Can another therapist close the hospital.  The procedure for closing a sheet of temporary disability.  What does a closed sheet look like?

Can another therapist close the hospital. The procedure for closing a sheet of temporary disability. What does a closed sheet look like?

The federal legislation in force on the territory of Russia determines the procedure for issuing and issuing temporary disability benefits. The main document on the basis of which the calculation of social benefits is carried out is the sick leave.

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The legislation of the Russian Federation imposes very serious requirements on the execution and procedure for issuing sheets of temporary disability, failure to comply with which may cause the FSS to refuse to pay benefits to the employee.

Sick leave certificates are strict reporting documents that have individual serial numbers and the use of which is subject to appropriate registration.

Sheets of temporary disability are issued in the following cases:

  • during pregnancy and childbirth;
  • when workers are ill;
  • in need of care for sick children or disabled dependents.

The sick leave is a financial document required for an individual to receive benefits paid by the Social Insurance Fund.

The federal legislation of the Russian Federation describes in detail how the sick leave is closed, and how all benefit calculations are carried out on it.

The amount of material compensation under the temporary disability sheet directly depends on the work experience of a Russian citizen.

100% payment will be made if the employee has a work experience of more than 8 years.

Where to close?

The opening of sick leave can be carried out either at the place of residence of the patient, or at the place of his temporary stay.

Closing the sheet of temporary disability should be carried out by the medical institution in which the patient completed the course of treatment.

In the hospital

If an employee of a state or commercial enterprise was treated in a hospital, his sick leave can be closed in the same medical institution.

Sometimes patients are discharged from the hospital for further treatment at home. In this case, the disability certificate will be closed by the district doctor of the clinic located at the place of residence of the patient.

In the clinic

If an employee went to the clinic about health problems and a sick leave was opened for him, then its closure should be carried out by the same narrowly specialized specialist.

A temporary disability sheet is issued for 15 days, and to extend it (from 10 to 30 days), it is necessary to convene a commission of the medical institution in which the patient is being treated.

This is stated in the Procedure for issuing sick leave certificates, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of June 29, 2011 No. 624n.

How to do it?

To close the sick leave, the patient needs to contact his attending physician, regardless of the medical institution in which the temporary disability sheet was opened.

To complete this document, a specialist may need the following documents and data:

  • patient passport;
  • identification tax number;
  • address data;
  • information about the employer (the full and correct name of the state or commercial enterprise, since any errors in the name can lead to the FSS refusing to pay benefits), etc.

After filling out the sick leave, the attending physician performs its registration in a special journal designed to account for strict reporting forms.

A closed sheet of temporary disability is signed by a doctor and certified by the following seals:

  • doctor (personal);
  • triangular;
  • stamp.

The procedure for discharge and closure, as well as the issuance of sick leave, is regulated by the following legislative acts:

  • By order of Min. Health and Social development No. 347n (the form of sick leave sheets and the procedure for their registration are regulated);
  • Min. Health and Social Development No. 624n (the procedure for issuing sick leave is regulated).

Read the text of these documents:


The legislation in force on the territory of the Russian Federation regulates the rules for filling out sheets of temporary disability.

Doctors should take into account some points when drawing up such forms of strict reporting.

Name Base Peculiarities
How is the disability sheet closed if the employee had an infectious disease Closing sick leave
sheet occurs only after a comprehensive laboratory examination of the patient
Additional studies are needed so that the doctor can be sure that the employee will not be a carrier of the infection.
How can an employee receive a disability certificate for calculating benefits while on long-term sick leave The doctor writes out a sick leave to the patient with a note that he will subsequently be issued another disability certificate The following seals must be on the sick leave: stamp, triangular and the seal of the attending physician
If the patient works part-time at several enterprises, how should he be issued a sick leave The doctor must write out several certificates of incapacity for work to the employee. On each issued form, you must close the sick leave In the column intended for data on work, the doctor must indicate either the main place of employment, or the employer with whom the patient cooperates part-time. Each closed sheet must contain all the necessary signatures and seals.

Is it possible to close ahead of schedule or voluntarily?

The specialist of the medical institution in which the employee is being treated may close the sick leave ahead of time at the urgent request of the patient.

There are some types of diseases in which the closure of the sick leave is possible only after a comprehensive examination. If there are no grounds for conducting additional studies, then the temporary disability certificate will be closed on the day the patient applies.

Can this be done on a weekend or retroactively?

The federal legislation of the Russian Federation defines the category of Russian citizens who can be issued a sick leave retroactively:

  • pregnant women;
  • workers who are dependent on children with disabilities (under 15 years of age) or children with HIV;
  • citizens who have minor children (under 7 years old) who suffer from serious diseases (oncology, tuberculosis, etc.).

If the medical institution works on weekends, and the doctor who opened the temporary disability sheet for the employee is receiving patients at this time, then it will be possible to close the sick leave both on Saturday and Sunday.

What does a closed sick leave look like?

A closed sick leave is a strict reporting form in A4 format. It has pale blue graphs and contains special watermarks (they provide additional protection for the document against counterfeiting).

After entering all the necessary data, the attending physician signs and certifies a temporary disability sheet.

Sample closed sick leave


An employee of a commercial enterprise has an insurance record of 6 years. When calculating the sick leave (the disability certificate was issued for 14 days), the specialist must sum up his salary for the last 2 years. His income amounted to 850,000 rubles.

The allowance is calculated as follows:

  • It is necessary to calculate the average daily income: 850,000 (rubles) / 730 (days) = 1,164.38 rubles.
  • We calculate the amount of compensation for an employee (his insurance period was 6 years, so the average daily income must be multiplied by 80%): 1,164.38 x 80% = 931.51 rubles.
  • We calculate the amount of the benefit (due to temporary disability): 931.51 (rubles) x 14 (sick days) = 13,041.14 rubles.



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Worker steps

In order to close the certificate of incapacity for work, the insured person applies to his/her attending physician. The conditions and procedure for closing are prescribed at the legislative level.

The algorithm of the employee's actions:

On a closed sheet of incapacity for work, the date when a person should start working is necessarily indicated. Such a document is registered in a special journal of a medical institution.

The closed sheet must contain three seals: the attending physician, stamp and triangular. The document is signed by the attending physician.

If the sick leave has a duration longer than the period established by law, the marks of the medical commission must additionally be noted. ?

The employee gives the closed form with all signatures and seals to the employer for payment.

If filling errors are found during the check by the employer, you will have to re-apply to the medical institution to correct them and.

If not attached to a clinic, in another city

According to the law, medical care is provided to citizens in any city. Accordingly, sick leave certificates are not always issued and closed by registration.

A person can go to a polyclinic or hospital for help at the place of residence or place of stay.

On vacation or a business trip, people also get sick. If the document is opened in a city outside of residence, the doctor will close it there after full recovery or at the request of the insured person.

When there is a need to transfer a person to a hospital or clinic in another city, the doctor refers the patient for further treatment. In a polyclinic at the place of residence, on the basis of a referral, the doctor will extend the treatment and, upon full recovery, will close the sick leave.

Read more about the procedure for closing sick leave outside the place of registration in.

ahead of schedule at will

The doctor of the polyclinic can close the disability certificate ahead of schedule if the insured patient himself insists on this.

However, there are some diseases that require a comprehensive examination.

In order to protect himself from the consequences, the doctor may request a written waiver of further treatment and close the sick leave in the usual manner.

If there are no grounds for conducting additional examinations, then it will not be difficult for the insured person to close the disability certificate at his own request. It is enough to come to the attending doctor with documents and ask for a closed sick leave.

If the document was handed over to the patient at the opening, it is imperative to present it to the doctor. He will affix the necessary seals, signatures there and indicate the date of entry to work.

Closing after the patient is discharged from the hospital

If a person is in the hospital, a sick leave sheet is opened for him in this institution and the method of treatment is called inpatient. With such treatment, sick leave is issued only upon discharge or transfer to another medical institution.

If, upon discharge from this medical institution, a person comes out completely healthy, the document is closed there and given to the insured person in his hands.

When, after discharge from the hospital, the patient continues to undergo treatment at home, the sick leave is closed by the clinic. But, for this, the hospital doctor writes out a referral.

If the certificate of incapacity for work is opened in one place, and terminated in another

The state cares about the well-being of its people. Therefore, he issues laws in the interests of working citizens. It is allowed to close sick leaves opened in one clinic by another medical institution.

This is only possible if the patient has been referred for further treatment. This is stated in ch. 1 st. 6, paragraph 3 of Order No. 624 - N "the closure of the sick leave is carried out by the medical organization to which the citizen was sent (applied) for treatment."

For closing, you need to contact the doctor of the medical institution indicated in the direction. You must have with you: a passport, SNILS, a policy and an open sick leave.

You can’t just come with an open sick leave to any clinic and demand closure. For this, there must be a referral from the attending doctor.

If there is no doctor's appointment

It is not necessary to close the sick leave by the doctor who opened it. It is allowed to extend the treatment even with another doctor.

Therefore, another specialist can also close the document. For this purpose, you must contact the receptionist of the clinic. The medical staff will refer you to the doctor who is attending.

You need to take with you an open certificate of incapacity for work, a passport, SNILS, a policy and a medical card issued by the clinic's registry.

Useful video

The correct order of opening and closing a sick leave in the video:


A number of key conclusions can be drawn from this topic:

  • The law does not oblige to close the sick leave in the very institution that opened it. The document is closed by the organization to which the sick person was sent for treatment. It is possible to close the disability certificate in another city if the doctor issued a referral.
  • It is allowed to close at the own request of the sickest patient ahead of time.
  • It's fast and free!

Is it possible to close sick leave early? This question is relevant for both the HR specialist and the accountant. The legislation of Russia does not contain a direct ban on the reduction of sick leave regarding the terms that were set by the doctor as the most likely initially, but there are a lot of nuances in the implementation of the procedure for this reduction.

How is sick leave closed in general?

If an employee has caught one of the common diseases, for example, SARS, then he will most likely go to see only one doctor - his local therapist - and will be entitled to a regular sick leave, the duration of which will not exceed 15 days.

Such a sick leave is closed by the decision of the doctor as soon as the patient, following the results of the examination at a scheduled appointment, is recognized as able-bodied.

It’s another matter if an employee falls ill seriously enough, as a result of which a medical commission draws up a sick leave for him (or extends the disability certificate originally opened by the attending physician). It is quite possible to subsequently issue several certificates of incapacity for work in accordance with the terms of treatment. Its duration can be up to 10-12 months.

The sick leave sheet formed by the medical commission is closed, as a rule, after a reliable determination of the citizen's ability to work (this may require several examinations from different doctors).

Is it possible at the same time early (with respect to the expected date of discharge of the patient or the appointment at which this discharge is highly likely to be carried out) closure of the sick leave and for what purpose can it be initiated?

Is it possible to close sick leave early?

If the sick leave is issued by the attending physician for a common disease, then at the request of the patient, and also provided that his state of health meets the criteria for recognizing a person as able-bodied, in principle, he can close the disability certificate ahead of schedule.

But the patient should understand that the doctor, in the event of discharge of an undertreated patient when his health deteriorates due to an illness that has not been completely cured, may be held liable within the framework of the legal mechanism defined by Art. 1068 and 1081 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation - when a medical institution compensates for the proven harm to the patient, and subsequently issues a recourse claim for compensation to the doctor who treated this patient.

Moreover, on June 21, 2016, the State Duma adopted in the 1st reading bill No. 1093620-6, which establishes additional legal mechanisms for the responsibility of medical workers at the level of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. These mechanisms involve the imposition of large fines on officials and legal entities, as well as the suspension of the activities of legal entities for up to 90 days.

If the fact of disability was established by the medical commission, then it will be much more difficult to close the sick leave ahead of schedule. To do this, the patient will have to convince each of the doctors who are part of the commission of his recovery. Given that each of them will be responsible for the possible consequences, it is extremely unlikely that the patient's request will be granted in this case.

Payment by the employer of temporary disability benefits is carried out according to the actual period given in the reduced sick leave.

Called to work from sick leave: how to close a disability certificate ahead of schedule?

Actually, for what purpose may early closure of the sick leave be required?

The most common reason here is the need for the patient to come to work, for example, to implement a very important and urgent project. By law, an employer has no right to recall an employee from sick leave. If he does this, he will violate the norms of Art. 2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation on the prohibition of forced labor.

If the labor inspectorate reveals such a fact, it will fine the employer on the basis of the provisions of Art. 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. The amount of the fine can be up to 5,000 rubles for officials, up to 50,000 rubles for the organization as a whole (or suspension of activities for a period of up to 90 days).

However, being an adherent of the high values ​​that have developed within the corporate culture of the company, the employee has the right to use the options we have discussed above with the early closure of the sick leave.

Some employees, having not received consent from the attending physician or the medical commission for the early closure of the disability certificate, come to work with an open sick leave. What obligations in this case are assigned to the employer and in what amount will he pay for the work of the employee who has come?

How do you get paid to go to work while on sick leave?

Returning to work during the period of disability, reflected in the sick leave, is a violation of the treatment regimen. In the sheet itself, this action of the employee corresponds to code 25 in the line “Notes on violation of the regime” (paragraph 58 of the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated 06/29/2011 No. 624n). If this code is indicated on the sick leave, the employer pays a disability benefit in the minimum amount (subparagraph 1, paragraph 1, 2, article 8 of the Law "On Compulsory Social Insurance" dated December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ), provided that the reason for the violation by the employee treatment regimen is not recognized as valid.

It is in the power of the employer, in the prescribed manner, to recognize the cause of the violation as valid or to agree with the employee that he will not tell the doctor about attending work during the sick leave. In both cases, the noted legal mechanism, which implies a reduction in benefits, will not be launched. If an appropriate agreement is reached, the employer will pay sick leave in the usual manner, as if the employee did not go to work.

The issue of applying to the FSS for the purpose of reimbursement of benefits in this case belongs to the moral and ethical area. Formally, the employer will not violate anything by requesting the appropriate reimbursement with the presentation of a standard sick leave, and will receive compensation. But in fact he will receive, and it is possible that for the most part free, state-compensated work of an employee. There is a clear corruption motive, therefore it is reasonable for the employer in this case not to present the sick leave for reimbursement.


So, is it possible to close the sick leave ahead of time?

The legislation of the Russian Federation does not regulate the closure of the sick leave earlier than the expected period, which is established by the doctor or the medical commission. But one way or another, it does not prohibit the implementation of this action, for example, at the initiative of an employee. If the employee can agree on a reduction in sick leave with a doctor, then the employer will pay him an allowance in accordance with the period of incapacity for work, which is reflected in the document.

You can learn more about the specifics of issuing sick leave in the framework of various legal relations in the articles:

  • “Is the sick leave (sick leave) subject to personal income tax?” ;
  • "Maximum sick leave in 2019" .

It's good to always be healthy. But, alas, sometimes we get sick. And the accountant has to deal with the sick leave of employees and calculate benefits. How to calculate the benefit if the employee quits and fell ill before dismissal? Will the Social Security Fund accept the costs of a sick leave certificate if the employee, without closing it, went to work? Questions from readers were answered by the FSS.

Tatyana Mitrofanovna, our reader asks: is it possible to accrue sick leave benefits if it is not closed? The employee is very valuable, and it is difficult to replace him. As soon as he felt better, he immediately went to work. And he didn’t close the sick leave, so as not to waste time in line at the clinic. T.M. Ilyukhina: In this case, the period of temporary disability of the employee was not formalized properly. So the employer should not have allowed such an employee to work, no matter how valuable he was. And if the employer still pays this employee an allowance for an unclosed sick leave, the FSS will not reimburse the costs. Moreover, insurance premiums must be charged for such payments. Another situation: the employee was ill for a long time, he was issued a second sick leave, which is a continuation of the first one. On the first sick leave, the code “31” (“the citizen continues to get sick”) and the number of the new sick leave are indicated. But the employee did not close the second sick leave, but simply went to work.According to the second, unclosed sick leave, the FSS will not accept expenses. But will the Fund accept the costs of the first sick leave, because in itself it is drawn up correctly?
T.M. Ilyukhina: The certificate of incapacity for work performs a dual function. It:
a document confirming temporary release from work due to disability;
a financial document that provides the basis for the payment of benefits and confirms the validity of the expenditure of compulsory social insurance funds. If an employee is ill for a long time and he is issued several certificates of incapacity for work, the employer pays the allowance against insurance premiums as the certificates of incapacity for work are received, without waiting until it is closed the last one. This is common practice. If the employer does not have enough own funds, then he has the right to apply for their allocation to the territorial body of the FSS of the Russian Federation, where he is registered as an insurer. not properly. Therefore, the Fund will offset the costs of paying benefits for the first sick leave, and for the second, reimbursement will be denied. Another similar case. The employee brought two sick leaves, the second is a continuation of the first. But there was a break between the first and second sick days. Will the FSS accept the costs of such sick leave? T.M. Ilyukhina: The Fund will reimburse the costs of paying benefits for the first certificate of incapacity for work, since it is correctly drawn up. After all, the date of issue of the second sick leave is not indicated on the first one, only its number is indicated. And the expenses will not be credited for the second sick leave. Even if the break falls on the weekend? T.M. Ilyukhina: Temporary disability benefits are paid for calendar days, and not for working days. And since in such a situation there is one insured event, the period of illness must be indicated in the disability sheets in full, without any breaks on weekends. Therefore, the employee must contact medical institution and replace the second sick leave (continued) to include days off during the period of incapacity for work. Then the FSS will reimburse the allowance for both the first and second sick leave. The employee fell ill with pneumonia, and a sick leave was opened for him at the clinic. A few days later, the employee's condition worsened and he was hospitalized.And the hospital opened a new sick leave, which is not a continuation of the first. The employee did not close the first sick leave. Probably, according to the first discharged at the clinic, the hospital allowance cannot be paid? T.M. Ilyukhina: If the sick leave remains uncovered, of course, it cannot be accepted for payment. It is necessary to ask the employee to contact the clinic and complete the sick leave, that is, close it in the prescribed manner. Suppose the employee does not want to go to the clinic and the employer decides to pay benefits at his own expense. And then what about the first 3 days of illness according to the second sick leave issued in the hospital? Do I have to pay for them too? T.M. Ilyukhina: Since the hospital issued the second disability certificate as a primary one in connection with another insured event, the first 3 days of temporary disability on this certificate are paid at the expense of the employer. Now the situation is different. An employee has been accepted into the organization. He immediately submitted a sick leave, starting from the day before the day of employment. Can the organization pay this sick leave and if so, from what day: from the day of employment or from the first day of illness? T.M. Ilyukhina: Persons working under employment contracts are entitled to sick leave benefits. This means that the employee is entitled to benefits from the date of commencement of work under an employment contract. For the day preceding the day of employment, the allowance is not paid. And how in this situation are the first 3 days of illness counted, which the employer must pay at his own expense? T.M. Ilyukhina: The first 3 days of incapacity for work are counted from the first working day of the employee. How much sick leave benefit is paid to an employee who quit during illness? T.M. Ilyukhina: Since in this case the employee fell ill before the termination of the employment contract, the benefit must be accrued to him for the entire period of illness in full, taking into account his insurance period. But if the employee fell ill after the dismissal, but no later than 30 calendar days after the end of work, the allowance would be calculated at the rate of 60% of the average earnings. What if the employee leaving during the illness the next day after the end of the first sick leave fell ill again (got a fracture)? The second sick leave was issued for another insured event and is not a continuation of the first one. Does the employer have to pay the second sick leave in full? T.M. Ilyukhina: If on the day when the second insured event occurred - the employee received a fracture, he had already quit and there is a record of his dismissal in the work book, then this insured event did not occur during the period of the employment contract. Therefore, the fracture benefit must be paid in the amount of 60% of the average earnings. The employee quits and immediately, the next day, must go to work in another organization. Before leaving, he falls ill. Can the clinic, at his request, issue two sick leave certificates: before the day of dismissal, indicating the first employer in it, and from the next day, indicating the second employer in it? T.M. Ilyukhina: The employee fell ill before the dismissal, therefore, his disability certificate must indicate the name of the organization where he worked at the time of the insured event. The issuance of a second sick leave, which is a continuation of the first, but in which another employer is already indicated, is not provided for by the Procedure for issuing sick leaves. Since the employee fell ill during the period of the employment contract, his first employer must pay a benefit in the amount of 100%. And if he, despite his illness, he took a job with a new employer, in order to justify his absence from work, he can present a copy of his sick leave to the second employer. However, if during the period of disability the employee actually works for the new employer and receives a salary, and the Fund’s department during the check finds out that he received both salary and allowance at the same time, the cost of the allowance will not be accepted. In turn, the organization can legally recover the amount of benefits from the former employee. The employee wrote an application for vacation, which begins after the May holidays - May 12. On May 11, during the holidays, he fell ill. The sick leave was issued on May 11. From what day should the first 3 days of illness be counted for such a sick leave? T.M. Ilyukhina: In this case, payment at the expense of the employer is due on May 11, 12 and 13. The following days of illness starting from May 14 - at the expense of the FSS.
And the annual paid leave of the employee is extended or postponed for another period. The employee brought a certificate of incapacity for work, in which there are marks in the cells "primary" and "duplicate" at the same time. Is it possible to accept such a disability certificate for payment? T.M. Ilyukhina: No, the mark both in the line "primary" and in the line "duplicate" is a mistake. Such a sick leave is considered spoiled, in return it is necessary to issue a duplicate, and only the “duplicate” mark should be on it. An employee (a citizen of the Republic of Belarus) plans to go on maternity leave. She is going to give birth in Belarus. Can she pay for a sick leave issued by a Belarusian medical organization?
T.M. Ilyukhina: The answer to this question depends on the status of the worker. If she is temporarily residing in Russia, then she is entitled to benefits. But even in this case, it is impossible to directly pay for a sick leave issued in Belarus. First, you should translate it from Belarusian and certify the translation with a notary. This can be either a Russian or a Belarusian notary. Since, in accordance with clause 1 of the Decision of the Supreme Council of the Community of Belarus and Russia dated 06/22/96, documents issued in the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation for the implementation of labor rights and social and labor guarantees of their citizens, or their duly certified copies, are recognized without legalization. With the original and notarized translation of the sick leave, the employee must contact the medical organization either at the place of residence or at the place of work. And the medical commission of this medical organization decides to replace the sick leave issued in Belarus with a Russian-style sick leave. The decision of the medical commission remains in the medical card of the employee. And the basis for the payment of temporary disability benefits is a Russian-style disability certificate. If the employee has the status of temporarily staying on the territory of the Russian Federation, she is not subject to social insurance in case of temporary disability and does not have the right to benefits.

And what needs to be done in order to pay benefits to an employee - a Russian citizen who fell ill while on vacation abroad? T.M. Ilyukhina: You can pay benefits only on a sick leave certificate established in the Russian Federation. And the employee must exchange the documents issued to him in a foreign country, confirming the fact of undergoing treatment, for a Russian certificate of incapacity for work. To do this, he needs a legalized translation of hospital documents received abroad into Russian. They can be certified both abroad and in Russia. In the first case, they must first be certified at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or other authorized body of the state in whose territory they were issued, and then at the Russian consulate in this state. In the second case, foreign documents first they are certified at the embassy or consulate of the state in whose territory they were issued, and then they are legalized at the Consular Service Department of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. And then you need to contact the Russian medical organization, and its medical commission will decide to replace the foreign sick leave with a Russian one.

The sheet of temporary disability is filled in the district clinic or inpatient facility.

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The doctor fills in the form with the necessary information about the patient's disease or indicates another reason for the disability.

Requirements for the form of a certificate of incapacity for work are indicated in the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development.

Closing sick leave

The doctor closes the sick leave taking into account the patient's state of health. Document

If this time is not enough, then it is necessary to assemble a medical commission and extend the document for another 30 days. The total duration of sick leave cannot exceed 12 months.

The document contains a triangular official seal of the institution, as well as the seal of the attending physician. Specialist signatures are required.

An incorrectly completed document serves as a basis for refusal by the FSS.

Records of the issued certificates of incapacity for work are kept in the register of such forms.

Of your own accord

The employee at any time has the right to demand the closure of the sick leave at his own request and refuse further treatment.

Exceptions exist only if the employee is sick with infections and poses a danger to others. Leaving the hospital is documented with a corresponding refusal.

In other situations, as well as in other circumstances of disability.

In violation of the rules

This may result in a reduction in the amount of the benefit. The circumstances of the violation are established by the employer. In the hospital, the doctor makes a note about the violation.

Those days are not subject to payment on which, namely, when the patient:

  • left the hospital without the permission of a doctor;
  • refused to comply with the hospital regime and was prematurely discharged from the hospital.

Reduced benefits can be challenged in court.


Early closure of the sick leave is possible if the circumstances of disability have passed. It is carried out exclusively at the request of the employee.

When discharged from the hospital, the sick leave may not be closed if it is necessary that the treatment be continued on an outpatient basis, under the supervision of the attending physician.

On a day off

It is possible to close the sick leave on a day off if the attending physician makes an appointment on that day.

The document is issued by a therapist or a doctor of narrow specialization.

In the absence of admission on weekends, the sick leave sheet closes on the last weekday before the new working week.

In case of no-show

If the employee refused to appear for a medical and social examination for examination and determination of a disability group, or did not come for a scheduled examination by a doctor, then a note about this can be made on the sick leave.

If there is a valid reason for non-attendance, the amount of the allowance is retained.

If the circumstances were deemed disrespectful, then the employer and the Social Insurance Fund reduce the amount of benefits for the day when the absence was recorded. Such facts must be thoroughly established.

The employer also has the right to require the employee to attach an explanatory note to the sick leave.


Prohibited, except in cases where the employee is caring for a disabled child or a child with oncology, tuberculosis, HIV.

In other cases, the issuance of a disability certificate retroactively can lead to non-payment of benefits, administrative and even criminal liability.

In another city

The sick leave may be closed in another city if the patient was transferred for treatment to another inpatient facility or he was forced to move for good reasons.

The leaflet should be closed at the last place of treatment, regardless of which region and locality it is located.

Registration procedure

The sick leave is opened on the day the employee seeks medical help.

For registration you will need:

  • employee passport;
  • TIN and insurance certificate;
  • Medical Card/

Information about the attending physician and the circumstances of the establishment of incapacity for work is indicated by the employee of the medical institution. He also enters the necessary information about the patient, including his personal data, into the sheet.

Two seals of the institution and one of the attending physician are put on the sick leave. The form should be taken to the employer and expect payment of benefits - usually along with the next salary.

What does it look like?

The medical sheet is blue, with light cells, protective watermarks. The document is considered a strict reporting form. It has a security code and watermarks.

The procedure for filling out the sheet is indicated on the back of the form.


The sick leave must be submitted immediately after returning to work. If this is not possible, then the employee has six months to draw up the document properly.

Otherwise, the allowance will not be accrued, and days of absence from work may be counted as absenteeism and result in disciplinary action.

Employer notification of employment

It is optional, but desirable, since a temporarily disabled employee will usually be replaced by another specialist. Notification can be made in person or by phone.

It is advisable to come to work with an already issued sick leave, in which all signatures and seals are affixed.

Consequences of an unclosed document

The main consequence is the non-payment of benefits.

If the sick leave is not closed for a good reason, then the employee can complete the paperwork after he starts his work duties.