Black flies before the eyes after a drop of magnesia.  Why do we see invisible flies before our eyes?  White and black flies, flickering before the eyes - causes and treatment.  Causes of the appearance of

Black flies before the eyes after a drop of magnesia. Why do we see invisible flies before our eyes? White and black flies, flickering before the eyes - causes and treatment. Causes of the appearance of "flies" in the eye

Flies in front of the eyes are an unusual phenomenon that every person can encounter. They are light opacities in the form of spots, threads, cobwebs or other specific shapes, while several of these elements can be in one eye at once. They are white, black or transparent. The flies are constantly moving, it is impossible to focus on them. If they appeared once, then there is no reason for concern. But with their regular appearance or constant presence in the field of vision, you need to consult a doctor. This is the only way to determine the cause and treatment of flies before the eyes, which sometimes cause a lot of inconvenience.

At-risk groups

Older men are most at risk of experiencing this phenomenon. Aging of the body is always accompanied by the appearance of health problems. From about age 40, the likelihood of developing diseases in both sexes begins to increase dramatically. Especially often the organs of vision begin to suffer, which causes the appearance of flies.

The risk group includes people with the following problems:

  • Diseases of the organs of vision;
  • Metabolic disorders;
  • Rachiocampsis;
  • Low or high blood pressure;
  • Previous infections.

Also, flies can form in people who lead a sedentary lifestyle and spend a lot of time at the computer.

Main reasons. Ophthalmology

Often the appearance of flies indicates problems with the eyes. A one-time occurrence of dots or stripes in front of the eyes is almost always caused by a simple overvoltage. Especially in cases where other symptoms are absent. The regular appearance of flies, accompanied by unpleasant sensations, can indicate the development of serious diseases. Among them:

  • Rupture or detachment of the retina;
  • Hemorrhage in the eye;
  • Hemophthalmos (penetration of blood into the vitreous body);
  • Destruction or detachment of the vitreous body.

The most common problems are with the vitreous body, expressed in its defeat or detachment. What are the characteristics of these diseases?

With serious damage to the organs of vision, symptoms may include severe eye pain, dizziness, and hemorrhage in the eye.

Destruction of the vitreous body

One of the components of the organs of vision is the vitreous body. It is located between the lens of the eye and the retina. The composition of the vitreous body includes important substances, but they occupy only 1% of its total mass, while the remaining 99% are water. In its normal state, it has a transparent and gel-like appearance.

Under the influence of various factors, the molecules of the vitreous body can be divided into many fragments, which is destruction. Against the background of such changes, the quality of the composition deteriorates, and the total volume of the substance decreases, while opaque elements can form in it. It is these particles that appear that are called flies.

In some cases, not only dots may appear, but also a long shiny strip, characterized by strong flicker and slow movement. Sometimes you can even encounter a large film that covers the entire eye, significantly reducing visual acuity.

There are several reasons for the destruction:

  • Natural aging of the body;
  • Diabetes;
  • Lack of vitamins or minerals;
  • Pregnancy.

Destruction can occur when the vitreous body is detached, which is also a separate cause of the appearance of flies. The combination of these two factors increases the severity of the disease.

Detachment of the vitreous body

The second common pathology in which black flies appear before the eyes is vitreous detachment. It can move away from both the retina and the lens. After peeling, a person may see flickering, dark spots and a veil. In this case, there will be flies that constantly fly somewhere. They will also sparkle and gradually increase in number. All this happens because the vitreous body wraps around the optic nerve.

There are not so many reasons for this phenomenon: trauma, inflammation and neurological diseases. With age, the risk of detachment increases, which is why older people are advised to have regular check-ups with an ophthalmologist.

Causes associated with other diseases

Determining the cause of the appearance of flies is quite difficult, because. symptoms are often limited to flickering dots or threads before the eyes. However, with the development of serious diseases, the symptoms can expand significantly, which makes it easier to find the root cause, but increases the danger of this phenomenon.

The most common reasons:

  1. Osteochondrosis of the cervical region. With a curvature of the spine in the neck, blood circulation is disturbed, which has a negative effect on the organs of vision. Accompanied by severe and frequent dizziness, tinnitus.
  2. Migraine. A severe headache that has swept over a person may be accompanied by flashes in the eyes, glare, flickering zigzags, and a veil covering the field of view.
  3. Hypertension or hypotension. With a sharp increase or decrease in blood pressure, the retina of the eye suffers. That is why a person can see the accumulation of a large number of points. This often manifests itself when the patient begins to stand up abruptly. Against the background of pressure drops, general well-being worsens.
  4. Sclerosis. Memory impairment often occurs in older people. They also cause the appearance of flies, as well as problems with coordination of movement.
  5. Poisoning. Intoxication is often accompanied by the appearance of flies. The most common is alcohol poisoning, which causes visual disturbances. It seems to people that small insects are running around or strings are flying, but these are just flies.
  6. Brain tumor. If the focus of inflammation is the occipital region, then already in the early stages of neoplasm growth, a person will begin to see spots, ribbons or fog. In the later stages, people experience impairments that make it difficult to distinguish colors and objects, and in some cases, patients may lose their sight completely.
  7. . When blood vessels are damaged, the brain receives an insufficient amount of blood and oxygen, which greatly complicates visual functions. The manifestation of various zigzags before the eyes can be delayed for a long time, and sometimes they remain for several days.
  8. Diabetes. With such a disease, blood vessels are often damaged, which causes damage to the optic nerves. A diabetic should consult a doctor at the first manifestations of flies.
  9. . With disorders of the nervous system, the body often suffers from dots and stripes that appear before the eyes. Symptoms can be very varied and depend on many factors.
  10. Stroke. A person who has had a sharp violation of blood circulation experiences extremely severe symptoms. If you do not provide him with timely assistance, then it will not be possible to avoid a fatal outcome. Flies can appear not only during a stroke, but also shortly before it happens, while the person will also feel sick and dizzy.

These are all the main reasons for the appearance of various figures in the eyes. However, this phenomenon sometimes happens due to:

  • Traumatic brain injuries;
  • Decreased hemoglobin;
  • lack of iron in the blood;
  • Increased amount of stress;
  • Regular lack of sleep;
  • Strong physical or psycho-emotional stress;
  • Pregnancy.

One of the most common symptoms that come along with the appearance of flies is dizziness. Sometimes it is so strong that it is difficult for a person to move and stand on his feet. Therefore, those people who have already encountered such a problem should be as careful as possible and sit down or lie down if there is a feeling of an approaching attack.

People who often have dots or streaks in their eyes should avoid driving. If it is necessary to drive a car, then if visual defects appear, it is recommended to stop the car until vision is completely normal.

Flies during pregnancy

Pregnant women are the most vulnerable to various diseases. Many of them may also experience dots, zigzags, or strokes. The causes and treatment of flies in the eyes of pregnant women are somewhat different.

The main reason for their formation is toxicosis. It causes increased blood circulation, hormonal changes, and also increases the load on all body systems. In this case, the woman is faced with flies, dizziness and nausea. If all this happens at an early stage of pregnancy, then there is nothing to worry about. However, late toxicosis is quite dangerous. It is accompanied by swelling of the face or the whole body, vomiting, convulsions, protein excretion in the urine, increased pressure, and headaches. In some cases, the situation may be complicated by the following problems:

  • Detachment of the placenta;
  • Regular fainting;
  • Bleeding;
  • Edema of the brain and lungs.

With such complications, a woman is very much at risk of facing premature birth or even intrauterine fetal death. In rare cases, the pregnant woman herself may fall into a coma or die. The risk group who may suffer from late toxicosis includes all women with chronic diseases of the liver, kidneys or blood vessels.

Treatment at home under such circumstances is strictly prohibited. The woman needs to urgently call an ambulance for the fastest possible hospitalization. It is possible to ensure the preservation of the life of a pregnant woman and her fetus only in a hospital.

Flies in children

The most common reason for the appearance of dots or stripes in front of the eyes in children is overwork. With excessive stress on the body, the child gets tired much faster than an adult, and this applies to both the physical and psycho-emotional spheres. Therefore, the appearance of flies often indicates the usual fatigue caused by schooling, and not the development of any disease. However, other factors of their occurrence cannot be ruled out.

A common cause of the formation of dots or other figures in the eyes of children is blood diseases. Such a child experiences weakness, cannot study normally, refuses to eat. After a problem is discovered, regular visits to the doctor are required, because. many diseases associated with blood are able to return after therapy. Even the mere appearance of flies for a short time after treatment can mean a relapse.

Diagnosis, visiting a doctor

Most people prefer not to attach importance to such a phenomenon as flies in the field of view, because. it does not cause serious discomfort. Sometimes this choice is correct, but not always. It is better to undergo an examination and make sure that everything is in order than to delay a serious illness that requires complex treatment.

Reasons for visiting a doctor

People start thinking about visiting a doctor only when the symptoms become very serious or cause significant discomfort. You need to consult a doctor in the following cases:

  1. Flies appear regularly, while their number and frequency increase.
  2. The problem appeared shortly after receiving an eye or head injury.
  3. The number of anomalies increases with increasing light brightness.
  4. Flashes of light that appear together with dots.
  5. Decreased visual acuity.
  6. Peripheral vision disorders.
  7. General deterioration of well-being (weakness, nausea, lack of appetite, problems with coordination of movements, pallor of the skin).
  8. Head, eye or neck pain.

The greatest danger is black flies in both eyes or one of them. They can appear in large numbers and move around the eye without moving it. This phenomenon indicates a possible retinal detachment. An additional signal for alarm can be darkness in the corners of the eye.


To undergo an examination, you need to contact an ophthalmologist. The doctor will conduct a survey, after which he will prescribe the necessary procedures to identify the root cause of the phenomenon. As a rule, the patient is sent for the following examinations:

  1. CT, .
  2. Skull x-ray.
  3. Angiography.
  4. Daily ECG study.
  5. The study of the state of the organs of vision.

Additional tests will also be prescribed to rule out a number of diseases.

If there is a suspicion that the disease was caused by psychosomatics, then the ophthalmologist can send the patient for a consultation with a psychotherapist.


Flies are not a disease. They are only a symptom. That is why it is required to treat not them, but the root cause. When, after the examination, the patient is diagnosed, there will be no problems with the selection of drugs.

Medical treatment

It will only be necessary to treat the flies themselves if they are associated with ophthalmic disorders. You can remove them with the help of several medicines:

  1. Wobenzym. It is taken three times a day, 5 tablets. The course of treatment is one month.
  2. Emoxipin (1%). Bury one drop 5 times a day. The course of treatment is one month.
  3. Vitamin complex. Any vitamins are taken 1 tablet daily.

After such therapy, the spots will begin to disappear. In the early days, they can still flicker, but later they will stop, and after that they can appear only in cases where the root cause was identified with an error, because of which the patient does not receive the necessary treatment.


Medicine allows you to cure diseases of the organs of vision with medicines, but in some cases this is not enough. Therefore, the doctor may prescribe an operation. For such cases, 2 types of surgical intervention are possible:

  1. Vitreolysis. With the help of the VAG laser, opaque particles are crushed into small elements that do not interfere with vision.
  2. Vitrectomy. The doctor removes part or all of the vitreous body with flies, replacing it with a saline solution.

The first method is rarely used. The second one is more popular and allows you to quickly get rid of flies, but it is quite dangerous, because. often after surgery there is a hemorrhage in the eye with retinal detachment or a cataract occurs.

Folk methods

You can improve your condition with the help of folk methods. They are only effective for relieving symptoms and slightly improving eye health. The following tools show the greatest effectiveness:

  1. Aloe honey. You need to mix aloe juice with honey. These drops are instilled three times a day.
  2. Propolis. It is enough to insist propolis in ordinary water, after which the product can be instilled into the eyes three times daily.

If the flies continue to appear, then you should visit a doctor, not relying on self-medication.


If vision problems begin, then you should immediately think about preventing the development of complications. When various zigzags have already begun to swim before your eyes, you can perform special exercises.


To prevent the appearance of flies, if they are not caused by serious diseases, you can use simple preventive measures. These include:

  • Good sleep (stable, 7-8 hours);
  • Walks in the open air;
  • Moderate physical activity;
  • healthy lifestyle (refusal of alcohol, smoking);
  • Proper nutrition.

This is enough to avoid lifestyle flies and minor health issues.


When the flies that appear are caused by fatigue and interfere with a normal look at the events taking place around, you can resort to simple exercises. They will remove any stripes. It is recommended to do the following:

  1. Massage the eyeballs with light movements with your fingertips.
  2. With sharp movements, look left and right, then up and down. Repeat three times.
  3. (votes:

Small spots or dots that appear before the eyes are one of the most common visual impairments. The people call it flies, since a person with a similar defect really gets the impression that when looking at any object, the view is covered by a swarm of small insects. This phenomenon does not cause serious discomfort, and most people eventually get used to the new condition, but you should not ignore it, since it can be a signal of all kinds of pathologies in the body. What is the reason for the appearance of flies and is it possible to get rid of them?

Why do flies appear?

The mechanism of the appearance of flies is different and consists in violations of the function of the eyes, metabolic processes and blood circulation, the activity of the nervous system, etc. As a rule, with ophthalmic pathologies, spots and dots have a black or brown tint, and with disorders of the nervous system, white spots appear. It is impossible to independently determine the cause of this phenomenon - only a specialist can diagnose the disease and prescribe treatment.

Vitreous body lesions

Most often, floating flies are observed in people who suffer from defects in the vitreous body. The vitreous body is called the jelly-like contents of the eyeball, which is located in the cavity between the retina and the lens.

Factors that cause changes in this part of the eye include destructive changes, trauma, inflammation, and other pathologies.

In addition to the above factors, degenerative changes in the tissues of the vitreous body and the appearance of dots can cause complications of diabetes mellitus, neoplasms in the tissues of the eye, and intraocular pressure surges.

The characteristics of the flies depend on the characteristics of the lesion of the vitreous body - if the pathological process affects single fibers, a person sees threads, stripes and cobwebs, and when the fibers are glued together, figures similar to octopuses and jellyfish appear in front of a person’s gaze. The clarity of the spots is affected by the distance between the retina and the lesions - the smaller, the clearer the outlines of the flies.

Attention: the most dangerous situation is when the vitreous body is separated from the back wall of the eye - this pathology can lead to serious complications and requires medical intervention.

Other diseases and pathologies

All processes and mechanisms in the human body are closely interconnected, so many diseases that at first glance do not affect visual function can provoke the appearance of dots and spots in the eyes.

Table. Other causes of flies before the eyes.

PathologyThe mechanism of the emergence of flies

Deformation of the discs and vertebrae causes a deterioration in blood circulation in the spinal cord and brain, which negatively affects the work of the optic nerves and causes all sorts of disorders. Additional symptoms are frequent and intense dizziness.

Strong tension or poor filling of blood vessels disrupts blood flow in capillaries and tissues, which primarily affects the retina. Often ophthalmic disorders are harbingers of a hypertensive crisis or heart attack.

With anemia, there is a decrease in the concentration of hemoglobin and red blood cells, as well as a decrease in the level of oxygen, which affects the function of vision. As a result of such violations, flies and double vision occur.

With a running pathological process in people with this diagnosis, the work of the brain and eye vessels is disrupted, which leads to ophthalmological disorders.

In case of serious poisoning, intoxication affects the cells of the nervous system, having a negative effect on the optic nerve, as a result of which a person has a veil before his eyes, double vision, spots, dots, etc. In some cases (for example, with botulism), visual defects are the first symptom of poisoning .

Violation of the autonomic function of the cardiovascular system entails pathological changes in the vessels of the retina. With VVD, flies before the eyes appear spontaneously or with sudden changes in body position, and disappear after stopping an attack of the disease.

Visual disturbances in migraine are associated with disruption of the blood vessels, and flies before the eyes, along with photophobia and double vision, almost always accompany the disease.

Ophthalmic defects with a high body mass index develop as a result of an increased load on the cardiovascular system, which disrupts blood circulation in small vessels.

The mechanism for the appearance of floating dots before the eyes is the same as in anemia - a decrease in the level of hemoglobin and red blood cells. With some bleeding, a person may not feel pain or discomfort, and visual disturbances are the only symptom.

For reference: flies before the eyes are far from always a symptom of pathology - in healthy people they can appear with a sharp change in body position, after serious physical and mental stress.

Pregnancy and flies before the eyes

During pregnancy, the load on the cardiovascular and nervous system of a woman doubles, therefore expectant mothers often experience unusual phenomena, including flies before their eyes. If they appear from time to time under certain conditions (for example, after sudden movements) and disappear on their own, you should not worry.

But in cases where visual disturbances accompany a pregnant woman constantly, it is necessary to consult a specialist as soon as possible. This is especially true for women who suffered from ophthalmic pathologies before pregnancy - the processes that occur in the body for nine months can aggravate the disease and cause serious complications. In addition, flies before the eyes are often a sign of eclampsia, a dangerous condition that threatens the life of the mother and child.

When should you see a doctor?

Despite the fact that the flies before the eyes may seem innocent, sometimes they are a symptom of serious disorders that require immediate medical attention.

You should immediately consult a doctor in the following cases:

  • the number of dots and spots before the eyes is constantly increasing;
  • flies appear when the brightness of the lighting increases;
  • sensation of pain or discomfort in the orbit, redness of the whites of the eyes;
  • visual disturbances are accompanied by speech defects, headaches, partial paralysis of the facial muscles, very high or low blood pressure;
  • the appearance of flies was preceded by trauma to the head or face.

Medical intervention is also required for people with myopia and other ophthalmic disorders - flies before the eyes with such diseases can indicate retinal or vitreous detachment.

Important: if any ophthalmic disorders appear that do not disappear for a long time, a person needs to consult a doctor, even if visual disorders are not accompanied by additional symptoms.

Diagnosis when flies appear

When flies appear, first of all, you should consult an ophthalmologist who will conduct a complete examination of the eyes with a slit lamp, check visual acuity and measure intraocular pressure. In the absence of pathologies, the patient should consult with other specialists - a general practitioner, a neurologist and an endocrinologist, since the cause of the disease may lie in the dysfunction of other organs and systems. If symptoms such as nausea, headaches, or incoordination are present, a person needs a complete diagnosis that can detect a stroke or toxins in the body.

Treatment of flies before the eyes

There is no specific treatment for flies before the eyes - in order to get rid of this phenomenon, you need to eliminate its cause, and the method will depend on the disease that caused the visual impairment. So, for disorders of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, medications are prescribed to stabilize blood pressure and sedatives, for osteochondrosis - physiotherapy exercises, massage, etc., for ophthalmic pathologies - taking appropriate medications or surgery.

Conservative treatment

If the cause of the appearance of flies is destructive changes in the retina, therapy will depend on the severity of the pathological process. In the first stages of the disease, conservative therapy can be used, but drugs that can completely rid a person of the problem do not exist today. In this case, doctors prescribe medications that activate metabolic processes and promote the resorption of cloudy areas of the vitreous body (Emoxipin, Wobenzym). Treatment is accompanied by the use of mineral-vitamin complexes, but not always gives the desired results.

In combination with medications, patients are recommended eye massage, which activates blood circulation and improves lymph outflow. As an alternative, you can use the device called "Sidorenko Glasses" - it has an effect in four directions at once: massage, infrasound, color pulse therapy, phonophoresis. Thanks to such methods, metabolic processes in the tissues of the eyes improve, and the number of affected areas in the vitreous body decreases.


Surgical treatment of pathologies of the vitreous body is carried out when the destructive process has gone far enough and causes serious discomfort to a person. The operation can be carried out in two ways: using a laser beam or a standard method.

Laser correction of pathologies of the vitreous body is called vitreolysis- with the help of special equipment, the affected areas are destroyed, thanks to which a person sees much better, and the flies before the eyes disappear. In difficult cases, vitrectomy- an operation during which the vitreous body is completely or partially removed, and the substance is replaced with a special saline solution. Such a procedure is associated with the risk of developing serious complications, but the level of effectiveness of this technique is very high.

Attention: it is not recommended to use folk remedies for pathologies of the vitreous body, as this can lead to severe pathologies of visual function.

Prevention of flies before the eyes

To avoid the appearance of flies before your eyes, you should lead a proper lifestyle, give up bad habits, eat a balanced diet and take vitamin complexes. Particularly important for eye health are vitamins A and E, omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants found in oily fish, fresh vegetables and fruits, and blueberries. With prolonged exposure to the sun or performing hazardous types of work, the eyes should be protected with special glasses and at least once a year undergo preventive examinations by an ophthalmologist to identify possible changes in the tissues of the eyes.

Flies before the eyes may seem like a harmless symptom, but sometimes they indicate serious diseases and pathologies, so if this disorder has been observed for a long time, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Video - Flies before the eyes

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Many of us have strange dark spots or lines appear before our eyes from time to time. They occur when foreign bodies and cells appear in the vitreous body (this is the substance that fills the middle part of the eyeball), which cast a shadow on the back wall of the eye, where the retina is located (it perceives light). These spots before the eyes can be disturbing, but there is a way to reduce them. You will need a little time and patience. Surgical methods should be resorted to only in very severe cases.

Attention: The information in this article is for informational purposes only. Before using any methods, consult your doctor.


Part 1

Standard recommendations

    Spots and the so-called "flies" in the eyes disappear if you look from one object to another. To get rid of "flies" in the eye, look up or down, left / right.

    Consult an ophthalmologist. If you often have spots in front of your eyes that prevent you from seeing, talk to your doctor about it. A specialist will help you find the cause of these spots and tell you how to deal with it.

    Never mind. Although such flies are annoying in the eyes of many, in fact they do not interfere with seeing, so you can safely continue to go about your business. Over time, your brain will adapt and stop noticing those floating dots.

    Part 2

    Treatment for severe cases
    1. If you notice loss of peripheral vision or flashes of light, see your doctor right away. If you do not immediately contact a specialist, the disease will progress and may lead to loss of vision. Here are some serious diseases that are symptomatic of floating points before the eyes:

      If, along with floating dots in front of your eyes, your vision has deteriorated or other symptoms have appeared, be sure to tell your ophthalmologist about this. Severe cases and eye diseases can be cured with surgery. Of course, surgery is a big risk. Therefore, do not make any decisions until you have consulted with your doctor. The ophthalmologist will examine you and find out the cause of the appearance of "flies" in the eyes. The ophthalmologist will also prescribe treatment for you and tell you whether you should resort to a surgical method.

    Part 3

    Treatment with home remedies

      Some experts believe that nutritional supplements help get rid of "flies" in the eye. Of course, this is not clinically proven, but many people do get rid of floating points. But before taking any nutritional supplements, be sure to consult your doctor.

      Take nutritional supplements that increase blood flow. The bottom line is that the blood flow to the eyes will help "flush" the vitreous body of the eye. Perhaps this will help get rid of the "flies". If you do decide to take these supplements, check with your doctor first!

      Try to deal with stress. Another reason floating dots appear in the eyes is stress and anxiety. So try to find ways to reduce stress and worries. Meditate, pray, walk in nature. Take up yoga or other exercises to help you relax and deal with stress.

    • While there are no such eye drops that could help get rid of floating points in the eyes

Flies before the eyes are a fairly common complaint with which they turn to an ophthalmologist, although often the reason for their appearance lies in osteochondrosis of the spine.


Often, patients with osteochondrosis of the cervical region note that when looking at light objects, they see small circles, transparent threads, dots that seem to roll down the glass. Sometimes there is a feeling of haze, while a significant deterioration in vision, as a rule, does not happen. Black spots and other "objects" are better seen in good light against a light background. When the eyes move, they move smoothly, continuing to move also after fixing the gaze.

Flies-threads before the eyes

If you try to generalize, then the flies before the eyes with osteochondrosis look like this:

Sometimes "sparks" and "lightning" appear simultaneously with flies. They can hardly interfere with a person, but in serious cases they affect the quality of vision. In addition, these phenomena always indicate the presence of violations in the body.

The reasons

Osteochondrosis of the cervical region very often causes the appearance of flies before the eyes. This is due to impaired blood flow in the vertebral arteries, which supply oxygen and nutrients to the brain and eyes. Ischemia of the visual cortex and retina also leads to the appearance of a veil before the eyes, headaches and dizziness.

The cause of the appearance of flies with osteochondrosis can be vegetovascular dystonia. This syndrome is characterized by the appearance of various disorders of autonomic (i.e., related to the work of internal organs) functions associated with a disorder of nervous regulation.

The appearance of flies cannot be taken lightly, since this symptom may precede a stroke, the most formidable of the complications of cervical osteochondrosis.

In this case, along with the flies, other symptoms appear:

Headache can be added to the flies before the eyes
  • severe headache;
  • weakness in the upper or lower limb;
  • speech (or pronunciation) disorders;
  • facial asymmetry.

If you have at least one of these signs, you must urgently call an ambulance.

Another reason for the appearance of flies in osteochondrosis can be a hypertensive crisis. Against the background of a sudden increase in pressure, the nutrition of the retina worsens, which leads to flickering of flies and a number of other visual impairments.

In fact, all of these conditions lead to insufficient supply of eye tissues with nutrients, which often provokes such a phenomenon as destruction of the vitreous body. She is the main reason for the appearance of flies.

Cloudiness in the vitreous body of the eye

The vitreous body is a special gel-like substance that fills the eye cavity between the lens and the retina. In the normal state, it is completely transparent, since it is 99% water, and 1% of the vitreous body is collagen and hyaluronic acid. As a result of impaired cerebral circulation in osteochondrosis and malnutrition of eye tissues, as well as under the influence of other negative factors, some of the molecules of the vitreous body break up into fragments, which leads to a qualitative change in its composition and volume, i.e. destruction. As a result, particles that do not have optical transparency are formed in the vitreous body. It is their human vision that perceives them as flies.

In some cases, due to a change in the structure of the vitreous body, a mechanical effect is exerted on the retina, the photoreceptors are irritated, as a result, "lightning" and "sparks" appear before the eyes.

At-risk groups

With osteochondrosis, flies before the eyes most often appear in older patients, since, in addition to malnutrition of the eye, they also experience age-related changes in the retina and vitreous body.

Most often, flies in the eyes occur in old age.

Nearsighted people, as well as those suffering from inflammatory eye diseases, are also at risk. The combination of these pathologies with osteochondrosis often provokes the appearance of flies.


To determine the cause of the appearance of flies before the eyes, first of all, you need to contact an ophthalmologist. To identify the causes, carry out:

  • slit lamp ophthalmoscopy;
  • eye examination.

As a rule, these two examinations are sufficient. If it is found that the cause of the problem is not in the eyes, a consultation with a therapist can be scheduled, who determines the general state of health and the presence of certain diseases and refers to the appropriate specialist.

The likelihood that the flies arise precisely because of the compression of the vessels of the cervical region with osteochondrosis increases dramatically if the following accompanying signs are present:

Fundus examination
  • headaches;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • violations of coordination of movements;
  • pain in the spine.
  • numbness or crawling sensations in the extremities;
  • weakness in the arms.

Treatment Methods

To date, there are no special medications for the treatment of this disease.

You can perform a simple exercise: look to the right, then sharply look to the left. With this movement, opaque particles in the vitreous body move to the edge of the eye and become less noticeable.

With intense turbidity, absorbable drug therapy is prescribed, aimed at stimulating metabolic processes in the vitreous body.

Eye drops Emoksipin

Inside take Wobenzym in tablet form. Emoxipin is often used for instillation into the eyes. The specific dose and duration of therapy is chosen by the attending physician. Basically, treatment is carried out according to the following standard scheme:

  • Emoxipin - 3 to 5 times a day, 1 drop in the damaged eye. The duration of the course is 30 days.
  • Wobenzym - 3 times a day, 5 tablets. Duration of admission - from 14 to 28 days.
  • Vitamin-mineral complexes for the eyes containing lutein (Lutein-Complex, etc.).

Excellent results can be achieved with the help of physiotherapy. At home, you can use portable devices like Sidorenko Glasses. The device allows you to simultaneously use four methods of exposure: infrasound, phonophoresis, pneumomassage and color pulse therapy. As a result, the tissue metabolism of the eye improves, the number of opaque particles in the vitreous body decreases, and visual acuity increases.


The only way to prevent the appearance of flies as a result of degenerative changes in the vertebrae and intervertebral cartilage in osteochondrosis of the cervical region is its timely treatment and prevention of disease progression. When the process goes too far, it becomes almost irreversible, and one has to resort to surgical intervention.

The flies themselves do not pose a great danger, but they indicate a violation of cerebral circulation and may be a sign of the approach of formidable complications of osteochondrosis: hypertensive crisis, stroke.

To prevent this from happening, you need to contact a specialist as soon as possible.

They are called floaters or "flying flies". They become especially noticeable when you look at something bright, for example, a sheet of snow-white paper or a blue sky.

Flies in the eyes can be somewhat annoying, but usually do not cause any damage and do not impair vision. Sometimes a particularly large floater can obscure vision slightly. But a similar situation occurs only with a certain type of lighting.

Most often, people simply learn to live with flies in their eyes, not to pay attention to them. In addition, floaters decrease on their own after a few months or years. Only in exceptional cases, “flying flies” are so disturbing that you have to think about treatment.

Sometimes floaters in the eyes indicate more serious conditions. Therefore, you should immediately consult an ophthalmologist if you notice a sudden increase in the number of such opacities. Medical attention is especially important if sparks, lights and / or loss of peripheral vision are observed along with the flies.

These symptoms may be caused by:

retinal detachment
- retinal tear
- Hemorrhage in the eye.

This list of violations requires immediate intervention by specialists. If help is not provided on time, complete loss of vision is possible.

Video commentary on the problem of "flies" before your eyes in Elena Malysheva's program "Live healthy":

Floating signs

Flying flies move according to the movement of the eye. They usually disappear as soon as you try to focus on such a speck or dash.

Floating opacities can be of various forms, for example, they may look like:

Black or gray dots;
- curved lines;
- filamentous strips, can be translucent or grainy;
- cobwebs;
- rings.

If you once had “flying flies” in your eyes, they are unlikely to leave your field of vision. However, over time there is a significant improvement.

Causes of floaters

Most floaters are caused by small thickenings of the collagen protein. The cavity of the eye between the retina and the lens is normally filled with a gel-like substance called the vitreous body. With age, this substance and its millions of collagen fibers shrink and break.

Shreds of these fibers can accumulate in a certain place in the vitreous body. This process changes the amount of sunlight that hits the retina, the light-sensitive tissue deep inside the eye. Thus, there are symptoms characteristic of floating opacities.

These changes can occur at any age. But most often the appearance of flies in the eyes occurs around 50-75 years. People who are nearsighted or who have had cataract surgery are especially vulnerable to floaters.

Less often, these symptoms are the result of conditions such as:

Eye diseases;
- eye injuries;
- diabetic retinopathy;
- crystal-like deposits in the vitreous body;
- intraocular tumor, such as lymphoma (rare).

Foreign bodies in the eye can also cause floaters.

Serious vitreous or retinal disorders associated with flies in the eyes include:

- retinal detachment;
- retinal breaks;
- delamination of the vitreous body;
- hemorrhage into the vitreous body (hemophthalmos);
- inflammation of the vitreous body or retina caused by viral, fungal or autoimmune infections;
- intraocular tumors.

Also, an unusual form of floaters can warn of an approaching migraine.

When to See a Doctor

If you have several flies, lumps or dashes that do not change over time, there is no point in seeking medical help - it's okay. However, in the following cases, a doctor's consultation is necessary:

Floating opacities increase, sudden changes in the number and size of flies are considered a particularly dangerous sign.
- You develop sparkles, light spots and/or loss of vision of any kind associated with opacities.
- Flies in the eyes arose after an operation or injury.
- You experience pain in the eyes.

The symptoms described can be signs of a medical emergency, such as retinal detachment, holes and tears in the retina, bleeding caused by diabetes, and high blood pressure.

Treatment of floaters

Benign floaters almost never require medical attention. If they are a nuisance, you can move them out of your view by simply shifting your gaze. Such a maneuver changes the position of the plastic vitreous body. To get rid of floating opacities, it is better to look up - down than to the right - to the left.

If the flies in the eyes are so dense and numerous that they impair vision, your doctor may recommend a procedure called a vitrectomy. During this surgical procedure, the vitreous body and its floating shreds are removed, the eye cavity is filled with saline.

Vitrectomy can have the following complications: retinal detachment and ruptures, cataracts.

The likelihood of these side effects is very high. Therefore, the vast majority of surgeons refuse to undertake a vitrectomy, unless floating opacities significantly impair vision.