How to do the operation.  List of free OMS quota operations.  Stages of obtaining a quota for joint replacement surgery - where to apply and what documents will be needed

How to do the operation. List of free OMS quota operations. Stages of obtaining a quota for joint replacement surgery - where to apply and what documents will be needed

Initially, you need to contact a urologist to get a referral for surgery. Before it, you will need to collect all the necessary tests. In parallel with the delivery of tests, it is worth finding a clinic where varicocele surgery is performed. It is worth looking for where there is a urological department.

Regardless of whether the treatment will be provided free of charge or on a commercial basis, need to contact the clinic, where you can do a varicocele operation after collecting tests.

Specialists will be able to suggest what additional tests may be needed, what are the conditions for staying in a hospital, how payment should be made, what method the operation is performed, and so on. Also you will learn are there any vacancies in the hospital for timely treatment.

Varicocele: OMS surgery

Compulsory health insurance policy covers the costs of varicocele surgery in municipal hospitals. To use it, you need to come to the initial appointment with a urologist at the clinic to which you are attached.

After receiving a consultation and referrals for the collection of tests, it is imperative to go to the hospital where you will be operated on.

The fact is that in municipal hospitals there are not always places and equipment necessary for surgical intervention. If everything is in order, then you will be told exactly what things you need to take to the hospital and when to come to the emergency room. By the appointed date, all analyzes must be collected.

Also on hand should be a referral from a urologist from your clinic. At the time of admission to the hospital, you must also have your passport, an extract from the medical history and the MHI policy with you.

The varicocele surgery itself is free. It is usually scheduled the next day after the patient's admission. Most often municipal hospitals use the Ivanissevich method or laparoscopy.

These operations are considered the simplest, and the chance of recurrence is quite high, so it is important to strictly follow the doctor's recommendations during the rehabilitation period in order to avoid complications and the recurrence of varicocele.

It is important to understand that municipal hospitals provide additional services on a commercial basis. These include accommodation in a single room, the presence of a TV, refrigerator, air conditioning and Internet access in the room, round-the-clock supervision by a nurse, and much more. However, this does not affect the recovery process after the operation in any way, but only increases the level of comfort while in the hospital.

Thus, there are many ways to get rid of varicocele. It's pretty easy, but it's important to keep your reproductive system healthy.

To do this, it is important to observe a sparing regimen for 3-6 months after treatment and follow the doctor's instructions for the prevention of varicocele. It includes small physical activity and an annual examination by a urologist.

Hip disease is a big problem due to the high percentage of disability and the involvement of young and active patients in the process.

The generally accepted and most effective treatment today is hip arthroplasty. Currently, 1,500,000 artificial joint replacement surgeries are performed annually worldwide.

The long-term viability of the endoprosthesis is ensured by the high wear resistance of materials during friction and strength under mechanical (cyclic) loading. Practical results indicate that endoprostheses J. Charnley are capable of working in the human body for 25 years or more. In active patients, endoprostheses fail earlier due to wear of rubbing surfaces.

  1. rheumatoid arthritis,
  2. ankylosing spondylitis,
  3. systemic lupus erythematosus,
  4. coxarthrosis of various origins,
  5. hip dysplasia,
  6. old congenital dislocation in adults,
  7. pseudoarthrosis of the femoral neck,
  8. aseptic necrosis of the head of various origins,
  9. deformation of the acetabulum in the aftermath of trauma,
  10. tumors of the proximal femur,
  11. some forms of tuberculous coxitis,
  12. heterotopic ossifications of the hip joint
  13. unsuccessful outcomes of previous operations on the joint.

The above listed diseases of the hip joint are accompanied by severe pain, a sharp decrease in working capacity, loss of the ability to self-service.

  • dystrophic, post-traumatic gonarthrosis with severe violations of walking and standing with a sharp pain syndrome and limitation of movement in the joint, vicious (valgus or varus) installation of the limb;
  • rheumatoid arthritis, monoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis;
  • with the consequences of injuries and osteosynthesis of the distal end of the femur and the proximal end of the tibia (not earlier than 3 months after the removal of metal structures).

In our practice, we divide contraindications to hip arthroplasty into absolute and relative.

  1. Diseases of the cardiovascular and bronchial-pulmonary system in the stage of decompensation
  2. The presence of a focus of purulent infection in the body (tonsillitis, carious teeth, chronic sinusitis and otitis media, pustular skin diseases)
  3. Mental or neuromuscular disorders that increase the risk of various disorders and disorders in the postoperative period
  4. Active or latent hip infection less than 3 months old
  5. Skeletal immaturity
  6. Acute diseases of the vessels of the lower extremities (thrombophlebitis, thromboembolism)
  1. Obesity III degree.
  2. Oncological diseases.
  3. The patient himself is not convinced of the need for arthroplasty and is not ready for a postoperative rehabilitation plan.

To perform this type of operation, an operating room of the 1st degree of cleanliness is required, which is not provided in all hospitals. Our Clinic guarantees compliance with these requirements. The duration of the operation is from 1 to 3 hours. Operations are performed under combined anesthesia (epidural or spinal with intravenous support). The operation is accompanied by blood loss of about 500 ml, which in 50% of patients requires intraoperative and postoperative blood transfusion.

Surgery on the hip, knee joint according to the quota can be performed only in difficult cases. There must be special indications for it. So, you can get a quota in such cases:

  • Oncological diseases, which caused violations in the work of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Defects provoked by systemic diseases of connective tissues.
  • Complications after knee replacement, dislocations and subluxations.
  • Combination of post-traumatic and postoperative defects with deforming arthrosis.
  • Willebrand disease.
  • Problems caused by poor blood clotting.
  • Contraindications to surgical intervention, with the exception of endoprosthetics.
  • Infection of the site of the prosthesis.
  • Abrasion, wear, instability of the element.
  • Incorrect position and fixation of the artificial part.
  • Fracture of bone tissue near the existing prosthesis.

The operation to replace the hip-knee joint according to the quota, in accordance with Government Decree No. 1273 of November 28, 2014, can be performed in cases where:

  • arthrosis is combined with post-traumatic and surgical injuries;
  • dysplasia on the background of arthrosis.

This is an exhaustive list of indications for free surgery. In other cases, you will have to pay for the procedure from your own pocket at the full cost.

In a situation where hip arthroplasty does not pass the quota, a completely logical question arises - how to save money. You can reduce your expenses in the following ways:

  • Seek help from a public health facility.
  • Use an individual rehabilitation plan, otherwise IPR.

As for the first option, here the patient saves on the operation itself. You will have to pay for the material, the prosthesis, but you can save money on staying in the hospital and the services of doctors. Such costs are covered by the insurance policy, provided that the applicant collects all the necessary documentation. In private clinics, without options, you will have to pay for both the stay, the services of the staff and the cost of the prosthesis.

Contraindications for prosthetics:

  • fragility of bone tissue;
  • damaged nerve endings;
  • underdeveloped bone condition;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular type;
  • osteoporosis;
  • infectious manifestations;
  • acute diseases of the extremities;
  • purulent focus.

So, if highly professional treatment is required and there are indications for a free procedure, the patient needs to arrange such an opportunity. It is immediately worth determining that the procedure is protracted and lengthy, takes several months and takes place in several stages:

  1. Interaction with the attending physician.
  2. Hike to the commission at the clinic.
  3. Collection of documents.
  4. Hike to the regional commission.
  5. Consideration of the application by a clinic that is authorized to conduct operations on a quota.

Stage one

This is the initial stage, which involves interaction with an orthopedic traumatologist at the place of actual residence and the passage of a planned examination and treatment. The specialist draws up a referral to the first level commission based on the medical record, the results of the examination and analyzes.

Stage two

Based on the consideration of the application, the supervisory authority at the medical institution draws up a protocol. It contains all the personal information of the patient, his diagnosis, recommendations and indications for his treatment. You have 10 days to make a decision.

Stage three

If no contraindications for knee arthroplasty are established for the patient, his application is sent to the regional health department. In this case, a complete package of documents must be generated, including:

  • copies of passport pages;
  • insurance policy;
  • pension certificate;
  • certificate of a disabled person (if any);
  • medical report (original copy);
  • protocol in its original form;
  • referral from an orthopedist;
  • quotation application;
  • written consent to the processing of personal data.

Stage four

The commission should be held with the participation of an orthopedic surgeon. The personal presence of the patient at this stage is not required. He can only be called when there are disputes. No more than 10 days are allotted for consideration of the application. The decision must be recorded. If it is positive, then a copy of the protocol, along with a package of papers and a coupon, is sent to the clinic where the operation is performed.

Stage five

After the documents are received by a medical institution specializing in arthroplasty, a quota commission is assembled. After a discussion by orthopedists and traumatologists of the situation, a decision is made on the possibility of performing prosthetics in a particular case. If the outcome is positive, the clinic informs the regional department of its decision, which, in turn, informs the patient.

Replacement of the hip joint is performed with severe pain, developing lameness and a decrease in the amplitude of joint movements caused by the progression of:

  • coxarthrosis (dysplastic, post-traumatic, deforming);
  • aseptic necrosis of the femoral head;
  • rheumatoid arthritis.

Replacement of a destroyed joint is recommended for femoral neck fractures in elderly patients due to the ineffectiveness of conservative methods of treatment. Hip prosthesis is considered inappropriate in cases where the patient cannot move independently. Surgery is contraindicated if there is a history of:

  • severe cardiovascular pathologies;
  • insufficiency of the liver and kidneys of 2-3 degrees;
  • diabetes mellitus in the stage of decompensation.

In the preparatory period, a comprehensive examination is carried out. To clarify the diagnosis and determine the optimal technique for arthroplasty, an x-ray is taken. If the x-ray does not allow the orthopedist to obtain comprehensive information about the nature of the deformity, computed or magnetic resonance imaging is prescribed.

The most important step is the examination of the patient. To do this, it is necessary to pass clinical tests, undergo an ECG, consultations of specialized specialists, ultrasound. The patient is hospitalized at least one day before the operation. As preparation, you need:

  • Undergo an examination to identify diseases and exclude contraindications.
  • Normalize the weight if it exceeds the allowable limits.
  • Get dental treatment if necessary.
  • Tell your doctor about bad habits - smoking in particular.
  • Familiarize yourself with the features of the future operation.
  • Prepare housing for the rehabilitation period: stock up on groceries, do a general cleaning, remove all items that you can stumble over.

Three weeks before surgery:

  • Enlist the support of loved ones in household chores for the first time or hire a person for these purposes.

Indications for knee arthroplasty.

Magnetic resonance imaging. Multidisciplinary medical center "K 31"; must monitor. according to Norbekov are especially effective and what rules exist?

Muddy. Contact the regional health department (now - the Ministry of Health of the region) at the VMP department - they will tell you for sure. You don’t need to look for anything yourself. If a person has suffered pain for years, cartilage and bones wear out, muscles atrophy, and the replacement is done “at the last moment”, then rehabilitation can take quite a long period. Perthes disease, Bekhterev’s disease.

, according to the OMS policy. Must be carried out! Be careful. In some hospitals, they also ask you to pay for the operation itself. To put it mildly, this is not entirely correct. This option is ideal when there is no time to collect medical and administrative documents

Children's Clinical Hospital im. Semashko;​

behind the seam, body temperature and your feelings. Pain during this period can pass and return, the patient must be ready for this and make efforts to fully restore the motor functions of the body. Necessary: ​​In modern medicine, there are more than six dozen modifications of endoprostheses today.

​Natella​​Discharge after joint replacement is carried out in a week. In Russian medical institutions, the patient can be discharged in a few days. But this does not mean that the body has recovered. How long the recovery period will take depends on many factors, including the possibility of complications.

Bone scintigraphy (isotope study). Central Clinical Hospital No. 2 of Russian Railways, etc. The first few days

High qualification and professionalism of the surgeon and all medical staff;

  1. ​Obvious causes of injury include injury. Examples are hip fracture, hip dislocation or subluxation.​
  2. At 22, you should try to restore your joints, surgery is an extreme case!

It is important to take into account the pathology, due to which the joint prosthesis was carried out:

When considering the operation of arthroplasty, other points are taken into account, such as the general condition of the person, comorbidities, the degree of damage to the operated area and the entire hip joint.

​Free​​The most common complication, even after a full course of restoration, is loosening or displacement of the prosthesis.​​Diagnostic puncture.​

A hip replacement, or arthroplasty, is a surgical procedure to partially or completely replace a joint with an artificial prosthesis. Such prosthetics are resorted to in cases where the joint is severely destroyed, the pain syndrome is severe, motor functions are impaired, and drug treatment does not work.

The patient is assigned the availability of technical capabilities (endoscopic equipment, high-tech materials).

To non-obvious - diseases (infectious and not arthritis, osteoarthritis, inflammatory processes in the joint and periarticular tissues).

Dr. Sexy If the bones and cartilage are worn out, the muscles are atrophied, after the prosthesis has been carried out, the rehabilitation period may take a long time. In addition, like any manipulation, this operation also has contraindications. The endoprosthesis cannot be installed if there is:

. And the algorithm of actions is quite simple and looks like this:​

The cost of arthroplasty surgery depends on the type of implant chosen, the country in which the medical institution is located and the cost of its services. Therefore, it is impossible to name a specific number. For example, a hip replacement in Germany will cost approximately 15,000 euros, in Israel - 12,000 euros, in Russia - 3,000 euros.​

Analysis of blood and synovial fluid. Allows you to identify the presence of inflammatory and other pathological processes.

Further rehabilitation after hip replacement consists in prescribing special light gymnastics and breathing exercises.

  • hours:
  • Mixed (hybrid) - the cup is attached without bone cement, and the leg is cemented.

​Fortunately, you don't have to travel to Germany or anywhere else to get a prosthesis. In Russia, such a procedure is carried out in Moscow according to a quota paid by the state. It is worth noting that joint replacement is very expensive. For example, in Germany, the cost of a hip replacement is from $10,000.

​Before arthroplasty is performed to replace the hip joint in Germany, Israel or another country, examinations (laboratory and instrumental) are prescribed, the patient is consulted by specialists. It is possible to correct the condition with drugs and physiotherapy before surgery and joint replacement.

Who will operate: an experienced orthopedist or a young surgeon?

​Joint arthroplasty in Moscow​

To date, the quota for the manipulation in question, in accordance with the appendix to the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of August 12, 2013 No. 565n, can be obtained with the following ailments:

  1. Oncological diseases that affect the musculoskeletal system in children/adults.
  2. Joint defects that have developed against the background of systemic diseases of the connective tissue.
  3. Post-traumatic/postoperative changes in the structure of the limb (fractures, dislocations, subluxations, etc.), which are combined with deforming arthrosis of the knee, elbow, ankle, shoulder joints.
  4. Willebrand's disease, other ailments associated with the quality of blood coagulation, which affect the structure of the joints, ligaments. This also includes cases of a fracture of the neck of the femoral joint, when other types of surgical intervention, except for total arthroplasty, are contraindicated.
  5. Infection of the site in the area of ​​the installed endoprosthesis.
  6. Wear, complete/partial destruction of the endoprosthesis, instability of some of its components.
  7. Bone fractures near the installed endoprosthesis. This problem is especially relevant for the elderly: bone tissue loses its strength with age.

Joint arthroplasty, or its replacement, is a popular surgical operation and joint treatment at the present time. The procedure for replacing a joint is not cheap, for most people it is not possible to replace a joint at their own expense. However, the current legislation in the Russian Federation in some cases allows you to fully or partially compensate for the costs of the specified operation.

Today we will talk about how you can replace a joint completely free of charge (or partially) according to a quota, where and to whom to contact. At the bottom of the page, interesting videos have been selected for you about the features of the operation, types of endoprostheses, how to choose an artificial joint optimally in terms of quality and cost of money.

According to the annex to the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of August 12, 2013 No. 565n, today the quota can be obtained with the following diseases:

  1. Oncological diseases in which the musculoskeletal system suffers in children and adults.
  2. Joint defects that develop against the background of systemic diseases of the connective tissue.
  3. Post-traumatic / postoperative changes in the structure of the limb (fractures, dislocations, subluxations), combined with deforming arthrosis of the knee, elbow, ankle, shoulder joints.
  4. Willebrand's disease, other diseases associated with the quality of blood coagulation, which affect the structure of the joints, ligaments. This also includes cases of fracture of the neck of the femoral joint, when other types of surgical intervention, except for total arthroplasty, are contraindicated.
  5. Infection of the site in the area of ​​the endoprosthesis installation.
  6. Wear, complete/partial destruction of the endoprosthesis, or instability of its components.
  7. Improperly fixed prosthesis.
  8. Fractures of the bone next to the installed endoprosthesis. The problem is relevant for the elderly, because bone tissue loses its strength with age.

According to the above order and in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 28, 2014 No. 1273, hip arthroplasty according to the quota is possible in the following cases:

  1. The patient is diagnosed with deforming arthrosis in combination with postoperative injuries.
  2. Dysplasia of the joint on the background of deforming arthrosis.

In other cases, patients must have money to install an endoprosthesis.

These costs can be reduced in the following ways:

  1. Make a choice in the treatment of the joint in favor of the state clinic. You can save on paying for the services of the attending surgeon and for being in the hospital. The costs will be covered by the compulsory medical insurance policy (OMI), but you will have to pay for the prosthesis. Sometimes the patient does not have enough time to collect the documents necessary for the operation, then the administration of the state medical institution may refuse to assist the patient in a free operation. When a patient goes to a private clinic, he will have to pay for both the endoprosthesis and the operation.
  2. Take advantage of an individual rehabilitation program.

Depending on the scale of the resection and the number of components of the implant, arthroplasty is divided into:

  1. Total. Traditional surgery involves the radical removal of the joint (including the head and acetabulum), after which it is replaced with an endoprosthesis.
  2. Superficial. During the operation, only the layers of bone tissue damaged by the disease are removed. A smooth metal cap is placed over the preserved femoral head. Instead of the removed bone and cartilaginous tissues of the acetabulum, a metal cup is installed.

Which hospitals perform hip replacement surgery for coxarthrosis by quota?

Endoprosthetics and replacement of a damaged hip joint can be carried out in two ways:

According to the quota, those endoprostheses that are currently in the clinic are placed. It is far from certain that these will be endoprostheses from leading companies. But no matter which endoprosthesis is placed, the success of the operation mainly depends on the experience of the orthopedic surgeon. Incorrect installation will not help even with endoprosthetics with the “best prosthesis”.

Agree, this is also a minus of this path when replacing a joint. Until recently, it was carried out at the expense of quotas for a high-tech operation, which were allocated by the state. To be more precise, an artificial hip joint with a total replacement is installed and fixed with a cement, cementless and combined method.

The cement method involves filling the space between the implant stem and the inner cortical layer with bone cement. The cup for cement fixation around the perimeter has ribs, due to which adhesion with cement is enhanced. Irreversible changes in the bone are an indication for surgery practically painless.

exfoliation and shift of tissues around the vehicle;

metal - very high quality plastic;

Death in the head of the TS of some parts of the bone marrow - non-infectious necrosis (avascular).


  • Stage 1 - characterized by pain in the hip joint, extending to the knee joint and the inner surface of the thigh, the patient is lame, there is an apparent shortening of the limb, abduction and adduction in good volume. There is some atrophy of the gluteal muscles and thigh muscles. Radiographically, there is slight bone atrophy without the formation of osteophytes.
  • Stage 2 - characterized by constant pain, significant limitation of movement, progressive shortening of the limb, severe lameness. There are no rotational movements. Extension in the hip joint is limited, there is atrophy of the gluteal muscles. X-ray determined pronounced osteophytes, deformity of the femoral head, narrowing of the joint space, sclerosis and round cystic cavities, both in the head and in the roof of the articular cavity. A characteristic feature of stage 2 is periodic exacerbations of pain, forcing the patient to maintain bed rest or sometimes resort to crutches.
  • Stage 3 - persistent pain, significant shortening of the limb, stiffness of the joint in the state of hip adduction, complicating physiological functions, due to the pain syndrome, there is a significant loss of ability to work and difficulties in self-service. X-ray determined pronounced morphological changes.

Possible Complications

In the 1st option, the patient pays for everything necessary for the operation. As for the 2nd option, there is a special state program for the provision of free high-tech medical care (quota). To receive it, the patient needs to collect the necessary documents and sign up for a queue at the health department, which is located at the place of registration.

Total joint replacement (head and acetabulum).

  • Often, arthroplasty is prescribed for people with progressive arthritis and degenerative osteochondrosis. The majority of these patients are elderly people, since such diseases develop with age. But it is possible that these diseases may occur as a result of trauma or congenital anomalies of the joint.
  • To prevent cicatricial contractions of tendons and skin, to strengthen the muscle frame around the prosthesis for the patient
  • anesthesia;
  • ​Modern combinations of materials from which prostheses are made are selected depending on the patient's disease, age and lifestyle. They may be


Potential postoperative complications include:

  • infection;
  • instability of the components, dislocation or fracture of the prosthesis;
  • hip contracture;
  • thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities.

Endoprosthetics may be accompanied by complications:

  • Hematomas, thrombosis.
  • Problems associated with the wrong choice of implant, its incorrect installation or design defect.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • Infection.

Where to get hip arthroplasty in Moscow

Many clinics operating in Russia have international status. The number of highly qualified specialists in orthopedics and surgery is growing every year. Changes in educational programs in universities also affect this. The availability of foreign manufacturers of implants allows you to find the necessary prosthesis easily and quickly.

  • 31 GKB;
  • CYTO;
  • Botkin hospital.

It depends on what degree of arthrosis ...

Table 1. Prices for hip replacement surgery

​Total joint replacement, when all parts of the hip joint are completely replaced by an endoprosthesis. Surprisingly, with the help of IPR, you can put a good, high-quality prosthesis. To put this endoprosthesis in one of the leading Moscow clinics, in excellent conditions and in the shortest possible time. And all this was carried out at the expense of quotas until 2014. Since 2014, quotas for most of these operations

Medicine has approximately 60 different types of endoprostheses, which differ in the type of construction and material of manufacture. But any prosthesis consists of 3 components:

As with any surgical intervention, there is a risk of complications after the operation. There are a number of cases when joint arthroplasty is inappropriate:

​How rehabilitation goes after hip surgery is detailed in the video.​​Restoration of tissue integrity and wound closure.​

  1. ceramics - plastic. You should undergo an X-ray examination of the vehicle.
  2. The formation of the hip joint (TC), which is a simple synovial joint, occurs with the participation of two articulating bones - the ilium and femur. Pyramidonovna

As after any operation, some complications are possible after arthroplasty at the expense of budgetary funds

  • canceled
  • plastic cup;

fragility of the bone, which will not allow the implant to be held;

​Surgery for prosthetics of the TS is a high-tech process.​

The video clearly shows how the hip arthroplasty is performed.​

All the necessary information on preparation for the operation will be presented to you by the attending physician.

Problem solving

A bowl-shaped depression on the outside of the pelvic bone (acetabulum) and a spherical bone of the femoral head together form a hip joint, which is a kind of hinged structure. An orthopedist in his clinic will arrange everything.

  • , With the exception of some systemic diseases, for example, systemic lupus erythematosus or for iatrogenic reasons (doctors' mistake during the initial replacement).

a metal ball that replaces the head of the femur; damage to the nerve endings in the joint;

​In 2015, the inclusion of high-tech medical care (HMP) in the system of compulsory medical insurance is provided for by the new legislative draft "On Compulsory Medical Insurance in the Russian Federation." Any surgical intervention in the body can have its negative consequences. Complications after the procedure most often occur in However, there are moments for which the patient will have to prepare in advance (especially for those who are alone).

  • for a worn or irretrievably injured joint, arthroplasty may be indicated, which can be indicated in such
  • The head of the femur is connected to the femur by the neck, which is commonly called
  • Anaida
  • At the first stage of preparation for arthroplasty, consultation with the attending physician and surgeon is necessary. This is necessary to determine contraindications, if any. An x-ray should also be taken, which will show how affected and worn out the hip joint is.
  • How does it happen? As they say - everything ingenious is simple.
  • In most cases, there are simply no quotas for hip replacement. The same picture is with knee arthroplasty, but since 2015.​

leg - a metal rod for the strength of the prosthesis. joint instability;

  1. Therefore, here we will not specify who will pay for the operation - the patient or insurance companies. operated:
  2. Since rehabilitation after the replacement of the joint continues at home, it is worth preparing your home for the postoperative period​cases:​
  3. "femoral neck" In the quota department of your city, you will find out a list of documents (for each disease your own), collect them and hand them over, then wait in line - in general, the orthopedist directing you (well, or the surgeon, if there is no orthopedist) in your clinic knows everything that is needed.

Types of endoprostheses

The next step is to pass all the tests and diagnose. Hospitalization is carried out a couple of days before the operation. Consultation with a doctor, then preparation of primary documents for IPR and hospitalization in the clinic. Further, the operation and, at the time of discharge from the hospital,

  • Joint replacement surgery
  • An x-ray shows the result of a joint replacement surgery
  • bone underdevelopment;

Cost of hip replacement with large joint deformity;

​You can also call the Health Department/Min. hello

In order to avoid the development of complications, it is important to quit smoking and not taking alcohol, fight overweight, if such a problem exists, treat all foci of infection in the body.

​Details can be found by calling or sending a request for treatment.​

Large joint The first exercises after the operation begin to be done the next day (in a sitting position).

The patient is implanted into the healthy part of the bone with an artificial head pin

Family Clinic;

the occurrence of infections;

  • ​Before the operation
  • ​Replacing Vehicle Surfaces​
  • They surround the hip joint - the buttocks in the back and the femurs in front. The better developed the muscular frame of the joint, the less traumatic loads on it when running, unsuccessful jumps and moving weights. It is also important that a good volume of strong working muscles delivers a sufficient amount of nutrients to the joint with blood.
  • ​Your locality, department of high-tech medical assistance
  • After surgery, there is a period of rehabilitation. The patient is discharged in Russia a few days after the intervention, in Germany strictly a week later. This is not enough time for the restoration of the new joint to be complete. The duration of the process depends on many factors, one of which is the presence of possible complications.​
  • Be healthy!
  • (knee or hip).
  • You should be prepared for the fact that recovery in the first weeks will be accompanied by mild pain in the thigh. Physical therapy is of great importance in the postoperative period. Individually for each patient, exercises are selected that contribute to the normalization of the movement of the limb and strengthen the muscles.​
  • The main methods for diagnosing hip disease include:
  • GKB No. 67 (Moscow);
  • fracture of the hip bone, dislocation or "popping" of the prosthesis;

the patient is obliged

- removal of cartilaginous layers from the acetabulum with replacement with a special artificial material and turning of the femoral head with a metal cap put on it. Gliding, thanks to such a replacement of the articular surfaces, is achieved close to natural.​

  1. With the help of the hip joint, a person is simultaneously provided with such functional
  2. and clarify where they can issue a quota in your case.​
  3. The recovery period after surgery can be quite long
  4. Installing an endoprosthesis, replacing the hip joint, is necessary after injuries, fractures and in the presence of other severe pathologies.
  5. The second option is the Moscow State Clinic or a large federal center. In this case, you only pay
  6. Upon discharge from the clinic, the doctor will give a complete description of contraindications and exercises that you can perform on your own.
  7. Clinical examination: pain during exertion and movement, asymmetry, limited movement.
  8. KB MGMU them. Sechenov;​

Thrombotic phenomena in deep veins.

  1. draw up the necessary documents (carrying out an operation for cash, under a contract under medical insurance or under quotas of the federal program for the provision of free high-tech medical care); Talk to your anesthesiologist about the type of anesthesia that is best for you. stop eating at least 12 hours before surgery.​
  2. ​Partial dentures​


LADY with a dog

There is a dependence on the previous pathology:

It should be noted that arthroplasty, for example, in Germany is carried out according to the following indications:

  • cost of a joint
  • The danger that may lie in wait immediately after the operation is an infection. To prevent it, a course of antibiotics is prescribed. To avoid thromboembolic complications, it is recommended to perform exercises for the lower leg, wear a special stocking, and also carry out preventive treatment with anticoagulants. Do not overload the joint, as excessive load can lead to its dislocation or destruction of the implant (fracture). This is especially true for overweight people.
  • A series of x-rays taken in different projections.


Rehabilitation after arthroplasty can be long and take up to 6 months.

  1. ​Modern advances in medicine make it possible to perform both open surgeries for hip arthroplasty, as well as minimally invasive and minimally invasive ones.​
  2. - replacement, for example, of the head of the pelvic joint with part of the femoral neck, articular bed.
  3. body stability (support, balance);
  4. start with your clinic, everyone will tell you and give you directions

If there was a fracture of the neck, then the time after which the prosthesis was installed matters. When not much time has passed, the muscles get to work quickly enough.

Congenital dislocation of the femoral neck. The operation and stay in the clinic is carried out

Due to the presence of a foreign body in the body, the joint next to the endoprosthesis can be destroyed. This reaction occurs for the following reasons:


Endoprosthetics (replacement) of the hip joint - where is it better to do it in Moscow?

  1. Institution type. In public complexes, the policy covers such expenses as:
  • operation;
  • nutrition;
  • hospital stay;
  • pain relievers.
  1. Prosthesis type and manufacturer. Ceramic and metal products (from 170 thousand) are more expensive than metal-polyethylene composition (from 130 thousand). A cement product will cost the patient up to 120-140 thousand. The cost without cement structures increases by 50 thousand more.
  2. Type of transaction:
  • restoration of only cartilage tissue (superficial), as well as partial replacement, costs two times cheaper than total prosthetics (full replacement);
    the cost of treatment of the hip joint is the most expensive manipulation, it is 5-7 thousand more expensive than the restoration of the shoulder joint and 10-15 thousand more than the knee joint.
    Diagnostics. It all depends on the number of prescribed diagnostic measures. They have to be done in private clinics, which increases the cost of endoprosthesis replacement.

Reader reviews about knee replacement allow us to conclude that it is difficult to get a quota for surgery, but it is possible. It is necessary to prepare that the entire registration procedure will take about three months. Complications can be avoided if medical advice and instructions are strictly followed.

All these firms and their product are quite competitive among themselves and, by and large, differ only in service.

Modern joint endoprostheses are detachable and consist of an acetabular component (cup), a femoral component (leg) and a prosthesis head.

All components are made of steel or titanium, the cup of the prosthesis is made of polyethylene or titanium with an insert. The head can be steel or ceramic, with a fit on the conical neck of the leg.

endoprostheses with cementless and cement fixation and their combinations. Cementless prostheses in their design are intended for young patients, the rest of the patients may have various options for cement and combined fixation.

  • Bechterew's disease.
  • Arthrosis, arthritis, other degenerative diseases.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Necrosis of the femoral head.
  • Deforming arthrosis.
  • Ununited fractures, false joints.
  • Fracture of the femoral neck.
  • Formations to be removed.
  • Inability to move independently (if the joint does not solve the problem).
  • Decompensated pathology, when the operation can cause other problems.
  • Septic changes, foci of infections.
  • Acute pulmonary insufficiency.
  • Paralysis.
  • Osteoporosis, other bone pathologies.
  • Drug allergy, inability to administer anesthesia.
  • Absence of hip bone.

postoperative treatment.

1. Intensive care.

  • infusion therapy;
  • blood transfusions;
  • Plasma transfusions.
  • Anticoagulant therapy (Clexane or Fraxiparine).

postoperative massage (chest and general), exercise therapy and learning to walk with crutches from the 2nd day after the operation. (dressings after removal of drains on the 2nd day) 1 time in 2 days.

Postoperative outpatient treatment (14-17 days from the day of surgery)

  1. Dressings and examination of the surgeon once every 3 days.
  2. Removal of stitches on the 12th day.
  3. Control radiography 3 and 6 months (then 1 time per year).
  4. Walking with crutches with dosed load on the operated leg.
  5. Exercise therapy, massage and physiotherapy.

Who needs a hip replacement - rehabilitation after surgery

Recovery is the most important stage of the operation. The success of the entire event depends on the accuracy of the implementation of all recommendations. The most important rules:

  • Lie down and get out of bed correctly.
  • Use compression underwear, stockings to reduce swelling and exclude thrombosis.
  • Use crutches for support while walking.
  • Complete all prescribed physiotherapy procedures.
  • Attend physical therapy, it is necessary to develop the limb and restore the functionality of the joint.

The patient can be active lying down already on the first day after prosthetics. On the second day, you can try to sit down, carefully perform static exercises and breathing exercises. You can walk with support from the third day. Removal of sutures - before discharge, that is, approximately on the tenth day.

The patient can get home on the tenth or twelfth day. Rehabilitation continues, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of the doctor. Also, recovery can continue in a special rehabilitation center under the supervision of rehabilitation specialists. Up to eight weeks, there is a restriction of the mobility of the operated leg. Additional support during this period is a must.

You can start delicate sports activities. It can be physical therapy exercises, exercises on simulators. You can not run, jump, play active outdoor games. Sitting cross-legged, sitting down deeply, moving sharply is also impossible.

After the operation, the functions of the joint, as a rule, are completely restored, disability is not needed. If the work is associated with strong physical exertion, a third disability group may be considered.

The cup-shaped recess on the outside of the pelvic bone (acetabulum) and the spherical bone of the femoral head together form the hip joint, which is a kind of hinged structure.

The head of the femur is connected to the femur by a neck, which is colloquially called the "femoral neck". The inside of the acetabulum and the femoral head itself are covered with a layer of special articular cartilage (hyaline).

Cartilage is an elastic and, at the same time, a strong and smooth layer in the joint. Provides sliding during the operation of the joint, releasing the joint fluid, distributes the load during movement and the necessary cushioning.

operation is very efficient

One way or another, the body of each patient is individual, and this also matters in the length of the recovery period.

Severe renal and liver failure.

  • What endoprostheses are placed according to the quota?
  • After endoprosthetics, many are wondering how they should live now. Sometimes a prosthesis is much better than your own joint, which causes pain or restricts movement. You can not lift weights, you need to monitor your weight, avoid hypothermia, treat all colds and infectious diseases in a timely manner, and do not make sudden movements with your foot. It is necessary to reduce the load on the operated leg as much as possible. We must not forget about a set of exercises that will keep the leg muscles in good shape.
  • Hemiarthroplasty is a unipolar replacement. Only the head of the femur is implanted.

​People with necrosis or severe hip fractures may also need a hip implant.​

exercise therapy prescribed

  • installation of a catheter in the urethra (to prevent involuntary urination and control the amount of fluid secreted by the body);
  • are:
  • inflammation of the pelvic joint - usually caused by arthritis of various etiologies, bursitis, synovitis, etc.;

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Pass all tests, choose a hospital and a doctor

I have been working as a doctor for four years and all this time I hear talk that medicine in Russia has not been free for a long time.

Dmitry Melnikov

In fact, everything is not so bad. There are complex operations that can only be done for money or according to a quota, but most operations are covered by the CHI policy. I’ll tell you, using the example of Moscow, what needs to be done so that you are operated on without money, and what you still have to pay for.

All this applies only to planned treatment, when health problems were identified during the examination. Acute conditions require emergency medical care, and in any case it must be provided free of charge.

medical ethics

In the text, I often use the words “possibly”, “probably”, “for sure” and the like. It's part of my professional upbringing to never make accurate predictions.

Any medical intervention can lead to unpredictable consequences, and a planned one-day hospitalization sometimes turns into a week in a hospital bed. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the patient's body and many other factors. Therefore, we doctors do not say “You will be discharged tomorrow”, but use the wording “Probably, hospitalization will take no more than a couple of days.” This is medical ethics.

What operations are we talking about?

This article will focus on diseases and their treatment - but only as prescribed by a doctor. I understand the desire to google the diagnosis in order to find out more about your condition, but I do not advise you to be treated on the Internet: this can cause irreparable harm to the body.

Treating people is difficult. Before starting to practice, doctors study for at least eight years, and then continue to improve their skills throughout their careers. Therefore, do not trust treatment to anyone other than doctors.

But it is also difficult to be treated, even on the recommendation of a doctor. If the disease is not very disturbing, treatment is often postponed until later. As a doctor, I believe that one should overcome oneself: after all, the stronger the disease is triggered, the more difficult it is to cure it. But as a human being, I know that is easier said than done.

For example, one of my friends after each meal of fatty foods suffers from pain in the right hypochondrium. He was diagnosed with gallstones and treated with surgery to remove the gallbladder. But he is in no hurry: he says that it is difficult and expensive. I can't help it that it's difficult to heal, especially if it means scary. But about the "expensive" acquaintance is wrong: the operation to remove the gallbladder is done under the MHI policy.

In addition to cholelithiasis, hernias, lipomas, and varicose veins are most often operated under compulsory medical insurance, and there are more than two thousand items in the list of free planned operations. A complete list can be downloaded from the website of the Moscow City CHI Fund.

How to make an OMS operation

Choose a hospital

Under the compulsory medical insurance policy, you can be operated on at any state city hospital. You do not have to explain to anyone why you chose a particular institution. It can be a recommendation from friends, the result of a comprehensive study, a sign of higher powers - anything.

Pass tests

All analyzes and studies have an expiration date, and it is not very long. For example, for a general and biochemical blood test, this is only two weeks. If you donated blood before, then the results of the analysis are no longer informative enough. And it is important for the surgeon to know what is happening with your body right now. Therefore, you will be asked to retake everything: all of a sudden, any surgical intervention is already contraindicated for you.

The list of studies is almost the same everywhere - these are blood and urine tests, ECG, fluorography and ultrasound. If there are chronic diseases, the list can be expanded. For example, if a person has problems with the thyroid gland, he will be asked to do an analysis to determine the levels of thyroid hormones, and in case of bronchial asthma, they will undergo functional tests.

The results of tests and studies must be brought to the doctor who will perform the operation. If everything is in order, he will tell you the date when you need to go to the hospital. In case of any problems, the surgeon can send for a consultation to another specialist. For example, if the cardiogram shows an arrhythmia, you will have to go to the cardiologist and he will already decide whether this will interfere with the operation. Sometimes the risk is too great. If the patient has a small hernia, but there are problems with the lungs and metabolism, then it is better to be like a hernia than to undergo surgery with unpredictable consequences.

Free tests can be taken at the clinic where they issued the referral. But here, how lucky. It happens that the tests are done quickly, but it happens that “ECG is only on Wednesdays and Fridays, and the radiologist will return from vacation in two weeks.”

If you do not want to wait, you can contact any commercial medical center. Ultrasound, cardiogram and fluorography will be issued on the same day, and the results of the tests - in a maximum of two days. There you can also get advice from the right specialist if for some reason you can’t get an appointment with him through a free line. This will add another one and a half to two thousand rubles to the check.

Average prices of Moscow centers for examinations before surgery

Ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities

4000 R

Blood chemistry

3000 R

Gallbladder ultrasound

1800 R

Chest x-ray

1800 R

Blood test for carriers of infections

1790 R


1720 R

1500 R

General blood analysis

800 R

Get to the hospital

On the day appointed by the doctor, you will have to appear at the admission department of the hospital. You must have a passport and a policy with you, the results of analyzes and consultations, as well as a referral from the clinic, signed by the head of the department. In addition, I advise you to take a change of clothes and hygiene items: not after every operation you can go home the same evening.

The admissions department will take a medical history. This is the main document where everything that will happen to you in the hospital will be recorded: information about studies, the protocol of the operation, diaries of the daily condition.

A medical history is not the same as a medical record. The medical record is kept constantly, it contains all the information about a person's health. And a medical history is taken for each hospitalization. After discharge, it is handed over to the archive, and the patient receives a short version of the document - the discharge summary.

After completing the documents, the nurse will take you to the department and put you in the ward.

Chambers are free and paid. Free rooms in specialized departments of hospitals, usually for 3-6 people, with a bathroom and shower. Paid chambers are designed for one or two people. There is always a fresh repair, TV, even Wi-Fi. Prices in Moscow hospitals start at 2,000 rubles - a day in a double room.

width="2000" height="1826" class=" outline-bordered" style="max-width: 1000.0px; height: auto" data-bordered="true"> VIP ward in the Moscow City Hospital No. 31 for 14,900 R per day

Survive the operation

Most often, the operation takes place on the day of hospitalization: in the morning a person comes to the hospital, and a few hours later he is operated on. The duration of the planned operation depends on the disease. Say, with cholelithiasis it is 40-60 minutes, and with a serious hernia - several hours. After the operation, if everything goes according to plan, the patient returns to the ward.

Endoscopic surgery and modern recovery methods help to ensure that minimal harm is caused to the body during the operation, and after it it quickly returns to normal. Therefore, after a simple operation, such as removal of the gallbladder or lipoma, you can be discharged on the same day - as soon as you recover from anesthesia. As my experience shows, when a person feels healthy, they do not detain him in the hospital.

I have heard stories of patients being discharged from the hospital before they have had time to recover. In my experience, a doctor will not discharge a person unless they think they are healthy. If this does happen, you can complain about the doctor to the Ministry of Health and he will answer for his negligence. Hospitals are now required to respond to all complaints and comments, even on social media.

But I would like to remind you that the patient and the doctor are on the same side and the ostentatious separation between the client and the provider only harms the treatment process. Medicine has not yet reached such a level that the doctor can always guarantee a certain result of treatment or the absence of complications.

If you feel unwell or think that the doctor did something wrong, it is better to try talking to him personally first and explain everything. Perhaps there is no need to complain.

check out

Before you are sent home, you will be given a discharge summary in your hands - this is a copy of the medical history, which records everything that was done to you in the hospital. It will also include doctor's recommendations. For several weeks after the operation, you can not lift weights, sometimes you need to follow a special diet. Even the simplest operation is still a great stress for the body, and for some time after it it is weakened. If you ignore the advice of a doctor, there is a risk of ending up in the hospital again.

If you are officially employed, you will be discharged with an open sick leave "for outpatient follow-up care." You need to come with him to the surgeon who issued the referral for the operation, or to any other outpatient surgeon on duty. The doctor will assess your condition and, if necessary, extend the sick leave: you have every right not to go to work until you recover.

Many hospitals use special cosmetic sutures made of special threads, which dissolve themselves a few days after the operation. But if the stitches are normal, it will be necessary to periodically do the dressing. For this, it is not necessary to go to the hospital, everything can be done in your clinic.


  1. A planned operation can be done free of charge under a compulsory medical insurance policy.
  2. The patient has the right to choose the hospital and the doctor who will perform the operation.
  3. Without a referral, the operation will not be performed. It is issued by a doctor in the clinic to which you are attached.
  4. If the operation is simple, you may be discharged on the day of the operation. This is fine.
  5. A sick leave for work is issued at the hospital where the operation was performed, and the doctor in your clinic closes it.

Worked on the material

Author - Dmitry Melnikov, editor - Petr Ryabikov, production editor - Marina Safonova, photo editor - Maxim Koposov, information designer - Zhenya Sofronov, illustrator - Karina Golubenko, editor - Anna Lesnykh, proofreader - Alexander Salita, layout designer - Evgenia Izotova

CHI is one of the components of the general system of insurance services provided by the state. This insurance provides an opportunity to receive medical care on equal terms to citizens of different income levels and social status.

Basic CHI services

A complete list of insurance options is set out in Federal Law No. 326 of November 29, 2010. According to this normative act, a basic package of medical services is provided to the insured population within the framework of compulsory medical insurance. Thus, free assistance to each person is provided within the framework of the basic program, but in an amount that does not go beyond the territorial rules.

Free treatment under compulsory medical insurance is possible in the following cases:

The CHI policy covers the cost of treating most of the most common diseases.

Three types of medical care are provided under the CHI policy:

  • emergency - in case of sudden pain and exacerbation of chronic ailments that can put the patient's life at risk of death;
  • urgent - the need for rapid and prompt treatment of an acute condition of a chronic disease without a threat to the life of the patient;
  • planned - conducting examinations, preventive measures that do not require immediate action to stop the disease, i.e. delaying treatment will not lead to a deterioration in health status.

Important! Medicines for treatment are not covered by the cost of the insurance policy. If necessary, they are bought at their own expense.

Free assistance in a hospital under insurance is provided in the following cases:

  • childbirth, preservation of pregnancy (hospitalization with pathologies);
  • injuries, exacerbation of chronic diseases, the need for isolation in the event of an epidemic or infectious disease;
  • planned hospitalization for the purpose of rehabilitation or examination of the state of health of the body.

Free care includes accommodation in common wards, standard medicines, observation and examination. Other services (anonymous examination, consultation on the patient's personal initiative, medical care using alternative technologies, medicines that are not available in the hospital, etc.) are provided on a paid basis.

Also, the basic package does not include dental prosthetics, homeopathic treatment and vaccinations, but some can be obtained under the CHI policy.

Surgical intervention in the framework of compulsory medical insurance

The list of free operations under the MHI policy is set out in the same Federal Law (No. 326). It is annually reviewed, modified and supplemented within the framework of regional programs.

The main areas of free surgery include:

  • gynecology and obstetrics;
  • traumatology;
  • orthopedics;
  • surgery (eg, hernia, inflammation of appendicitis, etc.);
  • urology;
  • oncology.

The list includes most of the surgical operations, as well as rehabilitation activities.

Important! The list is updated annually, supplemented with new items. It may also vary by region, as local adjustments are possible.

Procedure in the event of an MHI operation


Free eye surgery to replace the lens under the policy is not done by all ophthalmological clinics. First of all, find out what conditions this or that medical institution offers. we will tell you more about CHI services in private clinics

If you need surgery, make sure the procedure you need is on the list.

If it is there, then the procedure for further actions is quite simple, although it takes some time:

  • visit the attending physician (district therapist), consult and receive a referral for examination;
  • pass the necessary tests;
  • go for a second appointment with the doctor with the results of the examination and tests;
  • get a referral to the commission from him;
  • pass a commission, and then visit a doctor for the third time to receive a referral for hospitalization;
  • repeated testing for hospitalization;
  • admission to the emergency room, registration in the hospital, setting the date of the operation.

In total, the entire specified process of preparing for a free operation can take up to six months. If it took more time to get a referral for the MHI operation, then file a complaint with the MHIF.

If you want to be hospitalized for surgical treatment in a certain clinic, then your wishes should be reported already at the first appointment with the doctor. But there is no clause in the law that obliges the doctor to fulfill your wish, so there is no guarantee that it will be taken into account. Firstly, not all clinics work with CHI, and secondly, the queue to the indicated hospital can be very long.

List of required documents

Coupon - a document that guarantees you a free operation. It is he who is the goal when going to doctors and conducting examinations. To obtain it, you need to collect the following package of documents:

  1. Extract from the protocol of the medical commission.
  2. Extract from the card of an outpatient at the place of observation. Be sure to reflect the information confirming the need for surgical intervention.
  3. CHI insurance policy and its copy.
  4. Citizen's passport, its copy.
  5. A statement confirming the need for the operation and the readiness of the patient for it.
  6. Other documents (for example, disability certificate, pension insurance policy, etc.).

Refusal to conduct a CHI operation

There are cases when a patient may be denied a free operation.

Reasons for rejection:

  1. Possibility of treatment without surgery.
  2. There are indications for treatment with high-tech methods.
  3. The annual number of benefits issued by the Ministry of Health has been exhausted.

If the operation is urgently needed, and you were denied free treatment, agree to a paid operation, and then apply for compensation. Remember that you will have time to return the money for the CHI operation, but you cannot risk your health.

Refusal can also be received for rehabilitation after surgery. Rehabilitation may be denied for the following reasons:

  • severe forms of anemia;
  • venereal diseases;
  • mental disorders;
  • drug addiction, alcoholism;
  • hypertension;
  • oncology;
  • serious complications after surgery;
  • disability.

More information can be obtained by asking questions in the comments to the article.