Crafts from cardboard 5 years.  We make funny paper applications with our kids.  Paper craft ideas

Crafts from cardboard 5 years. We make funny paper applications with our kids. Paper craft ideas

Needlework perfectly develops fine motor skills and creative imagination. Paper is an environmentally friendly material, it is practical, affordable and very popular with children. In this article, we will look at paper crafts for preschool children.

You will need: colored paper, felt-tip pens, glue, a simple pencil.

Master Class

  1. Take a square of colored paper.
  2. Bend the corners down to form ears.
  3. Form the chin by bending the central corner in the opposite direction. The puppy's head is ready.
  4. Take a square of colored paper for the torso.
  5. Connect the opposite corners by folding the square in half.
  6. Rotate the triangle so that it becomes a rectangle.
  7. Bend the corner to form a ponytail.
  8. Cut out the eyes, nose and tongue from colored paper and glue the muzzle of the puppy.
  9. Draw the paws for the puppy.
  10. Glue the head to the body.


You will need: yellow cellophane, 2 bushings, scissors, tape, black paint, brush, green and black paper, glue, rubber band, wine cork, string or elastic band.

Master Class

Binoculars are ready!

You will need: colored paper, a simple pencil, scissors, glue, felt-tip pens.

Master Class

  1. Take a sheet of colored paper.
  2. Circle the palm with a simple pencil.
  3. Cut it out.
  4. Cut off the middle finger.
  5. Bend the thumb and little finger, forming paws.
  6. Glue the paws together.
  7. Draw a muzzle and ears with felt-tip pens.

The paper bunny is ready!

In the same way, using the palm of your hand, you can make an octopus and a fish. See more in this video!

paper sisters

You will need: paper of two colors, 2 wooden sticks, buttons for the eyes, rubber bands or ropes for hands, pencil, glue.

Master Class

Paper girls are ready!

You will need: colored paper, scissors, glue, felt-tip pens.

Master Class

Paper fish are ready!

You can make an interesting paper crocodile with your own hands. Watch this video for a detailed tutorial!

Choose with your child exactly the craft that he liked the most. Then your child will approach the process of making crafts with joy and a sense of responsibility, because it is at this age that children feel almost like adults.

How bright and varied such creativity as an application for children of 3-4 years old can become. The main thing is simplicity, convenience and safety in work.

It is recommended to select scissors with rounded ends and, of course, take into account the mood and wishes of young creators. You need to teach how to make, starting with simple options: the sun, a house, butterflies. You can come up with a lot of interesting crafts on the theme of "summer". The child will be happy to display what he has conceived on paper, and share his impressions of what he saw on the street: a river, a bright sun, juicy strawberries, green leaves. Maybe yesterday morning there were drops of dew on them. I wonder how they will look on paper?

For crafts, children will need:

  • colored paper;
  • cereals;
  • plasticine;
  • glass pieces;
  • shells;
  • leather;
  • beads;
  • cotton wool;
  • newspaper;
  • threads;
  • stones;
  • paints.

Interesting models are obtained using:

  1. Colored napkins.

Tear into small pieces, roll into balls. Then draw the outlines of any object on paper, glue the balls in the center. This is a great activity for kids to develop motor skills.

  1. Papers.

Various figures are cut out, which are glued to the base or to the drawn contours.

  1. Dry leaves, for playing compositions on an autumn theme by gluing to cardboard in the form of butterflies, birds, trees, leaf fall.
  2. Cereals.

Not many parents think about how many different exciting summer crafts you can come up with by gluing grains to paper or cardboard in the form of animals, insects, butterflies.

  1. Cotton wool, from which you can roll small balls, draw on a cardboard base, for example, a lamb, and glue cotton balls that look like wool to its body.
  2. Eggshells, which are enough to paint with bright colors, is not a material for creativity? Can be glued to the drawn templates on paper in the form of different compositions: flowers, leaves, Christmas trees, mosaic figures.

If you dream up, then the summer application can be made voluminous and lush using cotton wool, fringe, woolen colored threads. The volume makes crafts on paper more alive and real.

So, let's make chickens:

  • for weed, cut a strip of green paper 6 cm wide;
  • cut along the edges in the form of a fringe;
  • grease the cut part of the paper with glue;
  • glue gently to the base;
  • straighten the fringe with your hands;
  • cut out 3 circles of different diameters from yellow paper for the future chicken;
  • make small cuts on each mug;
  • start sequentially gluing a large, medium and small circle, lubricating the middle of each with glue;
  • paint on the chicken's eyes, paws and beak with a pencil, or simply cut and paste using red paper.

The chicken sketch is ready. It remains to add liveliness to the application and feed the birds by scattering a few grains, gluing grains on the glue in a chaotic manner.

Kids should be given the opportunity to dream up - maybe there is not enough sun, a house, a stream, a green lawn in the picture, which should be painted on with colored pencils or paints, or cut out of colored paper.

Usually, by the age of three, kids speak well on their own, so a joint creative process in the form of an application for children from 3 years old can become very fruitful.

Summer Options

Crafts on the theme "summer" are always relevant in kindergartens. It is important to give the child the opportunity to display on paper what he has recently seen, thus expressing his emotions and impressions. As an option, you can make an application-street.

You need to prepare cotton wool, scissors, colored paper, cardboard, glue stick.

  • Take cardboard as a base, glue asphalt from a black strip in the lower part, and a white strip in the middle to make a dividing strip.
  • Glue the green one on top of the black stripe. It will be weed.
  • Cut rectangles out of brown paper, make cuts in each for windows - you will get high-rise buildings.
  • Glue the houses to the lawn, and to them the roofs in the form of a trapezoid made of corrugated cardboard.
  • If you take a brown corrugation and cut tree trunks from it, and leaves, Christmas trees from green corrugation, then you will end up with green spaces.

What else can be added? A traffic light, cut out of black paper and glued near the road, also cars, using paper of different color palettes in the work.

Other variations of paintings

For children 2, 3.4 years old, such simple application options are suitable as:

  • bridge over the river;
  • sea, waves, rocking boat;
  • a pyramid on paper, by cutting and gluing circles of different diameters on top of each other;
  • different geometric figures in the form of a kitchen, which will appeal to any little girl;
  • mushrooms in the picture, but if you paint on their eyes, mouth and nose, they will start to smile, and the summer sun painted at the top will enliven the mushroom clearing;
  • chickens on the lawn in summer: white and yellow, and butterflies fluttering nearby;
  • spring flower meadow (various small figures for petals, leaves, stems are cut out of colored paper).

The kids will diligently stir all the parts on the base, folding them into a single whole. Well, such an application instills a love for nature from an early age.

On sale for kids there are ready-made application kits containing everything you need to conduct creativity lessons at home or in kindergarten.

What does the application give for the development of children 3-4 years old?

Of course, it develops logic, thinking, perseverance, attentiveness, quick wits. It remains for the educator or mother to choose an acceptable topic for creativity, captivate the child, explain the features of the work and use of objects, give complete freedom for imagination and fantasy.

Experts recommend carrying out the process together with the child, helping in the work, unobtrusively pointing out mistakes, prompting if necessary. Doing all the work for a baby in three or four years is not necessary. Let him independently try to capture something on paper using various materials at hand. Children of three or four years old usually already have their own opinion.

The task of parents and teachers is to help a little in the process of work. Children will be happy to share their emotions and impressions on paper.

Decorative and applied art for children and adults.

Author: Kopylova Natalya Nikolaevna, teacher-psychologist, MKOU orphanage "Swallow's Nest", pos. Novovostochny
Description: the material contains a description of one of the types of arts and crafts - applications.
Target: introduce the application.
- give an idea about the types of applications, methods of creation;
- develop memory, imagination, thinking, fine motor skills of hands;
- instill interest in the art of appliqué.

Application for children 5-7 years old

Application- This is an accessible and very understandable form of creativity. It is important to introduce the child to the world of beauty through visual activity (application, modeling, drawing), this is useful for its harmonious development.
In such classes, children learn different types of art, they perceive everything very quickly. Their activity becomes more and more arbitrary, there is a consolidation of previously acquired visual knowledge, skills and abilities.
Application classes implement a large number of tasks:
- develop hand motor skills, thinking, fantasy, aesthetic taste, artistic imagination;
- learn to work with scissors, glue, paper, cut out symmetrical objects from paper folded in half, and identical parts from paper folded like an accordion;
- fix the techniques of cutting out details;
- children learn to complement the image with the necessary details, create compositions (subject, plot), plan and coordinate their actions (teamwork).
Classes with children 5-7 years old on the application can be carried out approximately once every two weeks. But this is all individual.
Preparatory work before such a lesson is very important and necessary. For example, looking at pictures, drawings, getting to know the surrounding phenomena, reading a fairy tale, and the like.
You can even highlight a certain algorithm for building a lesson on the application.
1. Create an atmosphere of positive emotional mood, interest. It can be various interesting moments, poems, games and so on.
2. The beginning of work should begin with getting to know, examining and feeling the depicted object, as well as the advice of the teacher (educator) and the children's suggestions for implementation.
3. After that, children can be offered to start cutting out the details, laying out everything cut out, smearing it with glue and, in fact, sticking it on. At the same time, of course, the teacher (educator) provides assistance if there are difficulties for children in the process of work. Then be sure to invite the children to circle the resulting work with a felt-tip pen.
4. Outcome - review of finished works. At the same time give positive assessments. It is important for a child to enjoy the result obtained, to learn to evaluate himself and other children.
In the classroom for visual activities with children 5-7 years old, you can use the following application types:
subject(image of individual items that do not participate in any events).

Objects of a distinct simple form, clear proportions, coloring are depicted.
Plot-thematic(image of a composition based on the events of fairy tales, stories, poems, and so on, or independent inventing).
decorative(patterns of geometric shapes on a strip, square, circle).

There are also application methods used in working with children 5-7 years old.
Collage(combination of various materials).

Application from cut out parts of the subject(an object is created from parts and glued to paper).

Volumetric crafts made of thick colored paper, who can stand.

Fresco(glue is evenly applied to the surface and covered with sand, pencil shavings, grits).

Application from cut out silhouettes of objects(a composition is created from one or more objects and pasted onto a sheet of paper).

Ikebana(drawing up the simplest compositions of bouquets).

Mouline thread appliqué(the threads are laid out on velvet paper and glued).

Rolling up napkins(the napkin is torn into small pieces, each piece is wrinkled and rolled into a ball).

Decorative appliqué of cut stripes and geometric shapes.

Cotton applique(cotton wool is laid out in a thin layer on velvet paper and glued).

Break along the contour(colored paper is cut off along the intended contour to transfer the form).

overhead application(parts of the same shape, but different in size, are glued on top of each other, starting from the largest to the smallest).

Mosaic clipping(small cut out geometric shapes or torn pieces of colored paper are glued to the inside of the outline).

Dried leaves applique(from the leaves the conceived object is compiled and glued to a sheet of paper)

We list the main material that can be used in applique classes:
- Colored paper, colored double-sided, magazine, corrugated, velvet paper, colored cardboard, landscape paper sheets.
- Colored napkins, fabrics, braid.
- Mouline threads, woolen threads.
- Candy wrappers, foil, cotton wool.
- Grains, sand, small pebbles, dried leaves.
- Felt pens, scissors with blunt ends, paper glue, PVA.
- Oilcloth-lining, cloth, brush.

Expected results.
* knows how to create subject and plot compositions, the simplest ikebana, collages, frescoes, is familiar with the technique of their implementation, applique from natural and other materials, volumetric applications;
* he has formed an interest in the art of appliqué;
* is able to cut round, oval and other shapes, identical parts folded like an accordion, symmetrical shapes folded in half;
* converts some geometric shapes into others.

Master Class. Paper craft with children 5-7 years old.

"Bright summer" application master class with step by step photos for children 5-7 years old.

Karpova Veronika, 6 years old, preparatory group MBDOU No. 202 "Kindergarten of a general developmental type" Fairy Tale "
Supervisor: Kokorina Tatyana Nikolaevna, MBDOU No. 202 "Kindergarten of a general developmental type" Fairy Tale ", the city of Kemerovo
Target: production of a semi-volumetric composition of colored paper on a summer theme
- continue to learn how to work with scissors;
- continue to learn how to cut symmetrical shapes;
- continue to learn how to work with templates;
- continue to learn how to work with glue carefully;
- to promote the development of fine motor skills of the hands, through cutting out small details for the application;
- to raise interest in the application, to arouse the desire to do paper crafts.
Description: this master class will be of interest to teachers of senior and preparatory groups, all those who like to create something new from paper, children in grades 1-2, mothers of large families and creative people.
Purpose: this craft can become an interior decoration, can be presented to a loved one for a birthday or become a participant in a competition.
Necessary tools and materials:
- colored and tinted paper;
- white cardboard;
- cardboard disposable plate;
- a simple pencil;
- ruler;
- scissors;
- glue;
- black marker.

- templates: circles d - 13 and 4 cm, half-leaf - 8 cm in height;

Summer, summer, you are beautiful:
Everything is blooming and the sky is clear...
Summer is a wonderful time. Flowers, berries, butterflies, ladybugs, green trees, warm water in the river, bright hot sun - everyone who hears about summer will remember all this. And summer crafts are distinguished by their brightness, saturation of colors, they seem to be filled with sun and aroma.
So we could not resist and decide to make a summer craft.
Preparing the background.

1. Using a 13 cm circle template (which corresponds to the diameter of the inner circle of the plate) on blue, light green and bright green paper, draw a circle and cut it out.

2. Fold the blue and light green circles in half.

3. Expand and cut along the formed fold line.

4. Draw grass on a bright green circle.

5. Cut out.

Preparing elements for flowers and ladybugs.
Summer - bright flowers
Unusual beauty!
Each flower is two hearts glued together. We will cut out hearts and leaves using the symmetrical cutting technique. To make them, do the following:
6. Cut out six yellow 4x4 cm squares.

7. Fold in half and draw halves of hearts on them, observing the fold line.

8. Cut out, unfold and get hearts.

9. We glue two hearts together for one half so that we get voluminous flowers.

Let's start cutting out the leaves.
10. Cut out two green rectangles 5x8 cm for the leaves.

11. Fold the rectangles in half lengthwise. Using a half-leaf template, trace a half leaf on each folded rectangle.

12. Cut out, unfold and get the leaves for the flower.

We turn to the manufacture of ladybugs.
ladybug flies
On the blade of grass is very dexterous.
Wings like petals
And they have black dots.
The back is visible from a distance -
She's bright red!
I. Volk
13. Using a template - a circle d 4 cm - circle and cut out two circles on red paper.

14. On the first circle, stepping back about 0.5 mm from the edge, draw a line with a pencil and cut off the resulting semicircle along it.

15. Fold the second circle in half, unfold and cut in half along the resulting fold line. The bodies of ladybugs turned out.

16. We apply a red circle and a semicircle on black paper and paint on the head with a simple pencil.

17. With a black felt-tip pen, draw spots on the body of ladybugs.
Our blanks are ready.

18. Glue the background: a light green semicircle, a blue semicircle, bright green grass and a flower stem on top.

19. Glue yellow flowers. One slightly on the edge of the plate.

20. Glue green leaves on one barrel, create a semi-volume.

21. Glue the ladybug down on the grass, paint on the antennae.

22. Glue the second ladybug on the flower stem, draw the antennae and paws with a felt-tip pen.

23. The craft is ready.

I wish you more creative ideas for creating crafts!
I hope my idea is useful to someone.
I would be grateful for comments.
Thank you for attention!

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Making paper crafts with your own hands is a simple, inexpensive and very interesting activity for both children and parents. All you need is paper, scissors, glue, and a few fun ideas. In this material you will find 7 step-by-step needlework workshops from different types of paper and 50 photo ideas for your inspiration.

Idea 1. Volumetric crafts

We offer the smallest needleworkers to make a simple voluminous paper craft in the form of such a cat.


  • Sheet of A4 paper;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue.


  1. Download and print the template (see cat template below) on white or colored paper;
  2. Cut out the template with scissors, and then make 4 cuts in it along the outlined solid lines;
  3. Bend your neck according to the markup with an accordion and twist the tail;
  4. Bend the fold lines marked with a dotted line on the paws and glue them to the cardboard.

For older children, there is a more difficult task, namely a master class on making voluminous paper crafts in the form of a bird.


Step 1. Download and print the layout diagram (see below). Please note that the file contains a colorless template so that you can print it on colored paper.

Step 2. Cut out all the details exactly along the solid lines with a breadboard knife.

Step 3. Fold all the fold lines according to the principle: bold dotted line = fold inward, thin dotted line = fold outward.

Step 4. Glue the parts to each other, treating their corners with glue (with Glue inscriptions). Stick to the following order:

  1. First glue the beak to one side of the bird, then to the second.

  1. Glue the back of the bird starting from the beak, as shown in the photo.

  1. Glue on the wings.

  1. Now take the part, which is the bird's breast, and at one end of it, fold and fix the triangle with glue as shown in the photo.

  1. Assemble the legs, make sure the knees are at a 90 degree angle, then glue the legs to them.

  1. Well, that's all, it remains only to glue the legs to the body and your voluminous paper craft is ready. If you wish, you can make a whole flock of such birds in different colors with your own hands.

Idea 2. Wall panels, paintings and applications

It is known that you can draw not only with paints on paper, but also ... with paper on paper. Such activities are no less exciting and useful for the development of hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills, perseverance, the ability to plan your work, combine colors, shapes and materials.

The following selection of photos presents ideas for paintings, panels and paper applications for children of different levels of complexity.

By the way, the application can be made up of parts of the same shape, but different sizes and colors. It can be circles or hearts. The following slider provides examples of such paper crafts and schemes for their manufacture.

And here are some more examples of interesting paper crafts of various types.

Now we offer you to get acquainted with a master class on making an original, but very easy paper craft. We have no doubt that such cute figurines will help instill in your child an interest in reading books.


  • 1 sheet of A4 color paper;
  • 1 sheet of A4 white paper;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue stick;
  • Markers, pencils and paints.


Step 1. Bend one half of a white A4 sheet in half and let the child independently draw the cover of their favorite book on it, also signing the title and name of the author.

Step 2. Cut three long strips from a colored sheet about 2.5 cm wide. You will have 4 parts: 2 strips for the legs, 1 strip for two arms and one rectangle to create the torso of the figure.

Step 3. Take two strips (for the legs), fold them like an accordion, and then glue them to the rectangle torso.

Step 4. Divide the remaining long strip into two equal parts, draw fingers at the ends and glue to the body.

Step 5 Bend the top of the figure to the front side and make her bangs with scissors as shown in the photo.

Step 6. From the remaining half of the white sheet, cut out circles and glue on the figure as if it were glasses.

Step 7. Draw the details: eyes, mouth, nose and temples of glasses with a black marker.

Step 8. Now glue the book to the hands of the figurine and finally put it on the table or hang it on the wall, for example, near the bookshelf.

Idea 3. Hats

All children love games with reincarnations and for this they use everything that comes to hand. To provide a child with props, you can make fantasy hats with him. By the way, such colored paper crafts can be made for one or more children for a performance, a masquerade, a themed birthday or any costume party. In the next selection of photos you can see examples of a variety of paper "hats" - from pirate cocked hats to wigs.

Today we invite you and your kid to make a hat in the shape of a dinosaur head. This workshop is so easy that a child as young as 3 years old will need very little help from you.


  • 3 sheets of colored paper;
  • Glue stick or PVA;
  • Scotch;
  • Scissors.


Step 1 Cut 4 strips about 3 cm wide along the long side of the paper. Two of these strips will turn into a headband, and the other two into the crossbars of the “cap”, on which dinosaur spikes will be glued.

Step 2 Take two other sheets of paper and cut them into strips about 5 cm wide along the short side of the paper. You can measure and cut the strips by eye, but in the end you should get 5 strips from each sheet. We need these blanks for the manufacture of spikes.

Step 3. Fold each spike blank in half and, stepping back from the fold by about 1.5 cm, draw a markup in the form of a triangle up to the very edge (see photo). Next, just cut out future spikes.

Step 4. Glue the two crossbars, and then glue the spikes on them in a row as shown in the photo below.

Step 5. While the glue dries, fit the two pieces of the headband to fit the circumference of your child's head, and then connect them in a circle with tape.

STEP 6 Now let's get back to the spikes. Turn the crossbar over so that the spikes are on the table and carefully bend each of them (see photo). Form the first spike: cover one side of it with glue and connect it to the other. Use paper clips to secure the spike until the glue dries. Repeat these steps with the rest of the spikes.

Step 7 After the glue has dried, remove the staples from the spikes and simply glue the crosspiece to the headband at the front and back.

Idea 4. Toy figures from a toilet paper sleeve

Toilet paper rolls are great crafts for kids that just need a little embellishment. For example, you can make such wonderful toys out of them.