Processing manure into fertilizer project technique.  Proper disposal of cattle manure on farms.  Separate manure processing methods

Processing manure into fertilizer project technique. Proper disposal of cattle manure on farms. Separate manure processing methods

Studies of the microbiological preparation Agrobreeze were carried out at the Bashkirskaya PTF with the participation of BSAU specialists: Professor of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Veterinary and Sanitary Expertise E.P.

Bacteria for cattle manure processing

Dementieva, Associate Professor E.V. Tsepeleva, postgraduate student O.V. Alekseev, as well as with the participation of the head of the production of organic fertilizers PTF "Bashkirskaya" I.D. Sultanov. As a result of the use of the microbiological preparation Agrobreeze, a significant decrease in indoor air pollution with harmful gas impurities (carbon dioxide from 0.3% to 0.18%, ammonia from 35 to 17 mg/m3, hydrogen sulfide from 15 to 5 mg/m3) was found, with this reduced the hazard class of chicken manure and the pathogenicity index of microorganisms for environment. In general, Agrobreeze showed high efficiency in comparison with analogues from third-party manufacturers.

Disposal of faeces is a matter for specialists

Where a person lives and carries out his activities, feces are always formed in large volumes. In those places where there is no sewerage system (centralized, local), the issue of accumulation and handling of this waste is particularly acute.

This type of waste is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous for humans (pathogenic bacteria, intestinal infections). Therefore, they must be treated accordingly. Dispose of faeces correctly.

It is better to entrust this work to specialists who have accumulated considerable experience in this matter.

Disposal of faeces is carried out at specialized enterprises (landfills and drain points). But, first of all, the disposal of feces begins with their collection.

This process is well performed with the help of a vacuum truck (car with a tank). This technique allows you to collect sewage from almost any storage (septic tank, dry closet) in large enough volumes. Another advantage is the fact that there is no contact of fecal effluents with the environment and humans, the collection takes place in isolation.

Need to dispose of faeces? Give us a call, we have been dealing with this issue for many years. We use modern sewage machines in our work. The employees are experienced and get the job done in minutes.

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Bacteria for manure processing

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Sincerely, the team of SpetsTransService LLC

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Symbiosis of beneficial bacteria to turn waste into income

You can often hear on the news that one or another poultry or pig farm has been fined for environmental pollution here or there. Emissions of methane, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and ammonia pollute the land, water and air, they breathe the employees of these poultry and pig farms. Businesses pay fines all the time. This strikes at their pocket and reputation. And the environment, which is so unsteady in our time, does not always cope with such a load.

To overcome such negative impacts on the environment, BashIncom Research and Development Enterprise has developed a unique microbiological preparation called Agrobriz, designed to reduce unpleasant odors, improve microflora, process manure and manure into valuable organic fertilizer. That's when you can talk about waste turned into income!

What is Agrobreeze?

Being a microbiological preparation, Agrobreeze contains specially selected lactic acid bacteria, yeast fungi and spore-forming bacteria: 2 strains of Enterococcus faecium, 7 strains of Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus licheniformis, Bacillus megaterium, fungi of the genus Pichia.

What do these beneficial bacteria and fungi do?

The bacteria and fungi included in Agrobreeze are conditionally divided into three groups: antagonist bacteria, fermenter bacteria, manure decomposition accelerator fungi. Each of these groups has its own specific properties that affect the waste of livestock and poultry farms.

1. Bacteria antagonists produce lactic acid, suppress harmful bacteria and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Shigella, Salmonella, phytopathogenic and fungi, pathogens of the gastrointestinal tract, salmonellosis. They produce the antibiotic Bacitracin and other antibiotic substances and B vitamins.

Bacteria for efficient manure processing

2. Bacteria-fermenters, produce enzymes that decompose the organic matter of the litter, break down fiber and pectin, cells of pathogenic bacteria, and disinfect manure.

3. Mushrooms - manure decomposition accelerators - yeast fungi - producers of cellulolytic enzymes and lactic acid.

As a result of the use of Agrobreeze, during the decomposition of complex carbohydrates and proteins of the manure mass, ammonia is not released, and ammonia nitrogen is converted to forms of organic fertilizers, pathogenic bacteria of the intestinal group do not multiply, the fluidity of manure masses increases, and the processes of manure decomposition are accelerated.

Studies of the microbiological preparation Agrobreeze were carried out at the Bashkirskaya PTF with the participation of BSAU specialists: Professor of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Veterinary and Sanitary Expertise E.P. Dementieva, Associate Professor E.V. Tsepeleva, postgraduate student O.V. Alekseev, as well as with the participation of the head of the production of organic fertilizers PTF "Bashkirskaya" I.D. Sultanov. As a result of the use of the microbiological preparation Agrobreeze, a significant decrease in indoor air pollution with harmful gas impurities (carbon dioxide from 0.3% to 0.18%, ammonia from 35 to 17 mg/m3, hydrogen sulfide from 15 to 5 mg/m3) was found, with This reduced the hazard class of chicken manure and the pathogenicity index of microorganisms for the environment. In general, Agrobreeze showed high efficiency in comparison with analogues from third-party manufacturers.

Agrobreeze is in fact an effective environmental sanitation for livestock and poultry farms, which allows improving the ecology of agricultural enterprises and bringing additional profit from the production of biofertilizers.

What do we get from the pig farm?

On the one hand, of course, useful products - in the form of hams and chops. However, we will not touch on this side here, because, as follows from the title, we intend to talk about biotechnology, and such products are good even without any biotechnology.
Unfortunately, the pig farm also has another side, not at all appetizing, but, alas, no less significant.

In addition to meat, waste is also produced here, and in quantities many times greater. The daily weight gain of one fattening pig is measured in hundreds of grams, and manure from the same pig for the same day is five to eight kilograms. A modern pig farm, where the number of livestock goes to tens of thousands, produces huge amounts of manure.

Manure has always been considered a valuable fertilizer. But this is, so to speak, classic manure, mostly horse or cow, and even generously flavored with straw from the bedding.
On a modern pig farm, manure is completely different. There is no litter there - manure is washed off with water, the amount of runoff from this increases many times over, and the concentration of dry substances - those in which the fertilizer value of manure is contained - decreases to several percent.
All this gigantic amount of slurry has to be stored somewhere - at least from autumn to spring, during the period when fertilizers are not applied. It is also necessary to withstand manure in order to neutralize the pathogenic microbes that are always present in it, helminth eggs and weed seeds, which, after being introduced into the soil immediately, will grow. As a result, for example, in the Latvian state farm "Ogre", where there are only 20,000 pigs, we had to design manure storage facilities with a volume of 80,000 cubic meters - even with a three-story height, they would occupy a whole hectare, and would cost almost as much as pig farm. In addition, it is very difficult to prevent the seepage of such liquid manure into the ground, into groundwater, into rivers. Yes, and it pollutes the atmosphere with a stench ... Neutralization of manure, especially from pig farms, has become a serious problem throughout the country.
One of the solutions to this problem was proposed by the Institute of Microbiology. A. Kirkhenshtein of the Academy of Sciences of the Latvian SSR. And not only proposed, but also introduces into production at the same state farm "Ogre", which WE / have just mentioned.


One microbiological method of neutralizing manure, and any other organic residues, has long been known - this is composting. Waste is piled in heaps, where it gradually decomposes under the action of aerobic microorganisms. At the same time, the heap is heated to about 60 ° C and natural pasteurization occurs - most pathogenic microbes and helminth eggs die, and weed seeds lose their germination.
But the quality of the fertilizer suffers: up to 40% of the nitrogen contained in it disappears and a lot of phosphorus. Energy is also wasted, because the heat released from the bowels of the heap is wasted - and manure, by the way, contains almost half of all the energy supplied to the farm with feed. Waste from pig farms is simply not suitable for composting: it is too liquid.
But another way of processing organic matter is also possible - fermentation without air access, or anaerobic fermentation. It is this process that takes place in a natural biological reactor enclosed in the belly of every cow grazing in the meadow. There, in the cow's stomach, lives a whole community of microbes. Some break down fiber and other complex organic compounds rich in energy, and produce low molecular weight substances from them that are easily absorbed by the cow's body. These compounds serve as a substrate for other microbes, which turn them into gases - carbon dioxide and methane. One cow produces up to 500 liters of methane per day; of the total production of methane on Earth, almost a quarter - 100-200 million tons per year! - has such an "animal" origin.
Methane-producing bacteria are, in many ways, remarkable creatures. They have an unusual composition of cell walls, a completely peculiar metabolism, their own unique enzymes and coenzymes that are not found in other living beings. And they have a special biography - they are considered the product of a special branch of evolution.
Approximately such a community of microorganisms was adapted by Latvian microbiologists to solve the problem of processing waste from pig farms. Compared to aerobic decomposition during composting, anaerobes work more slowly, but much more economically, without unnecessary energy losses. The end product of their activity - biogas, in which 60-70% of methane - is nothing more than an energy concentrate: each cubic meter of it, burning, releases as much heat as a kilogram hard coal, and more than two times more than a kilogram of firewood.
In all other respects, anaerobic fermentation is just as good as composting. And most importantly, liquid manure from a pig farm is perfectly processed in this way: after passing through a bioreactor, this fetid slurry turns into an excellent fertilizer.


A pilot plant that produces biogas has been operating for four years at one of the pig farms of the Ogre state farm. Scientific bases. technologies for it were developed at the Institute of Microbiology. A. Kirhenshtein, and the project was done at the state farm. (“Do you have your own design bureau?” the author asked the deputy director of the state farm, V.S. Dubrovskis. “What design bureau?” he answered. year. In general, according to the state farm, it was possible to do without imports: why spend foreign currency on something that you can do on your own?
Both reactors, each with a volume of 75 cubic meters, process all the waste from the farm for 2,500 pigs, giving the state farm the high-quality fertilizer that is urgently needed for every household and 300-500 cubic meters of gas per day.
“For us, it’s not about biogas,” says V.S. Dubrovskikh. “If it were only about it, we wouldn’t take it. The main thing is that this is the only technology for processing and disinfecting pig waste that pays for itself” . It does not pay off with gas, but with environmental well-being: otherwise we would have to build manure storage facilities, And treatment facilities, spend a lot of money and a lot of energy. In addition, the state farm receives good fertilizer: it does not contain, as in fresh manure, weed seeds capable of germinating, which means that less herbicides need to be spent. Again, the environmental benefit. Biogas, how free app: Nice, but not required.
That is why it is not so easy to calculate the economic efficiency of such developments. Usually they calculate just for biogas: such and such costs, so much gas received, the corresponding amount of diesel fuel costs so much. It turns out, in general, is also profitable, but the payback period is not record-breaking ...
There is another subtlety here. Bacteria of methane fermentation, unlike aerobes, do not emit heat during composting, and they work only in heat. For some, thermophilic, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of about 55 ° C, for others, mesophilic - about 37 ° C. The question of which option is better has not yet been resolved, and even at the Institute of Microbiology there are different opinions. Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Latvian SSR M.E. Beker, who heads this line of research, believes that the thermophilic process is more efficient, and the laboratory of biotechnical systems, headed by A.A. Upit, Candidate of Technical Sciences, stands for the mesophilic one. But one way or another, in our climate, the reactor has to be heated for most of the year. And if in hot India and China, where there are millions of biogas plants, such a problem does not arise, then at the Ogre state farm, on average, about half of the biogas produced per year is used for this. This, of course, worsens the economic efficiency indicators, if we consider only the saved fuel. But even in such conditions, the remaining biogas is enough to provide a third of the farm's energy needs: there is both heating and hot water.
Of course, the picture would turn out to be completely different if we add the environmental effect to the energy effect, converting it into rubles. But no one seems to know how to do it yet.
In any case, one thing can be said: the workers of the Ogre state farm are quite satisfied with the results of the first experiment, and they intend to expand the business. This year, the construction of a biogas plant for a large state farm pig complex will begin - not for 2,500, but for 20,000 heads. It is expected that this installation, even if we consider only gas, will pay off in 5-6 years. And the giant manure storages, which were mentioned at the beginning of the article, will not have to be built.


The processing of animal waste is just one of the many areas of research that is being conducted at the Institute of Microbiology. A. Kirhenstein. The author saw many more interesting and instructive things both in his laboratories and in farms - the state farm "Ogre" and the collective farm "Uzvara", where the institute's developments are being tested. And I was going to write about everything.
First of all, about the biotechnological methods of feed production created here. This includes a simple, production-tested technology available to any household for obtaining fodder protein from grass juice with minimal energy consumption. And about the improvement of the processes of ensiling and haylage, which allows not only to preserve feed, but also to enrich it with nutrients. And about research on the bioconversion of straw and other cellulose-rich waste. In general, about all the directions included in the scientific and technical program "Transformation of Photosynthesis Products" (abbreviated as "TPF"), which the Institute has been developing for more than ten years in cooperation with many scientific institutions. The general line of the TPF program is the introduction of not just individual biotechnological processes into the agro-industrial complex, but entire biotechnical systems, which will make it possible to use vegetable raw materials to the maximum extent, drastically reduce energy costs in agricultural production, and make it environmentally friendly and waste-free...
But the author managed to talk about only one part of this program, and the place allotted to him is already running out. So we'll have to leave it all until the next occasion.
However, finishing the conversation about biogas, it is impossible not to mention at least briefly about one more idea that is being worked on at the Institute of Microbiology. A. Kirhenstein. This is the concept of an integrated waste processing system and energy supply for a residential complex, or, more simply, the creation of an ecologically closed economy that will not pollute the environment with any waste and will not need to be supplied with electricity or gas: all the necessary energy will be provided by a solar collector, thermal pumps and, of course, a bioreactor where sewage and waste will be processed. True, it is still far from the realization of this idea, but the architect M. Ya. Liepa has already prepared several options for a draft design of such an ecological house - it turned out beautifully ...
And one of the central elements of this system is a "bioreactor for family farm", as it is unofficially called at the institute, anyone can already build it for themselves. At the request of the editors, the authors of the idea - employees of the laboratory of biotechnical systems - tell below how to do it.

How to build a bioreactor

A biogas plant can be created on any farm from local, available materials by the specialists of the farm itself.
Manure fermentation takes place under anaerobic (oxygen-free) conditions at a temperature of 30-55 °C (optimally 40 °C). The duration of fermentation, which ensures the disinfection of manure, is at least 12 days. For anaerobic fermentation, you can use both ordinary and liquid, bedless manure, which is easily pumped into the bioreactor.

During fermentation, nitrogen and phosphorus are completely preserved in manure. The mass of manure practically does not change, except for the evaporated water, which turns into biogas. Manure organic matter decomposes by 30-40%; Easily decomposed compounds—fat, protein, carbohydrates—are mainly subjected to destruction, while the main humus-forming components—cellulose and lignin—are completely preserved. Thanks to the release of methane and carbon dioxide, the C/N ratio is optimized. The proportion of ammonia nitrogen increases. The reaction of the received organic fertilizer- alkaline (pH 7.2-7.8), which makes this fertilizer especially valuable for acidic soils. Compared to fertilizer obtained from manure in the usual way, the yield increases by 10-15%.
The resulting biogas with a density of 1.2 kg/m3 (0.93 air density) has the following composition (%): methane - 65, carbon dioxide - 34, associated gases - up to 1 (including hydrogen sulfide - up to 0.1). The content of methane can vary depending on the composition of the substrate and technology within 55-75%. The water content in biogas at 40 °C is 50 g/m3; when the biogas is cooled, it condenses, and it is necessary to take measures to remove the condensate (gas drying, laying pipes with the required slope, etc.).
The energy intensity of the produced gas is 23 mJ/m3, or 5500 kcal/m3.


The main equipment of a biogas plant is a hermetically sealed container with a heat exchanger (coolant is water heated to 50-60 ° C), devices for input and output of manure and for gas removal.
Since each farm has its own characteristics of manure removal, use of bedding material, heat supply, it is impossible to create one typical bioreactor. The design of the installation is largely determined by local conditions, the availability of materials.
For small installation the simplest solution is to use the released fuel tanks. The diagram of a bioreactor based on a standard fuel tank with a volume of 50 m3 is shown in the figure. Internal partitions can be made of metal or brick; their main function is to direct the flow of manure and lengthen its path inside the reactor, forming a system of communicating vessels. In the diagram, the partitions are shown conditionally; their number and placement depend on the properties of manure - on the fluidity, the amount of bedding.
A reinforced concrete bioreactor requires less metal, but is more labor-intensive to manufacture. To determine the volume of the bioreactor, it is necessary to proceed from the amount of manure, which depends both on the number and weight of animals, and on the method of its removal: when washing off bedless manure, the total amount of wastewater increases many times, which is undesirable, since it requires an increase in energy costs for heating . If the daily amount of effluent is known, the desired volume of the reactor can be determined by multiplying this amount by 12 (since 12 days is the minimum manure holding time) and increasing the resulting value by 10% (since the reactor should be filled with substrate by 90%).
Estimated daily output of the bioreactor when loading manure with a dry matter content of 4-8% is two volumes of gas per reactor volume: a bioreactor with a volume of 50 m3 will produce 100 m3 of biogas per day.
As a rule, the processing of non-bedding manure from 10 cattle allows you to get about 20 m3 of biogas per day, from 10 pigs - 1-3 m3, from 10 sheep - 1 - 1.2 m3, from 10 rabbits - 0.4-0 .6 m3. A ton of straw gives 300 m of biogas, a ton of municipal waste - 130 m :). (The gas requirement of a single-family home, including heating and hot water, averages 10 m3 per day, but can vary greatly depending on the quality of the home's thermal insulation.)
The substrate can be heated up to 40°C in various ways. It is most convenient to use for this gas water heaters AGV-80 or AGV-120, equipped with automation to maintain the temperature of the coolant. When the device is powered by biogas produced (instead of natural gas) should be adjusted by reducing the air supply. You can also use nighttime electricity to heat the substrate. In this case, the bioreactor itself serves as a heat accumulator.
To reduce heat loss, the bioreactor must be carefully insulated. Various options are possible here: in particular, it is possible to arrange a light frame around it filled with glass wool, apply a layer of polyurethane foam to the reactor, etc.
The pressure of the gas obtained in the bioreactor (100-300 mm of water column) is sufficient to supply it to a distance of several hundred meters without blowers or compressors.
When starting the bioreactor, it is necessary to fill it to 90% of the volume with the substrate and keep it for at least 12 days, after which new portions of the substrate can be fed into the reactor, extracting the appropriate amounts of the fermented product.

Approximate costs of materials and funds (when using a fuel tank with a volume of 50 m3)

Technical documentation, approval 50 rubles.
Equipment and materials:
cistern 1000 rub.
pumps, fecal or "dung", for feeding. 3-5 m3 per day, 2 pcs.
(one - reserve) 200 rub.
pipelines with a diameter of 80-100 mm 100 r.
insulating material 1000 r.
water heaters AGV-80 or AGV-120, 2 pcs. 300 r.
Construction and installation work 1100 r.
Total 3750 r.

Unforeseen expenses (20%) 750 rub.
The total cost is 4500 rubles.
Operating costs (per year):
electricity for the operation of pumps (2X5 kW, 1 hour per day, 1 kopeck per 1 kWh) ~ 40 rubles.
preventive inspection and maintenance (1 day per month) — ~150 r.
Total -190 r.


The heat obtained by burning biogas can be used, in addition to heating water (heating, hot water supply) and cooking, for heating greenhouses, and in the summer, when biogas is in excess, for drying hay and other fodder or, when powered by biogas absorption refrigerator, for cooling agricultural products, such as milk. You can also use biogas to generate electricity, but this is less profitable.
If several small farms or individual farms are located close to each other, it is advisable to organize a centralized waste processing and supply the resulting biogas to farms or farms through pipelines.
There is another direction of using biogas - the utilization of carbon dioxide contained in it in an amount of about 34%. By extracting carbon dioxide by washing (unlike methane, it dissolves in water), it can be supplied to greenhouses, where it serves as "air fertilizer", increasing plant productivity.


Bioreactor with a volume of 50 m! produces 100 m3 of biogas per day, of which "commercial" gas accounts for an average of about 70 m* (the rest is used to heat the reactor), which is 25 thousand m3 per year - an amount equivalent to 16.75 tons of liquid fuel in total worth 1105 p.
If the capital investments in the construction of the installation - 4500 rubles - are distributed over a 15-year period of its operation and take into account operating costs (190 rubles per year) and repair costs (1% of the cost of equipment - 26 rubles per year), then the savings from replacing liquid fuel with biogas will be about 590 r.

Manure and litter processing, types of technologies

in year.
This calculation does not take into account the prevention of environmental pollution, as well as the increase in yield as a result of the application of the resulting high-quality fertilizer.


Specialists of the economy (mechanical engineer, builder, power engineer, electrician) can prepare draft documentation for the construction of a bioreactor in a few days. The documentation should include: a flow diagram, a plan for placing a bioreactor and a heat generator, energy and product flows, pipelines, a connection diagram for a pump and lighting fixtures, a cost estimate. On the master plan of the economy, you need to show the main pipelines, access roads, lightning rod. The documentation must be coordinated with the gas inspection and fire department.


During the operation of the bioreactor, it is necessary to comply with all applicable rules and regulations for working with natural gas combustion plants. Biogas has a narrower explosive limit than natural gas - from 6 to 12% (instead of 5-15%). The documentation should provide for ventilation, which, according to SN. 433-79, should provide in a room with a volume of up to 300 m3 (eight air exchange per hour.


Consultation on the preparation of technical documentation, construction, commissioning and operation of a biogas plant, as well as on other issues that are not fully covered here, can be obtained at: 226067 Riga 67, Kleisti, st. Kirkhenshteina, 1, Institute of Microbiology. A. Kirkhenstein Academy of Sciences of the Latvian SSR, laboratory of biotechnical systems; tel. 42-81-04.

Mechanization of manure cleaning in premises with sewerage is carried out with the help of scraper, rod and belt conveyors mounted in slurry chutes, and mobile cable carts mounted on a monorail. Also used are electric locomotives suspended on a monorail, electric cars, trolleys with a tipping body, mechanical manure shovels, loading and unloading devices using automobile and tractor transport.

In recent years, in our country and abroad, instead of slurry trays in cowsheds and pigsties, slatted floors have begun to be used. AT this case in animal rooms at the end of the stalls of cattle and at the feeding places of pigs, special manure-liquid-receiving trenches or channels are equipped, topped with cast-iron or strip (bar) steel gratings. Urine and feces pass through the grate and float down the trench into a sump or farm sewer. Bar steel gratings with a diameter of 12 mm are arranged with slots of 42-45 mm for cattle and 20-22 mm for pigs. Cast iron gratings with a slat width of 35 mm are made with the same gap width as the slots made of bar steel.

The trenches for removing urine and feces are cone-shaped in cross section with a rounded bottom, 70-100 cm deep and with a slope towards the flush of 0.005-0.01 m. located along the entire length of the trenches or channel, that is, they use a hydraulic flush. For these purposes, it is sometimes practiced to use slurry, which is taken from the slurry receiver and, under the appropriate hydraulic pressure, the manure is advanced through the channel. However, this method is less acceptable, since ammonia and hydrogen sulfide can enter the room here. From under the slatted floors, manure can also be rafted without hydraulic flushing - by gravity-flying method with liquid manure unloading with auger pumps.

The use of trellised iols and the transit removal of manure through canals by means of water flushing facilitates the work of people in cleaning the premises from manure and improves the sanitary condition of the premises for animals and the farm as a whole. In some farms, they began to arrange trenches for the accumulation of manure and slurry directly under the slatted floor, from where they are removed by a bulldozer 3-4 times a year.

According to our research (A.P. Onegov, Yu.

Bedding bacteria

I. Dudyrev), such storage of manure enriches the premises with ammonia and therefore requires a powerful ventilation device, the exhaust of which is equipped from under the slatted floor.

In livestock complexes, systems for hydraulic removal or pneumatic transportation of manure from underground trenches outside the farm territory are used for disinfection and disposal. In this case, a large volume of slurry is obtained, for the discharge of which it is necessary to arrange special containers (pits, settling tanks, etc.), avoiding dams and dams in ravines for this purpose. During hydraulic removal, the liquefied mass from a number of rooms enters the collection manifold, from the latter into the receiving tank of the pumping station with a chamber for obtaining a clarified slurry. The clarified slurry can be used for watering hay and other areas. Manure (compacted mass) is taken to the fields for their fertilization.

In some farms, the manure mass is pumped from a prefabricated collector to reinforced concrete tanks located far from the farms, from where the slurry enters the irrigation fields, and the dense, dried part goes to fertilize the fields. Manure disposal can also be done by composting with peat.

Manure removal from premises where animals are kept on deep litter can be mechanized using a bulldozer, as well as a tractor with special devices for raking and loading manure.

When poultry is kept on the floor in poultry houses, manure is stored in litter boxes, which are periodically cleaned by conveyors outside the premises. However, such a system of storage and purification of manure is not advisable, since its long-term storage causes the accumulation of a large amount of ammonia in the air and creates an unhealthy microclimate (K. P. Semenov).

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There are two main ways of composting manure and peat in piles: layered and focal.
Layered composting. In stacks 4-5 m wide, layers of peat and manure alternate. First, peat is laid over the entire width and length of the stack with a layer of up to 50 cm, which should prevent the seepage of slurry into the soil, then a layer of manure. So the layers of peat and manure alternate until the height of the stack reaches 1.5-2 m. The uppermost layer of the stack is also laid from peat to reduce the volatilization of ammonia nitrogen of manure. The thickness of the layers of the components of these composts depends on the ratio of manure and peat taken. So, with a ratio of manure and peat in the compost of 1: 1, the thickness of their layers in a pile can be 25-30 cm each. The more peat is used, the thicker its layers should be compared to manure.
Spot composting. Manure is placed entirely or discontinuously inside the peat pile. At the same time, peat is first laid in a layer of 50-60 cm, then a layer of manure 70-80 cm thick and 1.0-1.5 m wide narrower than the lower layer of peat is laid on top along and in the middle of the entire stack. With a lack of manure or the use of bedless liquid manure, it is better to place it in a pile of peat in the form of separate intermittent hearths, which are covered with peat from above and from all sides with a layer of 50-70 cm.
Focal composting of manure and peat is advisable for areas with cold winters (for winter composting), when freezing of the stack is possible. With such composting during the winter, the temperature inside the stack does not fall below 25-30 °C. A stack of manure and composts in winter is laid in 1-2 days, if possible during the thaw.
In the summer, a pile of peat-manure compost is stacked with a bulldozer. At the same time, peat is brought to the fertilized field by dump trucks and tractor trailers and unloaded in a row in heaps at a distance of 5 m from one another. Then they bring manure and unload it between heaps of peat. Three such rows are placed on the site. After that, the bulldozer shifts the two extreme rows to the middle one, mixes the entire mass in two opposite directions and stacks the stack.
With layered and focal composting, to obtain a homogeneous mass, the stack is mixed with mixers or a bulldozer at least once during the storage period.
When laying peat-manure compost with a bulldozer, additional mixing of the stack is not required, and its compaction is not necessary.

What are the bacteria for manure processing

Loose laying of such compost accelerates the decomposition of organic matter with almost no loss of ammonia nitrogen from manure (it is absorbed by peat).
Higher-quality peat-manure composts are obtained by adding phosphorite flour to them during the formation of a stack of phosphate rock (15-30 kg per 1 ton of composted material).
Phosphorite flour is poured over each layer of manure and peat when stacking. A more uniform distribution of it in the mass of compost is most easily achieved with layer-by-layer composting of manure and peat. This is how peat-manure-phosphorite composts are obtained, which, in terms of efficiency, even with a manure content of 30-50%, are not inferior to well-prepared manure.
In some cases, along with phosphate fertilizers, potassium fertilizers are added to such composts at the rate of 5-6 kg per 1 ton of peat and lime (according to the acidity of peat). Potash fertilizers and lime are applied to the peat layer, and phosphate rock is added to the manure layers.
Peat with liquid manure is composted in the same way as with slurry.

Livestock farms and complexes accumulate a large amount of animal waste products daily. For a long time, manure was used only as fertilizer: it was stored in heaps, and then taken to the fields.

But, despite its valuable qualities, it also has a negative side: it can be infected with helminths, weed seeds, insect larvae. In addition, fresh manure is not used as fertilizer. And because of the large mass, its export over long distances is difficult. Therefore, today the issue of processing and disposal of manure is on the agenda in many farms.

Types and features of manure

Animal waste and excellent organic fertilizer is manure. It contains a large number of nutrients useful for plants. In addition, it contains live microorganisms that nourish the soil microflora. It, in turn, affects:

  • increase in soil temperature;
  • soil quality and lowering its acidity;
  • the content of herbicides and salts, reducing their negative impact.

The composition of manure is determined by the method of nutrition, the composition of the litter, the method and time of storage of manure. Of course not last role the animal itself also plays as this product of vital activity.

Things to know: Sawdust and shavings used as bedding reduce the quality of the manure. They do not absorb urine - ammonia is not formed - manure loses a lot of nitrogen.

According to the degree of decomposition, manure is divided into

  1. Fresh manure - not applied to the soil, it inhibits the growth of crops and damages their root system. It contains weed seeds, fungal spores, and may contain helminth eggs;
  2. Semi-rotted - can be applied to the soil during autumn digging or used as top dressing water solution. But be careful: it is not recommended to water the culture under the root even with diluted slurry;
  3. well rotted - they are introduced into the soil in the spring during digging or a solution is prepared for top dressing. The rotted manure becomes looser and lighter;
  4. humus - last stage of decomposition. It is from it that soil mixtures are created, because. it is the most useful natural fertilizer of organic nature. Used as mulch. With him taste qualities root crops are improving.

Manure storage methods

The quality of manure is directly related to the duration and conditions of its storage. The longer it is stored, the less it retains. useful properties. Storage methods also matter. If manure is laid in small piles on the surface of the earth, then it weathers, dries up, and freezes in winter. Melt and rain waters are negatively affected. The nitrogen content is reduced by 40%.

When storing, the following methods are used:

  • Dense: manure is placed in layers, compacted, covered with peat or straw. At this method decomposition processes proceed gradually and long time.
  • Loose-dense: fresh animal waste remains in uncovered piles for 4-5 months. Its efficiency is greater, because. less nitrogen loss.
  • Loose: stored without compaction, due to which big losses nutrients.

Nitrogen losses can be reduced by adding phosphate rock to it. Enrichment with phosphorus occurs, decomposition accelerates, humic substances accumulate.

Manure processing - the essence of recycling

Animal waste products accumulate on farms in huge quantities. They need to be disinfected, disposed of and recycled. There are methods that change the composition of fresh organic matter, making it suitable for use in crop production. There are ways available for the disposal of pig manure, the disposal of chicken manure:

  • Composting;
  • vermicomposting;
  • fermentation with humates;
  • infusion;
  • obtaining biogas and others.

But they have a significant drawback: the duration in time and the complexity of using on an industrial scale. In recent years, a technology has been developed for converting manure into fertilizers in 2.5-3 hours, after which the resulting product can be applied to the fields.

If we consider the problem on a larger scale, then the timely removal of manure is an important ecological problem. Livestock farms are enlarged, the requirements for their sanitary and hygienic condition are increasing. And if earlier this problem was studied only from the point of view of the source of fertilizers, now it is considered as a source of environmental pollution.

The mechanization of manure cleaning includes three main points that need to be addressed comprehensively:

  1. cleaning manure and transporting it to storage;
  2. laying, disinfection and storage;
  3. application.

Every year, farms and complexes accumulate 1 billion tons of waste per year. Their disposal should be considered from the point of view of the production of manure and feed additives, environmental protection, and animal diseases.

Processing equipment

Modern systems for the removal, storage and disposal of manure are carried out:

  • mechanical;
  • hydraulic;
  • pneumatic methods.

Mobile means are used: a bulldozer shovel, with which solid manure is removed;

Stationary installations are scraper conveyors, rope-scraper installations and cableways . With their help, manure is loaded into transport. The most convenient and reliable rod scraper conveyors.

Hydraulic installations are pressure and gravity. The pressure plant washes away the slurry and urine with the help of the pressure of the water supplied by the pump. Gravity does not have such pressure and the slurry is washed off when the floor slopes through channels and tubes. Both hydraulic units are used simultaneously.

Self-alloying methods of manure cleaning are used in tethered and boxed methods of keeping animals.

Recently, slatted floors have been made. Through the cracks in the floor, the animals themselves push through the manure, which enters the canal and is washed out of the room. This method significantly reduces labor costs for cleaning stalls.

Manure is delivered to the manure storage using:

  1. tractor carts;
  2. pneumatic installations;
  3. conveyors and self-alloyed pump systems.

Only liquid manure passes through the pumps. Pumping stations for pumping liquid manure are located on the complexes.

Manure disposal and processing methods

Disinfection and storage - not less than milestones than cleaning up animal waste. It is carried out taking into account veterinary and health regulations. This is due to the fact that pathogenic microorganisms, eggs and larvae of helminths may not lose their viability in manure for a long time.

The processing system includes quarantine measures:

  • manure is stored for a certain time, revealing the infection;
  • carry out disinfection;
  • apply deworming.

At the same time, different methods are used: thermal and biothermal, chemical, physical.

The problems of animal waste are also of an economic nature. There is no land where manure can be transported. It pollutes the air, the earth, the environment. Basically, it's a ticking time bomb. Recycling technologies require a long period of time, and waste continues to accumulate. Of course, a way out will be found. But when?

Manure is the feces of domestic animals. Manure is a useful fertilizer for the soil, its fertility-enhancing properties have been noticed for a long time. A similar fertilizer is used everywhere, as in household as well as on an industrial scale. Bacteria for manure processing become the basis for increasing the efficiency of fertilizer.

Humus acts as an organic fertilizer that enhances seed germination. Thanks to the trace elements necessary for growth and the creation of a beneficial ecosystem, the plant is able to bear more fruit.

The earth becomes warmer, looser, water penetrates better into the lower layers of the earth and acidity decreases by an order of magnitude. Enrichment of the soil with the necessary elements creates a favorable environment for the development of crops. With the help of litter, nitrogen, manganese, molybdenum, organic substances, bacteria enter the soil, both useful and not. Harmful microorganisms should be eliminated during preparation.

Manure is used for almost all types of domestic animals: horses, cattle, pigs and birds. The most valuable of these is horse droppings, it has the most successful combination of microorganisms.

Now many people have a question, why do we need bacteria at all? Manure is quite effective without additional bacteria, but it is still possible to multiply its quality indicators. The highest quality fertilizer is bedding manure, as it is mixed with bedding made of certain materials. The most common are quickly rotting components, such as straw or peat, sawdust is less commonly used.

The Benefits of Recycling

The main reason why processing is needed is to give manure additional useful properties, enhance existing qualities and eliminate harmful components. So, using bacteria to effectively convert humus, it turns out to achieve best quality litter, namely:

  1. Elimination of bacteria that cause diseases of plant crops, and sometimes viruses that are dangerous to humans;
  2. During processing, fungal spores and putrefactive bacteria that infect plants are killed. Owners of cow litter are especially at risk;
  3. The excrement contains weed seeds that have not been digested by the animal, they will soon sprout;
  4. When chemicals are used in feeding animals, their residues inevitably leave the body through feces, which can be eliminated with the help of bacteria;
  5. Worm eggs have a strong shell and can live for several years;
  6. Some types of droppings, especially pig droppings, contain a lot of ammonia, which, on the contrary, inhibits plants.

Important! Keep in mind that fresh animal excrement is not yet full-fledged manure. Their use can do more harm than good and permanently degrade the fertility of the land.

Most useful microcomponents and substances can be absorbed by plants only in simple form, since they do not have built-in functions for splitting complex bonds. Therefore, pre-fertilizer should be processed using microorganisms. Complex organic matter with the help of bacteria turns into a simpler, usable one, otherwise the decomposition of manure will take a long period.

The processing of humus can be used in different ways, more standard, that is, without the use of special additives, and microbiological. Each species has its own characteristics.

Traditional processing, application features

The traditional way of processing is to simply wait until the fertilizer decays on its own and various complex compounds turn into simple ones. For it, specially designated places are used, called manure storages. They can be ground or deepened into the ground.

Some pig farms flush their excrement into so-called lagoons. In them, the content of beneficial microorganisms is less and a larger reservoir volume is required. All this is accompanied by the process of decomposition in natural conditions.

There are 3 main methods that can be used to process cattle manure:

  1. Loose.
  2. Dense.
  3. Combined.

The dense type means compacting the excrement so that excess moisture and air are eliminated. Usually sold in small containers. This method allows for better disinfection of the substance, and less nitrogen removal is also observed. The process takes a long time. Loose type involves fluffing manure so that more air gets into it.

The combined view is the standard way, so the excrement is freely poured without compacting. Raw materials decompose quickly enough, while maintaining good performance. Often the method is used as the initial preparation of humus. Slightly decayed raw materials are compacted and microorganisms are added.

Despite the presence of useful substances in such manure, it will have to be expected for a long time, since the activity of bacteria is low and their concentration is insufficient. When buying bacteria for processing, you get microorganisms that are best suited for the task at hand, otherwise you have to rely on the independent flow of the process.

Features of bioactive means of manure processing in the form of bedding

It is worth mentioning that it is convenient to use bedding to use bacteria. The floor in the room is pre-lined with straw, sawdust, peat or other substances. Its depth should be sufficient for long-term use (recommended 70 cm).

Having highlighted the main advantages of bioactive drugs, it will be possible to determine the effectiveness and efficiency of the processing method. Smoldering with the help of bacteria has several advantages:

  1. Raw materials do not have to be constantly collected and transferred to storage, which takes up a lot of space. Since manure appears every day, it is necessary to build several compartments at once for ready manure, for fresh and, if necessary, for intermediate processing. Using microorganisms, this factor can be eliminated, getting on the litter, feces begin to be processed by bacteria on their own;
  2. Separate manure processing methods, for example, bedding, can be used instead of heating. In the process of decay, a temperature of the order of 45-55 degrees is released. This is quite enough for rooms in which there is no draft. This approach results in significant cost savings;
  3. The maintenance of animals does not require the construction of complex buildings, a prefabricated structure of arches and sheets of various wood and / or metal is sufficient;
  4. Artificial saturation of manure with bacteria helps to eliminate the stench in the room. Naturally, a long absence of cleaning causes a strong stench. In addition to discomfort, it also brings material loss, animals gain weight more slowly, may feel unwell, which leads to a lack of appetite. The peculiar smell is a consequence of the production of methane and ammonia. Thanks to active preparations, the excrement is quickly processed and the smell disappears. Timely ventilation is still necessary, since removing the smell is not an easy process. So the animals stay clean, the environment is fresh;
  5. Staff costs are reduced, as cleaning and barn cleaning is not necessary. Just one worker is able to care for hundreds of pigs;
  6. With the accumulation of waste products, there is a possibility of animal disease, which does not happen using bacteria. Also, the conditions of detention become similar to natural, which has a beneficial effect on the growth of the livestock and the increase in the weight of animals;
  7. The litter acts as a kind of buffer zone for protection against pests and rodents.

Beneficial bacteria and application for the processing of pig manure are sufficiently disclosed, thus the economic and energy efficiency of the preparations becomes obvious. Farms that switch to bacteria are more profitable (40-70% statistically than those using the standard rot method).

The composition of biological products for manure processing

Each manufacturer keeps the main components of their drug and the features of its production secret, but there are some general indicators. The composition of the core of most biological agents includes:

  1. Enzymes are elements of biological origin of active distribution. The main task of this component is to destroy organic matter in the fibers of the litter and manure. During decomposition, nitrogen and carbon are released.
  2. Yeast - allows you to dispose of animal feces and is one of the most important components. Thanks to the use of these elements, the sawdust contained in the litter is converted into biohumus.
  3. Lactic acid bacteria are organic elements, the so-called lactobacilli, which help convert lactic acid into a substrate. The mechanism is important for slowing down the development of pathogenic bacteria in manure.

Depending on the type of animals, the tasks set and the manufacturer, this list may vary significantly. The approximate meaning is the same, but there are some differences. It should be borne in mind that some drugs have a narrow focus and are not suitable for other types of animals.

Prices for bacteria for manure processing Biolatic

Manure Processing Bacteria Biolatic

The use of biological products for manure processing

Depending on the purpose and method of processing manure, various types of preparations are isolated. In some cases, a bioreactor is built for the processing of organic waste, in another, a bedding method is chosen, in some cases, biological heating is used.

The use of microbiological preparations increases the rate of formation of a complete fertilizer from raw materials, increasing its quality characteristics. The most popular manufacturers of bacteria are domestic and Chinese products.

The application differs somewhat depending on the form of distribution and type of use. Powdered or liquid products are often used for bedding. Well-known preparations are Biokhlev, Biolatic and Agrostar. The method of application is described on the packaging of the biological product itself, for example, for Biolatic one should:

  1. A 1 kg package must be dissolved in 50 liters of water.
  2. Divide the solution into 2 parts.
  3. Cover half of the layer of bedding in the room and spray the first half of the drug.
  4. For the development of bacteria, a little nutrient medium should be added - manure, bran can be used.
  5. The bedding material (its second part) is covered over everything and again wetted with the rest of the dose of the drug.

The top layer of bedding with excrement should be sprayed monthly with preparations. Number of used biological agent is approximately 10% of the original litter formation procedure.

For the rapid smoldering of manure in special storage facilities, bacteria are considered important helpers. They are added to the tank with litter, regardless of its consistency and type. The amount of the drug is purely individual and is calculated in relation to a ton of manure. An example of a quality drug is Agrobreeze, its consumption is 2 liters per 1 ton.

The litter has a lifespan of about 5 years, while there is a sufficient level of cleanliness in the barn and the elimination of odor. All this time, you should follow some simple recommendations for maintaining the microflora in the room. Then replace the pad.

Bacteria prices for Biolatic bedding

Bacteria for bedding Biolatic

For the successful use of biological preparations, too large preparatory measures are not required, the bacteria are quite independent. Some recommendations should still be highlighted, since they provoke a deterioration in the reproduction of bacteria or even their death:

  1. The walls in the barn should not freeze through. It is likely that in addition to bedding heating, it will be necessary to organize an additional source of heating. Actual with thin walls, severe frosts, a small number of livestock in a large room, etc. At temperatures below 40 degrees, additional heating is required.
  2. Humidity should be within normal limits, about 55-60%. Drought provokes a decrease in nutrients for bacteria and they slow down their reproduction, and sometimes die. A high percentage of moisture content adversely affects animals.
  3. The thickness of the layer should be sufficient to absorb excrement and depend on the type of livestock. The material should be gradually added, because it will be strongly trampled down and compacted.
  4. If disinfection is required, then the vulnerability of bacteria is taken into account, it is better to consult the manufacturer's support service.

By creating favorable conditions for the development of bacteria and the destruction of harmful substances in excrement, it is possible to achieve maximum efficiency of the nursery and increase its productivity. Subsequently, the resulting litter, when it is replaced, can be used as a fertilizer in agriculture. An alternative option is to heat the premises with manure.

Bacteria for manure heating

Biological preparations for the disposal of manure and litter can be used in various directions. You can simply pour the resulting manure with active bacteria and they will quickly prepare and decompose the excrement. Complete decomposition is an unprofitable use of resources, since if there is no need for manure, it can be used as heating or at least sold.

Usually manure for heating is used as hardened briquettes. It is necessary to place excrement in special containers, piles. Different types can be mixed with each other. Then add a biological product, an excellent way out would be to purchase "Vodogray clean shed". Add at the rate of 30 m3 of the mixture - 100 g of the drug. If litter is used, then the proportion changes somewhat, 100 g of the product per 50 m3 of litter.

Then, once a week, mixing should be done, breaking the consistency. The preparation time is 1 month. Next, the consistency should be separated from the water, you can dry, wring out or use a granulator. Thus, an absolutely safe, cheap and efficient natural fuel is obtained.

Since the manure is somewhat reduced in size due to an increase in density and separation of water, the output from 1 ton of fresh manure is about 0.5 tons. Each kilogram of dry product is capable of generating heat in the amount of 3.2 kW / h, that is, a ton fresh manure equates to 1600 kWh. Compared to biogas, this method is much more efficient, it is 25 times more efficient and profitable, and therefore more attractive.

It is possible to burn manure briquettes in conventional pyrolysis ovens, while achieving an energy efficiency of 90%. If you are puzzled by the design and add an air heat exchanger, then the efficiency will reach 95%. After working off the material, that is, burning, ash will remain, it is incredibly useful in agriculture, as it contains many useful minerals and trace elements.

Farms are able to switch to this type of heating quickly enough and reduce their dependence on the network, in remote areas this is extremely important, since any malfunction is eliminated slowly.

Video - Pig manure disposal

Final form of processing

How is manure processed and what products are produced? Thanks to the use of special microflora, various end products can be obtained. Each presented method allows you to extract significant benefits from such a seemingly useless type of raw material.

In the case of processing humus in special storage facilities, it can be used as a pure fertilizer. By converting fresh feces into manure, it turns out to increase the fertility of the land, sown crops bear more fruit, which is directly related to the economic component.

By using bacteria to form a bedding layer, it is possible to save a lot of money on the maintenance of people to clean up excrement and on the construction of special storage facilities for it. Also in animals there is a rapid increase in livestock and weight. In the future, the litter can be removed and also used to fertilize the soil.

Fuel manure is no less effective, as it has two conversion cycles at once. In addition to the ability to heat a room with it, which saves money on heat resources, ash still remains. In the future, the ashes are also scattered over the site and improve soil performance.


Manure utilization efficiency can be higher if special bacteria are used. Then there is an opportunity to expand the range of application of raw materials and improve its quality indicators many times over. Correct use manure helps to increase the productivity of the entire nursery by 40-70%. Given the low cost of biopreparations and the minimal investment in retooling, we should expect even more widespread use of this technology in the near future.

On large farms, manure accumulated in large quantities in livestock farms is used as organic fertilizer. However, pure manure masses are not used, their special processing is necessary.

Manure is the end product of the digestive process of animals and birds (in the latter case, the substance is called droppings). Farmers and gardeners resort to the introduction of horse, cow and other excrement into the soil to enrich the soil composition with useful elements. Horse waste is more valued for its properties, but is found in smaller volumes due to the reduction of horse farms and their inhabitants.

It is important to dispose and process manure into fertilizer. As a result of top dressing, the soil layer of the earth becomes loose and permeable to moisture and air, the temperature rises, and the acidity decreases. Seeds sprout better, an adult plant is characterized by abundant flowering and brings many high-quality, large fruits.

Manure contains phosphorus, nitrogen, molybdenum, calcium, potassium, copper, magnesium and other elements. They provide a favorable environment for healthy growth and development of plants, affect the quality of budding and fruiting processes.

Pathogenic bacteria also penetrate into the soil with beneficial bacteria. They must be removed before applying the processed manure to the soil.

The Benefits of Recycling

Fresh litter is not a complete fertilizer. In addition to useful micro and macro elements, it contains:

All this inhibits the growth and development of vegetation, harms the life and health of humans and animals.

Manure needs time to mature - from 3 months to a year. In order for plants to receive the necessary organic matter, bacteria must decompose manure masses to humus, accessible to garden and garden crops.

The benefits of recycling are:

  1. improving the quality and available useful properties of manure;
  2. destruction of pests: fungi, microorganisms and weeds;
  3. decrease in ammonia concentration;
  4. prevention of pollution of land and groundwater;
  5. increasing soil fertility.

Manure storage methods

There is various options manure storage:

  1. Dense (cold) - small piles are stacked in layers in storage. The manure is compacted, the formation of ammonia does not occur inside, the temperature does not fluctuate sharply, excess oxygen leaves.
  2. Loose and loose (biothermal and anaerobic). Both methods are based on maintaining high temperatures inside the heap. Manure is stacked in layers (loosely or compacted) in a specially organized place, covered with peat and straw. This contributes to the destruction of harmful seeds and organisms.

Thanks to the fermentation processes, subsequently (on average after half a year) a fertilizer rich in organic matter is obtained, which can be used to feed plants and improve soil structure and its properties.

Manure disposal

Manure is a valuable biomaterial. There are different ways to dispose of manure. The inclusion of manure masses in soils is possible after their maturation, which takes a long period of time. Recycling is the fastest way, mainly carried out in order to prevent environmental pollution and obtain a clean, natural fertilizer. For this, mechanical equipment (conveyors, pipes and pumps), the introduction of microorganisms into specially created conditions and other methods are used. Sometimes animal digestion products serve as a material for obtaining biofuels for farms.

Methods for processing manure into fertilizer

There are many options for processing animal manure into useful humus: infusion, various types of composting, obtaining granules, introducing microorganisms, and so on.


It consists in the repeated laying of manure layers (including organic waste, grass, straw). Bacteria are connected for the processing of pig manure or any other, contained in some components of the future humus. Layers of organic matter rot and decay for an average of 1 year, after which the compost can be used as a natural fertilizer.


A type of composting, in which the processing of cattle (cattle) manure occurs with the help of specially bred worms. Most often resort to this method on farms. Worms not only process raw manure to a state suitable for use as a fertilizer, but also continue to loosen the soil after top dressing, enriching it with oxygen and making it fertile, accessible for fluid and nutrients from outside.

Before introducing the worms, the manure is mixed with lime or bone meal to create the right acidity.

Bacteria application method

The end products of animal digestion can be processed by introduced bacteria. Conditions favorable for the development and reproduction of microorganisms are created and maintained. Subsequently, a fertile mass rich in useful substances is formed.


Technique by which granules with high concentration are obtained from manure organic compounds, micro and macro elements. They are easy to use, have low consumption and quickly dissolve in water.

Benefits of granules:

  • popular among gardeners and convenient form;
  • absence of dangerous organisms;
  • abundance of organic matter;
  • duration of storage;
  • water solubility.

What equipment is used in the production of pellets?

Before the formation of granules, manure must be rid of moisture. This procedure is carried out in specialized drying machines. This is expensive, but not energy-intensive equipment. Then the mass is driven through a grinding apparatus (particle size may vary). The final stage is the entry of the biomaterial into the granulator and the production of granules - a universal fertilizer suitable for any plant and soil type.

The use of biological products for manure processing

Preparations of biological origin, aimed at the accelerated conversion of raw manure into fertilizer, contain bacteria for the processing of manure from cattle and other farm animals.

When choosing microbiological preparations, it is important to consider which animal's manure needs to be processed, as well as the direction of the agents themselves, since not all act in the same way.

The most famous and used in agriculture: Agrostar, Biolatic and Biokhlev. Methods of application, conditions of storage and sale, spectrum of action are indicated on the packaging of the drug. Agrobreeze is also a valuable tool - specially created lactic acid and spore-forming bacteria, yeast fungi that delay the release of ammonia and decompose proteins, complex carbohydrates that make up manure.


  1. added to a container containing manure masses of cattle (cows, bulls, etc.) or pigs;
  2. used to treat and clean animal litter, eliminate odor;
  3. do not require preliminary preparation before use;
  4. have a fairly low price.

It is necessary to monitor the humidity in the room: it must be optimal (not high, but not low), because otherwise the bacteria stop multiplying and die.

To achieve maximum effect, you need to monitor the favorable environment. This contributes to the rapid and high-quality processing of manure, the destruction of harmful substances, and the improvement of the positive properties of animal digestive waste.

The composition of biological products for manure processing

The main components contained in preparations of biological origin include:

  1. Enzymes are protein molecules that speed up chemical reactions. They destroy unnecessary organic matter in the feces, under the influence of which carbon and nitrogen are formed.
  2. Yeast is a single-celled fungus, a valuable bioproduct enriched with vitamins, minerals, and proteins. They contain large amounts of iron. Yeast is actively involved in the utilization of pig manure and cattle feces, the formation of a fertile soil layer.
  3. Lactic acid bacteria. They are responsible for the formation of lactic acid and its transformation into a substrate, and also play a role in slowing down the formation of pest bacteria and the course of pathological processes.

Manure is a natural source of nutrients of animal origin, rich in organic matter. Special preparations increase efficiency when using manure masses on the farm. It is necessary to take into account the specifics of the processing and disposal of manure, as well as follow the rules for its use: this will help increase crop yields and soil fertility.

    Resistant thermophilic bacteria "Biolatic" (Biolatic) quickly cope with intensive cattle waste. Other composts (based on mesophilic bacteria) are more expensive, since microorganisms die in them already at high temperatures.

    Convenient delivery: the product is in powder form and resistant to negative temperatures.

    More profitable than other manufacturers of utilizers due to the high concentration of useful microelements: 20 billion bacteria per 1 gram of the product.

    Reduces the hazard class of cattle waste.

    Dry product.

    A free consultation on the use of the product is available throughout Russia.

More about the product

    The product contains a special complex of bacteria that accelerate the fermentation of cattle manure into high-quality compost. This saves the farm owner from paying environmental fines.

    The fertilizer contains all the necessary trace elements for plants and there are no pathogenic microorganisms.

    Type of product - powder crushed into dust with a slight smell of fermentation.

    Packaging - a tight vacuum bag, dosage - 1kg/pack and 200gr/pack.

    Expiration date - 18 months.

    Storage conditions - in a dry, dark place at a positive temperature and normal humidity.


    At the rate of 1 kg per 100 kg of filler: mix the drug in dry form with any kind of organic material (straw, sawdust).

    Or in 100 l warm water dilute 1 kg of the drug. To speed up fermentation, it is recommended to add 500 grams of sugar. Leave for 3-6 hours.


    Spread the manure in layers 20-25 cm high. Distribute the prepared solution between layers 15-20 cm thick. Up to 4-5 layers are acceptable.

    Or create a herd with a height of up to 1-1.5 m and a width of up to 2 m. Spill the prepared solution over the herd or scatter it in a dry form. Mix the resulting composition.

    Turn the manure every 3 days.

    At high humidity of manure (more than 60%), an organic filler is recommended. You can add bran, straw, sawdust, etc.

    In weather below +8, it is advisable to cover the manure with a film.

    During fermentation, the temperature of the waste rises to 70 degrees. To prevent bacteria from dying, it is recommended to stir the composition at a temperature above 60 degrees.

    For good ventilation, it is important to make holes in the compost.

    The best place for fermentation: a room with a roof and walls, with sufficient ventilation. If this is not possible, it is worth covering the manure from precipitation.