Lineage 2 farm adena.  The fastest way to earn in l2

Lineage 2 farm adena. The fastest way to earn in l2

How to earn adena by playing on a server with Interlude?

Not so long ago, I, tired of all these bells and whistles of new chronicles Lineage 2, moved to the server with the good old chronicles Interlude. Having got used to it a little, remembering old skills and consulting with people who have been playing here longer than me, I decided to write such a guide.

This guide cannot be an absolute guide to earning adena, since each server has its own economy, which depends on the rates for XP, spoil, drop, type and amount of donation and other nuances. Nevertheless, a couple of useful ideas here, I hope, can be gleaned.

So, way 1.

Sale of D and C crystals. In the world Interlude a lot is tied to items from the store luxury shop, and crystals are a very hot commodity there. Requires gnome crafter level 20 (to get D-graid crystals), and preferably level 40 (to get D and C graid). Investments are required relatively small, pumping a gnome to 2 professions is also not a problem. The profit is small but constant.

Method 2.

Manor. There is nothing special to tell here - everything is described and. You can start at any level, the main thing is not to forget to take seedlings.

Method 3.

Fishing. I have already written a lot about fishing, for example, or. All in all, a very lucrative business. The cost of proofs is usually 3000-4000 adena (on some servers even 8k). At level 45+, it is quite possible to catch 2000-3000 proofs in an hour. Total - 12k adena. Prices, of course, will differ - but the idea, I think, is clear. Difficulty - selling less than 4000 proofs is problematic (and if you start fishing at level 20+, it will be difficult to catch more). In addition, fishing with supports or even mages can also be difficult because of the mobs that sometimes appear on the hook instead of the expected fish. Mili-DD or dwarf fishing is a pleasure.

Method 4.

Described many times known way— sale of nipples. Ideally, a dwarf crafter 62+ is required, it is at this level that you can “score” on his further quality - he will already be able to make S grade nipples. The profit is constant, it does not require much effort and time. You can start trading nipples as early as level 20 (crafting level 2), D-nipples are well bought in Dion. Difficulties - it is very desirable to have a CE or EE for pouring MP during crafting (the first 2 spells that I started on the server are a gnome (crafter) and CE, the third and fourth are a gnome (spoiler) and PP). Well, pumping out the dwarf himself to 62 is also not so easy, especially if this is the first spell.

Method 5.

Quest required Exploration of Giants Cave, Part 1 or Exploration of Giants Cave, Part 2 . Firstly, by these quests you can get good recipes(for example, a recipe for Tallum Plate Armor) and sell it. The second way to make money on these quests is to sell the scrolls (golems) themselves, which fall on this quest. Not sure about other servers Interlude— but at this point, the golem trade is in full swing. Difficulties in this way of earning - you need a 55+ character (it is contraindicated to go there as a solo magician, although you can) and supports. You can party with other players.

Method 6.

Spoiler 48+ required. The task is to spoil Stone of Purity and Scroll Enchant Weapon grade C. Location - Pavel Ruins, teleport from Town of Stuttgart. Ants must be hunted Spelunking Ant- they will be spoiled by SOPs and Greater Healing Potion. There are mobs nearby Probe Golem Champion I- one of them will perfectly sharpen weapons grade C. In principle, there is no particular difficulty. You can run well there even in an incomplete set Composite Armor and with the simplest buff, the more herbs fall on HP and MP.

Method 7.

Requires a level 55+ mage. It is possible and mi-DD - but it is much more difficult for them. The task is to work from morning to night swinging in the location Volley of Saints. Mobs must be killed Punishment of Splendor (Flind the Avenger) - Recipes drop from them Dark Crystal Gloves and Sealed Tallum Gloves from mobs Wailing of Splendor (Roaring Flind) . Due to the fact that these recipes do not spoil, but only drop, and their drop chance is very low, they cost almost obscenely expensive. Difficulties - the Persian needs good gear and jewelry + a normal buff. For example, I began to feel good here only when I put on my shirt Dark Crystal Robe set and set Majestic bijouterie. But - I calmly run with Homunculus's fluffy - mobs fall from 2-3 shots. It is quite possible to knock out 5-6 recipes in a day here.

Method 8.

Resale of resources. This is probably one of the most difficult ways and it is probably not profitable on all servers, so before you start, take a closer look at the price difference in the market (buying / selling). Its essence is simple - to buy resources with one spell - to sell them to others (in the days of the USSR it was called "speculation" and this was prosecuted by an article of the Criminal Code, yeah). The complexity of the method - you need to be constantly aware of the "world" prices for resources. It is necessary to constantly keep several (at least 2) windows open for trading (far from everywhere there is a trade bot or at least offline trading). The simplicity of the method - no need to run, swing and so on. I planted charms for trading - I went to play football on the street (or to swing the base in kats :-)).

And finally - method number 8- mining Ancient Adena (Anticient Adena). You can start from level 20, you just need to look at the prices on the market - is it worth the time. For example, on the server where I'm playing now, AA goes for 25-28 adena for 1 old adena. The complexity of the method - in solo katas it is difficult without good gear and a buff. Advantage - at the same time there is a good quality, and good earnings of money. Again, it will not work on all servers - see the cost of AA on the market, if it is less than 10-15 adena - then I don’t see much point.

Basically, that's all for now. It’s quite possible to make money on A-shit in such ways, but I don’t need S-graid yet. Perhaps I'll add something interesting here.

I would like to express my special thanks to my esteemed colleague TOPIH , for her tips on how to get money on this server, and to the whole clan SF for tips on correcting this article :-).

Farming adena in Lineage 2, as well as earning currency in others MMORPG games is simply necessary. If you know the maximum effective ways earning money in the game, then you will not waste time on unreasonably long tasks that cannot bring the desired profit to your character.

Adena farm is needed so that you can upgrade your character, buy him the necessary things. Among other types of game currency, adena is the most in demand. It cannot be bought or sold in a game way, you have to use one of those methods that are prescribed in the game manuals, or developed by the players themselves. Let's talk about what are the methods to earn money in the Lineage 2 interface, and which ones should your character use?

Ways to farm adena

Below we will describe the ways to make money in the Lineage 2 interface. None of them can be called unequivocally the best and most acceptable, but knowing the details and features of each of them, you can choose the perfect one for your character in terms of the ratio of time spent and potential gain.


One of the most popular ways to earn adena in the Lineage 2 interface is crafting, that is, making useful game items, including armor, weapons, arrows or soulshots. According to legend, only gnomes have the necessary skills and knowledge to make such items, but the developers have provided each character with the opportunity to “learn” crafting, and roughly speaking, simply “decorate” such secret teachings with a gnome.

If you want to use craft to farm adena, then you need to add everything to the gnome book available species character resources and simple recipes for the manufacture of armor or weapons. Gradually, as the skill improves, you will be able to master more complex crafting and make complex items and weapons. You can dispose of items after crafting different ways. The simplest is subsequent resale. You can exchange items for the same items from other players, you can also resell weapons and items of your craft already for adena.

This method is the least risky, unlike farming mobs or using raid bosses, you always know what kind of reward you get in the end. By the way, for successful crafting, you need to decide on a strategy - the tactic of simultaneously and constantly crafting several things is recognized as the best. You need to be careful: sometimes the cost of a made item in r2 is cheaper than the cost of crystallized resources.


Farm is suitable for L2 characters of high levels - from the seventieth and above. Spoil is the second opportunity for dwarves after crafting. The peculiarity lies in the possibility of using and obtaining rare resources and game features from the body of killed mobs. However, many of the items and resources obtained are used for later crafting.

Spoil can be considered both as the main tool to earn adena, and as a component of crafting. In the first case, you will have to profitably sell resources or things from the body of the mob, since Lineage 2 has a large number of opportunities for this.

Such a farm will seem boring only to those players who cannot analyze the Lineage 2 world as a kind of economy: by studying market trends, you will determine what resources the players need now, and you will be able to spoil and sell them, having received a sufficient amount of adena.


Manor is an easy way to earn money in Lineage 2. This is, in fact, growing resources in mobs that drop to the character after their death. For the manor, you need to find a manager who buys seeds (this happens in the evening, at 22:00). Players can buy seeds from the manor manager early in the morning and plant them on mobs. If you choose a manor, then in advance, in addition to seeds, you need to buy a reaper who will harvest mobs.

As the character develops, you plant seeds in different mobs. After killing a monster, you get a harvest, which depends on the type of the mob itself. In the future, the crop can be sold back to the manager. At the same time, he can buy a certain amount of the crop from you (and not everything that you have grown). In exchange for the harvest, you get a certain resource that you already choose - this is a huge plus. The method is not risky and proven.

Farm mobs

Mobs in Lineage 2 are rather weak and with sufficient character leveling, you can earn enough adena, items or resources from them. Just upgrade your character to a normal level of participation in the battle, and defeat the mobs on the classic farm. This, in fact, in addition to crafting, is the most standard and easiest way to earn money.

From each mob you can earn different amount coins or things - depends on its type. But from every kill in L2 you get a drop, which can also be sold for play money.

Reselling Items, Recipes, and Resources

The Lineage 2 interface opens up great opportunities for the development of capital in a gaming environment. market economy. Reselling your resources and items has its own characteristics:

  • the method of pharma is effective if you have start-up capital;
  • you have studied the market and are well versed in demand, price levels;
  • you know where you can find players who are willing to sell resources at a price below the market.

Reselling includes both a simple exchange of items and recipes among the players themselves, and the exchange of adena and resources for real. Usually, beginners immediately after entering the game drain their money in order to get a little bit of capital from the gear to upgrade their character to a decent level.

Keep an eye on the situation in l2 and do not buy unclaimed items, but sell those that are in demand. This is a non-risk method, you can use twinks for it and not waste your character's time at all.

treasure hunt

There are treasure hunters in every class, every character can become a dagger, regardless of his level and experience. Treasure chests are generously scattered throughout the locations in Lineage 2, so if you are lucky, there will definitely not be a lack of adena. Sometimes chests drop from mobs, sometimes even with keys. By the way, it is with grades that problems can most often arise - the most difficult task is choosing them correctly. Often you will find grades right at the location of the chest, but sometimes they are mined on rifts. If you don’t feel sorry for the time, then a good treasure will allow you to get rich at once and earn money in Lineage 2 without much effort. Can be used as an additional method along with the rest.

Raid Bosses

A great way to get adena or high rank items in Lineage 2. The most interesting, in our opinion, and relatively risky way. Suitable for characters high level eighties and up. It consists in the fact that clans organize trips to raid bosses, killing which they get a large amount of adena, high-rank items, ready-made gear and weapons. The problem is that sometimes you get items that your character didn't really need. To do this, we recommend that you study the possible drop from each raid boss in the L2 guides in advance and understand whether you need this farm, or it is better to stop at something else from the list we have provided.


The quest is especially valuable for crafting, as it helps to earn ingredients. The quest takes a little time, often just a few minutes is enough. You can get very useful components for crafting and upgrade your character at the same time. There are really a lot of quests in Lineage 2.

Cooperation with the Administration through bug reports

Unlike quests, it is useful for everyone - admins pay adena to those players who in good faith discovered cheats or illegal ways to get a drop and reported this to the administration using a bug report. The reward depends on the server, but very often it is very generous. We do not recommend using the bug itself - it threatens to ban the character.

Buff trading

Buffs are useful character enhancements. For them, you will need an additional buffer, which will deal with all the preparatory processes. Selling the same Shillien elder for mages is a great way to get adena. Like many others, the method requires market research and the demand for certain buffs.

Our advice is to use several options for making a profit in l2 at the same time (quests, crafting, buffs), so you will never be a loser! And in the future, you can contact us for the sale or purchase of game currency.

The game



Year of issue


Lineage II





There are several ways to earn adena in this game. The simplest of them is to upgrade a spoiler or crafter gnome, as well as sow a crop and then harvest it. There are a couple more ways in which you can earn money, these are farming mobs and hiking in the catacombs of the world. Lineage 2.

Below we will consider in detail such earning abilities in the game. Lineage 2.

Earning adena with the help of a spoiler gnome and a crafter. With a spoiler, you can earn a lot of money, since this hero has the ability to increase the chance of items falling out of the mob, so by farming monsters, you can pick up much more loot from them. To successfully earn adena, you need to look into the knowledge base Lineage 2, in which you should find a list of mobs and the chance of items and things falling out of them. Find a mob that drops any loot worth a lot of money (sharpening, a rare soap item, etc.), and then go with the Spoiler and spoil this mob. Thus, you can collect resources for a good amount.

Dwarf crafter Lineage 2 also a good hero for earning adena. With the help of the crafting ability, he can create things that cost a lot of money in the world. Lineage 2. But to create a thing, he needs a lot of resources, which is why it is better for a gnome crafter to work in tandem with a spoiler gnome. With such a composition, they can farm a lot of dough.

How to earn adena through sowing and harvesting. Every city in the world Lineage 2 has several Manor Manager NPCs. From such mobs you can buy a sickle (Harvester) and grains (Seed). With a sickle you will collect crops. There are several types of grains in the game world.

Sowing and harvesting in the world Lineage 2 resembles the same spoil but with a number of differences. To begin with, you use grain on the mob, which is accompanied by some kind of animation, then attack and kill it. The grain can be successfully or unsuccessfully sown into a monster, the result depends on the difference in the grain level, your hero and the mob itself.

Also, sowing grain into a monster will not cause its aggression towards you. That is, if you fail, you can sow the seed into it again. Grains purchased in one city can only be sown in monsters that live in the territory adjacent to the city.

Trade AA (antique adena) - perhaps the most profitable business in l2. It doesn't take much time. Just go in and change the character. Set prices below competitors.

Such a business has its own characteristics. In the article you will find tips: how to set prices, where to sit down, etc.

AA is bought more often than anything else. They are needed for any crafting, printouts of clothes.

If you sit down to buy, they will quickly sell them to you. Since kata, this is the place where everyone and sundry swings.

The destres farm especially a lot - they drive wigs and sell them. By the way, they will be the most unpleasant competitors, ready to put very low price for sale. All because they got the antique adena for free, solely as a result of farming.

How much can you earn

On average, you can sell AA on servers for twice the price of what you bought. It all depends on the number of competitors. Sometimes it turns out to sell 7 times more expensive when no one but you sells AA.

At first, when there is not much money, you can double it several times a day. But then, when there are several Persians with AA for 2 billion, it will turn out to double the capital somewhere every three days.

In addition, this business will be useful when you are crafting a lot of things at once. It will take a lot of antique adena. Farm so much you hesitate. But your sellers will always have them.

Where to sit

Often on servers, sellers / buyers of antique adena sit next to each other. You need to sit near them with a bargain price and check it often.

If it is not possible to often enter the character, then it is better to sit away from the rest. People who are too lazy to view the entire area will buy / sell you if they don’t see other offers nearby.

What price to put

If you play aggressively and can often enter, then stupidly bet on one adena more profitable. No need to bet, for example, 5 adena cheaper - it's pointless. Everyone will buy / sell anyway just for you.

Another option is when you visit rarely. Set the price slightly below the average and then everything will be sold out after a while.

If the price is the best, then feel free to write it in the ad. If not, then it is better to write something like "cheap".

AA trading is a seasonal business

Seasonal, because the exchange of stones for aa and the purchase, printing of things occurs only during the confirmation of the seal. One week cannot be exchanged. Such seasonality greatly affects prices and makes it possible to earn even more.

On some servers, mammon is available all the time. This means that the features described below do not apply to such servers.

AA exchange period

The period when you can exchange stones for aa and spend them. At this time, all stones should be exchanged for aa and it is worth trading with them. That is, I do not recommend exchanging them for A and S gems, CPU, etc. Because AA is also needed for printing gear. And if we exchange AA for goods, then we lose these buyers.

Sell ​​and buy back AA at market prices. During this period, it is important to keep some of the AA for a couple last days weeks. Since by this time competitors often sell out all the goods, but demand increases very much. In addition, people are willing to buy at much higher prices. After all, they need to have time to print, craft. Otherwise, you will have to wait another week.

Feel free to set prices these days three times more than usual. Of course, if there are few competitors.

Don't be afraid to end up with unsold AA. The main thing is to have time to exchange them for A and S gems. I mostly trade only S gems. Since on the server where I played, it was the most profitable.

Do not buy S crystals! Since they are full of people who have broken their gear. They are willing to sell them very cheaply.

Buying period for stones

This week you can sell S gems at a price much higher than the price of AA last week. But the demand is much less. Most still waiting for next week.

Also, buy stones. From day one, all week. They will cost very, very little compared to AA next week. Especially in the first few days of the struggle for seals.

How does the value of AA change?

The chart roughly shows the price of AA. different colors different parties of AA are shown.

In the first week, AA is bought in the form of stones (very cheap).

Second week - stones are exchanged for AA.

And the third week (again a period of struggle) - AA is exchanged for A, N gems.

At the same time, new stones are being bought.

We can conclude that the moment to buy is the beginning of a period of struggle. For sale - also the beginning of the struggle period, but after a week. But I do not recommend waiting that long to sell. In all these two weeks, you can wrap the goods a bunch of times.

Just consider this fact. And make sure that by this moment you have something to sell and what to buy.

dark side victory

There is such a generally accepted feature - everyone swears for the bright side. But there are times when the dark one wins. Then none of those who are light can exchange AA and get to mammon.

First, be careful. Register a second Persian for the dark ones, just in case. If you have a bunch of purchased stones and you fly by like that, then your business will stop for two weeks. In this case, it would be better to ask someone to exchange, from those who are registered for the dark ones.

Secondly, such a case is simply Goldmine if you will have a bunch of AA in such a week. You can sell S gems for such exorbitant prices that you just get rich.

In any case, this business must be dealt with in the first place. Since without any problems you can dress in full gear. It's much faster than farming him.

And there is no difference here, whether you play on the official server or on a freeshard, in any case, you have to go to a certain farm zone and knock out adena or some other currency, so that later you can buy the necessary things, consumables and everything else. However, few people know about the passage of which locations gives the most adena. Since many freeshards offer their own currency and create their own farm zones, in this case we will consider exactly the adena farm, which will be relevant for servers that use it as a currency and are based on the official client of this .

This guide will describe the main secrets of gathering a group and the most convenient and attractive places to farm adena.

Where to farm?

There are a fairly large number of places where you can farm adena. Most of the beginners who managed to fill the maximum level and take some good gear prefer to go to the Dragon Valley or, gathering in groups, go to Antharas' Lair, trying to knock out adena there. But in fact, all these methods are mostly relevant only for single players or beginners, while more equipped and experienced players can provide themselves with more serious profits, if, of course, they agree among themselves to cooperate a little in a group.

Almost on all servers using the official database, the best place for adena farm is the Seed of Annihilation - a special location in which mobs stand in huge crowds, three rooms are offered to choose from with different mobs, and a bonus to damage for each class in separate zones is also provided. The only thing that prevents farming here is the presence of a lot of subtleties that need to be taken into account, as well as the fact that, in principle, it is available to undressed players only one or two weeks in a whole month.

What do you need to know?

First of all, you need to know how to get into the Seed of Annihilation. To do this, we go to Gludio, and from there we teleport to the Gludio Air Harbor, where special ship. It remains only to wait for him, and then go to the Base of the Keucerus Alliance, where you just have to find the Ship Controller in the city center and teleport to the very location of the Seed of Annihilation. It is worth noting that after the teleport you will not see any mobs, and in order to get to the farm zone itself, you will need to approach the officer in the center of the crater, who will send you inside.

There are three locations inside:

    Beastacon (Northern Entrance) - Monsters hang a doom around them, prohibiting the use of any skills.

    Kokrakon (western entrance) - monsters have fear-inducing abilities, as well as slowing down the casting and attack speed.

    Reptilicon (east entrance) - monsters have stun abilities and hang a mana absorption debuff.

Depending on the week, one of the lights is lit near each zone: green - a bonus to damage to archers, red - to warriors, blue - to mages.

Many have heard that the Seed of Annihilation is divided into weeks, in each of which only a certain archetype can farm. Coming there for the first time, it may seem that this is an incorrect statement, because there are three locations, and bonuses are simply shuffled between them every week, but in reality, only Reptilicon is suitable for farming, since the stun can be removed or, in extreme cases, wait out, and the debuff for absorption mana is not that strong. Under fear, the groups scatter in different sides, dd can't hit, a tank can tank normally, and as a result, the healer will be in fear, after which the whole group will lie down. In Bistacon, the same thing happens under doom, only all of you can control your “blanks”, unable to heal or aggro, but only hit with a normal attack, and even with good gear, farming here is extremely difficult.

Whom to farm?

There are several options for gathering a group in the Seed of Destruction - standard and non-standard. It’s worth noting right away that in order to ensure yourself a more or less effective farm, you should go there with a group of no more than four or five people, otherwise there will be too little adena for each.

Standard group:

  • Tank.
  • Any two DDs, depending on who exactly Reptilicon is open to at the moment.
  • Mana Bay (optional).

Everything is simple here - the tank aggro the mobs on itself, while the healer does not let him die while the DDs shoot the opponents. No secrets or hidden meaning not here - this is extreme simple circuit, which works always and everywhere, and it will be the only possible one for those who play with those very heals and tanks.

Non-standard group:

  • Spearman.
  • Any two DD.
  • Mana Bay (optional).

There is already a special tactic here - a spearman aggroes mobs on himself (it is highly not recommended to use a shout, we just attack), after which he actively keeps them in the camp, while the DDs take the mobs out of the camp one by one and shoot them. The main function of the spearman here is to tank damage and endlessly stun mobs in batches while DDs take them out one by one from the stun and finish them off. Accordingly, it is not recommended to turn on the shout to collect huge packs, and at the same time it is better to turn on the passive for + 30% of the crit power on one target, since we will not need massive strikes with a spear.