Is it possible to remove teeth before the operation.  How to prepare for anesthesia and surgery.  What is oral hygiene

Is it possible to remove teeth before the operation. How to prepare for anesthesia and surgery. What is oral hygiene

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Any operation is stress for the body. Many are mistaken when they think that the success of the operation lies entirely on the shoulders of the doctor. This is a common misconception. A lot also depends on the actions of the patient himself, which he performed on the eve of the operation. What you need to know when a planned operation is ahead? Tell PoMedicine.

Surely, many people do not even suspect that proper preparation for surgery and subsequent compliance with the rules of the postoperative regimen are important for the health of the patient. If a person does not adhere to some rules that all patients preparing for surgery must strictly follow, the doctor may cancel. In addition, such a negligent attitude towards one's health can significantly change the work of an anesthesiologist for the worse, he can make a mistake and choose the wrong method of anesthesia for you and the drugs used. Therefore, in all medical institutions, doctors are strongly advised to adhere to strict rules for the preoperative and postoperative period.

Before joining the department

You'll see each other when you find out preparations start weeks or even months before you're admitted to the hospital wing. It all depends on the patient himself, because the doctor will not be able to constantly monitor the patient's lifestyle and make sure that he fulfills all his prescriptions. So, what is required from the patient before entering a medical institution:

I. General information

1. Before the operation, you must put the body on alert, that is, be as healthy as possible. Due to cough and SARS, the specialist may well undergo surgery if your condition seems unsatisfactory to him. But what about those who suffer from chronic ailments? Together with the doctor, achieve a stable remission by the date on which the operation is scheduled.

2. You should give up bad habits: smoking, alcohol, taking drugs. It is best to stop smoking cigarettes one and a half months before the operation. It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol on the day of surgery, because because of it, anesthesia does not work on a person for a long time. In addition, it negatively affects the work of many internal organs. And you need your heart, kidneys, liver to work at full capacity.

3. Try to lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right. Be sure to include vegetables, fruits, lean meats, dairy products in your diet (unless you have personal recommendations from a doctor). If a specialist said that you need to lose a couple of extra pounds before you lie down on the operating table, it is better to listen to him. Obesity leads to frequent complications. A patient who maintains his body in good shape endures the postoperative period much easier than one who does not monitor his weight. Of course, you should not get carried away with sweet, fast food, fatty and salty foods before the operation.

4. With loose teeth and weak crowns, it is also better not to go under the knife. The fact is that the anesthesiologist during the operation must ensure the patency of the airways. It sounds paradoxical, but your tooth can simply be lost. It will be worse if you swallow it.

5. Prepare all the medicines you are taking in advance. Doctors cannot know about every pill that makes you feel better. Be sure to tell your doctor about all the medicines you are taking. If you resort to alternative medicine (propolis tinctures, various decoctions and ointments), the doctor should also be aware of this.

II. Personal items

1. All jewelry (earrings, bracelets, rings, etc.) should be left at home. There is no need for them to be worn during the operation. They can interfere with specialists during work and even injure your skin.

2. You should take care of what to take with you to the hospital. First, don't forget your toiletries (soap, towel, toilet paper, shampoo, washcloth, etc.). Shaving accessories are also worth taking with you. If you are in a paid clinic, you may not need them, but in ordinary city hospitals it is better to bring everything with you, including dishes. Be sure to grab 1-2 mugs, a cup, a spoon, a fork, a knife, a boiler or a small teapot, tea leaves. Do not forget about scissors and a thread with a needle. It is better to take comfortable clothes made from natural materials. Please note that it can get dirty or torn, so it is better to grab already worn clothes.

3. Before the operation, you will have enough free time. To calm down and distract yourself, take a few books, magazines, board games (chess, checkers, dominoes) to the hospital. Don't forget your phone or tablet. Take care of chargers. If your child is going to have the operation, let him take his favorite toys to the department.

Before anesthesia

I. Hygiene and appearance

1. If you have not had any prescriptions from a doctor, be sure to take a shower with soap and water the evening before the morning operation (or the day before the evening one). Water procedures will help cleanse your skin of impurities invisible to the eye, which will reduce the risk of infection.

2. Don't forget to brush your teeth in the morning and evening.

3. Before the operation, your skin must be cleansed of foundations, powders and make-up. It is not allowed to lie down on the operating table with a manicure, because the varnish can interfere with a special device to read data about the patient's breathing.

4. Piercings, earrings, lenses, hearing aid should also be left in the room.

5. If the operation will be performed on the part of the body where there is hair, it should be carefully shaved before the operation. Your doctor should tell you about this. If no recommendations have been received from him, do not use a razor. You can make microscopic cuts that can easily become infected.

II. Food and medicine

1. All medications you take must be approved by your doctor and anesthetist. This is a very important question, because even Viagra can provoke a critical drop in blood pressure and a sharp deterioration in the patient's condition during the course of the operation.

2. If you have been allowed to take any medication a few hours before surgery, it is best not to drink liquids.

3. In the morning before your operation, you are not allowed to eat or drink any liquids, including drinking water. It is extremely important that your stomach is empty during the operation, otherwise your life will be in real danger.

III. The psychological side of things

1. Excitement and fear of an operation, even if it is planned in advance, is a normal reaction of a person, which should not be embarrassed. In order not to worry and feel comfortable, try to collect as much competent information as possible about how such operations take place. Read a book, listen to your favorite music. If you are haunted by a persistent feeling of fear, talk with the doctor who will perform the operation.

After operation

After a successful operation, the patient has yet to recover from anesthesia. Gradually, the sensitivity of the muscles will return to him, he will regain consciousness. To remove drugs, the body will need time and concentration of forces. Doctors say that patients get out of anesthesia in 4-5 hours. After another 10-15 hours they spend half asleep. This reaction is completely normal and should not bother you or your loved ones.

What you need to know

  • after anesthesia, you need to spend at least a day in a calm environment: you cannot run, jump, play active games, engage with children, etc .;
  • it is forbidden to handle any devices that can harm your health (chainsaw, lawn mower, etc.);
  • after anesthesia, you can’t drive, because your reaction rate will be noticeably slower, you can fall asleep while sitting in the driver’s seat;
  • do not take any medications other than those prescribed by your doctor;
  • alcohol (including beer, cider, cocktails, etc.) should be excluded at least for a few days, let the body recover and take a break from the stress experienced;
  • if you have been discharged from the hospital after anesthesia (minor surgery), ask a friend or relative to monitor your condition during the day and tell the doctor if you feel worse;
  • limit yourself in food and food for the first 3-4 days, your diet should be broths, cereals on the water, yogurts, mousses, toast bread.

For the operation to be successful, do not forget that you must be directly involved in its preparation. Compliance with the prescriptions of doctors will help to avoid possible risks and complications.

Before some surgical operations, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a dentist. This significantly reduces the risk of postoperative complications, and in some cases even avoids surgical intervention, says dentist Leonid Mosevnin.

- Before which operations do you need to visit the dentist's office?

Of course, we are talking only about planned operations. If surgery is required urgently, then it remains to be hoped that the patient has properly looked after his teeth. A dental examination is essential if you are having ophthalmic, cosmetic, or ENT surgery. After all, the oral cavity is connected by the general blood flow with the face and neck area. Preparation for any gastroenterological operation should also include a visit to the dentist, since all the products of inflammatory, purulent processes in the mouth directly enter the gastrointestinal tract. Timely elimination of dental problems during pregnancy, and especially before childbirth, is very important. This will help to avoid unpleasant surprises from the digestive system, which often haunt pregnant women and young mothers.

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- What treatment does the dentist usually prescribe for a patient undergoing surgery?

The dentist conducts a sanitation of the oral cavity, that is, “cleanses” the teeth, periodontal tissues, gums from all foci of infections. A woman before the operation should not have any caries, no stones, no periodontitis. Therefore, treatment depends on the condition of the patient's oral cavity. If a woman regularly visits the dentist, then most likely she will only need to remove plaque. If she has not been to the doctor for a long time, the treatment may be delayed. However, if the patient has a lot of dental problems and all of them cannot be solved before the operation, some procedures can be postponed “for later”. Without fail, before surgery, cysts, cystogranulomas are removed, deep caries and periodontal disease in the acute stage are healed. If these ailments are not eliminated, even a brilliantly performed operation can be complicated, for example, by suppuration and divergence of sutures. If the doctor who scheduled the planned operation did not refer you to a dentist, visit the dentist yourself - if you care about your health, of course.

- Usually, women try not to go to the dentist during pregnancy - treating teeth without anesthesia is scary, and with anesthesia - it is dangerous for the health of the baby.

To endure discomfort during dental treatment, especially if you are pregnant, is not worth it. After all, the body responds to pain by producing substances that are not useful for you or your child. Women's fears about painkillers are not groundless - after all, all drugs that enter the bloodstream of a pregnant woman, overcoming the placental barrier, penetrate the child's body. However, the doctors of our clinic have at their disposal an anesthetic that is safe for the fetus. So there is no reason for a pregnant woman to avoid visiting the dentist today. Usually in late pregnancy, women experience swelling, bleeding gums. This disease is called periodontal disease in pregnancy. For its treatment in our clinic, methods that are harmless to the baby are specially selected - medicinal applications and dressings. When applied, the medicinal substance is applied to the gum, and when bandaged, it is injected between the inflamed gum and the tooth. To speed up the treatment, a woman should rinse her mouth with a decoction of oak bark 3-4 times a day. You can also use a gum rinse bought at a pharmacy. If you have light-curing fillings on your teeth, then drugs containing chlorhexidine are not for you. This substance will whiten the fillings, and they will be visible on the teeth.

- In what cases, after a visit to the dentist, the need for surgery may disappear?

This is possible if the cause of the disease is an infection in the oral cavity. For example, a chronic focus of inflammation, located on the teeth of the upper jaw, can provoke the development of sinusitis - after all, these teeth, with the tops of their roots, border on the maxillary sinuses. If you turn to the dentist in time, there is a chance to avoid opening the maxillary cavity, in other words, a puncture. In addition, the intervention of a dentist is sometimes even able to rejuvenate the face, delay cosmetic surgery for a while. The fact is that over time, the teeth grind down somewhat, becoming shorter. Our clinic can offer restoration of anterior teeth with a slight elongation of up to 1 mm. On the 6 front teeth - from canine to canine - veneers are attached. These are thin plates that are placed on each tooth “from the side of a smile”. Many women are worried about wrinkles above the upper lip - with the help of veneers, this problem can also be solved. Due to the plates, the volume of the teeth increases, and wrinkles disappear.

In the general attractiveness of a person, a snow-white smile plays an important role. However, not everyone has this advantage. In many cases, without the help of dentists, this cannot be achieved.

Often this requires a significant investment of not only time and labor, but also patience and understanding from the patient himself, because it is impossible to learn snow-white and perfect teeth in one visit to the dental clinic.

Even if by nature a person has a beautiful color of teeth and their shape, it is necessary to preserve this wealth. Not to mention those who have problems with their teeth.

In both options, a periodically conducted complex of dental measures, called oral sanitation, is required.

Description of the procedure

latin the word "sanatio" is translated as healing or treatment, which is consistent with the name of these dental measures, which involve a complete recovery of the oral cavity and all the tissues in it.

These measures are called therapeutic and prophylactic, as they also imply the prevention of possible diseases, and not just the elimination of existing problems.

What does it include?

The complex provides the work of several dentists. First of all, this is a therapist and hygienist, however, depending on the situation, it is possible to involve doctors and other specializations.

So, reorganization includes such measures:

  • treatment of the most common disease - caries;
  • elimination of possible complications of this disease - periodontitis,;
  • restoration of the normal state of hard tissues of teeth that have been damaged, for example, with the help of fillings;
  • orthodontic treatment - correcting the incorrect position of the teeth relative to the jaw and each other;
  • orthopedic measures - prosthetics;
  • removal of any deposits from the surface of the teeth, such as calculus, plaque;
  • identification and prevention of the development of possible foci of infection;
  • removal of teeth that are not subject to restoration and preservation.

In addition to all of the above, there are various additional procedures that the oral cavity needs in specific cases. This is implied by the definition of sanitation as a complete recovery.


Despite the similarity, the set of procedures still differs depending on the specific type of sanitation. This means that the number of measures taken directly depends on the situation and the condition of the oral cavity.

The division into types is based on the frequency of the implementation, as well as on the need.

  1. Individual. It is most popular among conscious patients who understand the importance of self-control over the state of the oral cavity. It assumes the patient's own initiative and his appeal to the dental clinic. In each case, the doctor takes the necessary measures, according to the plan drawn up after the examination.
  2. Planned. This type covers almost all children of school age and those who attend kindergartens. In addition, it is prescribed for employees of certain organizations and enterprises, where it is a condition for admission to work.
  3. periodic. Those patients who are included in the medical examination plan participate in the conduct.

Main steps

Sanitation always involves several stages. Depending on the type, their number may vary. Here is an approximate general step-by-step plan, which includes eight stages.

When do you need a certificate from a dentist about its passage?

There is a list of indications for the mandatory implementation of this procedure.

  • The course of pregnancy and management by a gynecologist.
  • Preparing the patient for the upcoming birth.
  • Almost any surgical intervention and the patient's upcoming operation.
  • Production related to the category of harmful.
  • Official employment.
  • Admission of the child to an educational institution - a school or a kindergarten.

When women are registered for pregnancy in their clinic, a certificate of sanitation will be required by the local gynecologist. Also, this specialist will need a certificate when applying for a sick leave related to the birth of a child.

Children going to kindergarten or school should also be examined by a dentist. A health certificate is one of the documents required for admission.

The doctor may insist on further treatment if the examination revealed insufficiently good condition of the tissues of the oral cavity and teeth.

Also, a similar document will be required for people before a surgical operation. The fact is that the poor condition of the oral cavity, the possible presence of foci of infection and inflammation can greatly impair recovery after surgery, as well as cause complications during it.

Another category of people who need to get a certificate from a dentist about sanitation are those who require a medical book. To obtain or extend the validity period, it is necessary to undergo a routine examination and treatment by many specialists. Including the dentist.

During pregnancy

Pregnancy is a difficult period in the life of any woman. At this time, the course of many processes occurring in the body changes. In many cases, this has a rather negative effect on the condition of not only the teeth, but also the soft tissues of the gums and the entire oral cavity.

Violation of the acid-base balance contributes to the rapid development of caries and widespread infection. This happens because favorable conditions are created in order to activate the vital activity of microorganisms that cause this disease.

A change in the balance of hormones leads to the development of an inflammatory disease of the periodontal tissues - gingivitis. In the absence of appropriate measures, by the end of the child's gestation period, it can lead to periodontitis.

In addition, the presence of dental diseases of an infectious plan or any other can affect not only the well-being of the patient herself, but also harm the developing child.

Now a woman may not be afraid of the harmful effects of dental procedures on a child. For example, a radiovisiograph, with which pictures are taken, affects locally, only a few square centimeters.

In addition, irradiation is ten times less in power than that of standard X-ray machines.

In children

This procedure is routinely carried out not only in schools and preschool educational institutions - it covers all childcare facilities. This includes, in addition to those listed, also sanatoriums, boarding schools, recreation camps.

Children's teeth are more susceptible to caries and other diseases for a variety of reasons. Therefore, sanitation is prescribed to them regularly, and its frequency depends on the extent of the disease and the treatment prognosis.

The first (lowest) degree of caries requires a second visit to the dentist for sanitation in a year, the second - a little more than six months, and the third - only 3-3.5 months.

In addition, the rules imply that the ongoing treatment of almost any profile for a child also requires dental sanitation, which increases the effectiveness of medical procedures and enables the baby to have strong healthy teeth in the future.

Improving the oral cavity is of great importance for the normal development and health of the child's body as a whole.

Is it possible at home?

A person who takes care of his own health must follow the instructions of the dentist and carefully carry out a full range of hygiene procedures. This, unfortunately, is the maximum that is possible for home use.

Of course, oral hygiene is very important for dental health and the prevention of any dental disease. It is she who is in the first place among the preventive preventive measures.

At home, a full-fledged sanitation of the oral cavity is impossible due to the lack of the necessary equipment, and also because of the complexity of the study. After all, only an external examination of the condition of the teeth, gums and mucous membranes is available to the patient at home.


The cost of sanitation is affected, first of all, by the number of procedures that must be carried out according to the drawn up treatment plan. And this, in turn, is due to the state of the oral cavity, the presence of diseases and their severity.

The full cost can be determined unambiguously only after an examination and all necessary studies, as well as a treatment plan. So, how much do the individual stages of rehabilitation cost:

  • x-rays - from 300 rubles;
  • caries treatment - from 1500 rubles;
  • professional cleaning - from 2 thousand rubles;
  • treatment of pulpitis - from 1 thousand;
  • treatment of periodontitis - from 1.2 thousand;

This should also include the cost of enamel whitening, the work of various specialists and other types of treatment that the patient may require.

You will be told about the need for regular visits to the dental office for sanitation and a set of hygiene procedures in the following video:

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Everyone knows that in order to achieve a beautiful and bewitching smile, you need to observe daily oral hygiene and devote at least 10 minutes a day to this. If this procedure is not taken seriously, then after a certain time serious diseases appear.

Having beautiful teeth is half the battle, it is necessary that they are also healthy. To date, dentistry has advanced far and doctors with the help of modern technologies and equipment can make a real miracle. Dreams of a flawless and healthy smile can actually become a reality.

To achieve this dream, you need to fulfill complex of dental measures, which is called sanitation of the oral cavity. What does the term rehabilitation mean? Sanitation is a preventive procedure that is primarily aimed at improving the oral cavity, but also getting rid of the source of inflammation in order to prevent dental diseases. Even in translation, this word means healing and healing. Sometimes during sanitation, the dentist can detect the following diseases:

  • periodontitis;
  • gingivitis;
  • stomatitis.

A set of measures for rehabilitation and its types

To begin with, you need to know what set of procedures the dentist does during the sanitation of the oral cavity:

There are three types of sanitization:

  • periodic, it occurs during the annual medical examination;
  • planned;
  • individual.

Planned rehabilitation is usually carried out in kindergartens, educational institutions, sanatoriums, camps, boarding schools, and it should also be done during pregnancy. In addition, planned sanitation should be done by people who suffer from dental diseases.

Periodic sanitization takes place in conscripts, disabled people and pregnant women. If an infection has appeared in the mouth, then it can become a source of infection for many organs in the human body. Therefore, it is imperative to carry out sanitation of the oral cavity before surgery, which reduces the risk of developing various complications, including purulent inflammation. Dentists are confident that if the focus of inflammation is identified in a timely manner and then cured, this will lead to a quick recovery.

There are several diseases in which the sanitation of the oral cavity is performed 2 times per year:

  • allergy;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • diabetes;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • diseases of the ENT organs.

When carrying out sanitation, it is necessary to determine all its stages. Below is an example step by step plan:

Also, the patient receives recommendations from the dentist about proper brushing of teeth, the best paste and toothbrush. Most people want sanitization only took one visit, but this is impossible. In most cases, all dental work cannot be completed in one day, especially if it is required before the operation.

Sanitation procedure

To begin with, the doctor completely examines the patient's oral cavity, and then opens a card in which he indicates all the stages of treatment. If the dentist detects serious diseases or the patient needs surgery, then a picture will definitely be required. Not all patients need to treat their teeth, in this case the doctor simply prescribes a number of hygiene procedures:

  • teeth are cleaned of various deposits;
  • the spaces between the teeth are cleaned;
  • cleaning gum pockets.

After completion of all manipulations, the specialist, at the request of the patient, can issue a certificate of sanitation. Usually such a statement required for employment, for issuing a sick leave, when a child is admitted to a kindergarten or school, or before an operation.

Be sure to carry out sanitation of the oral cavity during pregnancy. During pregnancy, a woman's body is rebuilt due to changes in hormonal levels, and this can provoke inflammation of the gums. There are also changes in the acid-base balance of saliva. Thus, a woman quickly loses calcium, and her teeth may become thinner.

If for some reason sanitation was not performed during pregnancy, then pathogenic infection can enter the body affecting the fetus and breast milk. For this reason, many children at an early age develop caries on milk teeth.

According to the results of the study, every second pregnant woman suffers from gum bleeding and inflammation. If this problem is not solved, then gingivitis turns into a more dangerous disease, for example, periodontitis, and it is not so easy to cure it. For these reasons, during pregnancy, it is mandatory to undergo a sanitation of the oral cavity. At the same time, it should be taken into account that all sanitation measures are best performed in the second trimester.

The whole complex of measures is carried out without harm to the health of the fetus. If you suddenly need to remove a pregnant woman's tooth, now there are special painkillers for pregnant women, which does not affect the child.

Sanitation in children

In a planned manner, this procedure covers practically all children's institutions. Everyone knows that milk teeth are much more susceptible to caries and other diseases for many reasons. Therefore, the rehabilitation of the oral cavity of the child should be constantly. If during the first sanitation, the dentist found caries in a child, then a second procedure should take place in a year, but after that, sanitation should be carried out 2-3 times a year.

This can positively affect the condition of children's teeth, when milk teeth are replaced by permanent ones, and then the child will have only strong and healthy teeth in the future. And the improvement of the child's oral cavity plays an important role in the normal development of the child's body as a whole.

Those people who monitor their health will be without fail follow all the instructions of the dentist and carry out a set of hygiene procedures. It is these measures that can be carried out at home, but no more. Oral hygiene is important for dental health, but in addition, it is the prevention of dental diseases.

It should be remembered that at home it is impossible to perform a full sanitation of the mouth. After all, there is no special equipment for this at home, and this study is distinguished by its complexity.


If you regularly sanitize the oral cavity, you can avoid many dental infections and diseases, the teeth will remain intact and there will be no need for their removal or prosthetics. This will save money and time. This the procedure is safe and she should devote her time at least once a year. Without an examination by a dentist, people are unable to find out what is happening in the mouth. Therefore, you should not save on the health of your teeth and the whole body as a whole.

Very often, people are faced with the fact that they are prescribed sanitation of the oral cavity. What is it, what are the indications and stages of its implementation? We'll go into more detail below. After all, it is always better to know what you have to go through in the office of a dentist or any other doctor.

Such a procedure can be prescribed to both a child and an adult at different periods of life. Depending on how we monitor, keep our teeth clean and healthy, completely different manipulations will be carried out.

What is the procedure?

The word "sanatio" is translated from Latin as "recovery, treatment." Therefore, sanitation means a whole range of procedures aimed at ensuring the health of the oral cavity. This includes:

  • treatment of caries and other dental diseases;
  • elimination of inflammatory processes;
  • restoration of the structure of hard tissues, filling;
  • correction of bite and position of uneven teeth;
  • installation of prostheses, if necessary;
  • removal of plaque, tartar,;
  • extraction of those units that cannot be cured;
  • preventing future disease and tissue infection.

Of course, everything will directly depend on the condition of the teeth and in the mouth of a particular patient.

Does it hurt to do a rehab? If you only get the plaque cleaned and then no. In cases of serious treatment, pain is quite acceptable, but they will bring relief after the procedure.

Indications for carrying out

In order to keep hard tissues in a healthy state, it is advisable to visit the dentist every six months and carry out sanitation, that is, an examination of the oral cavity and timely treatment of problems that have begun. This is what conscious people who monitor their health do.

In other cases, it may be necessary to undergo sanitation without fail:

  • when planning a pregnancy, registering in a antenatal clinic;
  • before childbirth;
  • when a child enters a children's institution - a kindergarten, a school;
  • before installing braces;
  • before the operation;
  • with prolonged hospitalizations;
  • before traveling abroad;
  • official employment;
  • work in hazardous industries;
  • in the general plan of regular annual medical examination of employees;
  • when installing a prosthesis or implantation, etc.

It is worth noting that there are no contraindications to sanitation. On the contrary, some chronic diseases require more frequent use.

For example, for allergies, asthma, tonsillitis, diabetes mellitus, various problems of the cardiovascular system, doctors recommend undergoing a sanitation procedure up to four times a year. Since in such cases, the teeth are more susceptible to infection and destruction due to reduced immunity.


To get a dentist's opinion on such a manipulation, you should visit any dental clinic and undergo a series of procedures. Depending on the condition of your teeth and soft tissues, the number of steps will vary, but, in general, the sanitation of the oral cavity is as follows:

  1. Examination by a dentist, making diagnostic assumptions and prescribing some additional procedures.
  2. An x-ray of the jaw is taken, covering not only problem areas, but the entire functional apparatus.
  3. Perform professional cleaning to remove plaque and tartar.
  4. In the presence of diseases of hard or soft tissues, the doctor draws up a treatment plan. Sometimes other specialists are involved for this - surgeons, periodontists, etc.
  5. The recovery stage itself will strictly depend on what is found and what problems should be eliminated.
  6. To strengthen the enamel and saturate it with additional minerals, the doctor can cover hard tissues with a special gel polish containing an increased amount of fluorine and calcium.
  7. If some diseases have become chronic and require periodic monitoring or therapeutic intervention, then the patient is registered in the clinical examination clinic.
  8. A doctor's conclusion is given, written according to a general model, where all the manipulations performed can be indicated.
  9. Sometimes the dentist also makes an additional schedule of visits and observations in the clinic for long-term treatment.

With all variations, brushing your teeth with the help of professional products is a universal and mandatory procedure. But the treatment can be very different depending on the specific problems of the patient - tooth extraction, filling, implantation, prosthetics, bite alignment, treatment of inflamed gums, etc.

Sanitation of the oral cavity during pregnancy

It is advisable to consult a dentist and the necessary treatment of teeth or gums even before the start of pregnancy. In any case, when registering at the antenatal clinic, the doctor will definitely require a certificate of sanitation. Where to get one? In any dentist's office - in a public institution or a private clinic.

The features of the state of a pregnant woman are the processes taking place at this time in her body. These are hormonal changes, and the active growth of the fetus and various related problems. Particularly acute is the lack of minerals such as phosphorus and calcium, as well as some vitamins, which leads to popular dental problems among pregnant women:

To prevent this, you should contact the dentist in time at the first discomfort and visit him additionally at the beginning and at the end of the gestation period. Having carried out a general cleaning of surfaces and treatment with mineral gels, you can guarantee the healthy condition of the teeth and gums during this difficult period.

It is undesirable to ignore such problems, since they will not only worsen the well-being of the expectant mother, but can also significantly affect the overall development of the fetus and the health of the child immediately after birth. After all, an infection that spreads rapidly in the oral cavity easily enters the female body, and there it negatively affects the fetus.

It is believed that all dental procedures should be carried out in the second trimester. But in each case, the doctor will decide whether it is necessary to wait for this period or whether treatment can be started immediately. It is worth noting that today most manipulations are safe for pregnant women and such manipulations will not affect the child in any negative way.

Even the need to take an x-ray can now be carried out in such a delicate position. For this, some rooms are equipped with a special radiovisiograph. It affects locally in a volume of several centimeters, without harming the body as a whole. Also, modern medicines and local anesthesia do not cross the placenta and are completely safe for the fetus.

In children

As soon as the baby has the first milk teeth, you should periodically show it to the dentist. It is very important to keep them clean, since the health of permanent units that will appear after them directly depends on this.

When entering an official institution, for example, a kindergarten, the child must be shown to a specialist. He will identify the first possible problems and give recommendations on hygiene procedures or prescribe some affordable treatment. In doing so, they can do the following:

  • detect the onset of carious processes;
  • to carry out filling of the affected teeth;
  • if necessary, fluoride or silver individual units;
  • if a violation of the bite is detected, then orthodontic treatment and the installation of braces are prescribed.

Every year in kindergartens and schools, children undergo regular examination of the oral cavity in the dentist's office in order to timely detect problems that have begun. After all, children's enamel is too fragile and thin, quickly amenable to destruction. In addition, children are known for their reluctance to follow the rules of dental hygiene, which also exacerbates the problem.

It is important that parents teach their child to visit the dentist's office on time and. Only by establishing a positive contact is it possible to ensure that the child trusts the specialist, allows all manipulations to be carried out and does not resist treatment. Pediatric dentistry is considered more complex precisely because of the problems in establishing such a trusting relationship between doctor and patient.

When do I need a certificate of oral sanitation?

If you make such an examination regularly for the sake of maintaining the health of your teeth and gums, then a certificate as such is not needed. In cases where you were sent to the dentist for sanitation from a clinic, antenatal clinic, or required in some other official institutions, then you should take the appropriate certificate from the dentist or he will make an entry in the general medical record.

This is usually needed:

  • upon admission to kindergarten;
  • school;
  • at work;
  • when crossing the border;
  • for trips to children's camps or other health facilities;
  • during general therapeutic treatment or medical examination;
  • for military service.

How much does such a procedure cost? Depending on the clinic you contacted and the specific measures taken, the amount may be very different. After all, if you only cleaned from plaque and stone, then you get one amount, and when filling several teeth or prosthetics, the cost of all manipulations will turn out to be completely different.

Video: sanitation of the oral cavity with a Biolase Epic diode laser.

Can the procedure be done at home?

Since people do not really like to visit the dentist's office, a similar question often arises - is it possible to do the sanitation on your own? We must say right away that it is impossible to carry out the entire complex of required procedures at home. After all, this requires both equipment and the help of a specialist. You cannot even diagnose the condition of your teeth and gums yourself.

All that is available for maintaining oral health at home is regular cleaning and surface treatment, following general recommendations, rinsing after meals, and using quality devices for this.

Only a doctor can fully examine all the teeth, clean hard-to-reach places, make a diagnosis, make fillings, etc. Especially if you need to install prostheses, braces or full-fledged periodontal treatment, tooth extraction, pulp and other complex manipulations.