The description of Shrovetide is short for children.  Children about Shrovetide.  The role of the Maslenitsa doll in the holiday

The description of Shrovetide is short for children. Children about Shrovetide. The role of the Maslenitsa doll in the holiday

Anna Leontieva
Thematic conversation "A story for children about Maslenitsa"


Thematic conversation with presentation

for children senior and preparatory group of kindergarten

Target: To introduce preschoolers to Russian folk holidays through various activities


Educational - instill a love for folk art, contribute to the formation of children ideas about Russian culture;

Developing - expand knowledge children about customs and traditional calendar holidays;

Educational - to bring up love and respect for folk traditions, a culture of behavior at public events, to bring joy to children, pleasure from joint activities.

End of winter. The days are getting long and bright, the sky is blue and the sun is bright.

From ancient times Pancake week the most joyful pre-spring holiday. It is celebrated at the end of winter and celebrated for a whole week. Cheerful and riotous, it lasted a whole week: fairs, street games, performances of mummers, dances, songs.

Everyone has fun and rejoices that winter has passed and spring is coming. The celebration took place according to a strictly scheduled order.

So it starts Maslenitsa on Monday.

At first they made a big straw doll, dressed it brightly and put it on the highest and widest place so that you could have fun around it.

They set up swings, built snow slides and fortresses. Funny buffoons touted and amused the people with their jokes

Gather people, visit Maslenitsa is waiting!

Pancake Shrovetide, hearty, ancient, with a samovar, with a spark, sun, snow, breeze!

We invite those who love fun and laughter!

Games, fun and jokes are waiting for you!

We won't let you get bored for a minute!

With these words, buffoons barkers invited people to Maslenitsa festivities.

Not without reason among the people Maslenitsa was called wide. The main treat of the holiday is pancakes, an ancient pagan symbol of the return of the sun and warmth to people.

In all Shrovetide is baked pancakes, pancakes. From this came proverb: "Not life, but Pancake week". What is the most important thing in Shrovetide? Well, of course, pancakes! Without them there is no Shrovetide. Housewives baked pancakes every day from buckwheat or wheat flour. On the first day - pancakes, on the second - pancakes, on the third - pancakes, on the fourth - pancakes, on the fifth - pancakes, on the sixth - pancakes, on the seventh - royal pancakes. The pancakes were served with sour cream, jam, butter oil, honey, fish caviar, eggs.

These are the songs the girls sang, the boys took a straw effigy - Maslenitsa and walked or rode with him around the village or village.

The second day - Tuesday - was called "flirt"

On this day, games began to gather and fun: girlish swings were arranged, horseback riding, riding from a hill, snowy towns were erected.

The people betray carnival pleasures, sledding from the mountains, fist fun. Kids getting ready for Maslenitsa ice mountains pouring water on them, sentenced: "Are you my soul Pancake week, quail bones, your paper body, your sugary lips, your sweet speech! Come to visit me in a wide yard, ride in the mountains, roll in pancakes, amuse your heart. You are mine Pancake week, red beauty, blond braid, thirty brothers sister, you are my quail! Come visit me at the tesovy house, have fun with your soul, have fun with your mind, enjoy speech!" And then the children ran away from the mountains and shouted: "Arrived Pancake week". Sometimes the children sculpted a woman from the snow, which they called Maslenitsa, put on a sled and rolled down the mountain from words: "Hello wide Pancake week!".

Third day Maslenitsa - Wednesday-"Gourmet" ("sweet tooth")

On this day, they enjoyed pancakes and other pancake week. Pancakes were a symbol Shrovetide. Why? On the Maslenitsa ate satisfyingly, boldly, ad libitum. The round shape and golden color of pancakes were considered symbols of wealth.

Damn is not good alone.

Damn, not a wedge, the belly will not split!

How on oily week pancakes flew out of the chimney!

You, my pancakes, my pancakes!

Wide Pancake week we praise you

We ride on the mountains, we eat pancakes!

On the Buttered ritual pancakes were baked for a week - the personification of the sun; girls danced round dances, sang songs. The songs spoke of abundance oils, cheese, cottage cheese.

Boys and girls put on their best clothes.

Main member Shrovetide- big straw doll named Pancake week.

Thursday - wide, roam-four. That day was the most fun.

They organized horse races, fisticuffs and wrestling. They built a snowy town and took it by force. They rode horses around the village. They went down from the mountains on sledges and skis. The mummers amused the people. Everyone ate pancakes. They walked from morning to evening, danced, danced, sang ditties.

Friday - mother-in-law evening. On mother-in-law evenings, sons-in-law treated their mother-in-laws to pancakes. And the girls at noon took out pancakes in a bowl on their heads and went to the hill. The guy who liked the girl was in a hurry to taste the blink to to know: whether a good mistress will come out of her.

Saturday - sister-in-law gatherings. On this day, the newlyweds invited their relatives to visit and treated them with refreshments. There were talks about life and being, put up, if before that they were in a quarrel. They also remembered the deceased relatives, spoke good and kind words about them.

Sunday is a forgiveness day. These were wires Shrovetide. A bonfire made of straw was laid out in the field and a doll with songs was burned. The ashes were scattered across the fields in order to reap a rich harvest next year. On Forgiveness Sunday, they went to each other to put up and ask for forgiveness if they offended before. We talked: "Please forgive me". "God will forgive you," they answered. Then they kissed and did not remember the grievances. But even if there were no quarrels and insults, anyway spoke:"I'm sorry". Even when they met a stranger, they asked his forgiveness.

Pancake week, goodbye!

Come that year!

Pancake week, come back!

Show yourself in the new year!

Goodbye, Pancake week!

Farewell, red!

This is how it ended Pancake week.

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Do you know what Maslenitsa is?

Pancake week - a cheerful old holiday of seeing off winter and meeting spring, which is celebrated with pleasure by both children and adults. Maslenitsa is celebrated for a whole week, which is called Pancake Week. The most important treat this week is undoubtedly pancakes! You can't imagine Shrovetide without pancakes! Do you know why pancakes, and not pies, cheesecakes, cakes? Yes, because a round, ruddy and golden pancake is so similar to the sun, and there is no spring without the sun! And every day of this week has its own traditions.

Monday - "Meeting" (from that day they started baking pancakes)

Tuesday - "Zagrysh" Adults and children went from house to house, congratulated on Maslenitsa and asked for pancakes. Everyone went to visit, sang songs, had fun.

Wednesday - "Lakomka" On this day, it was customary to visit relatives with the whole family. For gourmet people ate in abundance various Shrovetide delicacies.

Thursday - "Razgulyay" There were most games in the roam. The mummers cheered the people as best they could. They walked from morning to night, danced, danced, sang ditties.

Friday - “Teschiny Vecherni” On this day of the week, sons-in-law treated their mother-in-laws with pancakes. At noon, the girls took out pancakes in a bowl and went to the hill. The guy who liked the girl was in a hurry to try her pancakes to find out if she would make a good hostess.

Saturday – “Sister-in-law gatherings” Young families invited their relatives to the gatherings. They talked about life, if anyone was in a quarrel, it was always customary to put up.

Sunday - "Forgiveness Day" On this day, Shrovetide was sent off. A large fire was laid out of straw and a Shrovetide doll was burned on it. On Forgiveness Sunday, people reconciled, asked for forgiveness from each other. It was customary to say: "Forgive me, please." To which they replied: "God will forgive you." Then they kissed and forgot the grievances forever.

This is such a fun holiday - Maslenitsa!

A selection of proverbs and sayings about Shrovetide.

Not life, but Maslenitsa.

Not all the cat Maslenitsa, there will be Great Lent.

Maslenitsa walks for seven days.

Maslenitsa obeduha, money tucked away.

This Maslenitsa is coming, damn it, honey is coming.

Without pancakes - not Maslenitsa.

Pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, like spring wheels.

We thought Shrove Tuesday was seven weeks, but it was only seven days.

Have fun on Maslenaya and treat yourself to a pancake.

Pancakes are relatives of the sun.

Shrovetide carols.

Here comes Carnival!

Madam-boyar Maslenitsa!

With cheese, butter, and pancake

And ruddy pie!

* * *

Hello, Shrovetide annual,

Our dear guest!

Come on black horses

On painted sledges,

To keep the servants young

Dear gifts were brought to us,

Both pancakes and rolls

To us in the window swords!

* * *

And we saw off Maslenitsa,

They sighed heavily for her;

Oh you, Maslenitsa, come back,

Cling to the white birch,

Stretch until the red summer.

And we rolled Maslenitsa,

Lost dear

They thought she would be - seven years old,

And she stayed for seven days.

Oh, Maslenitsa, come back!

Show yourself in the new year!

At the moment of the end of the cold winter and the awakening of nature from the winter cold, the Slavic peoples had an unusually colorful, rich in rituals and traditions, the most delicious holiday - Maslenitsa. From generation to generation, our ancestors passed on the wonderful traditions of this rollicking folk fun, combining them with the farewell to winter.

In addition to songs, round dances, mummers, skating and stuffed Maslenitsa, pancakes became the main attribute of the holiday. Their round shape symbolized the sun. In addition, pancakes were used in funeral rites, because, during this period, the Russians remembered, or rather, commemorated the spirits of their ancestors.

Picture. The history of the emergence and traditions of carnival.

There is no exact date for the start of Maslenitsa. The festivities start seven weeks before Easter. This usually falls at the end of winter, and sometimes at the beginning of spring. Noisy festivities associated with this noisy and tasty holiday continue throughout the week. It is these seven days that are called butter or cheese week.

Do you know the history of the emergence of such a bright celebration? The history and traditions of the holiday go back to pre-Christian times. Yes, Maslenitsa existed even before the advent of Christianity on our lands, during the time of paganism. It was celebrated on the spring equinox, when the day took the lead from the night and twilight receded.

Any element of the holiday in those distant times had its own meaning, from which traditions later developed. For example, to glorify the bright sun that brings warmth and life to people's homes, and also to demonstrate the irreversibility of the life cycle. As already mentioned, they also played an important role in commemorating the souls of the departed. In Slavic culture, dead ancestors were treated with special reverence and, according to tradition, the first pancake was given to the poor to commemorate their deceased relatives.

Picture. Carnival festivities.

Even our ancestors were characterized by the cult of purification by fire. Therefore, the burning of the hateful straw doll Morgana (Zimushka) was the main event at these festivities. The ancient pagans believed that in such a simple way they drive away the winter and bring the onset of heat closer. The discharged and decorated personification of winter was carried through the whole village, and then, with merry games and festivities, they were thrown into the fire, illuminating the earth. Less commonly, it could be immersed in an ice hole or crushed into pieces and scattered over the surface of the earth. For the people who lived at that time, nature was animated. Therefore, Maslenitsa was celebrated to appease the gods of the earth, for a better harvest.

Picture - History and traditions of Maslenitsa. Burning the effigy of winter.

A story about carnival for younger students

Children 9 - 12 years old about carnival

Maslenitsa - folk holiday

Egorova Galina Vasilievna
Position and place of work: homeschooling teacher, KGBOU "Motyginskaya boarding school", village Motygino, Krasnoyarsk Territory.
Material Description: This story is written in an accessible and understandable language for children of primary school age 9 - 12 years old. This material can be useful and interesting for teachers of primary and secondary levels. This story can be used on thematic class hours for children in grades 2-5, for reading in the family circle at your leisure. The story briefly provides information about the history of Maslenitsa.
Target: Formation of ideas about Maslenitsa through a story.
- educational: talk about the celebration of Maslenitsa;
- developing: develop attention, memory, imagination, speech, vocabulary, curiosity;
- educational: educate interest in the history of the holiday, in the world around.
Maslenitsa is approaching - one of our favorite holidays.

This is a noisy and cheerful folk festival with funny contests, nursery rhymes, songs and dances. The timing of Maslenitsa changes every year. And it depends on the date of the celebration of Easter. Maslenitsa is an ancient Slavic holiday that came to us from pagan culture. Maslenitsa is also called Cheese Week, Meat Week, as Maslenitsa is held just before Lent. During Maslenitsa, meat was completely excluded from food, but dairy products and any fish were still allowed to be consumed.
Maslenitsa is not only a fun holiday, but also the most satisfying. Maslenitsa goes on for a whole week. In the old days, people called her "kasatochka", "sugar lips", "honest Shrovetide", "merry", "quail", "byeduha", "yasochka".
Horseback riding remains a traditional part of the holiday to this day. Moreover, the best and most beautiful harness was put on the horse. One of the Maslenitsa customs is jumping over the fire and taking the snowy town.
The celebration of Maslenitsa meant that winter was about to end, that nature would soon wake up after a long winter sleep.
One of the symbols of Maslenitsa is a scarecrow made of straw. This effigy was dressed up in women's clothes, had fun near it, and then burned at the stake.
Pancakes are another symbol of the holiday. And who doesn't love them? Sweet, rosy and fluffy! The tradition of baking pancakes has been in Russia since the time of worship of pagan gods. It was the god of the sun Yarilo that people asked to drive away the winter, and the round ruddy pancake is very reminiscent of the summer sun.
Each housewife has always used her original recipe for making pancakes and passed it down from generation to generation through the female line. Pancakes were baked mainly from wheat, buckwheat, oat and corn flour. They could add pumpkin or apples to the dough. Nowadays, housewives try to stuff pancakes with different fillings (caviar, nuts, apples, various berries) and decorate them beautifully.
Historians write about such a case of the celebration of Maslenitsa under Peter I. It was back in 1722 after the conclusion of peace with Sweden. Peter I, in the presence of foreign ambassadors, opened the holiday with a beautiful spectacle. He himself put on his dress uniform and rode through the snowdrifts in a "ship" drawn by sixteen horses. Further on the sleigh moved other ships. Cannons fired with might and main. It was a beautiful and memorable sight for all those present.
On the last day of the Maslenitsa week, the farewell to Shrovetide took place. On these wires, there was traditionally the burning of an effigy of Maslenitsa, which means the end of winter.
So people with joy, enthusiasm, fun and good mood saw off the winter and met the arrival of spring.