I want to sleep all the time what to do.  Why do we want to sleep?  B vitamins

I want to sleep all the time what to do. Why do we want to sleep? B vitamins


Dear girls! If you are familiar with daily weakness, fatigue, lack of energy - know that this is a problem that needs to be addressed! Today we are talking about why you constantly want to sleep during the day, even if you slept for a long time at night.

In this article I will give action plan for those who want to sleep all the time, and I will tell my story, because I also suffered from this.

The causes of constant drowsiness and fatigue can be very different: from banal congestion to health or mental problems. Read this article to understand where your problem comes from.

And whatever your reason is tackle it today ! Because with constant drowsiness, the body seems to be waving a huge red flag at you: “Something is going wrong, something needs to be corrected”!

My history

I went through it. And since I, apparently, was not the smartest girl, I didn’t sound the alarm right away and went through this problem for three whole years (!!!).

If you, too, constantly want to sleep, then you know this. You sleep for a long time, wake up completely broken and exhausted, barely get out of bed (if you can call this painful process of slipping the word “getting up”).

You sway for a long time and come to your senses after sleep. Then, if you're lucky, there are two hours when the energy is more or less present, but then IT starts: you feel terribly sleepy, especially after eating, your eyes stick together, your head refuses to think, you just “knock out”.

And if possible, you lie down and sleep. But you wake up not full of strength and energy, but again - broken and tired.

And the feeling that you could sleep for days if you didn’t have to work and do household chores (which you increasingly score for the sake of sleep). But sleep does not heal, does not refresh, does not give energy. You feel like a heavy wet rag, a zombie, a subhuman.

Needless to say, these three years I was practically useless? I didn’t develop, I didn’t do my projects or hobbies, I didn’t go to the gym, I gave all the energy I had to work, and then I slept all weekend.

A little later I will tell you what my problem was. At this point, you should understand this:

  • this problem will not be solved by itself, you need to look for the cause of constant drowsiness and get rid of it
  • if you let things take their course, you will lose years of your life, do much less than you could, enjoy life much less than you could. Believe me, it's terrible.

So please take this issue seriously! Because if you get rid of it, your life will be much better!

Make no mistake

Maybe it's age?

No. You're not a baby or a 70-year-old woman, are you?

It is normal for a person to have a healthy supply of energy for the day, because he gets energy every day during sleep and while eating.

And this energy should be enough for work, and for the family, and for hobbies, entertainment, and for yourself.

If this is not so, somewhere in your life there has been a failure. Need to find.

Maybe I'm just that kind of person?

I had such a thought. There are people with an awl in an unusual place, so there must be people who are low-energy in life ...

Also no. More precisely, to some extent this is actually true, but nature does not make SO low-energy people. A person should not want to sleep all the time.

And maybe it will do? I have the opportunity to sleep a lot ...

You have one life and it's already coming. You can do a lot if you don't oversleep your life.

In addition, constant sleepiness is not just some harmless quality. It - alert from your body! And if you do not deal with the problem, expect much more serious health problems.

Well, did you get into it? Motivated to solve a problem? Then let's look for the cause of your fatigue.

Why do you want to sleep during the day? Main causes of sleepiness

We'll start with the simplest and most easily treated causes of daytime sleepiness and end with the most serious ones. But remember: serious does not mean “unsolvable”.

Improper sleep and wake patterns

If you go to bed at three in the morning, don't be surprised that you feel sleepy all the time, even if you sleep until noon.

It's not just how many hours you sleep that matters. What matters is what time Are you sleeping now.

Man, as a biological being, has his own circadian rhythms that are directly related to natural processes. In this case, with the rotation of the Earth around the Sun and, accordingly, with the change of day and night.

These rhythms are already established. Thousands and thousands of years before you and me, when there was no night electricity and such an opportunity to stay awake at night, people slept at night.

And the human body has already clearly defined a schedule for its processes during this time (the most useful for the survival of the species).

In particular, if we talk about sleep, there are hormones - melatonin and growth hormone, which are produced in your body in accordance with circadian rhythms.

Namely, the peak of their production is somewhere from 23:00 to one in the morning, plus or minus. Do not sleep at this time? You are depriving yourself of the things that are very useful for the body, health, beauty and well-being that these hormones give.

Not only that, the more your sleep-wake pattern does not coincide with circadian rhythms, the higher the risk of developing many diseases.

So it's not just about sleepiness, it's about health hazard . Change your mode to a more useful one.

Poor quality sleep

It is difficult to feel energetic and cheerful when the body has not rested, although it has slept a lot.

How can this be? Yes, very simple. You can sleep on the seats in the subway. The brain can rest, but the body does not.

Check if you are sleeping well:

  • the mattress should be very comfortable. Not too soft, no protruding springs. It’s better not to sleep on the couch at all, because. the surface of a sofa often has indentations, crevices, and elevations that are good for its beauty and ease of assembly, but definitely bad for a good night's sleep.
  • pillows should not be large and thick. The ideal is an orthopedic pillow with a roll under the neck. The bigger and higher your pillow, the less your muscles and your spine rest during sleep.
  • sleep in complete darkness. The same sleep hormone melatonin is destroyed by light. Even if your closed eyelids are exposed to light from a street lamp or some working home appliances.
  • Do not hang around at the computer or on the phone just before bedtime. So you strain your eyes and brain, so you will not fall asleep as quickly and calmly as you could. I will write an article later on what is better to do before bed.
  • you need to try to keep yourself quiet. Uninterrupted sleep is important. Therefore, close the doors, close the gaps, take care of the sound insulation and purchase earplugs.
  • before going to bed, do not stick out on the phone, but arrange yourself a long pleasant washing ritual. By the way, if you sometimes do not wash off your makeup at night, in the morning you may feel that your eyes itch, and your face seems to be heavy. And this is the most harmless minus of unwashed makeup: read how it can turn out.

WHAT TO DO: take care of the darkness and silence during sleep. Buy a good mattress and pillow. Put your gadgets aside half an hour before bed.

Lack of energy and motivation due to fruitless work

Imagine that you have been doing something for a long time, but you do not get any result from your actions.

  • You work with all your dedication, but the salary is meager and the boss does not appreciate it.
  • You do the cleaning every day, but no one appreciates it, the next day things are scattered again, the dirt returns, and you do the cleaning again.
  • You work on your project, sit on it for days, develop, invest in it, but it gives all the same unsatisfactory profit.

I think you get the gist. In this case, the body does not give you energy, because what for? Why would he put in so much effort if life isn't getting better? Why would he waste energy if nothing changes? The body will not endlessly give you energy for fruitless movements.

Such fatigue is more like a kind of depressive laziness, when it seems that everything is useless, nothing will ever change, life is pain and all that.

Motivation to act disappears, energy goes into frustration, you prefer to sleep and eat. Well, someone else plays computer games or goes on a drinking binge.

How it works and how to change it, you will understand very well from the video (watch the first few minutes):

WHAT TO DO: here it is important to realize a simple thing - if your efforts do not bear fruit, then you are messing up somewhere in your actions or doing something completely wrong. And surely there is a way to apply your efforts more effectively, in a different way. Look for this way.

noble melancholy

Sometimes constant sleepiness is the result of a too boring life. There is nothing to do, nowhere to strive, the brain slows down and says: “Well, since it’s boring here, let’s go to sleep, what else to do?”

If this is your case, then you need to take responsibility for your life. And with your own hands to make it bright, rich and cool. Do something today to show yourself that life is more than lying in bed.


Sometimes you constantly want to sleep simply because your the body is exhausted .

Yes, you do not load wagons at night and do not lay rails, but mental work also requires a very large amount of energy.

Your brain already consumes more energy than any other organ, and serious mental work (which includes the internal chewing of stress, by the way), eats up additional energy, and a lot.

Mental fatigue can go on for a very long time. And the constant desire to sleep, fatigue and weakness is a signal from the brain to you, they say, slow down, we’ll burn out.

It's not bad, that's the way it works, just don't forget to give yourself a break.

WHAT TO DO: remember how long you have not rested. Take a weekend, take a vacation. Stop solving other people's problems, forget about work for a while. Take a break, use this time for yourself, unload your brain and give yourself the opportunity to sleep off.

Other people take energy

No, no, this is not about energy vampires. This is about vile people who love to blow your brains out and tell you that you are a crooked, brainless nonentity. So they create constant experiences in your pretty little head. And for constant experiences you need a lot of energy, so you don’t have it left for other things.

If there are such people among your friends or acquaintances, break off relations with them and never communicate again.

If these are your parents, move to a rented apartment. You don't have to tolerate disrespect and insults from ANYONE.

If this is your man (which happens most often) - read the article about first.

WHAT TO DO: learn to choose your surroundings. Get rid of toxic people, build relationships with worthy and kind people.

Stress and unresolved issues

I already wrote that stress consumes a lot of energy . And if your stress is strong and constant - do not be surprised that you do not have enough energy for other things.

Of course, it is impossible to live life completely without stress. But there are stresses, roughly speaking, everyday and adequate, and there are those that torment you for years. Or not for years, but very strongly.

Severe stress loosens the nervous system, wears out the body, loosens the psycho-emotional state, and a person begins to resist other problems and diseases much worse.

Even complexes due to self-doubt can give rise to constant fatigue (if this is your case -).

So that you understand how serious everything is, I will dwell on this point in more detail. Because this point was just the reason for my constant desire to sleep.

One day the doctors diagnosed me with ADHD. I know that among you there are such, so I wave to you with a pen)

So. For lack of other organic reasons, I unknowingly attributed all my ailments to VVD (fatigue, anxiety, weakness, dizziness, freezing, lethargy, etc. - who knows, he knows).

Further, I will omit the details and simply say that one day it turned out that what we call VVD is the result of a neurosis (some unexperienced, unprocessed problem or views that interfere with life). Not always, but in most cases.

Therefore, if you were also given an IRR, there is a 95% chance that you are experiencing internal stress.

It can be associated with anything. Maybe these are problems due to work or due to lack of implementation. Or problems in relations with the husband, with parents or with children. Perhaps persistent complexes, self-doubt, the desire to prove something to someone. Or problems in childhood, dislike, psychological trauma, etc. Or maybe you are always trying to please everyone or solving other people's problems.

Every day you experience inner anxiety. Every day this stress eats up your energy and prevents you from living your life properly.

And the worst thing is that every day you are getting closer to serious health problems due to internal experiences. Therefore - run-run to get rid of the problem!

WHAT TO DO: write out everything-everything-everything that worries you and does not suit you in your life. Start changing it. If you understand that somewhere you can’t cope on your own, be sure to go to a GOOD psychotherapist. So you will share your problems and experiences with him (which will make it much easier), and he will help you survive them and suggest ways to build a new happy life.

Health problems

The most unpleasant, but still solvable reason for constantly wanting to sleep during the day is some kind of health problem. For example:

There are also a number of other diseases that make you want to sleep during the day when you should not want to.

Therefore, often constant drowsiness - reason to see a doctor . But choose good doctors based on reviews and recommendations! And don't self-diagnose, that's not your job.

As you understand, health problems do not come suddenly and out of nowhere, there is always a reason for them.

So, most likely, you have been doing something wrong for a long time: do not follow the sleep-wake regime, eat anyhow, stress a lot, do not monitor the quality of things and people around you.

Therefore, it is important not only to cure an already existing health problem, but also to restructure your life somewhere in order to get rid of the causes that gave rise to this problem. Otherwise, everything will repeat again.

WHAT TO DO: find a good therapist, complain about constant drowsiness. He will send you for tests, and then to other doctors. If everything is in order with your health - great! You can work out the previous points with peace of mind. If some problem is found, cure it and adjust your life so that it does not appear again.

What happens if nothing is done?

If nothing is done, then sooner or later the problem will intensify.

  • You will want to sleep more and more, and at the same time, you may experience nighttime insomnia
  • The nervous system starts to fail
  • Your character will deteriorate, you will be anxious and eternally dissatisfied, you will stop noticing even the good things.
  • Immunity will decrease, the risk of catching a virus or infection will increase
  • Digestion will be disturbed, which will make you look and feel even worse.
  • Stable depression and neglected neurosis will form
  • Health problems start to develop

Take care of yourself and your body. Do something, because he has been ringing the alarm bell for a long time! The sooner you start to solve the problem, the less destruction it will have time to cause.

Watch this three-minute video about daytime sleepiness:

Action plan if you want to sleep all the time

I hope you have realized the need to adjust something in your life.

So, what to do if you constantly want to sleep during the day? I offer you the following plan of action:

  1. Rework sleep patterns (go to bed no later than 23:00, try to sleep no longer than 9 hours. You can sleep for half an hour in the middle of the day, but not immediately after dinner).
  2. Set up quality sleep (orthopedic mattress and pillow, dark, quiet, ventilated room, do not strain the brain immediately before bedtime, do not eat before bedtime)
  3. Give yourself a good rest (set aside time only for yourself, how to relax. Do your favorite things, change the environment, go for a massage, maybe go to the sea)
  4. Review your daily activities: are there any useless ones among them? Maybe give up something, delegate something, and start doing something differently?
  5. Solve internal problems and deal with stresses and feelings (whatever they may be), go to a psychologist or psychotherapist.
  6. Learn to be stress resistant. There are plenty of good books and courses today.
  7. Switch to a healthier diet, start exercising, and ventilate the room you are in more often. Help your body produce energy.
  8. Get rid of things and people in your environment that only spoil your life, suck your energy, kill your nerves and bring no joy.
  9. Always remember that life is not this dull state of eternal desire to sleep. Life is interesting and wonderful, and once you deal with the problem, you will be happier. Therefore, be positive, changes are just around the corner;)
  10. Check health. You take this step as early as possible, as soon as the opportunity arises. It is better to call the hospital right now and make an appointment with the doctor.

It seems that there are so many things - and your hands drop, because you are already constantly tired ... But you just start doing everything point by point - and your life will become much better.

Listen to your body, adjust your lifestyle and do not be afraid to seek the help of specialists. They can help.

And finally

Dear girls! I hope you found this article helpful. If yes, I will be very glad if you share it on social networks. Thank you!

Also, don't forget that speaking out is very helpful! Therefore, if you have a problem, especially related to stress, speak at least here in the comments, do not keep it to yourself. You can change the name. Perhaps there are girls with a problem similar to yours, and they will advise something good.

apathy or fatigue and try in vain to find an answer to their sluggish condition or excessive drowsiness , is constantly growing. It is enough to go online and type in the search engine - - and you will be convinced that you are not alone. More and more people are suffering from an insurmountable problem. drowsiness , from which literally eyes stick together and it's impossible to resist.

and psychology

Psychology offers several answers to the question,why do women always want to sleepand men and even children. One of the main factors is lack of sleep. Then what to do with all those who literally fill the forums with comments that they sleep 12-16 hours a day? And the rest of the time they don't careI really want to sleep.

Psychologists say that this is all a consequence stress . They justify this with scientific discoveries about sleep cycles and reinforce the arguments with discoveries in the field of disruption of the most important hormonal cycles as a result of constant stress.

One of the most shocking causes of sleepiness is laziness ! Yes, dear comrades, exactly laziness can cause drowsiness, permanent desire to sleep, bad mood, prostration and fatigue. This is one of the main discoveries of modern world psychology.This is what they are trying to "inspire" people who constantly I really want to sleep.

Of course, another, well-knownreason why all the time stick together eyes, maybe depression . She is also on this list. But we will talk about it later, when we reveal the real reasons. drowsiness.

All this is necessary and sometimes even useful information. There is a problem: none of these explanations gives a full understanding. Explain why so strong and irresistible want to sleep maybe System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan.But first, let's look at what medicine has to offer.

: a medical view of the problem

Often found comments about going to doctors with complaints like “I have no energy and always want to sleep' is just useless. There is no diagnosis for this problem, which means there is no cure. But if overly sleepy condition accompanied by noises in the head, lack of appetite, apathy, excessive fatigue … In a word, when the whole day sleepy and not to wake up, we can already talk about serious violations. This condition is called pathological. drowsiness , which can be a sign of somatic and even psychiatric diseases.

For example, among somatic causes fatigue, apathy, excessive sleepiness may include acute and chronic infectious diseases, anemia, and many others. The reason for the emergency drowsiness intoxication with psychotropic and narcotic substances, brain injury can also serve.

As for the diagnosis in a psychiatric direction, it can also be made if there is constant desire to sleep, apathy . This is, first of all, depression or cyclothymia. Unfortunately, the explanationreasons why all the timetormented by drowsiness, and you will not get a reliable remedy for getting rid of this ailment.

and no answer why

In the list of causes of daytime and excessive drowsiness diseases such as "idiopathic hypersomnia”, which, translated into Russian, means a purely individual, having no medical explanation and reason, a tendency to daytime drowsiness . Moreover, in the symptoms it is noted that the younger generation mainly suffers, and a strong desire to sleep has no physiological reasons. It has been noticed that these “patients” may show unreasonable aggression, and also begin to lose family, professional and other social ties due to their illness.

You must have met people who fast tired of any affairs. Im constantly I really want to sleep,especially during the day. And as a result, most of the working day they arrive at lethargy and bad mood , recouping on the others for his prostration . Often they refuse to take part in social activities, preferring to lie in bed all day.

These people are really suffering and suffering. No conversations for the purpose of motivation or with the desire to shame them lead to anything. It only makes them feel even more outcasts.

Or maybe you are one of them?

Why is it all the time sleepy - look into your mental

Despite the rich selection of diagnostics and numerous tips on what to do whenI really want to sleep, to deal with this problem is actually quite difficult. And in practice, many tips do not work. When man wants to sleepfor no obvious physiological or psychological reason, the answer can be found in.

Have you already tried everything? Then you are here. Understand your psyche and find the answer there, why do you want to sleep all the time.

AT systems-vector psychologythere is a concept - a sound vector. To understand the purpose of people with a sound vector and their main role in modern society, and at the same time the reasons , why do they want to sleep all the time, it is necessary to look into the past, when the human psyche was just being formed.

The soundman was originally, in the period of the early development of mankind, was busy with night guards. He had the most sensitive hearing, which allowed him to pick up any extraneous noise in the dark. This property of focusing on external sounds allowed people with a sound vector to develop their other qualities, one of which is a high ability to concentrate and adaptability to a high mental load.

Modern sound engineers are the owners of powerful abstract intelligence. The full potential of their mental effort and concentration must be directed in the right direction. This allows such people to be brilliant scientists, engineers, writers, poets, philosophers, mathematicians, physicists, programmers.

But most of all, a person with a sound vector wants to discover the essence of being and the structure of the universe, to know himself, to look into his mentality. It's insystem-vector psychology Yuri Burlancalled sound search. A person may not realize with his mind what he needs, what he is looking for. He is overcome by the feeling that something is missing in life, he experiences a feeling of emptiness and lack of meaning.

Reasons why you want to sleep all the time- systemically

We moved from stone axes to high-tech tools, invented philosophy, higher sciences, and even flew to the moon. And all this is due to the development and expansion of the human psyche by increasing the volume of our desires.

From focusing on the sounds of the wild night savannah, a person with a sound vector moved to focusing on himself, on his own thoughts. He created philosophy, music, literature, exact sciences and thus was able to fill his innate desire to know himself and his nature.

But today, neither literature, nor philosophy, nor even the exact sciences give an answer to the question of the essence of man. The question, which seriously puzzles any sound engineer, remains unanswered, creating a strong tension in the psyche. Soundman thinks about it endlessly, but can't find an answer. Prolonged inability to satisfy one's desires leads to state of apathy unwillingness to do anything. The person may feel depressed. forces , which is expressed as causeless drowsiness . Life seems meaningless and does not cause a desire to act.

The brain, like any other machine or apparatus, stops working when it is rarely used. In this case, not developing the necessary level of concentration to satisfy their desires, the sound engineer tries to do the opposite. And instead of cheerfulness and concentration, his brain chooses sleep.

This choice happens unconsciously. In fact,man wants to sleepbecause he does not find satisfaction in his actions. Thus, he suppresses his desire, turning off his brain. “While I sleep or am in a state of semi-drowsiness, I can not think about anything, because thinking is painful, unpleasant and meaningless.”

both night and day

So the problem of the day drowsiness and desire constantly sleep is a direct result of feeling the meaninglessness of being or lack of fulfillment of the desire to know the causes of the universe and oneself in people with a sound vector.

It usually doesn't end there. Except daytime prostration , there are problems with sleep at night, when the sound engineer tries in vain to find answers on the Internet, books. Or just sits, thinking about the secrets of being and the universe in the stillness of the night. As a result, night sleep moves to daytime. A person is simply not able to open his eyes in the morning, lying in bed for up to 12 hours, or even more. Either he doomedly wanders to work or study half asleep. condition .

Most from unexplained pathological daytime drowsiness and apathy young people suffer. And this is not surprising. As explains, our psychic today has reached an unprecedented level of development, where the sound desire to know oneself and one's psyche has come to the fore.

Our parents, grandparents could go into science, philosophy or religion and find answers to the questions of the universe there, thereby realizing their desires in a sound vector. Today, this is not enough. The only way out is how to get rid of what is sometimes called laziness, and realize reasons why all the time suffers from drowsiness is to understand yourself and find the meaning of life.

Depression , or Eternal sleep of consciousness

Up to this point, we have considered only one of the consequences when a person with a sound vector does not use his full potential. And instead of being in a state of the highest concentration and alertness of the mind, he is in able relaxation, drowsiness and constant drowsiness.

Even doctors in symptoms "idiopathic hypersomnia”Irritability and alienation from people were noticed. “Why go to a party with friends? Firstly, there is loud music, and all this annoys me. Secondly, their conversations seem petty and mundane compared to the gigantic potential of the internet!”

Thus, a person with a sound vector slowly loses the meaning of doing something, going somewhere, doing something. "Why? After all, life has no meaning! Why all this? It is so painful and painful to get out of bed in the morning when you want to sleep so much. Just sleepy , close your eyes and never wake up again, go into oblivion, turn off your consciousness and don’t think about anything else, don’t strain yourself looking for answers. So the first thought arises: “And if ... fall asleep and not wake up?”

“Why live when burdened with suffering and surrounded by the vanity of this world?” So it comes depression.

real depression happens only in the sound vector, although today this term is often used for other purposes, even by professionals: doctors and psychiatrists. At the moment onlysystem-vector psychology of Yuri Burlanallows you to understand the causes of depression.

Not surprisingly, one of the main symptoms depression is an emergency drowsiness, apathy which the people around call laziness and loss of meaning in life. It is also not surprising that only people with the highest mental potential want to go into altered states of consciousness, and sometimes it is easier for them to fall into depression . And thus get away from your direct purpose - to use the entire volume of your consciousness to comprehend life and reveal its meaning to others.

What to do to not want to sleep all the time

A logical question arises, how to achieve concentration of the mind in order to avoid constant drowsiness, loss of strength, state of apathy and even depression? System-Vector Psychologygives an answer to this question.

Man is built on the principle of pleasure, that is, the fulfillment of his desires. If the desire is not fulfilled for any reason, be it inability, ignorance, or external circumstances that force one to adapt in any way, the person experiences suffering. In this case, the sound engineer cannot find meaning in his daily life and prefers sleep oblivion rather than thinking. After all, thinking about the lack of meaning in life is very unpleasant.

As shows system-vector psychology, each vector has its own desires and a person is given the opportunity to find a way to realize them, or satisfy them, through innate qualities and properties. For people with a sound vector, the desire to know oneself is provided with a huge intellectual potential - abstract thinking.

But it happens that incorrect education or insufficient development of the properties of the vector, due to life circumstances, does not allow the sound engineer to realize the given potential. And thus it loses its meaning, ending up in networks drowsiness, apathy and depression.

If we knew exactly which direction to move in, even if we were at least aware of what we lack, it would already help us get on the right track, find at least some satisfaction, even the smallest.

The only solution for a human with a sound vector to overcome drowsiness and constant the desire to sleep is to understand yourself, your desires, the desires of other people. And thus their purpose and the way to realize their innate desires in this world.

To datesystem-vector psychology of Yuri Burlannot only explains the reasonswhy do you want to sleep all the timebut also gives answers how to overcome it constant sleepiness when literally nothing no energy . Already at the nightly free online training, you can learn a lot about yourself, about your family and friends. You will be able to uncover the cause of many problems, includingreasons why you want to sleep all the time.

“... I have had very big changes in my life from the very beginning of the training, I used to fall asleep at work, sitting at the computer, now I work 8-10 hours a day and don’t get tired, at night I listen to your trainings, I write notes and I don’t understand where the energy comes from is taken. At the same time, some kind of joy and peace appeared, worries about money went away and earnings almost doubled. and this is just 3-4 months with you…”

"…It was.

Lack of energy and time to take care of yourself. When she led the child to the garden in the morning, she did not even look in the mirror. All the time I wanted to sleep (preferably around the clock) and eat (especially sweet and especially at night: I spread butter in a thick layer on a loaf and ate it, if there was no loaf, I would just eat butter).

It has become.

Time is still short, but strength and desire have appeared. Started doing gymnastics in the morning. Lost appetite. I was drawn to the store for outfits, especially to the lingerie store ... "

“... Yes, I began to sleep less and I sleep well at the same time. Before classes, I slept for 12-15 hours, now from 2 to 8 ... "

Register for a nightly free online training at the link.

The article was written using materials from online trainings on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan

often read

If weakness has become a faithful companion, and for no reason you constantly want to sleep, this does not always indicate laziness. In most cases, this symptom signals the absence of a regimen and the inability to properly allocate one's time.

Signs and underlying causes of sleepiness

In modern society, people no longer need to endure such solid loads as before, associated with hard physical labor. But on the other hand, you have to process colossal amounts of information, so it is not surprising that the body periodically requires a reboot. Simultaneously with the desire to hug a pillow, there may be problems with getting up in the morning, lethargy and weakness during the day, irritability, causeless anxiety, weakening of concentration, memory impairment, inability to focus on something specific, lack of appetite.

Such a symptom as drowsiness can be caused by sleep and rest disturbances, an unhealthy lifestyle, regular stress, and certain diseases. To understand the mechanism of specific reasons, due to which you constantly want to sleep, it is necessary to consider each of them in more detail.

8 Common Causes of Sleepiness

    1. Anemia. With reduced hemoglobin, it is difficult to transport oxygen, including to the brain. Characteristic for this condition will be such manifestations of the body as a weakening of working capacity, lethargy, memory impairment, short-term loss of consciousness.
    2. Atherosclerosis. Problems with blood vessels cause oxygen starvation, and this, in turn, provokes migraines, hearing loss, memory problems, unsteady gait. In some cases, a stroke is possible.
    3. Narcolepsy and hypersomnia. Narcolepsy is an ailment characterized by disruptions in REM sleep, daytime sleepiness, and even sudden sleep attacks. Hypersomnia is a significant increase in the duration of sleep, accompanied by daytime sleepiness. The exact causes of these conditions have not been identified.
    4. Diseases of the endocrine system. Often drowsiness is one of the manifestations of hypothyroidism. Thyroid disease provokes changes in hormone levels and the accumulation of fluid in the tissues, which causes weakness.
    5. Diabetes. Often, this disease affects the vessels of the brain. Changes in the cortex can be triggered by jumps in sugar levels.
    6. Intoxication. The desire to lie down and fall asleep immediately may indicate poisoning. Vasospasm is caused by alcohol, nicotine, psychotropic substances. Some infections of various nature can also provoke poisoning.
    7. Oncology. Naturally, with such a disease, the exhaustion of the body is manifested by weakness and lethargy.
    8. Problems with the nervous system and mental disorders. Neurological diseases and frequent stress affect the overall performance, and one of the characteristic symptoms is the desire to lie down and sleep at the most unexpected time.

Other causes of drowsiness

Sleep disturbances can also cause restless legs syndrome, vitamin D deficiency, sleep apnea (short-term pauses in breathing), low blood pressure, certain medications, seasonal changes associated with shorter daylight hours.

You may want to sleep because of a lack of sleep and because of its poor quality. Often, the unwillingness to sleep, and then, accordingly, to wake up is provoked by a TV, computer, smartphone, which stimulate the brain.

A constant desire to sleep is often observed in people with a shift schedule and a traveling nature of work. I want to lie down to sleep after a hearty meal. And in the cold season, such a desire is observed in a larger number of people compared to spring and summer. This is due to a decrease in daylight hours, lack of sun, dry indoor air, vitamin deficiency. They need to be replenished by taking vitamin and mineral complexes.

In workaholics, sleep disturbances provoke chronic fatigue syndrome: even if you sleep more than usual at night, you still wake up sluggish and broken in the morning. To eliminate apathy, anxiety and fatigue in this case, you will need to contact a specialist.

A rather banal, though not always obvious, cause of drowsiness is stuffiness. Due to the increase in the content of carbon dioxide in the air, attention weakens, concentration deteriorates, and efficiency decreases. The only quick and effective way to cheer up is to open the window and ventilate the room. If the symptom often recurs, in the future it is necessary to take care of the supply ventilation system.

The desire to sleep is the norm for pregnant women, especially during the first trimester, when active hormonal changes take place and the body prepares for a changed mode of operation. Small children also sleep a lot (each age group has its own indicators). But if the child simultaneously experiences lethargy, weakness, nausea, discoloration of the skin, poor appetite, problems with the stool, then you should immediately contact the pediatrician to identify the causes that caused this condition.

How to get rid of unhealthy sleepiness and start living a fulfilling life

No matter how trite it sounds, you need to start with a visit to a therapist and taking tests to identify diseases and abnormalities in the body, since diabetes, atherosclerosis or anemia are not only provoking a desire to sleep, but also posing a health threat.

It is important to establish a daily routine - work and rest. Not everyone can be content with a couple of hours of sleep like da Vinci, Caesar or Bonaparte. An ordinary person needs at least 7 hours of sleep for a good rest.

An established routine will help prevent difficulties with falling asleep and getting up: go to bed and get up at about the same time. Do not eat fatty and heavy foods before bed. A light 10-minute exercise will help drive away naps in the middle of the day. A set of simple exercises will return productivity and allow you to finish urgent matters.

During work, take short breaks and sometimes change the type of activity: due to ordinary boredom, it can also begin to fall asleep. While staying at home, a contrast shower will help correct the situation. And it is important to drink plenty of water: dehydration also affects the overall well-being in a not very favorable way. Ventilate the room more often and try to avoid stressful situations. You can also try to start practicing the so-called Stirlitz dream: if you really want to sleep, set aside 15 minutes for yourself and relax.

Adequate sleep is very important for health and general well-being. Therefore, sleep well, because in this matter the only one who can really help is yourself.

There are people who want to sleep all the time. It is believed that a person needs 7-9 hours of sleep. During this time, the body has time to recover, and the brain to get rid of the toxins accumulated during the day.

During sleep, the brain does not turn off completely, but the amount of blood washing around it is halved. In this mode of operation, it must be at least 7 hours. Sleep less than 6 hours is considered too short. Therefore, it is not at all necessary to stay awake for 4-5 days in order to understand the perniciousness of such a regime.

Scientists say less than 6 hours of sleep deprivation during the same amount of time can push a healthy person into a pre-diabetic state. Since a tired body hardly controls the glucose content in the blood.

Hormonal metabolism is also disturbed. As a result, the body produces an excess amount of the hormone ghrelin and not enough - leptin. First of all, these hormones stabilize the frequency of hunger and satiety. Failure in their work threatens with obesity.

In addition, lack of sleep reduces the effect of vaccinations, making our immune system an easy target for viruses. Scientists compare the lack of sleep and the state of a person at the same time "with a slight concussion." Sleep deprivation for a long time, you reduce the activity of your brain and, as a result, it can surprise you in the form of dementia after a while.

In everyday life, this primarily affects well-being. Observations of 5 million people in 153 studies in different parts of the world gave the same result: lack of sleep leads to high blood pressure, diabetes, all kinds of diseases of the cardiovascular system, coronary disease and obesity. Persistent headaches appear, the nervous system suffers.

But it happens that even an eight-hour sleep does not relieve fatigue. I want to sleep all the time. What could it be?

Overeating and a hearty lunch

The reason for the irresistible desire to take a nap for an hour is often a hearty lunch. After eating, blood rushes to the stomach to participate in the digestion of food and in the distribution of nutrients. Therefore, in the upper part of the body, it becomes smaller, which causes a decrease in activity in the brain, and a sleepy state in a person. It is not for nothing that a quiet hour is planned in all medical institutions after lunch.

The busy schedule of most adults calls for an early rise. People go to work, to study and to kindergartens. The latter, of course, is easier - they have a midday nap. But for the rest, especially responsible adults, who still have a lot of household chores after work, lack of sleep is guaranteed. Doctors advise finding time for sleep at least on weekends, because a rested person will do much more useful.

Sleepy in the rain

Everyone knows that in rainy weather you want to sleep especially for a long time. It turns out that this is caused by a decrease in atmospheric pressure, which is typical for such weather. But this leads to a decrease in the amount of oxygen in the air. Therefore, the brain, not receiving enough of it, reduces its activity, switching to standby or sleep mode. But if you go outside, the drowsy state disappears, since the level of oxygen there is still higher than in a closed room.

Winter and beriberi

Winter time is a period of consumption of fatty and heavy foods. The digestion of which requires additional energy. In addition, there are few plant foods rich in vitamins in the diet. As a result, beriberi and lack of oxygen inhibit metabolic processes. And the body is immersed in a half-asleep state.

Traveling in public transport

The monotonous swaying of the vehicle when moving and the inability to move independently puts people in a state of stupor. The brain reacts by seeing the situation as a time to rest. In addition, the situation is aggravated by the lack of oxygen in transport. Yet more often in such conditions fall asleep people whose body is constantly experiencing a lack of sleep.

Of course, such a long sleep is the prerogative of pregnant women. The hormone progesterone is responsible for the calm course of pregnancy, so it fills the female body especially actively in the first stages of pregnancy and just before childbirth. It inhibits all reactions and excessive activity of a woman carrying a child. Apparently, nature decided that let him sleep better - it will be healthier. Therefore, pregnant women can sleep for 10 or even 15 hours.


Some medications, such as tranquilizers and even anti-allergic drugs, can cause a person to sleep extra hours. Your reaction to any such drug is unpredictable, but it is best to read the instructions and be aware.

Something else to find out

If everything that was listed earlier is not your case, but you want to sleep. Then observe if you have, besides drowsiness, any other deviations in the state of health. For example, dizziness, tinnitus, palpitations, headache. All of these can be symptoms of a much more serious health problem. Such as anemia, pathological processes in the thyroid gland or the cardiovascular system.

Also pay attention to the food you eat. Isn't there a lot of chemistry in it, which has replaced vitamin-containing natural products.

We come to the conclusion that you can feel rested and full of energy if you follow simple rules:

Monitor the amount of vitamins consumed, and if they are deficient, use a complex of pharmaceutical preparations.

Cheerfulness will give washing with cold water and a contrast shower. It is enough to spend 1-2 minutes on it, so that later during the day you will feel energetic.

Do not forget about charging. Its results have not yet disappointed anyone.

Do not kill the nervous system - go to bed before midnight. The most acceptable time for sleep is from 22-23 hours. Then the body will not protest against early rises.

A properly prepared bed for sleep and the absence of the habit of eating and drinking tea before bed will ensure quick falling asleep and healthy sleep. Do this at least two hours before bedtime.

Be outdoors more and ventilate the room every two hours.

Don't forget about aromatherapy. Spruce smell and minty aromas can wake you up from sleepiness.

And, of course, more light in the room. It is not for nothing that spring sunny days make us active and encourage us to new achievements.

Being alert, active and attentive during the day is normal. But what if you wake up already feeling tired? Drinking a cup of coffee does not give vivacity, and there is no sense in observing the regime ... The problem must be solved!

First of all, healthy sleep is necessary for the restoration of all body systems. With a lack of sleep, the body experiences enormous stress and is prone to inflammatory diseases and viral infections.

During sleep, the brain processes the information received during the day. And if there is not enough sleep, then memory and thinking can deteriorate.

Drowsiness only at first glance seems harmless. Yes, you can look like a sleepy fly, and at work or school you will be assigned the unpleasant title of a lazy person. But this is not the worst. For example, a decrease in concentration while driving is fraught with much more problems.

Excessive daytime sleepiness even has a name - hypersomnia. It is faced by about 30% of the population of our planet. It can signal severe, chronic fatigue or serious illness.

You should be concerned if:

  • You want to sleep all the time and do not have enough strength and energy for anything.
  • Often there is no appetite.
  • You are irritated or feel anxious.
  • You cannot concentrate on the necessary things or thoughts.
  • Attention and memory deteriorated.

According to statistics, the feeling of fatigue is much more likely to torment women than men. Hormonal fluctuations play a big role here. For example, a constant desire to sleep is characteristic of the first trimester of pregnancy, since a woman's body produces progesterone, a hormone that causes drowsiness.

Also, in women aged 25 to 45-50 years, chronic fatigue syndrome may occur. Characteristic signs are decreased attention, irritability, headaches.

Sometimes severe fatigue or drowsiness is just a reaction of the body to an incorrect, unhealthy lifestyle, stressful situations, overwork, as well as a poorly ventilated or stuffy room. But sometimes the desire to sleep during the day speaks of serious somatic diseases. Let's consider each reason in more detail.

Sleep failure

The optimal number of hours is individual for each person. Someone feels cheerful after 10 hours of sleep, and someone after 5. The norm is considered to be 7-8 hours of sleep.

Modern man leads an active lifestyle and sacrifices healthy sleep due to work, study and other responsibilities. But over time, lack of sleep makes itself felt.

However, lack of sleep is not only a lack of sleep, but also a decrease in its quality. Insomnia or frequent awakenings for any reason prevent you from getting a good night's sleep. To minimize this problem, stop watching TV or surfing the Internet before bed. Even the artificial light of a night lamp by the bed can awaken brain activity.

Overwork and stress

With severe stress and endless stressful situations, the body consumes the entire supply of energy. It is not surprising that sooner or later he will need recovery through good sleep. Allow yourself to take a break and enjoy the rest, otherwise you may face depression. If you are worried not only about feeling tired, but also about apathy, irritability, anxiety, a desire to cry, it's time to contact a specialist.

Poorly ventilated area

Drowsiness can be caused by an elementary stuffy office. With a high concentration of carbon dioxide in the air, there is a feeling of fatigue and a desire to sleep. To cheer up, regularly ventilate the room or go outside for fresh air. Sports, jogging, cycling will also not be superfluous.

Bad habits

If you are one of those people who love to abuse coffee and cigarettes, then there is nothing surprising in the constant desire to sleep. Yes, coffee can really increase concentration, but not for long. And coffee, drunk in large quantities, will simply give the opposite effect. The thing is that caffeine promotes the production of adrenaline and norepinephrine by the adrenal glands - invigorating hormones. But the second, third, fourth cup of coffee is not so invigorating, have you noticed? After all, by drinking more than a couple of cups of coffee a day, you force your adrenal glands to work for wear and tear and a new batch of hormones does not have time to be produced.

Nicotine causes a spasm of cerebral vessels, preventing them from receiving the necessary amount of oxygen. Therefore, people who often smoke, there is a feeling of lack of sleep.

Another negative habit that causes a feeling of endless fatigue is malnutrition. Sometimes after a hearty breakfast, lunch or dinner, one tends to sleep. The thing is that when you overeat, the body spends a lot of energy on digesting food.

There are people who prefer to skip their morning meal. In this case, you should also not be surprised by drowsiness, since breakfast is very important for obtaining the energy the body needs.

Somatic diseases

As we have already said, constant fatigue and drowsiness can signal somatic diseases. Usually the feeling of lack of sleep is provoked by the following conditions:

  • Atherosclerosis. Vascular disease resulting from high levels of cholesterol in the body. The reasons are malnutrition, inactivity, stress.
  • Anemia. Lack of hemoglobin. Paleness and weakness are also symptoms of anemia.
  • Hypotension. Low blood pressure as a result of insufficient blood supply to the brain.

And these are just some of them!


A frequent manifestation of spring beriberi is a desire to sleep. The body lacks vitamins and nutrients. Also in spring, the body begins to actively recover from winter stress, colds, a small amount of sunlight and