Lindinet after 40 years.  Searching results.  What are birth control pills

Lindinet after 40 years. Searching results. What are birth control pills

For modern women, the age after 40 years is a wonderful time. Children are already big, the body is not old yet. It's time to take care of yourself, your personal life. But an unwanted pregnancy can negate all the joy of freedom. And abortion at this age is especially dangerous for health, so it is worth protecting yourself carefully.

The most common contraceptives before menopause are:

  • intrauterine device;
  • tablet forms;
  • injections, implants;
  • condom;
  • antispermicides;
  • sterilization.

Of course, none of the methods gives a 100% guarantee of protection. But in combination, contraceptives for women give the maximum result.


They are considered the most effective and acceptable for contraception after 45.

  • available materially to almost any segment of the population (in some medical institutions free of charge);
  • do not have a hormonal effect on the body;
  • have a long validity period (with proper installation - up to 5-7 years);
  • after the removal of the spiral, the childbearing function is restored quite quickly.
  • there are contraindications;
  • no protection against sexually transmitted diseases;
  • there is a possibility of an ectopic pregnancy.

Oral contraceptives

  • reliable method (gives a 99% guarantee of protection);
  • reduce the risk of certain diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • have a therapeutic effect (for example, with endometriosis, ovarian cysts, mastopathy);
  • a large selection for the most comfortable reception;
  • relatively inexpensive.
  • improperly selected pills can provoke hair loss, or, conversely, the active growth of unwanted vegetation;
  • you will have to regulate nutrition, monitor lifestyle (some oral contraceptives increase appetite);
  • contraindicated in smoking, diabetes, diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • do not skip doses, otherwise the effectiveness will decrease;
  • there are multiple side effects.

You can’t buy the first beautiful box you like, or “a friend advised me, so I’ll try it too.” Hormonal contraceptive pills should be selected by a competent gynecologist after a complete medical examination, passing all tests, taking into account all the pros and cons. Here even the constitution of the body plays an important role.

Barrier Methods

These include female and male condoms, antispermicidal ointments, caps. Most people have an idea what it is. Nowadays, there is a lot of information on this topic, it is available to both teenagers and adults.

  • no hormonal effects on the body;
  • low price;
  • available for free sale;
  • no need for a prescription from a doctor;
  • convenient and simple;
  • some protect against infections.
  • the effect is short-term (one-time);
  • there is a possibility of allergies, irritation;
  • low degree of protection in comparison with other methods of protection;
  • not everyone knows how to use it correctly.

Injections. Implants

The last word of modern contraception. They are long acting hormones. Administered subcutaneously (injection) or through an incision (capsule). The duration of the injection is about 3 months, capsules - about 5 years.

You cannot use these medicines on your own. Appointment and installation should only be done by a specialist.

  • long-term effect;
  • almost no side effects, allergic reactions;
  • easy to use (no need for constant self-control);
  • can be used during lactation, which is especially important in the postpartum period;
  • high degree of protection - 99%.
  • do not provide protection against infections;
  • some side effects are possible (they are usually minor and pass quickly);
  • after removing the capsules, a small scar will remain;
  • there is a small chance of menstrual irregularities;
  • hormonal.

natural methods

Contraception after 40 includes such popular methods as intermittent abstinence and coitus interruptus. Alternative options are only suitable for those sexual partners who do not want to be protected in the ways described above. Either they are forbidden by religion, there are some phobias, they require medical indications, other reasons. These methods are not very effective, they have practically no advantages over other contraceptives. Applying them, you need to strictly control yourself, which not everyone can do. You also need to be absolutely confident in your partner, and not everyone can boast of this.


It is still a rare way in Russia to prevent unwanted pregnancy. But, already gaining momentum, because it gives a guarantee of 99.9%. Not everyone can do sterilization. You can't just come in and make an appointment. In our country, the procedure is only allowed for people over the age of 35 and with at least 2 children. If such a measure is required for medical reasons, then the age of the patient and the presence of children are not decisive.

Choosing birth control pills after 40 years is necessary with extreme caution. In women at this age, physiological changes occur that bring the onset of menopause closer. Despite the decline in reproductive function, there is a risk of becoming pregnant, but the bearing of a child is often accompanied by an increased burden on health.

Women's health after 40 years

After 35 years, the natural death of immature eggs accelerates by 2-3 times, so after 40 many cycles become anovulatory. Menopause on average occurs at 50-55 years old, but in some cases, menstruation may stop as early as 45 (see). It is important to choose a method of contraception that does not harm the hormonal background.

By the age of 40, diseases accumulate in the body that are associated with an unhealthy lifestyle, bad habits and gradual aging. In most women, when they see a doctor, they find:

Metabolic disorders at an older age lead to obesity, the development of hyperandrogenism, diabetes mellitus, and thyroid pathology is common. Therefore, many patients complain of a menstrual cycle failure, bleeding and other signs of impaired hormone production.

Types of birth control pills after 40 years

Choosing birth control pills after 40 years is harder because of the large number of contraindications. But it is impossible to completely abandon the methods of protection, few people agree to bear and give birth to a child at this age. Hormonal agents have been developed that are suitable for late reproductive age, which reliably protect against pregnancy and help stabilize the course of diseases associated with an increased concentration of estrogens.

Hormonal remedies

Contraceptives for a 40 year old woman can be produced in various combinations of hormones:

  • combined oral contraceptives based on estrogens and gestagens;
  • pure gestagenic preparations.

The first group of contraceptives is more popular. Single-phase contraceptives can be used with good menstrual control, but microdosed contraceptives are more likely to be accompanied by intermenstrual bleeding. Therefore, preference is given to 30 micrograms of estrogen.

Hormonal with gestagens after 40 can be prescribed for contraindications to the estrogen component. More often these are women with hypertension, diabetes and obesity.

Attention! Estrogens increase blood viscosity, so COCs are not recommended for those with a tendency to thrombosis, migraines, and a history of cerebrovascular accident.

Non-hormonal with phytoestrogens

Some patients are afraid that they will start to get fat on hormones or that other undesirable effects of oral contraceptives will appear. Therefore, they ask the gynecologist to prescribe herbal remedies with phytoestrogens. These are preparations, which include cimicifuga extract. It has been proven that the active substance can compensate for signs of estrogen deficiency, reduce the first manifestations of menopause symptoms, but they do not protect against pregnancy. This is due to the fact that progestins provide a contraceptive effect, and their analogues in plants have not been found.

Emergency contraceptives

After 40 years, it can be used from pregnancy, with caution and taking into account contraindications. The composition of contraceptive drugs includes levonorgestrel or mifepristone. These substances prevent fertilization or implantation of the ovum in the uterine wall, but they are not able to cause an early abortion. There is also a risk of menstrual cycle failure. Therefore, resorting to this method of protection against pregnancy should be as rare as possible.

Criteria for choosing contraceptives after 40 years

Contraceptives after 40 years are selected based on the patient's history. Absolutely healthy women are prescribed a low-dose agent, which contains ethinylestradiol and any progestogen with low androgenic activity: norgestimate, levonorgestrel, desogestrel, gestodene. In other cases, the following indicators are taken into account:

Features of the selection of contraceptives after 40

After 40 years, oral contraceptives are selected taking into account the age of the woman and the likelihood of an early menopause. Sometimes menstruation stops as early as 45, which corresponds to early menopause. If this happens at 40, this is a premature menopause.


You can protect yourself after 40 years with the help of estrogen-progestin preparations, but the dosage is selected carefully. The condition of the mammary gland is taken into account and ultrasound is mandatory. If, according to its results, there is a suspicion of a neoplasm, hormones cannot be used. They increase the risk of breast cancer progression.

In case of menstrual irregularities, frequent dysfunctional bleeding, it is necessary to establish their cause. After 40, the incidence of cancer of the cervix, endometrium and ovaries rises sharply. These diseases may be accompanied by acyclic bleeding, but contraceptives are contraindicated.

It is also necessary to take into account the severity of the symptoms of the approaching menopause, so birth control pills are often used in premenopause as a component of hormone replacement therapy.

With menopause

Menopause is the period in a woman's life after the last menstruation, it is called menopause and is determined retrospectively. If there is no menstruation during the year, it is considered that menopause has come. The function of the ovaries is completely depressed, they practically do not produce estrogens, and eggs do not mature in them. Therefore, there is no need for contraception.

Hormonal drugs during this period are used for replacement therapy to alleviate signs of estrogen deficiency. But synthetic ethinylestradiol is prohibited, natural estrogen is required. The use of non-hormonal herbal remedies is allowed.


After the age of 35, the risk of developing thrombotic complications increases when using contraceptives. Women are much more likely to have thrombosis. Therefore, after 40 years, methods of protection without the use of hormones are recommended. These can be disposable condoms, spermicides, but pure gestagens are allowed.

Rating of the best birth control pills after 40 years

In the review of contraceptives allowed at the age of 40, the leading positions are occupied by drugs that help to cope with heavy menstruation, regulate the cycle and prepare the body for menopause. But women should be regularly observed by a doctor, at least once a year undergo an examination by a gynecologist, take a smear for oncocytology.

№1 Qlaira

According to many researchers, after 40 years, these are the best birth control pills for mature women. This is the first modern contraceptive drug, which includes natural estrogen. Therefore, they provide protection against pregnancy, control the menstrual cycle well, and help prepare the body for the transition to hormone replacement therapy. The price of a package for 1 and 3 months is 1015-2850 rubles.

#2 Janine

As part of the contraceptive drug ethinylestradiol and gestaden. This component has a pronounced progestogenic effect, so the tablets are recommended for women with dysfunctional bleeding, frequent cycle failures, and oligomenorrhea. Janine is available in 21 tablets per pack, so a break of 7 days is required when using. The cost of packaging is from 940 rubles.

№3 Mercilon

The tablets are a combination of ethinyl estradiol and desogestrel, which has a weak progestogenic effect. It does not increase the sensitivity of hair follicles to androgens, does not lead to an increase in the concentration of male hormones. Therefore, birth control is recommended for women who show signs of hirsutism. The cost of a pack for 21 days is from 1300 rubles.

№4 Lactinet

These are contraceptives for women over 40 with a new generation of obesity, they do not increase the risk of vascular complications, thrombosis. Therefore, they can be used in cases where estrogens are prohibited. As part of desogestrel in the minimum dose required to protect against pregnancy. The cost of tablets is 500-750 rubles.

№5 Regulon

The composition of contraceptives includes synthetic estrogen and desogestrel. It does not have androgenic properties, therefore it can be used after 40 years for contraception and maintenance treatment for endometrial hyperplasia. Available in 21 tablets in a blister, the cost of one is from 370 rubles.

№6 Silest

As part of contraceptive pills, norgestimate, which has a pronounced progestogenic effect. It is necessary in women with dysfunctional bleeding, oligomenorrhea. But not recommended for hirsutism and acne. But the drug is not popular among doctors and patients, so it's hard to buy it.

№7 Tri-regol

Three-phase contraceptive based on ethinyl estradiol and levonorgestrel. Indicated for women with poor cycle control, signs of estrogen deficiency. Also, contraception helps to cope with other signs of a lack of estrogen - a decrease in libido, vaginal dryness. The cost of packaging is an average of 300 rubles.

#8 Triquilar

An estrogen-gestagen three-phase contraceptive, also recommended for symptoms of female hormone deficiency in women over 40. There are 21 tablets in a package, after which a break of 7 days is required, during which menstrual bleeding is observed. The price of a package is an average of 600 rubles.

№9 Exluton

The tablets are a monocomponent hormonal contraceptive based on linestrenol. This is a gestagen that is recommended for use by women with menstrual irregularities, but without signs of hyperandrogenism, as well as with contraindications to estrogens. The cost of tablets is from 3400 rubles.

№10 Yarina

A modern contraceptive drug, which contains drospirenone, a progestogen that allows you to control the menstrual cycle, as well as get rid of swelling and weight gain in the second phase. It is recommended for women with signs of hirsutism associated with hyperandrogenism. The cost of packaging is from 1000 rubles. for a month up to 3400 for 3 cycles.

№11 Belara

A combination of ethinyl estradiol and chlormadinone, which has an antiandrogenic effect. Birth control pills are recommended for symptoms of excess male hormones, polycystic ovary syndrome. This is a good alternative if the drug with drospirenone or dienogest did not fit. Price from 600 rubles.

Rules for taking contraceptives after 40 years

Women of older reproductive age should adhere to the general principles of contraceptive use. But for them, a continuous regimen is allowed, when the tablets are drunk for 3 months in a row, only after that they take a break for 7 days. Then resume the course. This scheme helps to reduce the manifestations of hyperplastic processes, reduce the thickness of the endometrium.

How many years you can use birth control pills depends on your general health. If after 40 years there are signs of an imminent menopause, it is necessary to drink hormones for no more than 5 years. In other cases, it is necessary to switch to drugs for hormone replacement therapy after the age of 50.

Contraindications and side effects to drugs

When the body begins to age, the number of diseases that lead to the appearance of vascular pathology and the endocrine system increases. Therefore, you need to carefully consider the contraindications for the use of contraceptives:

Against the background of the use of contraceptives, undesirable effects may appear that will require the replacement of the drug or its cancellation:

  • intermenstrual spotting;
  • dryness of the vagina;
  • mood swings;
  • weight gain and swelling;
  • scanty or heavy menstruation;
  • pain in the calf muscles.

A sharp headache, shortness of breath, stabbing pains in the heart are a sign of severe pathology. This requires emergency medical attention.


The choice of contraceptive method often depends on the age of the patient. Specialists prescribe birth control pills after the age of 40 to help prevent conception. In order to avoid side effects, before use, you must definitely read the instructions, as well as listen to the recommendations of the doctor.

Features of contraception after 40 years

In adulthood, in the life of a woman, an unusual period begins for her - perimenopause. This period is characterized by a gradual decline in fertility, as well as changes in the menstrual cycle, hormone levels and other areas of the reproductive system.

Important! According to statistics, upon reaching the age of 40 and over the next 5 years, the vast majority of the female population is able to bear and give birth to a healthy child.

The female body is no longer so young and vigorous, in premenopause there are symptoms of menopause - there is increased sweating, irritability and other unpleasant signs. After 40 years, contraceptives for women can be as follows:

  • barrier methods;
  • birth control pills;
  • intrauterine devices;
  • rings, implants and patches;
  • surgical methods of contraception.

The choice of the method of protection at this age should only take place with the consent of the gynecologist, as there are many risks and adverse reactions to drugs. You can learn more about this from the video:

Until what age can you take birth control pills?

The use of contraceptives by women after 40 years is allowed for an extended period of time. Often, gynecologists prescribe funds for six months in advance, carefully monitoring the adaptation period in the first months of admission. According to medical information, it is recommended to take such funds before the onset of menopause.

In menopause, the body is no longer able to conceive a child and endure it, so the need for contraception disappears. Some gynecologists may prescribe contraceptives for medicinal purposes: hormonal disruptions are observed during menopause, and pills perfectly solve such problems.

Rules for taking hormonal contraceptives after 40 years

The main rule for the use of hormonal contraceptives for patients after 40 years of age will be to follow the proposed scheme. Gynecologists recommend taking the first pack after the last menstruation, and the duration of such protection should be at least six months - then the contraceptive effect is 100% guaranteed.

Here are some more features of the use of hormonal contraceptive pills for patients after 40 years:

  • adherence to the scheme: no gaps, taking the birth control pill at the same time of day;
  • premature discussion with the gynecologist of compatibility with other drugs;
  • discontinuation of treatment if side effects occur;
  • to give up smoking.

It is better not to skip pills, otherwise you will have to use additional contraceptive measures. If you miss less than 12 hours, you can take the missed birth control pill and then stick to the scheme. If you miss the medicine for more than half a day during the next week, you need to use a condom.

Contraindications and side effects

With increasing age, the number of contraindications and undesirable manifestations increases. This is due to the emergence of various chronic diseases. The main contraindications include:

  • varicose veins;
  • hypertension;
  • oncology;
  • predisposition to the development of thrombosis.

Comment! Women who smoke are in a special risk group, so you need to stop smoking or take specialized drugs.

Side effects when using contraceptives for girls after 40 years:

  • dermatological rashes;
  • thrombosis, strokes, heart attacks;
  • migraine;
  • weight gain;
  • swelling;
  • bouts of hypertension.

The manifestation of side effects is observed when the wrong dosage was selected, and also if there is intolerance to the components.

What is better to choose birth control pills after 40 years

Methods of contraceptives for women after 40 years are selected solely according to the patient's history. To avoid the risk of complications, the gynecologist may prescribe a blood test for hormone levels, as well as other examinations. Subject to the presence of endometriosis, menopause and other conditions, appointments will also differ. They will not only produce a protective effect, but also heal the body.

Contraceptives for endometriosis after 40 years

Endometriosis is a common condition during menopause. With a change in hormonal levels and the extinction of reproductive function, the symptoms of endometriosis can increase, causing daily discomfort.

Warning! At this age, doctors can prescribe COCs, as well as intrauterine devices.

Combined contraceptive pills for women in the treatment of endometriosis after 40 years of age help to improve well-being and eliminate the consequences of the disease. These tablets include:

  • "Janine";
  • "Yarina";
  • "News";
  • "Belara";
  • "Jess".

These drugs do an excellent job with hormone fluctuations, so the pain from endometriosis disappears and the patient's condition improves.

Contraceptive pills for menopause after 40

The primary feature of the selection of drugs is to choose only those options that do not contain a large amount of hormones. Such medications prevent the development of endometrial hyperplasia, as well as restore hormonal levels, removing the manifestations of menopause.

A few of the most common options:

  • "Divitren";
  • "Divina";
  • "Cyclo-Proginova";
  • "Trisequens";
  • "Grandaxin".

As a preparation for menopause, women are also suitable for such options as: Yarina, Diana, Marvelon.

The best birth control pills after 40

Modern contraceptives for women over 40 are divided into several groups:

  • mini-pill - do not contain ethinyl estradiol;
  • combined oral contraceptives;
  • birth control pills for women who smoke.

The dosage of the best contraceptives for women is selected individually.

List of mini-pill drugs after 40 years

Ethinylestradiol-free tablets are prescribed for those patients who are not suitable for combined oral contraceptives. These contraceptives differ in their progestin content, they are less effective than COCs, but have fewer side effects. Pharmacies offer popular and proven contraceptives for women. Their names for patients after 40 years:

  1. "Charosetta". The active substance is desogestrel, the reception begins on the first day of menstruation. Desogestrel inhibits the maturation of the egg, you can take pills for migraine and vascular diseases. The cost is within 1000 rubles.
  2. "Microlut". The drug contains levonorgestrel, inhibits ovulation and release of the egg. In addition to the protective function, it reduces soreness and the amount of discharge during menstruation. Estimated price - from 350 rubles.
  3. "Exluton". The active ingredient is linestrenol. The drug has a high cost - from 3 thousand rubles, but there are few side effects. It is not recommended to combine Exluton with antibiotics.

Tablets with one active ingredient have a positive effect on the female body. They are indicated in cases where estrogen cannot be taken. Some drugs are recommended to be used intermittently.

Combined oral contraceptives after 40 years

This type of pill perfectly protects against unwanted pregnancy and completely slows down ovulation. Mini-pill compared to new generation birth control pills for patients over 40 years of age have more side effects. The most popular drugs:

  1. Marvelon. The drug contains a combination of desogestrel and ethinylestradiol, suppresses ovulation, protects against pregnancy. It affects the condition of the skin, improving it, eliminating acne and acne. There are 21 tablets in a pack, the estimated cost is from 1600 rubles.
  2. "Trisiston". The combination of ethinyl estradiol and levonorgestrel inhibits ovulation, thickens the uterine mucus, preventing pregnancy. The cost of the drug is 550 rubles.
  3. Triquilar. They are low-dose birth control pills, women over 40 are best suited. The combination of levonorgestrel and ethinyl estradiol will help prevent pregnancy and improve premenopausal health. The price of the drug is from 600 rubles.
  4. "Jess". The most common and high-quality drug for contraception. Contains ethinyl estradiol and drospirenone, there are active and inactive tablets in the pack. The cost is from 1100 rubles.
  5. "Silest". This drug combines norgestimate with ethinyl estradiol. During the reception, the maturation of the egg stops, the price starts from 400 rubles.

Comment! If in the first month of taking strong side effects are observed, it is better to refuse the drug.

As you can see, all of these drugs contain ethinylestradiol, a synthetic analogue of estrogen. The correct intake and dosage of modern contraceptives after 40 years will help prevent pregnancy and reduce the manifestations of premenopause.

Contraceptive pills after 40 for women who smoke

Women who are addicted to tobacco are not recommended to use COCs. This is due to the presence of side effects and contraindications, in particular, the risk of blood clots. Therefore, gynecologists prescribe more gentle drugs that do not contain estrogen.

Important! The composition of drugs for smoking girls includes only one component - progestin.

Based on the foregoing, the conclusion suggests itself that smoking patients are recommended to use only mini-pills - they just do not contain ethinyl estradiol and perfectly perform a contraceptive function.

Non-hormonal contraceptives for women over 40

With the irregularity of sexual life to be protected daily, it makes no sense. In this case, gynecologists prescribe non-hormonal drugs. They are recommended to be taken only in special cases:

  • "Patentex Oval"- available in the form of vaginal suppositories, have a spermicidal effect;
  • "Pharmatex" - produced in capsules, tablets, creams and suppositories, contain benzalkonium chloride, which has a contraceptive effect;
  • "Gynekotex" - tablets with the active substance benzalkonium chloride;
  • "Traceptin" - vaginal tablets based on potassium hydrotartrate.

The peculiarity of the use of non-hormonal drugs is that they must be used immediately before sex.


Birth control pills after 40 years are an excellent method of contraception for women. They not only help prevent unwanted pregnancy, but also have healing properties. The drugs are able to reduce the manifestations of the approaching menopause, as well as to establish the menstrual cycle.

Doctors' opinion

Most gynecologists are of the opinion that it is necessary to prescribe contraceptives after 40 years only if indicated. For medicinal purposes, to eliminate the symptoms of an impending menopause, these pills have shown themselves on the positive side.

Tomina Valeria Arkadievna, gynecologist, Novomoskovsk

When patients aged 40 and over come to me with a request to prescribe oral contraceptives, the first thing I do is refer them to tests and other diagnostics. During the oral interview, I always find out if a woman smokes, because after 40 years there is an increased risk of thrombosis when taking hormonal substances. In general, birth control pills have worked well. In most patients, the manifestations of premenopause decreased: irritability disappeared, mood stabilized.

Savinova Anastasia Viktorovna, gynecologist-obstetrician, Pskov

I am often asked by my patients if a certain type of drug can be taken because it was recommended by a friend who is also in her 40s. I always categorically answer that the body of each woman is individual, while I make appointments only after examinations. I often prescribe to women after 40 years of age mini-pill tablets containing only 1 type of hormone - they act gently, maintaining the contraceptive effect, and have fewer side effects.

After forty years, hormonal changes begin in the female body, which often requires a revision of contraceptive methods. Today, the women's club "Who is over 30" will tell you how to protect yourself after 40.

There is no doubt that 40 years is an important milestone in life, the beginning of middle age and a time to reflect, evaluate, consider, think.

Do you have the right job? Are you happy in marriage? What will your children grow up to be? But as you plan for the next decade of your life, don't forget to keep one important point in mind: how to protect yourself after 40.

Of course, the chance of getting pregnant decreases with age.

However, 80% of women aged 40 to 43 are fertile. And pregnancy can occur until the period of menopause is 12 months.

Statistics show that almost 40% of pregnancies at this age are unplanned and 56% of them end in abortion. Therefore, if you no longer want to have children, you or your partner must take action.

By this age, you have probably already tried all methods - birth control pills, intrauterine devices, condoms, jellies and creams. Which method should be preferred?

Hormonal remedies

Birth control pills (combined oral contraceptives) are still the most reliable option. After the age of 35, the use of oral contraceptives is safe if there are no certain contraindications. You can use this method up to the age of 50, then, if necessary, they are protected by other methods.

How to protect yourself after 40 years:

  • low-dose drugs (regulon);
  • microdosed preparations (mersilon, novinet).

Here we will mention about rings and patches.

Other methods of hormonal contraception are the NuvaRing vaginal ring (used for 3 weeks, then a break for 1 week) and hormonal patches (Evra). Both drugs are quite effective, contain the same substances as microdose birth control pills and have the same contraindications.

COCs should be used with caution if:

  • Do you smoke;
  • you have diabetes;
  • you are prone to hypertension;
  • you have cholestasis, cholecystitis, or other gallbladder disease;
  • you have a history of any kidney or liver disease.
  • you have hyperlipidemia (including,).

Absolute contraindications are:

  • any cardiovascular disease;
  • benign and malignant formations of the mammary glands and genital organs;
  • bleeding of unknown origin;
  • thrombophlebitis and the risk of developing thromboembolism;
  • liver tumors.

The site site reminds that when choosing how to protect yourself after 40 years, you should definitely consult a doctor. There are many contraindications for the use of hormonal drugs, and only a doctor can correctly assess the risks.

How to protect yourself after 40 years, if there are contraindications to taking birth control pills:

  • monohormonal drugs (also under the supervision of a doctor);
  • barrier means.

Monohormonal means

All these drugs are currently microdosed and contain only gestagens, which eliminates most of the side effects of COCs.

  • mini-pills (microlute);
  • injections of Depo-Provera;
  • Navy Mirena.

Mirena and Depo-Provera are long-acting drugs (from several months (Depo-Provera) to several years (Mirena)). Their use can accelerate the onset of menopause, which in some cases can be attributed to positive effects.

How else to protect yourself after 40 years? In addition to hormonal agents, barrier methods, natural contraception, or, in some cases, sterilization can be used.

Barrier Methods

Non-hormonal options are copper or silver IUDs and spermicides. Sponges, coils, caps, and condoms provide protection without hormones, but none is as effective as hormonal.

If you are determined not to have any more children, then you can consider a method of permanent contraception - female sterilization.

The operation is the creation of artificial obstruction of the fallopian tubes (ligation ("ligation"), resection (excision), electrocoagulation (cauterization), implants and other methods). Sterilization is almost always irreversible, so the decision must be well weighed and considered.

natural contraception

Coitus interruptus and the calendar method remain the most unreliable methods of contraception even after 40, so you should not rely on them especially. However, some only rely on them and live happily all their lives. It all depends on how active your hormonal system is...

When to stop contraception

How to protect yourself after 40 years, we figured out, it remains to answer the last question: when can you stop using protection?

It is generally recommended to stop contraception completely after age 55. However, if at this age there are still periodic menstrual bleeding, then it must be continued. In this case, it may be useful to measure the level of follicle-stimulating hormone, and from these data to determine whether contraception is needed.

Who is over 30 - a club for women after 30.