB of Russia, formed back in August 1981.

Together with his comrades-in-arms, Lieutenant Turkin took part in a special operation to free the hostages at School No. 1 in Beslan. On September 1, 2004, a school in this Ossetian city was seized by 32 terrorists armed with machine guns, machine guns, grenade launchers and explosives; 1128 people were taken hostage. The gangsters, who were under the influence of drugs, kept children and school workers in inhuman conditions. On September 3, after explosions occurred in the school building, the building was stormed.

Monument at the grave of A. A. Turkin

At the beginning of the assault, Lieutenant Turkin was wounded, but did not leave the battlefield. When entering the dining room, which contained up to 250 hostages, Lieutenant Turkin took an advantageous position and destroyed the enemy's firing point, thereby allowing the combat group to turn around. Suddenly, a terrorist appeared with a grenade in his hands. Andrei realized that he would not have time to destroy him, and, rushing to the bandit, squeezed him with a death grip, blocking the grenade with his body. At the cost of his life, the officer saved many hostage children and his colleagues ...

September 6, 2004 Andrey Turkin was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation. Andrei Turkin was buried at the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery in Moscow. In the hero's hometown, Orsk, a monument was erected to him.

In total, during the special operation to free the hostages in Beslan, 10 special forces soldiers died heroically, including the commanders of all assault groups - Lieutenant Colonels Oleg Ilyin and Dmitry Razumovsky and Major Alexander Perov. They were also posthumously awarded the title of Hero of Russia.

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black ~ tulip - a transport aircraft carrying coffins with dead servicemen to their homeland. At the airport we meet familiar cameramen. They were filming a "black tulip" loading. Without raising their eyes, they say that the dead are dressed in old military uniforms, from

From the book 100 great feats of Russia author Bondarenko Vyacheslav Vasilievich

From the book Rock Encyclopedia. Popular music in Leningrad-Petersburg, 1965–2005. Volume 3 author Burlaka Andrey Petrovich

From the book The Complete Encyclopedia of Mythological Creatures. Story. Origin. magical properties by Conway Deanna

From the author's book

Nightshade black Brief description. Black nightshade - Solanum nigrum L. - an annual from the nightshade family with a height of 10 to 70 cm. The stems are erect, strong, splayed-branched, cylindrical in the lower part, noticeably flattened above, sometimes almost dihedral. Nightshade

From the author's book

“It was the day of Borodino, a hot, fighting day ...”: Pyotr Vyazemsky August 26, 1812 The day of the Battle of Borodino is one of the most glorious days of Russian weapons. But behind this phrase are dozens, hundreds of specific feats accomplished by Russian officers and soldiers. One of these

From the author's book

BLACK CAT The famous guitarist, singer and songwriter Sergey Danilov was the constant head of the "Order of the Black Cat" (this is the name of the debut album of this St. Petersburg group). He was born in Leningrad on November 30, 1951 and, along with Gennady Barikhnovsky, was

From the author's book

The Black Dog For centuries in Scotland and Ireland, many people have seen the terrifying Black Dog. Due to the widespread migration of the Celtic peoples, the Black Dog began to appear in many parts of the world. People with Celtic roots still try not to walk