How to diagnose infertility in women.  Infertility in women.  Other factors that can interfere with conception

How to diagnose infertility in women. Infertility in women. Other factors that can interfere with conception

Infertility is curable, do not despair. There are different methods of treatment, as well as the possibility of artificial insemination. The main thing is not to give up - all problems are solvable. One or both of the partners may be infertile. To determine infertility, both a man and a woman undergo a long and very detailed diagnosis.

The main reasons by which a doctor can quickly determine infertility in a woman are:

  • The menstrual cycle lasts more than 35 days;
  • The menstrual cycle lasts less than 23 days;
  • The duration of menstruation is more than seven days;
  • Very copious discharge during menstruation;
  • Extremely scanty discharge during menstruation;
  • No menses at all;
  • Anorexia;
  • Fallopian tube obstruction;
  • The presence of adhesions in the pelvis;
  • ovarian dysfunction;
  • Sexually transmitted diseases;
  • Discharge from the mammary glands without the onset of pregnancy;
  • The presence of male hormones in greater quantities than female;
  • Late onset menstruation.

Also, the psychological state of a woman can be attributed to the causes of infertility. After all, self-hypnosis about the fear of childbirth, the impossibility of bearing, or the wrong choice of a partner also plays an important role.

List of analyzes

To begin with, the gynecologist who was contacted with this problem should interview the patient about the course of her menstruation, pain during menstruation, the presence of any diseases, the presence of pregnancies and abortions earlier. After collecting information about the state of health, first of all, the doctor will prescribe you to take a blood and urine test. After all, this will give a chance to identify diseases of the genitourinary organs and the endocrine system. You must also submit:

  • A smear for ureaplasma, chlamydia, candida, HPV;
  • Blood for AIDS;
  • Blood for hormones such as: luteinizing, follicle-stimulating, prolactin, progesterone, testosterone, estradiol, prolactin;
  • Blood for TORCH infections such as: toxoplasmosis, syphilis, rubella, hepatitis B, cytomegalovirus and herpes. After all, this is a group of diseases that can be transmitted in utero;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

Studies such as colposcopy, laparoscopy, hysteroscopy can also be prescribed, but this is already with certain indications. There are several forms of infertility:

  • Primary infertility, in the case when there has never been a pregnancy;
  • Secondary infertility, when at least one pregnancy was;
  • Relative infertility, when there are diseases, after the treatment of which pregnancy will occur;
  • Absolute infertility, in the presence of an incurable disease, due to which infertility arose.

Infertility in men

A number of signs will help determine male infertility:

  • Violation of the formation of motile spermatozoa;
  • The presence of acute and chronic stressful situations that led to hormonal disorders;
  • The presence of physiological changes in the genital organs;
  • Work in hazardous conditions for health;
  • The presence of chronic diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • Diabetes;
  • Undescended testicles into the scrotum;
  • Obesity;
  • Alcoholism.


If pregnancy does not occur within a year when contraceptives are not used, you should consult a specialist. The andrologist will initially ask you about diseases, injuries, alcohol and any medications in order to exclude factors that provoke infertility.

For an accurate determination, the doctor will prescribe you an ultrasound scan, blood and urine donation, a spermogram is required, because thanks to it you can determine the mobility and normality of spermatozoa and eliminate the gluing of spermatozoa. Suddenly, spermatozoa are completely absent, then this is a violation of spermatogenesis, and is called secretory infertility. A If spermatozoa are present, but do not enter the vas deferens, then this is diagnosed as obstructive infertility.

Before donating sperm, you must follow some rules:

  • Sexual abstinence a few days before the test;
  • In no case do not drink medicines, coffee and alcohol;
  • Avoid baths and saunas.

There is also a possibility that even when both partners are examined, no pathologies will be detected. This can only be explained by the fact that the woman is allergic to the components of the sperm or the partner's sperm. In another way, this can be called immunological incompatibility. Each of such a couple can have children with a different partner.

What is the way out?

It is very important to follow the rules of hygiene and frequent change of partner can lead to diseases of the genitourinary system. You should monitor your well-being and, at the slightest deterioration in health, contact a specialist to identify and treat the disease.

Women should not have sex during menstruation, timely treatment of any gynecological pathologies, should not take contraceptives without a doctor's prescription.

Many couples, after long-term treatment and ineffectiveness, lose faith in medicine and the thought arises that they are spoiled for infertility and how to determine it is not known. And they turn to the church and various soothsayers for help. In some cases, there is even a split in the family, because the partner who has been diagnosed with infertility believes that he is ruining the life of another and is not ready to accept himself as such.

Despite infertility, there are a number of opportunities for a child to appear in the family. For example, in vitro fertilization, as one of the options for treating infertility. However, there is no chance that pregnancy will occur on the first try.

Another option is surrogacy. In this case, the egg is fertilized with a sperm cell and transplanted to the woman who will bear the child. In extreme cases, you can adopt a child, because now so many women abandon their children even in the hospital for various reasons.

Never lose hope for the best! Many, even couples who gave up, give birth to children after diagnosing infertility in them.

To determine the cause of infertility, the doctor usually asks both partners about their medical history, medication use, their sexual partners, and sex life. Often a medical examination is carried out by a man first. Male infertility is often related to sperm health and function, which is usually established by semen analysis.

For a woman, the examination usually begins with an examination and a cervical smear. After that, the doctor makes sure that the woman is ovulating regularly and that her ovaries are doing their job of releasing eggs. A regular menstrual cycle and a biphasic basal body temperature usually confirm that ovulation is occurring regularly. A blood test determines the level of hormones.

The ovaries and uterus are usually checked by ultrasound, specific tests help to check if there is a blockage in the fallopian tubes or uterine pathology. About 80% of couples suffer from infertility due to sperm problems, irregular menstrual cycles or lack of ovulation or blocked fallopian tubes. In 15% of couples, the test results are normal; they are diagnosed with infertility of unknown origin.

How is infertility treated?

Many couples who were once diagnosed with infertility are now raising their own children. Taking smart steps to increase your chances of having a baby can help.

Couples who want a baby should have sex 5-6 days before ovulation and on the day of ovulation.

A clue to the timing of ovulation can be a steady increase in basal body temperature 1-2 days after ovulation. A home ovulation test can detect chemical changes in the urine. The latest device can determine ovulation by a drop of saliva.

If the cause of infertility is that a man is not producing enough sperm, steps should be taken to find and correct the cause of the problem. If, for example, a man has a varicocele, surgery can help increase the sperm count.

If a woman does not ovulate, the cause should be determined and treatment should begin. Sometimes stimulating ovulation with hormones or fertility drugs can quickly lead to pregnancy.

A small percentage of couples whose infertility cannot be cured can conceive through artificial insemination. During intrauterine insemination or artificial insemination, a woman is injected with pre-prepared sperm from her husband, partner or donor. This is the easiest and cheapest method. In a procedure known as IVF (in vitro fertilization), an egg that is fertilized outside a woman's body is injected into her uterus or fallopian tube. In another procedure, called gamete transfer into the fallopian tube, the egg and sperm are injected together into the fallopian tube. All methods are quite complex and rarely successful on the first try. They are also expensive.

Most of these signs can be detected on your own, for this it is enough to be attentive to yourself.

If pregnancy does not occur within 18 - 24 months of regular unprotected intercourse, this means that one of the partners is infertile. characteristic of men and women equally. There are many signs of infertility. Starting from hormonal disruptions in the body, ending with psychological factors. Only a specialist will be able to correctly identify the cause of such an unpleasant malfunction of the reproductive system.

Speaking of signs of infertility in women, it should be noted that among them there are many external manifestations - the doctor pays special attention to them at the first examination of the patient. Unfortunately, women themselves very rarely attach importance to the first signs of infertility.

1. For example, menstrual irregularity often indicates problems with ovulation. A cycle that lasts more than forty or less than 20 days is considered incorrect. In this case, the probability of the absence of ovulation is high. A visit to the doctor is a must! If a woman consults a specialist in a timely manner, ovarian diseases, such as premature exhaustion syndrome, resistant ovary syndrome, and others, are certainly easier to identify in the initial, undeveloped stage.

2. hirsutism. Excessive hair growth in a woman according to the male type - above the upper lip, on the torso, etc. - clearly indicates an excess of male sex hormones. And if there is practically no hair in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe armpits and pubis, this is a sign of a small amount of estrogens.

3. Excessively oily skin and acne, poorly treatable, signal an excess of androgens - male sex hormones.

4. Hyperprolactinemia. The appearance of such a violation indicates an excessive content in the body of prolactin - a hormone that is produced by a special gland of the brain - the pituitary gland. An increase in prolactin levels suppresses ovulation, thereby contributing to a woman's infertility.

5. Dramatic weight loss. Usually, women who exhaust themselves with all kinds of diets forget that subcutaneous fat is a nutrient for the ovaries. It is from it that the body produces estrogen, which is so necessary for the growth and development of follicles. Women, especially carefully getting rid of every milligram of subcutaneous fat, are very prone to amenorrhea.

6. No less dangerous for a woman's health is obesity, especially when the weight exceeds 100 kg. In this case, not only the reproductive system suffers, but also a number of cardiovascular diseases (hypertension and varicose veins, for example) join.

8. Spontaneous abortions. If the pregnancy was interrupted for no apparent reason more than twice - this is an obvious sign, no less formidable condition than infertility.

Infertility in women is a fairly common problem. However, many experts do not consider infertility a disease. This, in their opinion, is a correctable violation of the reproductive function. Cases when its restoration is impossible are quite rare.

Examination for infertility is a very important process, which must be started in advance. Let's talk about how to check for infertility in a woman.

If you do not know where you can donate sexually transmitted infections, welcome to our clinic! With us you can undergo an analysis for infertility in women and other procedures in the shortest possible time and at the most affordable prices. Diagnosis of infertility in women in our clinic is performed using the most modern equipment and the latest technologies, so the effectiveness of the results obtained is quite high.

To find out the reasons for the decline in fertility, tests are taken. The cost of the examination depends on the number and type of diagnostic measures assigned to you. The price of infertility analysis in women differs depending on the type of study. There is no universal cost for all tests.

Analysis for infertility in women

Since it is not possible to determine infertility in women based on symptoms or history data, laboratory tests are required. These include: blood and urine tests, blood typing and Rh factor, syphilis and hepatitis tests, and some types of viral infections.

Examination for the presence of genital infections

The examination is performed to identify pathogens of sexual infections, such as gardnerella, ureaplasma, chlamydia and mycoplasma. It is very important to detect and treat them in time, since they are often the cause of infertility or fetal death.

immune tests

To identify antisperm bodies that interfere with conception, the MAP test and the PCT (postcoital) test are used. The essence of the latter is to determine the effect of mucus inside the cervix on sperm activity a couple of hours after intercourse.

Measurement of basal temperature

This test should be carried out for at least 3-4 cycles. It is the most inexpensive and has sufficient accuracy. With it, you can determine whether a woman is ovulating or not.

A preliminary examination allows our specialists to identify the causes of infertility and develop an optimal plan that will achieve the best treatment results and give birth to a healthy baby.

The test for infertility in women makes it possible to understand where the source of the problem lies. Perhaps the culprit for the lack of conception is the partner; according to statistics, about 40% of couples do not have children as a result of male infertility. Therefore, both partners should be tested.

Diagnosis of infertility in women includes various procedures, from the simplest standard tests to complex invasive manipulations. In some cases, during the intervention, it is possible not only to detect the cause of the violations that have arisen, but also to eliminate it, for example, with hysteroscopy or laparoscopy.

In most cases, the problem of infertility that occurs in a couple is associated with 4 main objects that play a decisive role in conceiving a child: sperm, ovaries, uterus and fallopian tubes. The probability of detecting violations in the work of these organs in men and women is approximately the same - 40%. In 10% of cases, both partners have problems. The remaining 10% are cases where no obvious violations in the work of the organs were found, and the reason was not clarified. Such situations are called idiopathic or infertility of unknown origin.

Infertility is a serious problem for many couples. However, do not despair ahead of time. In 70% of cases, after consulting a reproductologist, the cause of the conception disorder is established, which can be treated with medications or surgically. During the examination, the specialist conducts a so-called infertility test. With its help, the state of reproductive health is determined, the most likely trigger for the lack of conception in men and women is revealed.

What steps to take first

First of all, it is necessary to understand that normally in a woman, not every cycle is ovulatory. Certain temporary disturbances also have an impact on conception: stress, infections, changes in body weight, climate change.

Attention! Experts consider a couple infertile if there is no fertilization during the year with regular unprotected sexual intercourse.

Only after all conditions are met, you can begin to conduct tests for infertility.

The answer, where you can check for infertility is simple - in any nearest clinic. First of all, in the absence of fertilization, a woman should contact a gynecologist, a man - a urologist or andrologist. At the appointment, the doctor finds out the state of sexual health, determines the presence of pathologies that potentially lead to impaired conception. After the examination, special tests and analyzes are prescribed to make the correct diagnosis.

Male infertility test

Despite the widespread myth that a woman is the culprit of a married couple, representatives of the stronger sex are no less likely to suffer from impaired conception. Pathologies of the reproductive sphere of men are dealt with by a urologist-andrologist. The doctor similarly diagnoses disorders during examination, palpation of the genitals. To establish the cause and confirm infertility, a spermogram is performed.

How to test infertility in men at home

It is known that testosterone plays a special role in the formation of the male reproductive system. This hormone determines sexual desire, secondary sexual characteristics, sperm maturation. When the concentration of the hormone changes, all processes are disrupted.

Additionally, the following risk factors increase the risk of infertility in men:

  • malformations of the genital organs;
  • severely transferred certain infections (mumps, measles);
  • violation of the production and quality of sperm;
  • signs of inflammation of the testicles;
  • increased urge, impaired urination.

Bad habits, physical inactivity, constant stress, contact with harmful substances at work further enhance the negative impact of existing problems, cause impaired conception.

Attention! Today, a special test for infertility (analogous to a spermogram) has been developed, which is carried out at home, indicates the quality and quantity of sperm.


In men, the most accurate test for infertility is a semen analysis. The study evaluates the volume of ejaculate, color, consistency, acidity, liquefaction rate. The number of spermatozoa, their activity and mobility, the presence of cells abnormal in structure, and the ability to “glue” are taken into account. In addition, specialists study the presence of red blood cells and white blood cells. The normal test scores are as follows:

  • volume from 3 ml;
  • milky white;
  • sperm count 60-120 million per 1 ml;
  • 70% active.

MAP test in the clinic

The MAP test is a common method for detecting autoimmune infertility. In the biological media of the body, the number of sperm associated with antibodies is determined. It turns out that with an immunological type of conception disorder, a man develops antibodies to his own sperm, which seems to be “alien”. Antisperm antibodies sit on the surface of the spermatozoon, which significantly reduces mobility and life expectancy. As a result, male factor infertility is formed.

Anti-sperm antibody test

Another way to detect antisperm antibodies in infertility is the IBD test. This method is similar to the MAP study, only other reagents are used during manipulation.

Attention! With a standard spermogram, autoimmune infertility is not detected. In the results, altered germ cells with antibodies are accepted as normal, the test does not reveal abnormalities.

Infertility tests for women

There is an easy way to determine your own fertility. It is enough to perform a simple test for infertility in women at home, which shows the presence of ovulation, without which conception is simply impossible. The method is similar to express methods for establishing pregnancy. A special strip is placed in the urine. Before the release of the egg, there is a peak increase in LH, which the test captures. Infertility tests are negative.

How to check infertility in women at home

It is worth thinking about a possible violation of the processes of conception, if a woman has the following signs:

  • later than menarche;
  • anomalies in the structure of the reproductive system;
  • weight changes;
  • menstrual disorders;
  • anovulatory cycle;
  • frequent chronic inflammatory diseases of the urogenital area;
  • frequent interventions in the uterine cavity in history.

Postcoital infertility test

The Shuvarsky test or postcoital test is used to determine the immunological compatibility of partners. The method is based on counting active spermatozoa in the cervical mucus after a certain time after sexual contact. A positive test is considered when live and active sperm are found: there is no infertility, conception is possible. A negative result indicates a probable violation of conception for various reasons.

Attention! This analysis for infertility is carried out strictly during the period of ovulation. This is due to the change in the consistency of the cervical plug depending on the day of menstruation.

Definition of the cervical index

Another way to check for infertility in a woman is to undergo special tests. Normally, cervical discharge is completely dependent on the hormonal regulation of the menstrual cycle. The test allows you to evaluate changes in the mucus in the patient and conclude whether there are endocrine disorders that lead to the absence of conception. There are several types of samples: fern test, pupil test. However, all tests in a woman are based on the same phenomenon and are scored.

The most significant changes are observed during the period of ovulation. Its presence is the main guarantee of the absence of infertility. These days, the estrogen saturation of the body is maximum:

  • the amount of mucous discharge increases;
  • discharge takes the form of egg white, lose viscosity, stretch between the fingers;
  • when the mucus is dried, a characteristic crystallization appears;
  • the diameter of the external os increases.

The disadvantage of such tests for infertility in women is the likelihood of false results under the influence of external factors. Cervical tears distort the pupil symptom, the fern phenomenon changes in the presence of infection. The diagnostic value increases when several samples are used at once. Based on the results of a series of manipulations, an index of cervical mucus is calculated. Each criterion is assigned a score and summarized: up to 8 low, 9-11 moderate and 12-15 points high estrogen saturation.

Measurement of basal temperature

The second half of the cycle in women is mainly regulated by the hormone progesterone, which normally raises the temperature. To diagnose infertility, the patient takes daily measurements with a thermometer in the rectum. Before ovulation, the temperature is within normal limits. From the moment the egg is released, the numbers increase to 37.2-37.4 ° C. If you create a graph, it will be seen that in the second phase of menstruation, the temperature rises and remains so almost until the onset of spotting. In case of deviations, the thermometer figures may not reach an increase, which indicates the absence of ovulation, the formation of infertility.


Infertility testing in women can produce false positive and false negative results. Incorrect sampling technique, an error in calculating the day of ovulation, inflammatory diseases change the interpretation. Instrumental studies are considered more accurate.


HSG is an X-ray method for assessing the condition of the uterus and fallopian tubes. This is a fairly simple way to find out if a woman is infertile. For manipulation, a contrast agent is introduced into the organ cavity, which tightly fills the entire internal cavity. Hysterosalpingography allows you to establish anomalies in the structure of the reproductive apparatus, and, most importantly, shows the patency of the tubes of a woman. The adhesive, inflammatory process of the appendages prevents the release of contrast into the abdominal cavity, which is clearly seen during the study - there is tubal-peritoneal infertility.


The most common diagnostic manipulation for infertility in women, during which it is possible to correct the detected pathological condition. Plus technique - visualization. With the help of a camera inserted into the abdominal cavity, the doctor can see the uterus and appendages. In case of infertility with the help of laparoscopy, the following diseases are established and eliminated:

  • violation of the patency of the pipes (dissect adhesions);
  • endometriosis (excised foci);
  • benign tumors of the small pelvis (remove cysts, myomatous nodes);
  • anomalies in the development of the uterus;
  • anovulatory cycles (wedge resection of the ovaries in PCOS).

During the intervention, small accesses and incisions are used, which accelerates healing. Additionally, for infertility, gels are used that reduce the likelihood of adhesions.

Attention! Often, to increase the diagnostic value, with serious anomalies of the uterus during plastic surgery, hystero- and laparoscopy are performed together.


Hysteroscopy is a study of the internal cavity of the uterus in case of infertility using video technology. A special thin probe is equipped with a camera and a manipulator, which allows you to examine the organ and correct changes. Such a test allows you to take material, polypectomy without scraping the entire endometrium. The intervention takes place under anesthesia, has a high diagnostic value in infertility in relation to:

  • intrauterine synechia (unions after abortion, childbirth);
  • adenomyosis;
  • submucous myomas;
  • hyperplasia;
  • polyps;
  • saddle, bicornuate uterus and other anomalies of the structure;
  • polyps;
  • malignant tumors;
  • ingrown spirals.

Hardware diagnostics

Hardware diagnostics is considered an integral part of the establishment of infertility in women. Organic changes that do not affect endocrine regulation may prevent conception.

Ultrasound procedure

A unique test that allows you to diagnose most of the violations of the reproductive system. When infertility is detected:

  • adhesive process;
  • cystic degeneration of the ovaries;
  • genital tumors;
  • endometriosis;
  • anomalies in the development of the reproductive sphere;
  • lack of follicle growth, anovulation;
  • inflammatory changes.


The test is aimed at identifying pathologies of the cervix in women. It is prescribed for obvious changes in the organ, the presence of genital warts, after an unclear oncocytological smear in order to perform a targeted biopsy. This is a simple diagnostic procedure to identify certain diseases of the reproductive apparatus that provoke infertility.


There are many tests for infertility in women and men. Most of them are prescribed in a complex for all couples with impaired conception in order to find and eliminate the cause of the pathology.