Ancient Sparta fun for kids.  With the world on a string (Best, selected and exclusive news).  Beginning of the Peloponnesian War

Ancient Sparta fun for kids. With the world on a string (Best, selected and exclusive news). Beginning of the Peloponnesian War

&31. Ancient Sparta

Type of: Learning new material.

Forms and methods:

Methods: visual, verbal, partially exploratory.

Control methods: oral (questions), written (work with a table, diagram).

Technology critical thinking, health-saving technology.

Receptions: work with the "Reference abstract", work with an electronic presentation, written and graphic (drawing up a diagram, tables).

Forms: frontal, individual, work in pairs

Target: Introduce students to social state structure Sparta.


educational tasks:

    consider the geographical position of Sparta on the territory Ancient Greece characterize social structure society, revealing the main activities and the system of education of the Spartans. consider Sparta's government system

developing tasks:

    continue the formation of skills to highlight the main, essential in the topic under study, making up a cluster; to continue the formation of skills to perform cognitive and practical tasks for the use of elements of cause-and-effect analysis; continue developing critical text analysis skills.

educational tasks:

    cause schoolchildren to condemn the cruel treatment of the Spartans to the local residents - the helots.


    PC, multimedia projector, screen, presentation, handout

Textbook:, Ancient world history

Basic concepts of the lesson: Laconia, Messinia, Spartans, Helots, Council of Elders, National Assembly

1. introductory word. Description of homework.

Hello guys! Let's now close our eyes for a moment and imagine ourselves in the role of journalists who were assigned to write a note in a famous historical magazine on the topic "Ancient Sparta" - this particular note will be your homework for the next lesson. It should consist of only 10 sentences and talk about geographical location Sparta, its composition of populations, customs and habits of local residents. I think now it will be difficult for us to cope with this difficult task. And so I suggest that you go back in time and find yourself in Ancient Greece on the territory where this policy was located. But before we make a jump in time, we must write down the assignment for home and take the "Traveler's Sheet" in which we will write our notes about Sparta. You will paste these sheets into a notebook at home and, on their basis and on the basis of § 25, make a note in the journal.

And remember, our journey lasts only a lesson, so try to work quickly, memorize as much information as possible and keep up with the class during our journey.

2. Checking homework.

So, before we get into the past and start the time machine, we must guess the historical riddles from the material covered.

(activation of thought processes)

1. He wrote about Ilion and Odysseus,
And the Greeks honor him, loving him.
But still wondering where, when
He wrote poems while living there. (Homer)

2. How to call in Greece
Ordinary people?
Doesn't call him to know
Manage the country. (Demos)

3. For all free Athenians -
And not only for the peasants -
The state has a lot -
To do important things.
All must come together
Find a general solution. (People's Assembly)

4. How was such power called,
When the people elected
And the one he chose
Did you report to people? (Democracy)

5. Know your advice created,
Managed everything all the time
And unrighteous judgment
Went down in history.
What was the name of that council?
Give the correct answer. (Areopagus)

6. What kind of stone appeared
On the land of a peasant?
He got a debt -
Grain is not given in full. (Debt stone)

7. He earned the respect of everyone
For being smart and honest.
And he did not seek fame.
In Athens, he served everyone honestly.
He abolished slavery to the Greeks,
Draconian laws replaced,
He wrote poetry, studied all his life.
But he didn't please everyone. (Solon)

Questions for oral answers:

1. What categories of the population of the Athenian state do you know?
2. What do you see as the reasons for the struggle of the demos against the nobility?
3. Remember and tell how Athens was ruled before Solon?
4. Who abolished debt slavery and why?
5. What changes in the administration of Athens took place during the reign of Archon Solon?
6. What does the word “democracy” mean in Greek?

So, we guessed the riddles and answered the questions and we can go through the time portal. Close your eyes, stretch your arms up and get ready to jump, relax we are on the spot in Greece. Pay attention to the map. (Slide 1)

3. Learning new material

Geographic location of Sparta.

Sparta is located on the territory of the Peloponnese. In what part of Greece is this peninsula located? In the north, the territory of the Peloponnese is connected to Greece by small isthmuses, on which the Greek Dorians founded the city of Corinth (Isthmus of Corinth). (Slide 3)

At the end of the II millennium BC. e. the Dorians invaded southern part Peloponnese, and subjugated Laconia, on which they founded the state of Sparta. And they began to call themselves Lacedaemonians or Spartans. Looking at the map, tell me which tribes the Dorians conquered?

The conquered people who lived in this territory, the Dorians turned into slaves. Some time later, the Spartans conquered the nearby territory of Messenia. Now that we have learned about the geographical location of Sparta, (Slide 4)

let's put this information in our " Traveller's Sheets" in section 1.


During our journey through Ancient Sparta, do not forget to fill out the sections of the sheet. Since you will need the information on this sheet to complete your homework.

The date _______


Section 1. Geographical location

(Fill in the gaps in the sentences)

1. The Peloponnese is located on _____________ Greece;

2. Sparta is located on the territory of half-va __________________________;

3. In ___ thousand BC e. The Dorians conquered the territories of _________ and ___________.

So let's move to the city. Guys, when we get to the city itself, do not forget that the Spartans are very warlike people.

1 group


Spartans(Dorians) - full citizens of the state. The main type of occupation is military affairs.

After the conquest of Laconica, each Spartan - a warrior received a plot of land with slaves living on it - helots who processed it. The piece of land itself belonged not to the war, but to the state. If a Spartan violated the laws of the state, slaves and land were taken from him.

There were many times fewer Spartans than helots and perieks, so they needed a strong army.

The formation of a strong army was facilitated by the education of the Spartans. Each newborn child in Sparta was taken to the elders, who decided his fate. Weak children were thrown into the abyss, and healthy children were raised by their mother until the age of 7. And from the age of 8, the Spartans were sent to school, where they were taught endurance, speed, and military art. At school, the children slept on the ground, had to find food on their own, in winter and summer they walked barefoot, and the only clothing for them was a raincoat. The Spartans were taught to make long hikes without food or water. They were to speak briefly, clearly, and only out of necessity, that is - laconically. The Spartans were brought up with contempt for luxury, the habit of getting by with only the most necessary. That brought up courage and valor in them.

1. Why did the Spartans need a strong army?

2. How were the Spartans raised? What was the purpose of such education?



The archean population conquered by the Spartans on the territory of Laconica and Messenia was turned into slaves, who were called - helots . In the conquered territory, each Spartan received land with helots living on it. It was the helots who were supposed to cultivate the lands of the Spartans. They grew bread and vegetables, olives and grapes, took care of livestock and brought to Sparta all the products the Spartans needed.

Helots gave the owner half of the harvest, and the rest of it could dispose of on their own. But since there were much more helots than Spartans, their life was not valued, and for any offense the helot could be killed. Helots were deprived of all civil rights.

Once a year in the spring, Spartan youths gathered at night in detachments, put on raincoats and went to the village of helots. There they killed the most strong men and teenagers capable of raising an uprising against the Spartans. However, the Spartans never touched women and the elderly. For the young Spartans, it was a game. Like wolf cubs, hiding in haystacks and waiting for the night, they broke into the huts of the helots and killed the people taken by surprise. And if the young man does not kill a single helot, the old people will laugh at him: “You are not a Spartan, you are a miserable coward!”

1. What position did the helots occupy among the categories of the population of Sparta?

2. How did the Spartans treat the helots? How can this behavior be explained?

3. How can you call the actions that the Spartans performed in relation to the helots?



Inhabitants of the mountainous territories of Laconica and Messenia who managed to defend their freedom. The Spartans began to call them periekami - neighbors. Those Achaeans who voluntarily recognized the power of the Spartans were also called Perieki. They retained the land, freedom, but at the same time they did not have civil rights and could not participate in the people's assembly. Since the Spartans were forbidden to devote themselves to any business other than the military. They could not engage in either craft or trade. All artisans in Sparta were perieks. Perieki created durable and comfortable clothes, shoes, dishes. Craftsmen provided the army with weapons; weapons made in Sparta were considered the best in Greece.

The Spartan army was considered the strongest in Greece. The basis of the army was heavily armed wars - hoplites . In the war, their body was protected by a bronze shell, and their head was protected by a helmet with a horsehair comb. The main defense of the war was a round shield, a spear and a short sword.

3. Who are the perieks and what did they do?

4. Did the Perieki have civil rights?

5. Who are the hoplites and how were they armed?

Each group, after reading the text and answering the questions, fills in "Traveler's List" section 2. You have 5 minutes for this work (Slide 5)

Section 2. Population of Ancient Sparta

(Using the text, fill in the table)

1 group


2 group


3 group


What position did they occupy in society?

Dorians, citizens

Greek slaves

Achaeans, free neighbors

What did you do?




4. Physical education minute

5. Power system.

(make a cluster)

Relax guys! While you were resting, a Spartan approached me and handed over a parchment on which the laws of Sparta were written. He said that by reading this parchment we would learn about Sparta's system of government. Let's read it and enter the data in our "Traveler's Sheets" in section 3 "The control system of Ancient Sparta." In order to deal with the circuit, I need two assistants.

(One student fills in the table, the other reads the parchment and all students fill out the diagram)


was at the head of the state Council of Elders which consisted of 30 people. The Council of Elders had enormous power. The Council of Elders consisted of 28 geronts - the elders who decided the issues of the court, monitored the implementation of laws, convened popular assembly . Gerontes were elected by the people, and held their post for life. The council of elders included 2 kings , they performed the role of military commanders and had unlimited power only during military campaigns.

Then, so that the elders and kings did not violate the laws of the state, the people's assembly elected observers - 5 ephors. The ephors could even depose kings. But all the most important issues of the state, including the election of the council of elders, took place on People's Assembly. Only Spartan men took part in it. The meeting was held by the river Eurotas. The people were offered solutions. No one except the kings and elders was allowed to express their own opinion. After listening to the laconic speech of the king or geront, the people shouted to approve or refute the proposal.

Section 3. The control system of Ancient Sparta.

(Fill in the diagram)

6. Spartan upbringing

At the beginning of the journey, we said that the Spartans are warlike people. All life in Sparta is built on a military basis. The Spartans were proud that their city was the only one in Hellas that did not have walls, because the Spartans themselves were its walls. No wonder it was considered a great valor among the Spartans to die defending the state. The mother, who sent her son to war, gave him a shield with the words “Come back, son, either with a shield, or on a shield!”. What do you think these words mean? Where did it all begin?

There was a custom in Sparta. If a son was born to a Spartan, the parents carried him to show the elders. In the event that the baby is weak, as they would say frail, the sentence of the elders was severe: such a child should not live, he was thrown off a cliff, and his parents were consoled by the fact that they would still give birth to healthy and strong children. Can you answer why?

A student's message about raising boys.

Boys from the age of 7 were taken away from their parents and brought up in military units. They slept on beds of prickly reeds and walked barefoot. Once a year, a cloak was issued, which was worn over a naked body. Hair cut bald. Adults made sure that children quarreled more often, fought, so that character would be tempered in fights and courage would appear. They were taught to endure deprivation and hunger, they were fed poorly, encouraging theft in other people's gardens and storerooms. Upon learning of the tricks of his sons, the father rejoiced: “Well done, they will be able to feed themselves during a military campaign, they will not be afraid of difficulties!” If the boys are caught, they will be whipped. They will not complain to their father, he will also beat them. For what? (How will the children answer?) Add: not for theft, but for being caught.

The Athenians called the Spartans ignoramuses, because boys did not learn to read and write. But they were intensely engaged in running, gymnastics, discus and javelin throwing, showing courage and dexterity. (Slide 9)

7. Consolidation of previously learned

So, guys, our time is running out, and we have to go back from the past to the future again, we managed to fill out our “Traveler Sheets” and now we have enough material to write a note in the journal. But in order to reopen the portal and return, we need to answer the test (Slide 11):

1. Find the correct answer.


1) were the original inhabitants of Laconia, a region in southern Greece

2) conquered Laconia and subjugated its original inhabitants to their power

3) at the invitation of the original inhabitants came to Laconia

2.Choose Wrong Answer.

1) art flourished;

2) all residents were subject to almost military discipline and strict order;

3) babies, recognized by the elders as not healthy enough, were thrown from a mountain cliff into an abyss.

3. Choose Wrong Answer

Spartan boys:

1) persistently engaged in literacy and writing;

2) spent hours learning military songs;

3) from the age of seven lived separately from their parents in groups of peers;

4) were famous for their ability to speak beautifully and for a long time.

4.Choose the correct answers.

In the Greek states, Sparta was famous as a country in which:

1) beautiful palaces and temples were built

2) the inhabitants were kept in slavery by their fellow tribesmen - the Greeks

3) the Spartans were forbidden to engage in trade and craft

5. Find the excess.

Spartan boys:

1) were able to endure hardships

2) spoke briefly, gave accurate and accurate answers

3) have never been physically punished

6. Name a concept that matches the definition.

The governing body in Sparta, which owned a huge and infinite power:

1) council of elders;

2) the people's assembly;

3) areopagus.

7.Name the concepts that do not match the definition.

Slaves belonging to the Spartan state:

3) archons

Close your eyes, stretch your arms up and get ready to jump, we relax at home. You guys did a great job, don't forget about your homework.

8. Homework

& 31 Ancient Sparta

Write a note about Sparta (10 sentences)

A note about ancient Sparta


Class: Grade 5. Type: Learning new material. Forms and methods: Methods: visual, verbal, partially search. Control methods: oral (questions), written (work with a table, diagram). Critical thinking technology, health-saving technology. frontal, individual, work in pairs Purpose: To acquaint students with the social and state structure of Sparta. Tasks: educational tasks: to consider the geographical location of Sparta on the territory of Ancient Greece; to characterize the social structure of society, revealing the main activities and the system of education of the Spartans. to consider the management system of Sparta; cognitive and practical tasks on the use of elements of cause-and-effect analysis; to continue developing the skills of critical analysis of the text. educational tasks: to provoke schoolchildren to condemn the cruel treatment of the Spartans to local residents - helots. Equipment: PC, multimedia projector, screen, presentation, handout Textbook : Vigasin A.A., Goder G.I., Sventsitskaya I.S. History of the ancient worldMain concepts of the lesson: Laconia, Messenia, Spartans, Helots, Council of Elders, National Assembly 1. Introductory word. Description of homework. Hello guys! Let's now close our eyes for a moment and imagine ourselves in the role of journalists who were assigned to write a note in a famous historical magazine on the topic "Ancient Sparta" - this particular note will be your homework for the next lesson. It should consist of only 10 sentences and talk about the geographical location of Sparta, its population, the customs and customs of the locals. I think now it will be difficult for us to cope with this difficult task. And so I suggest that you go back in time and find yourself in Ancient Greece on the territory where this policy was located. But before we make a jump in time, we must write down the assignment for home and take the "Traveler's Sheet" in which we will write our notes about Sparta. You will paste these sheets into a notebook at home and, on their basis and on the basis of § 25, make a note in the journal. And remember our journey lasts only a lesson and therefore try to work quickly, remember as much information as possible and keep up with the class during our journey. 2. Checking homework. So, before we get into the past and start the time machine, we must solve historical riddles based on the material covered. (Activation of thought processes) 1. He wrote about Ilion and Odysseus, And the Greeks honor him, loving. But they still wonder where, when He composed poems, living there. (Homer) 2. What is the name of the common people in Greece? Does not call him to know The country to manage. (Demos)3. For all free Athenians - And not only for the peasants - There is a lot in the state - For solving important matters. All must come together, Find a common solution. (People's Assembly)4. What was the name of such a power, When the people elected for a position, And the one whom he elected, He kept an account before the people? (Democracy)5. She created her advice to know, She always ruled everything, And she entered history by an unrighteous court. What was the name of that council - Give the correct answer. (Areopagus)6. What kind of stone appeared on the peasant's land? His debt turned out - Grain is not given in full. (Debt Stone)7. He earned the respect of all For being smart and honest. And he did not seek fame. In Athens, he served everyone honestly. He abolished slavery to the Greeks, replaced the Draconian laws, Wrote poetry, studied all his life. But he didn't please everyone. (Solon)

At the head of Sparta was not one king, but two. These "kings" were not absolute monarchs, but only generals and high priests. The real power was in the hands of the Gerontes, later the ephors.

In general, Sparta was a gerontocracy. Public administration carried out gerousia - a council of elders of 28 geronts and both kings. Each geront could not be younger than 60 years old. Elections of gerons were held as follows: on the day of elections, candidates, one after another, appeared before the people's assembly. Special persons, "electors", who were in a separate indoors and those who did not see the candidates decided which of them the people greeted with louder greetings - these “worthy ones” became gerontes.

The popular assembly consisted of Spartans who had reached 30 years of age. They voted with shouts of approval or disapproval, without counting the votes, according to the principle: whoever shouts louder is right.

Children in Sparta were in the undivided property of the state. Immediately after birth, they were subjected to a thorough examination. The weak and crippled were thrown into the abyss from the Taygetskaya rock.

Healthy children were returned to their parents, who raised them until they were 6 years old. After six children were taken away from their parents in favor of the state. The boys were brought up under the supervision of special state guards, who were headed by a pedon. Children were subjected to all kinds of hardships, barely fed bad food, and sometimes deliberately starved. Those who tried to earn their own food on their own were tracked down and severely punished. The children's clothes consisted of a simple piece of cloth, and they always walked barefoot. Every year on the feast of Artemis (Diana, the goddess of the hunt), the boys were flogged to the point of blood, sometimes to death; who survived - became a warrior. Such was the Spartan upbringing.

Contrary to popular belief, the Spartans did not know the art of war, for example, they did not know how to besiege fortified cities and fight at sea. All they were taught was to fight on foot, "one on one" and in the phalanx.

No Spartan had the right to eat at home. Everyone, not excluding the kings, ate in state canteens. One day, King Agis, returning after an exhausting campaign, wished to dine at his home, but this was forbidden to him. The national dish of the Spartans was "black stew" - a soup of blood and vinegar.

Mental studies in Sparta were not encouraged. People who tried to deal with them were declared cowards and expelled. Over the centuries of its existence, Sparta has not given Hellas a single philosopher, orator, historian or poet.

The Spartans did very little manual labor. All the rough work for them was done by public slaves - helots. The oppression of slaves in Sparta was the strongest in all of Greece. The slaves of Sparta were not blacks, they were not strangers at all, they were the same Hellenes-Greeks, but conquered and enslaved by the Spartans.

However, not a single Spartan himself could own a slave (slaves). All helots were the property of the state, and even it transferred the slaves to individuals "for use."
The Spartans often forced the helots to get drunk, sing obscene songs and dance obscene dances. On this example, "free citizens" of Sparta were taught how not to behave. Only the Spartans had the right to sing patriotic songs.

The state encouraged its citizens to spy on slaves. Young Spartans were specially sent to eavesdrop on the speeches of the helots and kill anyone who seemed suspicious. The strongest and most courageous slaves capable of protest were secretly killed. The Spartans made sure that the number of helots did not exceed half a million, since otherwise the slaves could become dangerous for the state. Of course, the helots, that is, the Greeks turned into slaves, fiercely hated their Spartan enslavers.

Lycurgus, the main Spartan legislator, left Sparta towards the end of his life. Before leaving, he took an oath from his compatriots not to change anything in the laws until his return. In order to bind the Spartans tightly with them, Lycurgus did not return to his homeland, but voluntarily starved himself to death in a foreign land.

At the end of its history, Sparta, faithful to the establishment of Lycurgus, became exactly what he wanted to save her from - a society of weak, depraved and incapable loafers.


Interesting Facts about Sparta and the Spartans...

Powerful Sparta occupied a leading position in ancient Hellas along with Athens.
These two city-states made a huge contribution to the formation and development of ancient civilization, therefore, even after the conquest of Greece by the Roman Empire, Athens and Sparta received self-government rights in honor of their former glory.
More interesting facts about Sparta and the Spartans will tell.

1. Lacedaemon (the official name of the state), or Sparta, arose around the 11th century BC in the Greek region of Laconia in the south of the Peloponnese.
By the 10th century, the territory of Laconia was completely conquered by the Dorians, one of the main ancient Greek tribes.
They made up the ruling class of the Spartans, and the local farmers became helots, an intermediate state between serfs and slaves.

2. In 404 BC. That is, 76 years after the legendary battle of Thermopylae (feat of 300 Spartans), Sparta won the rivalry with Athens and became the dominant power in Greece.
Over the years of its existence, Sparta has waged countless wars, most of which ended in the success of the Spartans.
Sparta began to feel regular failures in battles only after the bloody war with Macedonia in 331 BC. e., in which up to a quarter of all full-fledged Spartans and King Agis III himself died.
After this war, military setbacks plagued Sparta until 146 BC. e., when all of Greece lost its independence and became a Roman province ....

3. The Spartans participated in countless successful military campaigns, but the feat of 300 Spartans during the battle of Thermopylae against the Persians remains the most widely known.
However, another battle of 300 Spartans is known - the "Battle of 300 Champions". This battle took place in 545 BC. e. during the war between Sparta and neighboring Argos.
300 of the best warriors from each side took part in this battle. The battle took place in the region of Kynuria and was to continue until not a single warrior remained. This legendary battle lasted all day, only one Spartan, Ofriads, and two warriors of Argos survived. The Argos warriors left the battlefield, but did not know that Ofriads remained alive and reached the Spartan camp and back to the battlefield. He then committed suicide so that the Spartans could claim victory.
However, the next day, a battle of armies took place, in which Sparta won and gained control of Kynurea ....

4. The originality and dissimilarity of Sparta to other Greek city-states has led to the fact that modern historians treat it differently.
Some call it the most perfect example of a policy, while others call it the ideal embodiment of a totalitarian state.
Such a range of opinions is explained by the fact that Sparta in many respects was very different from other Greek policies.
So, here, before the Roman conquest, the royal patriarchal way of life was preserved in the form of a diarchy, the life and life of the Spartans was strictly regulated, and property stratification was restrained.

5. Sparta operated special system upbringing agoge. From 7 to 20 years old, the sons of free Spartans lived in military-type boarding schools, where, in addition to military and sports training, they studied music, singing, and clear and short speech skills (from Lacon's name - "laconic").

6. There is a widespread belief about the Spartans that they threw weak and sick newborn children from a cliff at the foot of the Taygetus ridge. This opinion is erroneous because it has not been confirmed archaeological excavations.
Scientists have not found any remains of children in the area. In fact, criminals and prisoners were executed at this place.
Such stories of infanticide appeared only thanks to the rivals of the Spartans for control of the territory.
In fact, physically handicapped or impoverished Spartans became hypomeion, deprived of part of their civil rights.

7. Military discipline is considered the most significant legacy of Sparta. The battle order of the Spartans became the forerunner of the famous phalanx formation in the army of Alexander the Great ....