How to reduce rent in winter useful tips.  How to reduce utility bills.  Can be eligible for benefits

How to reduce rent in winter useful tips. How to reduce utility bills. Can be eligible for benefits

Every month, most Russians are forced to pay "communal dues" - this is how we most often perceive payment for housing and communal services. Few people are completely satisfied with the maintenance of their home: from time to time water of a suspicious color flows from the taps, the heating disappears at the most inopportune moment, and something unpleasant smells chronically from the basement. As a rule, we put up with the inconvenience - they provide everything necessary for life, and okay! That's just the amount in receipts for rent is steadily growing, and many people have to pay about 10% of the family budget for a "communal" - quite European prices for more than Soviet service. Therefore, it is important to know how to reduce utility bills and reduce the burden of housing and communal services.

Method number 1 - Get a benefit

First of all, you should find out if your family has the right to a benefit - a discount when paying utility bills. Unfortunately, there is no single document that would contain a complete list of all beneficiaries. Moreover, the concept of "benefits" is absent in the Housing Code - over time, the authorities planned a complete transition to the compensation system. However, in reality, special conditions for certain categories of citizens are still in force on the territory of Russia.

Information about the benefits that Russians are entitled to is in the laws “On Veterans”, “On the Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation”, “On the Social Protection of Citizens Exposed to Radiation as a Result of the Chernobyl Disaster” and other federal and regional acts. For example, Muscovites can find out this information in the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated December 7, 2004 No. 850-PP “On the procedure and conditions for providing social support measures for citizens to pay for housing and utilities”, the law “On measures of social support for certain categories of residents of the city of Moscow ".

    Disabled people and parents of children with disabilities - 50% discount on housing and communal services

    People over 80, regardless of family composition - 30% discount on housing and communal services

    Orphans under the age of 18 - 30% discount on housing and communal services

    Children under the age of 1.5 years - 30% discount on utilities

    Large families with three or more children - 30% discount on housing and communal services

    Large families with ten or more children - 50% discount on housing and communal services

The state is ready to provide incentives for only one property and on one basis. If a citizen falls into several categories, he will have to choose one at his discretion.

Method number 2 - Get a subsidy

A subsidy is a mechanism to compensate for excessive spending. If, in the case of a benefit, a citizen receives an invoice for a smaller amount, then the subsidy is a financial assistance that can be obtained to pay unbearable utility bills. The right of a citizen to apply for financial support is fixed in Article 159 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

The subsidy can be received:

  • Council and public housing tenants
  • Private tenants
  • Members of housing cooperatives
  • Homeowners

Eligibility for a subsidy depends on:

  • Regional housing area standards
  • Regional standard for utility payments
  • The maximum allowable share of expenses for housing and communal services in the total family income

For example, owners of real estate in Moscow will be interested in the law "On the standards of the city of Moscow, applied in determining the rights of citizens to provide subsidies for payment for housing and utilities." To calculate the subsidy, a standard area of ​​​​33 square meters is taken. m for a single person, 42 sq. m for a family of two and 18 sq. m for a family of three or more people. At the same time, a family with an average income of 800 to 2,000 rubles per person must pay no more than 3% of the budget for housing and communal services, from 2,000 to 2,500 rubles per person - up to 6%, and more than 2,500 rubles - no more than 10% of the total family income. Also important is the regional cost of housing and communal services, which is approved annually.

Method number 3 - Get a recalculation for poor-quality housing and communal services

The Russians should not forget - they are not required to pay for cold batteries in winter or lack of water in the tap. If the house is poorly maintained, ask for a recalculation. You can apply for a change in the size of the utility fee if utilities are provided with significant interruptions or poor quality. This right is provided for by paragraphs 60-69 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 307.

For example, hot and cold water must always be supplied to houses. According to the standard, water supply must be uninterrupted, year-round and around the clock. Permissible break - 8 hours (in total) within a month, but no more than 4 hours at a time, and in case of an accident on a dead end line - no more than 24 hours. If there is no water for longer, the amount on the receipt should be less. For each hour that the outage period is exceeded, the monthly fee is reduced by 0.15%. In addition, deviations from the standards for pressure in pipes, composition and temperature of water are unacceptable. For example, liquid should flow through hot pipes no colder than 50 C.

If you have established the fact of poor-quality work of utilities, you must immediately notify the emergency dispatch service. In this case, an employee of the housing and communal organization is obliged to put a mark on the application from the consumer. Later, it will become the basis for the recognition by the contractor of the fact of non-provision of public services or provision of public services of inadequate quality.

Method number 4 - Write out "extra" people

Keep in mind: each new tenant is an additional cost for utility bills. Of course, registration is a necessary thing in our country, and it makes no sense to check out of an apartment for the sake of savings. But often on square meters there are frankly "dead souls" - relatives who moved a long time ago to other cities and countries. In this case, it is advisable to write people out of the apartment or discuss with them a mechanism for compensating for a share of the rent.

It is also useful for people who travel a lot, work on a rotational basis or live in two cities to know that in the temporary absence of citizens, a reduction in fees for certain types of utilities is provided. This is indicated in paragraph 54 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 307 on the procedure for paying citizens for housing and communal services. If the consumer is not at home for more than 5 days, he can apply to the management company and reduce the bills for water supply, sewerage, electricity and gas. True, this only makes sense if the calculations are made according to the standard.

Method number 5 - Save resources

Russians who are not beneficiaries, cannot claim a subsidy or hold public utilities to account, it remains to save resources. It seems to many that this is not effective: there is too much trouble in order to pay a couple of hundred rubles less. However, practice shows that if you introduce a comprehensive system of savings into the family lifestyle, you can reduce the cost of a "communal" by almost a quarter.

  • Water and gas meters

Installing a water meter is an investment that will have to be made every few years (a conventional meter is designed for three years). However, it pays for itself in an average of six months and then helps to save significantly. For example, if several people are registered in an apartment without a meter, you will have to pay for everyone, and with a meter - only for the water actually used. The difference can be fivefold.

  • Energy saving lamps and electrical appliances

Electricity costs are one of the most significant lines in the monthly utility bill. And, unlike many other expensive services like heating or sanitation, it is in our power to reduce the cost of electricity. To do this, it is absolutely not necessary to abandon modern appliances and sit by candlelight. On the contrary, you need to competently approach the purchase of equipment, choose devices with a class of at least “A” with modern economical energy consumption schemes and eco-modes.

You can also save electricity by rethinking your daily habits a bit: turn on the dishwasher and washing machine at night when there is a special tariff, and not drive these appliances “empty” for the sake of two cups or one T-shirt. Those who want to make a warm floor at home, it is useful to consider that this device can be both electric and water. The second option will be more time consuming during repairs, but then it will help you significantly save on electricity bills.

  • Refusal of unnecessary services

Take a closer look at your rent receipt. It is quite possible that there are a few frankly extra lines - invoices for services that you never use. In most apartment buildings, this is a radio point, which is included in the project, but in fact has been silent for many years. On average, a phantom radio costs you 400 rubles a year. Those who have abandoned the TV, but continue to pay for the antenna out of habit, spend even more. Write a statement to the main department of the engineering service of the district, call the master and turn off unnecessary services.

The cost of paying utility bills is a standard item in the budget of every homeowner. It happens that the payments are so large that the funds are not enough, and the debts increase monthly. Naturally, many are looking for ways to reduce utility bills for an apartment. There are several of them and they are all completely legal.

Getting Social Benefits

The list and conditions for receiving social benefits are prescribed in a number of legislative acts. In particular, in the legislation on veterans of the Great Patriotic War and combatants, the disabled and the poor, etc. While the housing code itself does not regulate this issue. You can reduce utility bills for the following categories of people:

  • those with disabilities - 50% of the cost;
  • over 80 years old - 30% of the cost;
  • minor orphans - by 30%;
  • large families - from 30 to 50%.

To reduce utility bills by receiving benefits, you can use only one of the above grounds.

Registration of subsidies

Making a subsidy is another example of how to reduce utility bills. This is a scheme of state reimbursement of expenses for paying utility bills. The payment mechanism is detailed in Article 159 of the LC RF. The following persons may apply for grants:

  • living in public housing;
  • using residential space under a lease agreement;
  • members of housing cooperatives;
  • property owners.

The amount by which utility costs can be reduced is determined individually for each specific case, based on the share of costs in the family budget and the standards adopted for the region.

Decrease in cost due to poor quality of services

If the owner of the apartment is not satisfied with the quality of the services provided, he has the right to demand a recalculation of the cost. The reasons for such treatment may be: interruptions or complete absence of water supply, electricity supply, gas supply, as well as heating supply inconsistent with temperature standards. This is another way to reduce utility bills, but, unfortunately, they do not use it often, perhaps because each fact must be recorded by contacting the dispatcher or emergency service.

Reducing the number of prescribed

The number of persons registered in a municipal apartment directly affects the cost of housing and communal services. Therefore, if you want to reduce costs, find an opportunity to write out everyone who does not actually live on it. This measure is recommended not only to reduce costs, but also as a preparation for the transaction for those who are planning privatization. Otherwise, it is likely that after privatization it will be necessary to buy out rooms or shares in order to make the apartment completely your own.

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Housing and communal services are one of the most expensive items in the family budget, “eating up” on average up to 15% of income. An ordinary citizen cannot influence tariffs directly, however, there are effective ways to save on housing and communal services and reduce the amount in receipts by up to 50%.

How to save on water: meters, new equipment, habits

Water supply and disposal take up to 30% of utility bills, and in the absence of meters, the total water consumption is determined by the formula:

Standard * number of people registered on the living space * tariff

However, the standard includes not only the average human needs, but also the possible loss of water, for example, during washing and brushing your teeth. According to him, only 1 person consumes 6.9 cubic meters of water per month. This is a huge figure, and it is unprofitable to pay according to such a standard, especially when several people are “registered” in the apartment. Utilities have the right to overestimate it to cover their own expenses (but not more than 2 times). Thus, the final figure can be very impressive.

The installation of meters will reduce the amount of water in bills by up to 50%: payment will be made only for the amount actually used.

Old plumbing and leaking pipes are the most insidious enemies of a thrifty owner. They imperceptibly "use" a huge amount of resources, so timely troubleshooting is one of the most important steps to saving.

A dripping faucet can leak up to 100 liters of water per month, and a leaking faucet can leak up to 6,000 liters. A leaking toilet wastes up to 94,000 liters a year in vain.

It is enough to develop just a few habits and use inexpensive technical accessories that will also help save money. Recommended:

  1. Fully load the washing machine and dishwasher.
  2. Give preference to a dishwasher - it consumes 2 times less water than is required for washing by hand, and also frees up a lot of time for the owners and saves their hands.
  3. When brushing your teeth, you should turn off the tap or use a glass: in one and a half minutes of brushing, the flow of water from the tap manages to fill a 10-liter bucket. For the same reason, you should not defrost food under a tap.
  4. Purchase a two-button toilet flusher. A tank with a double flush button will save up to 25 cubic meters of water per year.
  5. Install an economical shower head - the flow rate will decrease by about 35%.

Any measures to save water are effective only if there are meters. Otherwise, they may benefit the environment, but will not reflect positively on the wallet.

We reduce energy costs

Electricity is another expensive item of utility bills, especially in apartments without gasification: it can account for up to 25% of the amount on the receipt. To significantly save on electricity, it is enough to take a number of measures:

  1. Install multi-tariff meters. Two- or three-tariff metering devices are more commonly used. The tariff depends on the time of day - electricity at night is 4 times cheaper than during the day. In this way, up to 25% of energy costs can be reduced. However, before installation, it is necessary to analyze your rhythm of life: it is unlikely that “larks” will be able to save money in this way, because all their vigorous activity falls on the daytime.
  2. Replace ordinary "Ilyich's light bulbs" with energy-saving ones, or better, LED ones - they consume 80% less energy, and one such lamp can save up to 500 rubles. in year. If LED bulbs are screwed into all the chandeliers in the house, the savings will be at least 2,000 rubles.
  3. Turn off the lights before leaving or install motion sensors. They will help save 70-80% of the electricity that is spent on lighting, and will also be a great help for those who constantly forget to turn off the lights.
  4. The audit of household appliances with its subsequent replacement will reduce up to 40% of electricity costs and up to 50% of water costs. Old appliances can consume ten times more energy than new ones. The main thing here is not to confuse energy efficiency with energy consumption. In the first case, the consumption may be large, but it will be used efficiently, and most of the energy will go to work.
  5. The most “gluttonous” electrical appliances are with heating elements, so you need to especially monitor them. For example, scale in an electric kettle creates a large thermal resistance, it takes longer to heat up and, as a result, more electricity is consumed.

Yes, these measures are costly, but over time they pay for themselves more than once. Installing the meter will justify itself in 1 year, light bulbs - from 2 months to a year.

Equipment that “lives” in standby mode (TV, computer, microwave, etc.) takes about 3,000 rubles a year, so it’s better to just turn off appliances that are not in use.

How to reduce heating costs

Heating "eats up" about ⅓ of the cost of a "communal apartment" per month. In the cold season, this item of expenditure significantly increases the total amount of payment for housing and communal services. To reduce heating costs, you can do the following:

  1. Install heat meters. There are 2 types of metering devices: apartment and common house. The first ones are cheaper and easier to install, but they do not always save money: you will have to pay for the delivery of heat to the apartment, and also, if the meters are not installed in all apartments, the readings of the device are not taken into account, and everyone pays equally. If the apartment has poor thermal insulation, internal meters will not help either - costs may even increase. If the house is well heated, and the heat losses are small, you can cooperate with your neighbors and install a common house meter - it can save about 30% of the energy consumed. Such a metering device fully pays off in about 3 years.
  2. Warm up the apartment. Heat losses significantly increase costs even without meters - you have to spend money on additional heaters and electricity for them.
  3. Insulate facades and balconies. This will reduce both apartment and general building losses of heat energy. A glazed balcony will serve as a buffer zone between the street and the room, which will significantly reduce the outflow of heat, and facade insulation can reduce heat loss by up to 30%.

When reducing heating costs, the most important step will be to insulate the premises.

Up to 30% of heat can escape through window cracks, and a poorly insulated apartment loses up to 80% through windows and doors.

Is it possible to save on gas

Gas consumption is not the most expensive item in utility bills, it is a fairly economical type of fuel, but it can also be spent many times more efficiently and pay less for consumption. There are several ways to reduce gas consumption:

  1. The most reliable method is to install a counter. Without metering devices, payment is made according to standards that are overstated: according to them, each tenant spends 10 cubic meters of gas without a geyser, and if it is available, 26.2 cubic meters per month.
  2. If you have a geyser, you can use economical nozzles for showers and taps.
  3. Replace the geyser with a wick with an automatic model. The first has a gas overrun per month of up to 20 cubic meters, that is, the money literally burns with a blue flame.
  4. In a private house, it is necessary to insulate walls and windows and install a boiler with an automatic thermostat. You can also think about purchasing a condensing gas boiler - compared to a conventional one, it saves up to 35% of fuel.
  5. During cooking, it is necessary to place dishes on a burner of a suitable size so as not to heat the air unnecessarily.

In apartments, gas consumption is reduced mainly to cooking and heating water, so installing a meter will be the most effective method of saving.

A gas stove, depending on the model, the frequency of its use and the size of the family, consumes from 5 to 40 cubic meters of gas per month.

Other options to reduce the cost of consumed housing and communal services

You can reduce the cost of payments not only by installing meters, replacing equipment and observing the rules of savings, but also in other ways:

  1. Refusal of unused services - radio points, collective antenna, etc. This will save up to 2000 rubles a year.
  2. Turning off the landline phone will save up to 500 rubles a month.
  3. Pay for services without commission. At the cash desks of banks or at post offices, you not only have to stand in lines, but also pay commissions for services, so it is easier and cheaper to pay off receipts through Internet banking. You can also pay for a "communal" without a commission on the website of public services.
  4. It is worth familiarizing yourself with the rules for obtaining benefits and subsidies, but to use them there should not be debts for housing and communal services.

Be sure to check your bills for extra charges. From January 1, 2018, management companies are required not only to recalculate in case of errors, but also to compensate residents for damage (in the form of a fine) in the amount of 50% of the accrued excess.

The golden rule of saving is to cut back on excess. Especially in cases where the service is paid for, but is not actually used.

How not to pay utility bills for non-residents in the apartment

In the case when meters are not installed, utility bills directly depend on the number of registered residents. If one of the registered persons has been absent for a long time or permanently resides in another place, then you can write an application for recalculation by providing the following documents:

  • a certificate that confirms a long absence (medical, from the employer in case of a business trip, tickets, etc.);
  • registration at the place of stay;
  • other documents confirming residence at a different address.

It is also necessary to take a certificate stating that a person pays for utility services at the place of stay. Recalculation will be carried out only for those services that are calculated according to consumption standards.

If tenants go on vacation

In case of temporary absence of tenants, you should also notify the management company and write an application for recalculation, attaching supporting documents (tickets, certificates, etc.).
In the absence of documents confirming the temporary or permanent absence of a registered tenant in the apartment, the management company will continue to charge a communal apartment according to the number of registered people. In this case, only the installation of meters can help - payment will be made for the actually consumed resources, regardless of the number of residents.
If meters are installed, then before leaving, it is worth turning off the water and completely turning off the electricity - this will eliminate erroneous charges and help reduce the likelihood of accidents.

Are utility bills available?

There are two types of state support for citizens:

  1. Subsidies. Their receipt directly depends on the applicant's income, or rather, the ratio of income and expenses for housing and communal services. The subsidy is provided to persons whose rent costs account for 22% or more of their total income (in some regions the figure is lower, for example, in Moscow - 10%). To receive a subsidy, you need to be a citizen of the Russian Federation, have no debts for housing and communal services, and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises should not exceed the standard per person established in the region - you will have to pay in full for the “surplus”. The calculation takes into account the total family income, which includes salaries, benefits, pensions, scholarships, sales profits, etc. You can apply for a subsidy at the social security authorities, the MFC or on the State Services portal.
  2. Privileges. This type of state support is available only for certain categories of citizens and is provided in the form of a discount on utility bills. By default, it is issued at the place of registration in the passport and applies to no more than one apartment, but if there is a certificate of payment for services at a different address, the benefit can be issued at the place of actual residence. The applicant, as in the case of grants, must not have debts. Moreover, if the area of ​​​​the apartment exceeds the standard, payment for the “extra” meters is charged at an increased rate.

State support will help reduce utility costs, but to receive them, you must be a conscientious payer and comply with all conditions, otherwise you may be refused.

In addition to basic savings rules, such as turning off lights and turning off electrical appliances, you can save money through a number of other measures. Installing meters will save you from overpayments at general tariffs, new equipment will quickly pay off, and timely repair of faults will free you from unnecessary expenditure of resources.

If the amount in the payment is clearly too high, then you should definitely go and figure it out - attentive citizens have the right to receive compensation from the management company. If spending on housing and communal services has become unaffordable and takes away a significant part of income, then you should apply for state support.

Utility bills make up a significant part of the family budget, which is impossible to avoid in a modern city. However, you can reduce costs by economically consuming resources and controlling the correctness of charging. Let's try to figure out how to reduce utility bills for an apartment.

Payment for utility services

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Any resident of an apartment building uses a system of services that ensure his comfortable living:

  • hot and cold water supply;
  • electrical supply;
  • sewer drains;
  • maintenance and repair of the building;
  • garbage collection and disposal;
  • intercom service;
  • elevator maintenance and more.

Each of these services implies a certain payment, according to the tariffs established in individual regions.

The amount of the rent depends on fixed standards, taking into account such indicators as:

  • the number of services provided;
  • the size of the dwelling;
  • availability of metering devices;
  • the number of people living in the apartment;
  • they have benefits.

The cost of all services rendered is entered into the receipt, which is received daily by the homeowners.

The legislative framework

The regulatory framework for the provision of public services is based on the Civil and Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

In the latter, the articles and set out the powers of utilities and the procedure for changing tariffs, the obligation of users to pay for the use of services in a timely manner, and the specific payment deadline is indicated - the tenth day of the next month.

In addition, regulation is carried out with the help of:

  • Order of the Ministry of Regional Development No. 495 On ensuring control over organizations operating in the field of maintenance, operation and repair of the common property of apartment buildings.
  • Federal Law No. 158 On the Fund for Assistance to the Reform of the Housing and Communal Services.
  • Federal Law No. 210 On the basics of regulating tariffs for organizations of the communal complex and others.

How to reduce utility bills?

In order to, you need to approach this issue systematically and consider which articles can be cut and which will remain unchanged.

Choice of housing

This moment works well at the stage of purchase. When deciding whether to purchase an apartment, it is worth considering the house in terms of costs.

So, in a house with a separate boiler room, the cost of heating is usually more expensive. The absence of an elevator and a garbage chute in the building will save a decent amount every month.

From the point of view of payment for housing and communal services, it is more profitable to live in a private house, although there are other categories of costs.

Installation of counters

The established standards for the consumption of hot and cold water, as well as other resources, are greatly overestimated, due to which service companies repay their costs for the loss of resources.

Installing a meter allows you to accurately take into account consumption volumes and pay only for them. As practice shows, the real dimensions are 3-4 times smaller.

This is especially beneficial for people who are often away, or those who have several people registered, but really live alone. On average, savings from installing meters is 20-25 percent.

Consumption savings

This behavior is the next step after connecting metering devices. Seeing how much resources are spent, a person automatically begins to use them more economically.

There are many mechanisms for reducing the volume of services, many of which we know about. So, to save energy, you should:

  • use energy-saving lamps and devices with a high energy saving class;
  • do not leave light in an empty room;
  • do not use standby modes for appliances;
  • replace the old electrical wiring with a more modern one.

To save water you can:

  • install a toilet with a flush button in economy mode;
  • monitor the condition of the taps and prevent them from leaking;
  • give preference to the shower, not the bath;
  • do not use running water for washing dishes;
  • use water from the dishwasher or washing machine to flush the toilet, and so on.

You can save heat by:

  • insulation of your own apartment and not only;
  • room temperature control;
  • installations on batteries of the heating regulator;
  • do not ventilate the premises for a long time.

Cancellation of some services

If you wish, you can refuse some services. Usually this is an intercom, which is of little use to residents of the first or second floor, a landline phone or a radio station.

Some users also refuse hot water in the apartment by installing an electric boiler in the bathroom, but this method is not always profitable, and most importantly, the wiring in the house must withstand such a load.

Making payments without commission

Another important point - no delays. Many companies, in the absence of payments on the 10th, start from the next day. The amount is small, but with regular accrual per year, a good bonus for the service company comes out.

Checking the correctness of the accrual

To control the correctness, it is necessary to constantly check the accounts, then when an error occurs, you can easily detect it.

It may occur due to:

  • failures in the operation of metering devices;
  • accrual errors by the management company;
  • adding services to receipts that were not previously paid;
  • attempts to close the company's financial holes.

It is advisable to read the contract with the management company, which spells out all the rights and obligations of the parties. It is possible that the services of a cleaning lady at the entrance are included in the general house service, and they are put up for you in an additional line in the receipt.

Registration of benefits

If all methods have been used to reduce utility bills, and the amount remains very large, it is worth resorting to the system, the most common of which is the payment of a subsidy. It implies the return of funds spent on housing and communal services in a certain proportion.

In 2020 you can count on:

  • large families;
  • citizens with the status of the poor;
  • pensioners;
  • members of the group for the liquidation of the Chernobyl accident;
  • WWII veterans.

To receive a subsidy, you must submit the relevant documents to the social security authorities. If the cost of rent is more than 20 percent of income, then the citizen will receive a subsidy for six months. After this time, you will need to collect documents again and submit them to Social Security. If the financial situation of the citizen has not changed, the benefit will be extended.

How you can save on utility bills in 2020, current ways.

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How to save water, gas and electricity to reduce your monthly utility bills.

Payment for utility services

Payment of utility services refers to the necessary monthly expenses.

The amount of the rent increases not only with the onset of the heating season, but also annually, after the July increase in prices for utilities.

Therefore, the question of how to reduce the cost of resources is relevant for all segments of the population.

You can act logically - consume less electricity, refuse to wash dishes with hot water and take a bath, discharge people who do not live in the apartment, etc.

There are many ways to save on utility bills legally, without the use of magnets on meters and other frauds.

The amount of utilities used is indicated in the form, which is sent monthly to property owners.

In it is necessary to enter meter readings for the calculation for the current month.

And the first way to save on rent is to pay the entire amount on time, that is, no later than the 10th day of each month.

If the delay is allowed, interest will be charged relating to additional and absolutely unnecessary expenses.

Payment Methods

In Russia, several methods of paying for utilities have been introduced:

At the bank teller or at the post office the easiest way to pay is to transfer responsibility for the correctness of entering data to a bank or post office employee
At an ATM pay conveniently due to the round-the-clock operation of most ATMs, the possibility of depositing both cash and payment by card
Through the portal of public services registration is required, after which payment is available not only for utilities, but also for other types of services
Through dedicated websites there are many sites on the Internet that accept payment for utility services minus a small commission
Through the bank's website having a credit or debit card at your disposal, you can make payments through your personal account on the bank's website (for example, Sberbank online)

Each of these methods has both advantages and disadvantages. All of them have one thing in common - a commission for making a payment.

Video: how to save on utility bills

In this case, you can save money by trial method, registering on different sites and contacting several banks.

Reflection in law

regulates the rules for calculating and paying rent:

Most importantly, the law provides for liability for incorrect accounting of data on meters.

It is forbidden to indicate the wrong amount of consumed resources, remove the seal and install magnets.

If a violation is detected, then a fine is imposed on the user and the meters may be withdrawn with subsequent payment according to the standards.

How to reduce utility bills

Thrift and thrift are not human vices, but on the contrary, it allows you to save some money to fulfill an old dream or simply get rid of debts.

Therefore, it is worth starting to solve the problem of reducing the rent now, using one or more methods for this.

To begin with, we note that it is not possible to save on utility bills for all types of services.

There is a so-called fixed fee, that is, equal for everyone:

  • elevator;
  • overhaul, etc.

You will have to pay for these services in any case, even if you are a supporter of a healthy lifestyle and do not use the elevator, preferring to go up and down the stairs.

The amount payable is calculated based on the cost of 1 service unit multiplied by the number of registered persons.

And if all citizens are discharged from the apartment, they still have to pay, but at the minimum rate.

Therefore, the amount of rent can be reduced by deregistering persons who do not live in the apartment or those who can register in another place where the payment for housing and communal services is much lower (for example, in a private house or in an apartment with no elevator and trash can).

Choice of housing

If the question of saving on rent arose even at the stage of buying a home, then you have the opportunity to solve the problem before it occurs.

The cost of housing and communal services differs, depending on the type of house, its age, location and other factors.

Old low-rise buildings lack an elevator and a garbage chute, which reduces utility costs.

Also pay attention to heating. If a boiler room is built near the house, that is, residents use an individual heating system, then this increases the cost of the service (sometimes, on the contrary, reduces the cost).

When choosing housing and communicating with owners, you need to pay attention not only to planning and repairs, but also to payments for housing and communal services.

After analyzing several apartments, you can determine where accommodation is cheaper.

Also, when looking for housing, consider:

It is most advantageous in terms of payment for housing and communal services to live in a private house.

Despite the need to pay land tax annually, the rent in a building of an individual structure is much lower than in an apartment.

Installation of metering devices

Benefit from the installation of counters is noted after the first month of use.

The costs of housing and communal services are reduced by at least 20%. It is advantageous to install metering devices in apartments where many people are registered, that is, the calculation of the rent is carried out regardless of the number of residents.

Meters make people economical, make them conserve natural resources (for example, turn off the lights in a room where there is no one).

The installation of appliances is especially relevant in the question of how to reduce utility bills if no one lives in the apartment.

For example, a home is being prepared for sale or the owner is temporarily residing elsewhere.

In this case, you will have to pay only for fixed services, which we talked about above.

Savings after installing meters are noted after the introduction of the rule that citizens who do not use meters will pay 2 times more.

In the future, it is planned to toughen the punishment for those who ignored the requirements of the law.

Payment without commission

Paying utility bills without a commission is now quite problematic.

An additional fee is charged at postal and bank branches, at ATMs and on Internet resources as well.

The only way to save on commissions is to cooperate with a bank that has this service.

To do this, you will need to open an account, either replenish it regularly, or receive a salary.

Cancellation of some services

Many citizens pay for services they do not use.

For example:

  1. Landline phone.
  2. Intercom.
  3. Radio, etc.

If you can call such services unnecessary, then terminate the contract, which will allow you to save a certain amount every month.

Checking the correctness of the calculation of the rent

High utility bills are not always the result of high water or electricity consumption.

Sometimes the reason lies in the incorrect calculation of payments:

Malfunction of counters if you have any doubts about the performance of metering devices, or the deadline for their next verification has come up, then you should not postpone the verification. By making a request to a specialized service working to provide a specific service, you can get advice from a specialist who will take the necessary steps to check the meter
Mistakes in billing they are unacceptable in the work of public utilities, but even modern technology sometimes fails. Recalculation is required by the payer. If errors are found, the overpaid amount will be transferred to the payment account for the next month.

Starting from 2012, in the forms of receipts for payment of housing and communal services, the name of the service, the cost of 1 unit and the total amount are indicated.

In payment orders, information is provided in expanded form for the payer. Therefore, it is not difficult to calculate the amount of the rent.

Consumption saving mode

If all of the above methods are used, and the amount for housing and communal services is not significantly reduced, it is worth acting radically - saving on resource consumption.

This does not mean that you need to give up hot water or light candles in the evening instead of lamps. But a certain mode is still worth introducing.


To save on electricity, it is not necessary to give up the usual daily activities and entertainment.

It is enough to follow a few simple rules:

Turn off the lights when leaving the room even a small lamp absorbs electricity. Many people think that a light bulb burning in a room does not increase costs. In fact, if it is economical on resources and turn off the light, then a decent savings comes out per month. When in doubt, experiment
Turn off unused appliances It's not about the refrigerator and the idle TV. For example, a computer that is not turned off in a timely manner continues to absorb electricity in standby mode. Therefore, in order to save utility resources, keep an eye on home appliances by unplugging them after use
Monitor electrical wiring faulty wiring can cause short circuits and consume a lot of energy. For safety and economy reasons, it is recommended to check the wires regularly and replace them.
Properly arrange furniture and appliances if the refrigerator is placed near a heater or battery, it will begin to consume 20% more energy. A desk installed near the window will save up to 30% of electricity
Use energy-saving light bulbs instead of conventional ones it is also worth replacing chandeliers with multiple shades or sockets with fixtures with a single light bulb. White or beige wallpaper will help make the room lighter.

And do not forget that a romantic evening by candlelight will make you and your loved one closer and help you save on rent.

Hot and cold water supply

If you began to notice that the amount for hot and cold water supply in the payment for utilities has become higher, analyze the condition of the faucets and plumbing.

Perhaps the faucet or toilet bowl is leaking. The breakdown should be repaired immediately to eliminate the risk of neighbors flooding and leakage of large amounts of water.

An important point - you can reduce utility bills at the time of departure by blocking the risers.

Restricting water access to plumbing is required to prevent pipe breaks and other troubles that can result in high costs for repairing the apartment of neighbors from the lower floors.

There are several ways to save water:

Between manual and automatic dishwashing, you should choose the second the dishwasher only uses cold water, so the cost of hot water will be reduced
Wash dishes by hand in soapy water (water can be heated in a kettle on a gas stove), not under running water
Bathing in the bathroom increases the cost of water supply in order to save money, it is worth replacing it with taking a shower
Install a special lever on the toilet bowl which drains less water than a standard button. There is another way - to put a bottle of water in the tank. It will raise the liquid level. Much less water will be used
Mixers with lever switching system adjust the water to the desired temperature faster, therefore reducing resource consumption

The main focus should be on saving hot water, it is several dozen times more expensive than cold water.

If you have a lot of free time, then it is better to heat the liquid in a kettle on a gas stove (gas is cheaper than other resources).

If possible, a gas water heater is installed.

Be sure to keep an eye on children - they are the ones who spend the most water. Teach from early childhood to turn off the faucet after washing hands and brushing teeth.

Often, children forget about this, subsequently causing parents to be surprised at the utility bill.

Heating and gas

It is easiest to save on heating in a private house, adjusting the temperature at your discretion.

In apartment buildings, the situation is different. But there is a way out here too. First of all, it is worth replacing old windows with plastic ones, which better retain heat in the room.

The service is expensive, but in the future you will not only feel the comfort of using these windows, but also start saving.

And for this, special radiators with a built-in valve are installed in the apartments.

When the air temperature rises, it is blocked, and heating is consumed less.

In order to save money, apartment residents install a meter for this type of service. This possibility is provided in new houses.

Gas in 2020, as in past years, is the cheapest resource.

Therefore, it is advantageous to install a gas water heater and use a conventional kettle rather than an electrical appliance. But gas should not be wasted either.

To save money, you need to cook at the level of fire that is recommended to be maintained according to the cooking recipe.

Existing benefits

The state of the Russian Federation provides for benefits for the poor and in social support for segments of the population.

It provides for the payment of housing and communal services, compensation of part of the funds spent.

This is the most effective way to save money, but it is quite difficult to achieve participation in social programs.

Benefits may be eligible for:

  • the poor;
  • members of the liquidation group at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

To apply for a grant, you will need to prepare a number of documents: