Qatar, Sheikha Mozah, her husband and children.  Sheikha Moza: The story of the most influential and stylish woman in the Islamic world The Kremlin announced the receipt of a message to Putin from the Emir of Qatar

Qatar, Sheikha Mozah, her husband and children. Sheikha Moza: The story of the most influential and stylish woman in the Islamic world The Kremlin announced the receipt of a message to Putin from the Emir of Qatar

With her son Tamim on the throne, former first lady Sheikha Mozah can feel secure.

With her son on the throne, former first lady Sheikha Mozah can feel secure.

Her name was not mentioned in the heartfelt dedication to the parent, which the newly crowned son delivered, addressing the nation. She did not appear during the broadcast of the oath taking by thousands of Qataris
to the new emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad a-Thani and the "emir-father".

But Moza bint Nasser al-Missned was at the heart of the Doha palace drama, a drama that peaked this week when her husband abdicated in favor of her son in an unprecedented moment in modern history Gulf monarchies.

What happened was not just the transfer of the throne to her son - one of the 24 children of Sheikh Hamad from three wives. It also culminated in her struggle with the Sheikh's worst enemy in the Byzantine world of Qatari politics, Prime Minister Sheikh Hamad bin Yassim, who had been ousted from power.

With her chiselled profile, her famous glamorous togas, and her unusual public role in the ultra-conservative Gulf, 53-year-old Sheikha Mozah has secured her place in Qatar's history - nothing less than as the emirate's matriarch. One of her allies said of the coronation: "It was her finest hour."

Her husband's resignation also means she will have to adjust to a more modest role - after decades of being the most recognizable woman in the Gulf. Meanwhile, Sheikh Tamim has yet to name one of his two wives as crown consort.

Salman Sheikh of the Brookings Doha Center comments: "I'm sure Sheikha Mozah will now go into the shadows. But just like her husband, she will continue to be a stabilizing influence on what's going on around her."

The elegant Sheikha was behind a Qatari investment fund's purchase of Italian fashion label Valentino last year. She also attracted the attention of fashion journalists - along with other first ladies - Michelle Obama and Carla Bruni.

At home, she attracts attention, and at the same time, is a source of irritation. In the Gulf, where the first ladies are not seen, her appearance- She wears a hijab but refuses to wear a veil, and her economic and social activism is shocking.

Sheikha has managed to create a base of support for herself - through the Qatar Foundation - an organization dedicated to education and research. About 15 years ago, she founded Education City - with chapters in prestigious institutions such as Georgetown and Weill Cornell.

This desire for enlightenment and development contrasts sharply with her commitment to Qatari autocratic traditions. In 2008, Sheikha Mozah was behind the creation of a free press center in Qatar. It was headed former head Reporters Without Borders Robert Menard. Less than a year later, Menard left, cursing "the rejection by some Qatari officials of the center of a free press."

Sheikh is considered to be extremely hardworking, loyal, firm and physically strong. She is said to enjoy spinning. Those people who have encountered the Qatar Foundation headed by her characterize the organization only as a "snake pit".

Sheikha was born in Qatar in 1959, the son of a wealthy merchant. Her father quarreled with the emir and went into exile - to Egypt and Kuwait. Rumor has it that she met Hamad, whom she married at 18, when he was trying to negotiate terms for her clan's return to Qatar. And for her, the 1995 coup, when Hamad removed her father from power, was nothing more than a personal revenge for the hardships experienced by her family.

Despite the fact that she is only the second wife of the emir, and the third wife was arranged specifically in order to limit the influence of Moza, no one doubts that she is the first lady.

According to her fans, the Sheikha, like the emir, has an independent mindset. After her marriage, she returned to Qatar University and completed her education with a degree in sociology.

It is said that the partnership between Sheikha and Hamad is very strong: during meetings with foreign guests, one often finishes a phrase begun by the other.

It was Sheikha Mozah who convinced her husband to intervene in Libya on the side of the rebels in 2011, when Muammar Gaddafi could take Benghazi. This became a defining moment in new history Qatar, the beginning of its prominence. Moza's connection to Libya dates back long before the war - her father was a trading partner of an important clan in Benghazi.

Despite this, analysts predict that her son will change his position on the fire raging in the region, and, above all, the Syrian war. The reason for this is a chorus of accusations of meddling in the internal affairs of other states, meddling that will help jeopardize the future of the Gulf monarchies.

The sheikha's influence will be greatest in her homeland, where she, along with her husband, leads the elite, carrying out political, cultural and educational reforms, the purpose of which is to adapt the nation to the changes it is experiencing. Some of the decisions made by the emira were reversed - for example, an attempt to make English the main language in educational institutions. Prince Tamim is said to have insisted on the cancellation.

Many expect that the new ruler will emphasize the preservation of the national identity and traditions of the country, 85% of whose population are migrants. With her victory assured, Sheikha Mozah must adjust to new realities. Mr Sheikh of the Brookings Doha Center says: "She will need to be careful about how she projects her influence now. And she will be careful."

Sheikha Moza, matriarch of the modern Gulf. Simeon Kerr and Roula Khalaf, Financial Times. June 28, 2013

Place of Birth. Education. Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani was born on June 3, 1980 in Doha, Qatar. Appointed heir to the throne in 2003, after the abdication of his elder brother Jassem. He studied in the UK at Sherborne School, Dorset (a copy of which he subsequently reproduced in Doha). There he finished high school, Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, served in the Qatari army. He is fluent in English and French.

At the head of the emirate. Upon returning to his homeland, he began to provide great assistance to his father in governing the state. In the summer of 2013, his father Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani decided to give up power in favor of his son. On June 25, Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani became the new Emir of Qatar. In 2014, he had a conflict with Saudi Arabia, which was supported by Bahrain and the UAE. In March 2014, Saudi Arabia withdrew its ambassador from Doha, followed by Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates. A joint statement by the three countries was published in which Qatar was accused of interacting with "organizations that pose a threat to the security and stability of Council member states" in violation of the Security Cooperation Agreement (signed in December 2013 in Riyadh) . The conflict was only resolved in November of that year, when the five countries of the Council (Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Bahrain and Kuwait) concluded an agreement in Riyadh.

On June 5, 2017, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates announced the severance of diplomatic relations, as well as land, sea and air communications with Qatar, accusing it of supporting terrorist groups. In addition, the contingent of Qatari troops is to be withdrawn from Yemen, where it participates in the Arab coalition in hostilities against the Houthis.

Titles. Sheikh Tamim bin Khalifa Al Thani (1980-1995); His Excellency Sheikh Tamim bin Khalifa Al Thani (1995-2003); His Highness Sheikh Tamim bin Khalifa Al Thani, Crown Prince of Qatar (2003-2013); His Highness Sheikh Tamim bin Khalifa Al Thani, Emir of Qatar (2013 -).

Sheikh Tamim bin Khalifa Al Thani is one of the youngest heads of state and government in the world.

He is the youngest current monarch in the world. He is the youngest Emir of Qatar since the country's independence.

Sport. Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani pays great attention to sports. He heads the Qatar Olympic Committee and is a member of the International Olympic Committee from Qatar. Headed the organizing committee for the Doha Summer Olympic Games 2020. This idea was not continued because the IOC did not allow the capital of Qatar to the final.

Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani devotes a lot of energy to promoting sports in the country. Qatar is fighting for the right to host not only the Olympic Games, but also many world championships in different types sports. Admittedly, not unsuccessfully, the capital of the country, Doha, will host the World Boxing Championship, and in 2022 the country will host the next World Football Championship. Earlier in 2010, Doha hosted the World athletics in room.

A family. In March 2005, Sheikh Tamim married his first wife (his cousin) Sheikha Jawaer bint Hamad bin Suheim. They have two sons and two daughters.

On March 3, 2009, Sheikh Tamim married his second wife, Anoud bint Mana Al-Haji. She is the daughter of Mana bin Abdul Hadi al-Haji, Qatar's ambassador to Jordan. They have four children, two daughters and two sons.

Sheikha Moza is the second wife of the former Emir of Qatar. She is an unprecedented example of how a woman, being in such a conservative eastern country, was able to become an icon of style and one of the most influential people in the political arena.

Sheikha Moza ( Moza bint Nasser al-Misnad) received an excellent education and holds a bachelor's degree in sociology. This woman is considered a high-profile specialist in matters of external and domestic policy countries. Sheikha Moza became one of the first wives of the emirs, who accompanied him to all official receptions.

The time when Moza's husband Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani was in power is called by some the "matriarchy of the emirate". They say that he married a third time only to show Moze that her power is not unlimited.

Another clear confirmation strong influence sheikhs on the political situation in Qatar was the fact that in 2013 her husband voluntarily abdicated, and her son Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani became emir. But he is not the eldest son in the family, and according to Eastern laws, he would never have been the heir to the throne.

Sheikha Mozah is considered a style icon, she is a cult figure in the fashion world. Looking at her perfect figure, it's hard to believe that this woman has seven children.
It is admirable that Sheikha Moza manages to look elegant and impeccable, and at the same time not deviate too much from the religious requirements of her country when choosing clothes. In her wardrobe there are stunning floor-length dresses, wide trousers, jackets. A turban is obligatory on the head.

She even has her own Instagram page, where Sheikha Mozah regularly posts photos from her Everyday life. Numerous subscribers never cease to admire her impeccable taste and sense of style.

The love story of a simple girl and a prince is a classic plot for fairy tales and has been popular since time immemorial, so not only little girls dream of marrying a handsome, rich and intelligent “prince on a white horse”, but also fully accomplished adult women. And miracles happen, the main thing is to know where to look for him, this prince. We present to your attention the five most beautiful and richest heirs of the Muslim world.

1. Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai

Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Son of the Vice President and Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates, Ruler of Dubai Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum and his wife sheikhs Hind bint Maktoum bin Juma Al Maktoum. sheikh Hamdan- a very popular person in the United Arab Emirates. He received an excellent education in the UK, graduating military school ground forces at Sandhurst, as well as the London College of Economics and the Dubai College of Administration. The popularity of the sheikh was gained by his charitable activities: the prince directly oversees a number of funds involved in organizing the collection of funds for the treatment of seriously ill children.

Sheikh Hamdan belongs to the al-Maktoum dynasty and officially holds the position of head of the Dubai Executive Council, that is, he heads the government of the emirate of Dubai, but he has time for numerous hobbies. Born on Valentine's Day, the prince is fond of romantic poetry, has a creative pseudonym Fazza and even publishes poetry collections. Sheikh Hamdan loves horse riding, has a large collection of Arabian horses and regularly takes part in numerous equestrian competitions.

The Crown Prince is not married, but, alas, even before his birth, he was engaged to a relative on the maternal side. However, do not be upset - no one can forbid a sheikh to have as many wives as he wants!

2. Crown Prince Hussein bin Abdullah of Jordan

Crown Prince Hussein bin Abdullah of Jordan The King's eldest child Abdullah II and queens Rania, 20-year-old crown prince Hussein bin Abdullah since 2009 he has been the heir to the throne in the Kingdom of Jordan. Belongs to the Hashemite dynasty.

In 2007, the prince entered the Royal Academy in Madaba, then, as usual, went to study in the West, and he is currently studying political science in Washington, DC, at the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University. In addition to his native Arabic, the Prince of Jordan is fluent in three foreign languages: English, French and Hebrew.

Hussein bin Abdullah is involved in charity work, runs a fund to support the development of science among young people, and also has a number of hobbies, including football and collecting motorcycles.

Despite the fact that Jordan is a country that differs more high level publicity and more “Western” values ​​than the neighboring UAE and Saudi Arabia, there is no information about the personal life of the heir to the throne in the public domain, it is only known that he is not yet married.

3. Sheikh Sultan bin Tahnoun al-Nahyan

Sheikh Sultan bin Tahnoun Al Nahyan Son of the President of the United United Arab Emirates Caliphs bin Zayed al-Nahyan, sheikh Sultan bin Tahnoun al-Nahyan is a member of the oldest ruling dynasty of Abu Dhabi - al-Nahyan. He received a bachelor's degree from the University of the United Arab Emirates with a degree in engineering and architecture, then studied international relationships at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University in Massachusetts, USA.

Sheikh Sultan oversees many issues of national importance. He invests in the development of sports, architecture, and also serves as head of the East Region Development Committee. In addition, under his control is the work of state charitable foundations, as well as a large number organizations dealing with cultural heritage.

Among the sheikh's many hobbies are many sports, art collecting and travel.

There is no information about the personal life of Sheikh Sultan either on the Internet or in the media.

4. Sheikh Mohammed bin Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani

Sheikh Mohammed bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani Sixth son of the former ruling emir of Qatar Hamad bin Khalifa and the fifth son of his second wife - sheikhs Mozah bint Nasser al-Misned, sheikh Mohammed is a representative of another the main dynasty Arab world, the ruling family of Qatar - al-Thani.

He studied at the Qatar Academy, received a bachelor's degree from Georgetown University's Qatar Affiliate School of Diplomacy, and an MBA from Harvard University. Sheikh Mohammed is fluent in Arabic, English and French.

According to the laws of the Arab monarchies, the eldest son of the ruler of the state is considered the crown prince, so Mohammed, being the sixth son of the emir, most likely will never become the head of Qatar. But this does not mean that the younger children of the rulers do not take part in managing the affairs of the state. Usually, the children of emirs hold positions in the cabinet of ministers or lead numerous committees that oversee issues of national importance. This is what happened to Sheikh Mohammed. The former captain of the Qatar equestrian team, he is very passionate about sports, therefore he is directly involved in the leadership of the Committee for the preparations for the World Cup, which is to be held in Qatar in 2022.

According to unconfirmed reports, Sheikh Mohammed bin Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani is not married.

5. Sheikh Jasim bin Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani

Sheikh Jasim bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani Brother Sheikh Mohammed al-Thani(not only by father, but also by mother), sheikh Jasim is definitely included in the list of the most beautiful Arab men. By the way, the appearance in our today's ranking of two brothers al-Thani not surprising. The fact is that their mother is rightfully considered one of the beautiful women Muslim world. Sheikh Moza bint Nasser al-Misned- the second wife of the former Emir of Qatar is known not only as a beauty and an icon of style, but also as a very gifted politician, who takes a hidden, but quite a big part in many state issues. And therefore, it is not at all surprising that such attractive and gifted children were born to such a woman.

Sheikh Jasim bin Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani was the Crown Prince of Qatar from 1996 to 2003, but later, realizing that he was unsuitable for the role, he renounced his heir status in favor of his younger brother, the current Emir of Qatar Tamima al-Thani.

He was educated at the British Royal Academy in Sandhurst, then returned to his homeland and took up charity work. He is now Honorary President of the Qatar National Cancer Society (QNCS) and is also involved in environmental issues.

Unfortunately, Sheikh Jasim has already chosen his first wife. She was a representative of the same dynasty, sheikh Butaina bint Ahmad Al Thani Sheikh's daughter Hamada bin Ali al-Thani. The couple already have three children. But as we know

Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani was born on June 3, 1980 in Doha, Qatar. Appointed heir to the throne in 2003, after the abdication of his elder brother Jassem.


He studied in the UK at Sherborne School, Dorset (a copy of which he subsequently reproduced in Doha). There he also graduated from high school, the Royal Military Academy in Sandhurst, served in the Qatari army.



Putin discussed the situation in the Middle East with the Emir of Qatar

Russian leader Vladimir Putin and Emir of Qatar Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani discussed the situation in the Middle East and Syria during a telephone conversation. This was stated in the press service of the Kremlin.

“An exchange of views took place on key issues of the situation in the Middle East, in the Persian Gulf region, as well as on the situation in Syria, taking into account the current successes in the fight against terrorist groups and the prospects for a political settlement in this country,” the report says.

Qatar's Persian Gulf neighbors are tired of Doha's willfulness

On June 5, 2017, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, as well as the internationally recognized government of Yemen severed diplomatic relations with Qatar, accusing Doha of supporting terrorism. In addition, states have announced that they are suspending air, land and sea communications with Qatar and Qatari citizens will be required to return home within two weeks.

Turkish President's visit to Qatar ended with the signing of cooperation agreements

DOHA, Nov. 16 (Xinhua) -- Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan ended a two-day official visit to Qatar on Wednesday, during which the two countries signed more than 10 agreements and memorandums of understanding on cooperation.

According to Qatari news agency, these documents cover legal and financial areas, training, food security, tourism and port management.

Emir of Qatar for the first time publicly responded to the boycott of his country

The day after the issuance of the decree on the fight against terrorism, the Emir of Qatar made the first video message about the boycott by some Arab countries. Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani declared readiness for negotiations

The Kremlin announced the receipt of a message to Putin from the Emir of Qatar

Presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said the Kremlin received a message from the Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, to President Vladimir Putin. Peskov told reporters about this, TASS reports.

Rosneft: Putin hit the big jackpot

Putin's personal contribution may indeed have been significant. Qatar cannot be called a traditional ally of Russia. Until the beginning of this year, relations between these countries were tense, and they are officially on opposite sides Syrian conflict. However, Qatar's Emir Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani visited Moscow in January and spoke with Putin for two hours. This meeting was held for behind closed doors, but we can well guess its content. Qatar is extremely interested in ending the Syrian war because it wants to supply gas to Europe through a pipeline that should ideally run through Syria. This is contrary to the interests of Russia, which is the main supplier of gas to Europe, and Russia's involvement in the affairs of the region makes this plan less realistic. However, although Putin is working closely with Iran in Syria, he does not want a direct confrontation with the Gulf states: he is interested in their investments and is ready to discuss with them the post-war future of Syria.

Glencore and Qatar buy a stake in Rosneft. What does this mean for Russia?

Nevertheless, Qatari Emir Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani visited Moscow in January and talked to Putin for two hours. The meeting was held behind closed doors, but the agenda is not hard to imagine: Qatar is keenly interested in ending the Syrian war, as it would like to sell gas to Europe - and this is most conveniently done through a pipeline passing through Syrian territory.

After winning the election, Trump and future Vice President Pence held telephone conversations with the heads of 26 states.

Argentine President Mauricio Macri, Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, British Prime Minister Theresa May, German Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel, Danish Prime Minister Lars Lekke Rasmussen, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, King Abdullah of Jordan have already spoken to the future US leadership. II, Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Emir of Qatar Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani, Chinese President Xi Jinping , Colombian President Juan Calderon, Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri, Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto, New Zealand Prime Minister John Kay, UAE President Khalifa Al Nahyan, crown prince United Arab Emirates Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the Republic of Korea Park Geun-hye, President of Russia Vladimir Putin, King Saudi Arabia Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkish Prime Minister Benali Yildirim, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, French President Francois Hollande and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

Emir of Qatar vows to support Tunisia's economy

The Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani, said on Tuesday that his country will allocate $1.25 billion to help Tunisia's economy, Agence France-Presse reported.

Speaking at an investment conference in Tunisia, the Emir of Qatar said he would provide financial assistance to "support the Tunisian economy and strengthen the development process." More detailed information about the package financial assistance he didn't say.

A conference is being held in Tunisia, in which politicians and business representatives take part. According to the agency, the country's authorities hope that the participants of the event will help attract investments worth several billion dollars to the country, in particular, for the implementation of about 140 projects worth about $32 billion.