Monica Bellucci with her daughters: the style of star children.  Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel: photo from the family album Daughters of Monica Bellucci today personal life

Monica Bellucci with her daughters: the style of star children. Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel: photo from the family album Daughters of Monica Bellucci today personal life

13-year-old Deva and 7-year-old Leonie are the daughters of one of beautiful couples- actors Vincent Cassel and Monica Bellucci.

Bellucci and Kassel lived together for 19 years, but years later they decided to leave, maintaining friendly relations.

Now Deva and Leoni live with Monica, who is ready to spend all her time with children, but often sees her father.

Deva and Leoni, 2014

“When the girls were little, it was not humiliating for me to change diapers,” Vincent recalls. “And now they have grown up and accompany us everywhere.”

Monica and Virgo on the beach, 2010

Vincent with his daughters on vacation, 2016

According to sources, girls study in several schools at once in different countries, including in the capital of Portugal, Lisbon. They speak four languages: Italian, English, Portuguese and French and often travel with their parents.

“The eldest daughter Virgo for some time even thought that I was not working,” recalls Monica. So much time the actress spent next to the children. “She really liked that we were constantly traveling, staying in hotels and learning new things.”

Monica with her youngest daughter Leoni in Rio de Janeiro, 2013

Appearance of girls

Fans of Bellucci and Kassel argue who looks more like eldest daughter Virgo - on Monica or on Vincent, but they agree on one thing - the girl looks much older than her years. Already today, the eldest daughter, despite the fact that she just turned 13, overtook Monica in height, whose height is 171 cm. It is possible that she will follow in her mother's footsteps and also become a model.

Virgo is very reminiscent of Monica in her youth:

Virgo and Leoni, 2016

Virgo is not shy about wearing revealing outfits for her age. Recently, the paparazzi filmed the actress leaving the hotel with her daughters, Virgo was wearing a long dress with a high slit, and on her face - bright makeup. Another time, the Virgin was dressed in a black light blouse with a bare stomach and a spicy neckline.

Monica with her daughters, 2017

By the way, after these photos, the paparazzi had a lot of dissatisfied comments. A long dress with such a deep neckline looks very defiant on a 12-year-old girl - even loyal fans of the actors came to this conclusion.

13-year-old Virgo looks noticeably older than her years

Monica tries to protect her daughters from intrusive paparazzi - she tells few details about their life and does not publish photos. Nevertheless, the growing Virgo arouses more and more curiosity of journalists, and it seems that this is flattering for the girl herself. Not so long ago, she posted her selfie from the gym on the Internet.

It's not clear how Monica feels about her daughter growing up so early, but in her interviews she makes it clear that above all, she values ​​​​independence.

“It is important to understand,” says Monica, “that neither our men nor our children belong to us.”

Pro youngest daughter little is known, but our view is that she also looks like Monica:

September 24, 2012, 00:42

Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel have two children: Virgo(b. September 12, 2004) and Leoni(b. May 21, 2010).
Monica's parents
Monica in childhood
Vincent's father
Unfortunately, photographs of the mother (Sabine Litik) and children's photos of Vincent could not be found.
year 2009"I am the most ordinary woman, a working mother of two children, a wife ... I have exactly the same problems as everyone else."

Vincent Cassel:"I was not at all humiliated by the fact that I had to change diapers. And now Virgo is already a schoolgirl. Despite this, she accompanies us everywhere. I prefer that she went to several schools in different countries, but was always with us"
“I can’t imagine what I will be like in twenty years. But the main thing is to be alive: I want to see what kind of women our daughters and Vincent will turn into” 2008
“My eldest daughter Virgo was only a few months old. One morning I woke up, took the baby and went to the bathroom to change her diaper. And after a few minutes I suddenly realized that I still had never looked at myself in the mirror. and all normal women, unconsciously did it in the first place ... That's when I realized that Monica for Monica ceased to be in the first place"
very nice video or unexpected appearance Virgins: Vincent and Deva visited Monica in the hospital after the baby was born
"You need to be able to accept everything that fate gives. Of course, I would like my husband and I to be always together. We have children, which already means that our love will live forever - in them. After the birth of daughters, much has changed in our relationship, but it only benefited us"
Vincent Cassel:"If my children want to become actors, I will resist"

“It seems to me that before I was simply not ready for the birth of children. I had no idea how much my life would change with their appearance. Perhaps I remained a child for too long and thought only of myself, because I only daughter in family. Now I am ready to give everything to my children. After the birth of the Virgin, I realized that I did not have much time left to give birth to a second child. Vincent and I were lucky that I managed to get pregnant again at 44. It happened naturally."
Father picks up Virgo from school

CHI Magazine October 2011
"For me, being a mother is the highest art"

"Motherhood has completely changed my perception of reality, for me it's like crossing a bridge"

Mon's parents are in the background.
Monica Bellucci:"Virgo is a very lively and curious child. She speaks English, French and Italian. Constantly crackling like a radio. He goes to three different schools - Paris, London and Rome - depending on where we live. She still does not understand that her parents are actors. He says: “Mommy, I want to be like you - not to work, but only to babysit the child. When I grow up, my children will work for me." Vincent Cassel:"My eldest daughter took the Cesar for her role as Mezrin in Enemy of the State #1. She put it in her room."
"If my parents represent where I came from, then my daughters represent where I'm going."
Monica:"My children, whom I take with me everywhere, do not know home stability, but I try to give them emotional balance, serenity of feelings. Through real life: eat together, sleep together, talk about everything..."
These cute daughters are growing up with Monica and Vincent. That's all. Thank you for your attention! Sources: most of the photos are taken

The Italian actress and her children were spotted in a hotel in Milan

Photo: Legion-Media

Monica Bellucci quite often becomes a guest of various cultural and social events, but she is in no hurry to bring her daughters to light. Therefore, the new photos of the girls caused a great resonance on the Web!

The Italian actress, along with 12-year-old Deva and 6-year-old Leoni, was spotted at the exit of a Milan hotel. The girls spent time with their mother, although they also visit their father quite often.

Some social media users notice that girls cannot be called beauties, which, in their opinion, is strange, because their parents are real sex symbols. Others retort that, after all, Deva and Leoni are still very young, and when they grow up, they will show everyone that they have inherited only the best from their popular parents.

And Vincent Cassel was in a relationship from 1996 to 2013. In her interviews, the actress admitted that she and Vincent practically did not live together because of the specifics of their work, and as a result, their relationship came to naught. Former spouses support a good relationship together.

52-year-old actress Monica Bellucci (Monica Bellucci), like many Hollywood stars, tries not to disclose the details of his personal life, and even more so to bring children of children into the light. The actress carefully protects her two daughters from Vincent Cassel from the attention of the press and cameras: six-year-old Leonie and 12-year-old Deva. So the heirs of the actress go out in light rarely, but, as it turned out, aptly.

From actor Vincent Cassel (Vincent Cassel) brings up two daughters - 12-year-old Deva and six-year-old Loenie Cassel. Until recently, Bellucci managed not to get caught in the lenses of photographers in an informal setting. But recently, Milanese paparazzi filmed a star with her daughters at the exit from the hotel.

The photo of Monica and her 12-year-old daughter Deva was taken near the hotel where Bellucci was staying. The appearance of the young girl amazed fans of the actress.

Ever since Deva last time fell into the lenses of cameras, she undoubtedly grew up. And how! Young Kassel has outgrown the famous mother, whose height, by the way, is 171 cm. In this regard, she apparently went to Vincent, whose height is 187 cm. At the same time, she already uses cosmetics and dresses in bold styles.

Monica's fans nevertheless noted that it is too early for the 12-year-old Deva to wear such revealing outfits.

Recall that from 1990 to 1995, Monica was married to photographer Claudio Carlos Basso. Monica married French actor Vincent Cassel in 1999. At star couple two daughters are growing up: 12-year-old Deva Cassel and six-year-old Leonie Cassel. In August 2013, Monica and Vincent divorced.