What is the harm of a solarium.  The harm and benefits of a solarium: is there anything to be afraid of?  Is it possible to dry acne in a solarium

What is the harm of a solarium. The harm and benefits of a solarium: is there anything to be afraid of? Is it possible to dry acne in a solarium

Dear readers, hello! They strive to maintain a tan after relaxing at sea for as long as possible, otherwise they turn to the services of solariums. This procedure can be found among the offers of almost all SPA - centers, fitness - clubs, beauty salons. But striving for a beautiful tan, we sometimes do not think about the benefits or harms of a solarium for human health.

Even in ancient Greece, Rome, there were rooms for haliotherapy - treatment with the sun. Why is this needed?

A solarium is a device that produces ultraviolet light. It is almost identical to solar radiation. Solariums are divided into horizontal and vertical. The last option is recognized as the best. It provides the necessary evenness, hygiene. The ideal option is the alternation of these types.

Under the influence of ultraviolet light, the cells of the epidermis produce melanin, a pigment that provides brown color. In addition, the well-known vitamin D appears, which is useful for its deficiency. Is it not essential? It would seem, yes, but in practice it leads to rickets, colds, diseases of the skin, joints.

American scientists have proven that the sun is better than the use of encapsulated calcium. Women using the services of artificial sun improved the condition of their teeth and eliminated muscle pain.

In order to prevent viral diseases, doctors advise him to use this service.

Remember the feeling of being on the beach. The same pleasant, relaxing effect of pleasure and relaxation accompanies visitors to the salons. Are you sad, tormented by winter depression? Pamper yourself with artificial rays and everything will pass. It is also effective for men.

What could be the harm?

The reverse side of the medal is always there and it must be remembered. The main negative factor is the stimulator of cancer. Swiss scientists have confirmed that clients who visit a solarium more than 10 times a year are seven times more likely to get skin cancer than others.

There is nothing easier than buying a tanning complex and selling such a service, especially since the quality of the lamps is not regulated. Faulty lamps emit more radioactive rays than the sun itself. Equalize a stay on the beach during the day in the summer heat and one visit to the solarium. The effect can be like this: the hair will dry out, the skin will be covered with spots, freckles.

Science has also proven accelerated skin aging under the influence of a solarium. Subsequently, it loses elasticity, smoothness, wrinkles and even cracks appear.

They also negatively affect the thyroid, mammary glands, as well as the eyes, contributing to the development of cataracts.

Therefore, even before a solarium, think about consulting a doctor if you have any diseases. Familiarize yourself with contraindications (read below).

Today there is such a disease as tanorexia. This diagnosis is given to people who strive for chocolate skin color all year round. People aged 25 to 30 who want to be beautiful or suffer from mood swings are prone to it.

Solarium - harm and benefit for women

Solarium while breastfeeding

Every mom, wanting to get back in shape after giving birth, to become attractive, intensively takes care of herself. According to many, tanning allows you to hide some visual skin defects, replenish vitamin D, and improves your mood, which is sure to be passed on to the child.

During this period, it should be remembered that hormones are active. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, growth hormones are activated, causing the formation of age spots, moles or their increase. Therefore, in such a situation, you should weigh the negative, positive aspects and consult a doctor.

Is it possible for pregnant women to sunbathe in the solarium

Are you or your friend pregnant? Pass by solariums. Useful moments of pleasure during this period increase the predisposition to cancer. You need it?
The reason for this is all the same hormonal changes, the restructuring of the body. In addition, even if a pregnant woman is comfortable in a solarium or used to be so, then there is a risk that it will become worse, and this will definitely be passed on to the baby.

Solarium - how to sunbathe properly

Before going to the salon for the procedure, you should ask about the quality of the lamps, the duration of their work and the effect obtained (or the absence of negative ones). Pay attention to your skin type:

Celtic. The skin of the owner of this type is white, there are freckles. You can sunbathe up to 10 minutes 2 times a week.

Nordic . This type is characterized by pale skin. You can sunbathe no more than 5 minutes.

Central European. Such people have dark eyes, hair is often brown. Allowed time up to 15 minutes, 4 visits per week.

Mediterranean. This is dark skin, dark hair, brown eyes - a third of an hour is an acceptable figure.

Solarium - how to sunbathe for the first time

To visit the solarium and obtain the desired effect, experts have developed rules:

  1. moles, mammary glands need to be hidden under special stickers;
  2. do not be under the rays for more than 5 minutes (for the first time and during lactation);
  3. use protective creams (during lactation hypoallergenic);
  4. pay attention to the sanitary condition of the box or ask to disinfect it in front of you;
  5. wear protective goggles;
  6. wash off makeup;
  7. during lactation at the end of the session, cosmetics should be washed off well;
  8. to prevent dehydration, you need to drink water without gas, herbal tea;
  9. if this is your first time in the salon, find out if there is an emergency stop button for the procedure and if there will be someone nearby (employees can leave);
  10. after the first visit, it will not be superfluous to observe the skin. If new moles, rashes are found, the procedures should be stopped;
  11. obligatory break between visits 2 days. Remember that the skin needs to recover, moisturize it.


Let's make a small memo for prudent visitors to the solarium. Avoid artificial sun if:

  • have not reached the age of 15;
  • there is a predisposition to cancer;
  • laser hair removal, chemical skin peelings were carried out;
  • you are allergic or such manifestations occur;
  • worries about claustrophobia;
  • with diabetes, gynecological problems, diseases of the central nervous system, after surgery;
  • there are moles, age spots;
  • take antidepressants (such drugs contain photosensitive components that provoke burns, allergic manifestations);
  • during the menstrual cycle, melanin is formed unevenly, does not lie evenly, the discharge increases, so at this time it is better to refuse such an event.

Dermatologists have developed many products that promote an even and safe tan. Protective oils, creams, when used correctly, give the skin silkiness and the desired “dark” effect.

  • Developers. They are necessary at the first 2 visits to obtain a uniform effect.
  • Activators. Used after the first visits.
  • Fixers. Apply after the procedure to moisturize the skin.

The quality of cosmetics can be judged by the following features:

  • The composition does not contain components that irritate the skin or bleaches, including alcohols, mineral oils.
  • After application, the skin should be velvety, pleasant, moisturized.
  • The effect of tanning is enhanced, while ensuring the uniformity of tanning.

Of course, you can save money and not buy the necessary funds, but dermatologists warn that in this case the skin will be overdried from moisture loss. This is evidenced by the reviews of people using such a service.

Look after yourself, enjoy grooming. At the same time, remember that ultraviolet radiation injures the skin, and with hormonal imbalances, it can cause cancer. With the right approach to the procedure, do not abuse it, using the service for a course of 6 procedures every six months.

Whether or not to visit the solarium, you must decide for yourself. For many, it has become an integral part of caring for their appearance. If you still decide to use such services, do not forget about the rules of use and side effects of the procedure. After all, if you do not follow these rules, you risk your health. Remember that there should be moderation in everything. Or maybe it's better to sunbathe in the sun?

A tanned woman is a beautiful woman. This idea, like a mantra, is repeated by all glossy publications. At the same time, doctors are constantly proving the harm from concentrated doses of ultraviolet radiation that tanning beds supply to people. For every ardent fan of these salon procedures, there is probably the same fierce opponent. But both of them agree on one thing, and others - before deciding on the procedure, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons solarium visits.

Benefits of a solarium for women


It should be remembered that only staying under quality in a strictly allotted time and in the absence of contraindications brings benefits.

From an aesthetic point of view

It should be remembered that solarium useful for acquiring golden skin tone, which is typical for your color type. Therefore, listen to the advice of professionals regarding whether.

Solarium damage

Harm from solarium maybe even if you follow the schedule of visits and all the precautions. And if you set out to turn from a fair-skinned blonde of the “Celtic” color type into a sultry inhabitant of the Mediterranean, then the harm to the body will be enormous.

Medical harm

  • Photoaging- destruction of skin collagen and damage to fibroblasts (connective tissue cells). Skin functions are disturbed, local immunity decreases, a combination of deep and mimic wrinkles is observed.
  • Excessively dry skin and small age spots that can grow.
  • Mutation processes can begin in cells, that cause skin cancer.
  • To visit the solarium there is a number of contraindications for health reasons, ignoring which you expose yourself to ill-considered risk.

Is it possible to visit the solarium with psoriasis

Psoriasis is a skin disease that externally manifested by the formation of scales on the head, elbows or knees, and drying the skin when visiting a solarium can be both beneficial and harmful.

Indications for visiting a solarium from a medical point of view can only be in cases where the irradiation process takes place under the supervision of a doctor. Then separate problem areas of the skin are subject to exposure to ultraviolet radiation, which are irradiated locally and dosed. Control the power of the lamps in the solarium, which means send there for treatment, the doctor cannot. But there are no special contraindications to visiting the solarium in this case.

In the early stages of the disease UV rays can reduce the number of breakouts and slow down the formation of new ones.. This reduces itching and redness. But it is impossible to cure the skin with ultraviolet light, as well as to say unequivocally whether a solarium is harmful or useful for people with psoriasis.

The opinion of doctors about the benefits or harms of a solarium for the body

Unfortunately, salons often employ unprepared female administrators who cannot provide you with professional advice. Therefore, in addition to independently studying the arguments for and against, you should listen to the opinion of doctors.

Irina, 35 years old

Until recently, I regularly visited the solarium, but now I have stopped doing it. The controversy regarding tanning beds and ultraviolet has not stopped for many years, as well as attempts to ban them. So is it true that the solarium is so harmful to the health of women, or is it still beneficial to some extent for the female body?

Oncologist. The beauty industry calls tan a synonym for attractiveness and health and receives certain benefits from this. In some countries, tanning beds customers sign a document that lists possible negative health effects. It should be remembered that UV lamps are not sunlight. This is the use of a certain spectrum of solar radiation, the most aggressive and much more active than sunbathing.

Nastya, 24 years old

I am planning a pregnancy and I try to strengthen my body in all available ways. And recently I read that a visit to the solarium has a beneficial effect on the reproductive organs. Moreover, it is so useful that girls do not stop sessions even during pregnancy. Tell us in more detail, is it still harmful or useful to go to the solarium and is it possible to attend sessions during pregnancy?

Gynecologist: Pregnancy planning and its course are so individual that one should not be guided by other people's stories. Only your doctor can advise you whether to visit a solarium or not. If a little tan lifts your spirits, then why not. Sunbathe in your underwear and take all precautions. During pregnancy, a visit to the solarium is allowed only in the first days, in the rest of the period this is not recommended.

Svetlana, 46 years old

I know that solarium at my age is already contraindicated. But I heard that for teenagers who suffer from acne, it is recommended for medical reasons. My daughter, just at that age, when problems of appearance disturb most of all. Tell me, is it possible to treat acne in a solarium?

Dermatologist-cosmetologist: In this case, the solarium is practically a medical procedure. I sometimes recommend ultraviolet baths to my patients with oily skin and breakouts. In some cases, such sessions are extremely effective, especially for the back. But I send clients only to trusted salons, where they worry about disposable underwear and timely replacement of lamps in the device.

Veronica, 26 years old

Today, not just a tan is in fashion, but an even shade without a hint of traces from a swimsuit. Girls write that they do fine without

In Russia, there are no exact statistics on the attendance of solariums. But it is in America. It is estimated that almost 30 million people in the United States regularly sunbathe in them, of which 2.3 million are teenagers. Solarium advocates around the world are voting for dark skin - it's beautiful and uplifting. Opponents stubbornly repeat that sunbathing under the rays of an artificial sun is harmful and dangerous. Who is right?


This vitamin is necessary for maintaining immunity, and also affects the state of the nervous system, heart function and blood clotting. It is synthesized under the influence of ultraviolet rays. Recent scientific studies confirm that vitamin D deficiency, especially in women, leads to premature aging: early wrinkles appear, dull complexion, menopause occurs earlier. Sessions in artificial sun cabins 2 times a week for 5-7 minutes will help to fill the vitamin deficiency.


According to WHO, the lack of sunlight, especially in the autumn-winter period, leads to depression. To avoid this, it is recommended to spend as much time as possible in the sun. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, endorphins are produced - “pleasure hormones”. All this is especially true for residents of the northern regions, where there is an acute shortage of light in winter. In the Scandinavian countries, Siberia and the Arctic, doctors often prescribe a solarium and light therapy to prevent and treat depression.


Since we receive strictly dosed ultraviolet rays in the solarium, the body adapts to them gradually and without stress. In a few sessions, the skin acquires a golden hue, and when we finally go to rest by the sea, we are much less likely to get burned in the southern sun. Of course, this does not negate the need to use sunscreen cosmetics on the beach and sunbathe only before 11.00 and after 17.00.


For example, with psoriasis, limited exposure to ultraviolet rays is very useful: often the skin is visibly cleared after just a few sessions. True, in this case, the dermatologist recommends, first of all, not an ordinary solarium, but a course of PUVA therapy - a combined treatment with drugs and long-wave ultraviolet rays (UVA). But when PUVA therapy is completed, a solarium will also come in handy: you can go to it after treatment to make traces of psoriasis invisible.



Expert: Anzhelika Shatrova, PhD, dermatologist, chief cosmetologist of the Guthy Renker brand in Russia

Today it has been absolutely proven that the solarium causes a kind of drug addiction, like cigarettes and alcohol. This phenomenon was called tanorexia. Characteristic signs: without getting to the next session, a person begins to get nervous, angry, his mood deteriorates sharply. Adolescents and young people under 30 are especially susceptible to this disorder. Experts are unanimous: tanorexia must be treated, both with psychotherapy and medication.


“The spectrum of rays in a tanning bed is different from natural sunlight,” says Dr. Katja Warnke, Head of the NIVEA Sun Laboratory in Hamburg. – To quickly achieve a tanning effect, tanning salons use ultraviolet A (UVA) rays in high doses. They penetrate deeper layers of the skin than type B radiation (UVB) and negatively affect elastin and collagen, the main structural skin proteins responsible for youthful skin.” As a result, the process of premature aging is triggered, the risk of wrinkles and the formation of free radicals increases, and the risk of allergic reactions increases.

After many years of research, experts have come to the conclusion that the use of ultraviolet lamps increases the risk of melanoma. According to the latest scientific data, 75% of young people under the age of 30 who regularly visit a solarium are at particular risk. In addition, scientists from the University of Albany came to the conclusion that frequent visits to the solarium can lead to disturbances in various body systems.


If you are taking hormonal drugs, such as contraceptives, as well as some antibiotics and diuretics, you should be especially careful with the solarium. UVA exposure can cause blemishes on the skin very quickly. The same applies to pregnant women: due to hormonal changes in the body, there is a high probability of the appearance of chloasma - the so-called pigmentation of pregnant women.


Contrary to popular belief, solarium is contraindicated for inflammation and skin rashes. At first, it may seem that it improves: under the influence of ultraviolet rays, local immunity of the skin is suppressed, due to which greasiness decreases, inflammation disappears. But this is only a temporary effect: after a few sessions, a backlash occurs, acne appears with renewed vigor and is less treatable. A solarium is indicated only after a course of acne therapy to make acne scars and scars less noticeable.


There are still more minuses in the solarium than pluses. But who cares if you have a tan or a long winter you want more sun, albeit artificial. It's like with high heels: everyone knows that they are harmful, but no one is going to part with them. The smart way out is to minimize the risk.

First, follow the optimal schedule for visiting the solarium: once a week for 5-7 minutes.

Secondly, be sure to use nipple pads, patch up moles, fresh scars or wounds (including tattoos and piercings), as well as skin areas that have pigmentation or a vascular network.

Thirdly, sunbathe in goggles, cover your hair with a scarf, and protect your lips with a moisturizing balm.


* Carrot, pumpkin and apricot juices will help make a tan darker and more persistent. To enhance the effect, add 1-2 drops of orange, lemon or tangerine essential oil to a glass. It is better to drink juice before a session in the solarium.

* Use special cosmetics for solariums, both before and after the session. It activates the production of melanin and also moisturizes the skin.

Text: Alla Kolina

A beautiful tan is every woman's dream. Chocolate skin tone gives seductiveness, sexuality and unsurpassed charm. In addition, a tan masks the imperfections of the epidermis and allows you to save the already “lush” cosmetics from the foundation.

Is a UV laser as useful as colorful advertisements for beauty salons say about it? Is it worth it to systematically spend money on it, and perhaps health? The benefits and harms of a solarium for women will be discussed further.

Meet His Majesty Solarium

The platform of a special configuration, placed in a vertical or horizontal plane, creates powerful illumination thanks to the built-in light lamps. The emitted alpha and beta rays contribute to the active synthesis of melanin by skin cells. The given ratio of rays will determine the intensity of the tan and the degree of its durability. To avoid burns, the level of ultraviolet radiation is under strict control. By standards, the percentage of beta rays does not exceed 1.7%.

Varieties of solariums

Judging by the reviews about the benefits and dangers of a solarium for women, it does not matter which one to use. Upright models become more common In the spacious cabin, you can move to the music from the player, so the tan will lie down faster and more evenly. The lamps here are more powerful than in the horizontal counterpart, because they are located at a remote distance from the skin. If safety precautions are not followed, burns may occur.

As mentioned earlier, a horizontal solarium has lamps located in close proximity to the skin, but their power is negligible, so you can not be afraid of burning. For hygienic purposes, a special film that transmits light is changed after each client. After visiting such a unit, white spots will remain on the skin at the places of greatest glass pressure on the body (buttocks, shoulder blades, etc.).

Solarium: arguments "for"

Talking about the dangers and benefits of a solarium for women, it is worth starting with the benefits. What is the reason for the high popularity of this type of beauty services? Today, not only long-legged models, women from the covers of glossy magazines visit tanning salons, but also the average accountants, teachers and nurses. Moreover, men also strive to get a chocolate tan in the summer!

The main advantage of equipment that emits ultraviolet light is the promotion of the active production of vitamin D. An indispensable component is responsible for the absorption of calcium, regulates the balance of phosphorus. It can be concluded that the solarium makes an invaluable contribution to the health of bones, joints, teeth and the nervous system, especially in winter.

The consequence of the previous paragraph is the effective prevention of arthritis, osteochondrosis, osteoporosis.

Most women notice that in winter the number of pimples on the face and body increases. Ultraviolet rays dry out small inflammations and kill pathogenic bacteria that cause acne. A systematic visit to the solarium facilitates the course of eczema and psoriasis, increases the effectiveness of the treatment of certain forms of dermatitis and neurodermatitis.

Therapeutic properties

According to doctors, the benefits and harms of a solarium for women are in a 50/50 ratio. Useful characteristics include assistance in the treatment of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, respiratory diseases, such as rhinitis, bronchitis, tracheitis, colds.

In winter, the solarium is an excellent therapy for seasonal depression. Ultraviolet rays relieve the feeling of apathy, despondency and drowsiness, giving energy and good spirits.

In addition to an even chocolate skin tone, a visit to a light-emitting chamber strengthens the immune system, helps fight fungal diseases, and increases potency and libido in men.

To avoid burns

Preparing for trips to a hot tropical climate, for example, to the islands, where the eternal summer is cold in January, cannot do without a couple of solarium sessions. The benefits and harms for women are obvious here: you have to spend extra money on preparing for a vacation - this is a minus, but upon arrival in an exotic country, the girls will not burn on the first day, risking spending the rest of the tour in the shade, hiding the skin from the sun's rays under a T-shirt.

For the same reason, sportsmen, singers, artists and military men who are forced to be outdoors for a long time are regular customers of salons with a solarium.

Solarium: arguments "against"

The abuse of "portions of light" dramatically transforms a delicate golden tan into a dirty, with a touch of a la slums of India. It's all about the pigment melanin, whose production under the influence of ultraviolet rays increases several times and the skin simply does not have time to recover from it. Age spots, freckles and even moles appear on the body.

Talking about the dangers and benefits of a solarium for women over 50 years old, experts focus on the problem of melanomas. Even 50-70 years ago, malignant tumors appeared in one out of 90-100 women, and today, in the age of the popularity of solariums, the figure is frighteningly close to 20.

Owners of tattoos need to be prepared for burnout, pallor and the disappearance of parts of the picture. If you are determined to artificially tan in the winter, the tattoo area should be generously smeared with sunscreen with a maximum SPF value.

On the effects of ultraviolet radiation on organ systems

For women in the photo, the solarium bears benefits and harms equally. Unfortunately, the owners of beauty salons do not tell their clients what a visit to the solarium threatens the skin, eyes and glands.

In high doses, ultraviolet penetrates into all layers of the skin. This leads to a rapid loss of elasticity, dryness, sagging. In medicine, this process is called photoaging. Therefore, the signs of aging in residents of hot countries appear several years earlier than in peers from the northern regions.

Getting into the eyes (even through the eyelids), UV rays can provoke the development of cataracts and impair vision.

Artificial light destroys the structure of the thyroid and mammary glands, makes irreparable changes in the functioning of the adrenal glands. This is fraught with hormonal surges and tumors.

Visiting the solarium during menstruation

The opinions of gynecologists about the dangers and benefits of a tanning bed for women are unequivocal - during menstruation, it is forbidden to visit it unless absolutely necessary.

The hot hot air inside the chamber contributes to the thinning of the blood, which flows faster through the vessels. The result can be severe bleeding with spasms.

Due to the need to be completely naked in the solarium, the sanitary pad will have to be replaced with a tampon. Under the influence of the same high temperature - an ideal environment for the reproduction of bacteria, inflammatory processes can develop that exacerbate the course of chronic diseases.

If there is no way to wait for the end of critical days, you can reduce the negative impact of the solarium in the following ways:

  • after the procedure, drink plenty of clean water;
  • for 3-4 hours after sunbathing, exclude any physical activity;
  • use protective cream.

Solarium during pregnancy

Future mothers are sure that bearing a child is not a reason to abandon the golden color of the skin. Talking about the dangers and benefits of a solarium for women in position, obstetrician-gynecologists do not put forward categorical prohibitions. In any case, before visiting the salon with artificial tan, you should consult with your doctor.

Cardinal changes in the hormonal background of a pregnant woman, multiplied by the action of ultraviolet rays, increase the work of the adrenal glands and the thyroid gland, which in some cases leads to complications and miscarriage.

Solarium for women - is it harmful or beneficial in the third trimester? Definitely harm. One session is enough to provoke overheating of the fetus with an unformed excretory system and dehydration of the mother's body.

It is strictly forbidden to sunbathe in the chamber with UV radiation, regardless of the gestational age for women:

  • with gestational diabetes;
  • with a confirmed violation of the thyroid gland;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • with hypertension.

Contraindications and precautions

According to the reviews of women after 50 years, the solarium brings harm and benefits in unequal amounts. For aging skin, the action of ultraviolet radiation is most detrimental. In addition to uneven tanning, older women are at risk for oncology patients.

It is not recommended to visit artificial tanning salons for persons under 15 years of age. Claustrophobia, diseases of the blood, cardiovascular system, tuberculosis, mastopathy, a tendency to allergic reactions, a large number of moles are arguments to cancel a trip to the solarium.

When taking antibiotics and drugs sold in pharmacies by prescription, sunburn is contraindicated. Most of the components of antibiotics are destroyed by a powerful ultraviolet beam, others will bring a radically opposite effect.

You should not sunbathe in the solarium and on the beach on the same day. High light exposure is damaging to the skin.

Regardless of the state of health and well-being, the decision to visit a solarium should be discussed with a dermatologist. This is especially true for women with pale, fair skin types.

How to sunbathe with benefit?

In order not to bother yourself with thoughts, whether a solarium is beneficial or harmful, it is enough just to follow the rules of proper tanning. It would seem that difficult? I climbed into the booth, received a portion of ultraviolet radiation - it's ready! For those who want a healthy and healthy tan, there are a number of conditions:

  • The time of the first two or three sessions should not exceed 10 minutes. The skin should gradually get used to it.
  • An hour before the procedure, you can take a shower, it is advisable not to use soap and gels to avoid degreasing the skin. After solarium contact with water is not recommended.
  • Before the session, it is recommended to wash off cosmetics and refuse to use perfume.

It is forbidden to use any creams, except for those specialized for the solarium.

Sensitive places must be securely covered. Hide your hair under a scarf, put on sunglasses, seal large moles with a piece of plaster.

Immediately after leaving the booth, you must drink clean water to restore the fluid supply. On this day, the diet should be filled with foods high in carotene (carrots), this will strengthen the tan. Do not forget about antioxidants (berries, fruits, vegetables, milk, green tea).

Everyone is interested in the topic: solarium harm and benefit for women - this issue is being actively discussed. There are pluses to this topic, but there are also contraindications. Today, you will find out why many choose an infrared solarium and learn how to sunbathe for the benefit of yourself. More on that below...

Hello, my dears, S. Morozova is with you. The time will soon come when it will be possible to finally throw off the jackets and put on light dresses. Substitute the sun and the wind face, arms, legs. Significantly whitened over the winter. And so I want to meet warmly in full dress. Guess I'm not the only one, right? Solarium, that's what will save us! But will it save? And let's just find out.

Solarium harm and benefit for women: let's start with the pros

Let's start with the positives. Why are solariums so popular? And not only among girls, men, quite normal orientation, also visit solariums.

Here's the benefit:

  • Vitamin D. Almost all of this in us is produced by contact of ultraviolet radiation and skin. Let me remind you why we need it: it is responsible for the absorption of calcium, regulates the balance between calcium and phosphorus. And this means that the solarium helps to maintain the health of bones, teeth, nervous system, even in winter.
  • Prevention of osteoporosis, arthritis. As a consequence of the previous point.
  • Clean skin. Ultraviolet dries up small inflammations, pimples, blackheads, kills some pathogenic bacteria. You probably noticed that pimples appear more often in winter. A solarium is just struggling with these problems, and helps with psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis, dermatitis.
  • Seasonal treatment. In the cold season, the sun is so lacking ... People walk around sleepy, dull, apathetic. The opinion of doctors is often extremely simple: go to the solarium!
  • Treatment of respiratory diseases. All kinds of bronchitis, tracheitis, rhinitis.
  • Treatment of diseases and
  • Strengthening.
  • Fight with .
  • improvement in men.
  • Preparing for travel in hot climates to avoid sunburn on unprepared skin. Therefore, a solarium is needed for athletes, artists, singers, the military, who will be in the open sun for a long time. And just before a vacation, who wants to associate vacation with burns later.
  • And of course, a beautiful, healthy skin tone. The most important and significant plus.

Why it's better not to go to the solarium too often

  • If you visit the solarium too diligently, then instead of a beautiful golden tan, you risk getting a shade a la Indian slums. This is because ultraviolet stimulates the production of melanin pigment, and the skin does not really have time to recover. Hence, by the way, all these freckles that suddenly jumped out in the middle of winter, new moles. Or God forbid, melanoma. In the last century, melanomas appeared mainly in people over 50 years of age. Now, in the age of popularity of solariums - up to 30 years.

By the way, if you have tattoos, it is better not to go to the solarium. Or briefly, while thoroughly covering the tattoo with a strong sunscreen. Otherwise, it will burn out, it's a pity

  • Ultraviolet in large doses acts quite aggressively, penetrates into all layers of the skin. And the skin loses elasticity, becomes dry and flabby. Hair also reacts with dryness. This process is also called photoaging. Therefore, residents of hot climates age much earlier than those who live in cold areas. If we compare photos of southerners and northerners of advanced age, the difference in skin condition is striking.
  • . The sun's rays provoke the formation of free radicals. I have an article on this topic, but I’ll briefly tell you how dangerous their excess is for the body: healthy cells are destroyed, hence muscle disruption, fragility of bones, teeth, blood vessels, development, heart and other organs, weak immunity and even.
  • Impact on the eyes. Getting into the eyes, even through the eyelids, ultraviolet rays can cause cataracts, disrupt vision.
  • Effects on the glands. And especially on the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, mammary glands. There may be hormonal surges and even tumors.

Solarium harm and benefit for women: contraindications

And so what:

  • predisposition to cancer. If there have been cases in your family that someone had cancer, unfortunately, such a predisposition is transmitted through genes. Ultraviolet light can provoke the onset of the disease. You can't take risks.
  • Pregnancy. Also not allowed while breastfeeding. Solarium does not affect breast milk, but it can very well affect the mammary glands, especially when they work so actively. It's better to look white than to get a tumor.
  • The abundance of moles, any inflammation on the skin, large age spots. Sunburn in this case is better to discuss with your doctor.
  • Any systemic diseases, inflammation, tumors (diseases of the heart and blood vessels, liver, asthma, diabetes, gynecological diseases, hypertension, blood diseases, hormonal disorders)
  • Taking certain medications: antibiotics, tranquilizers, antidepressants, hormonal, birth control, some painkillers. Be sure to check with your doctor if you can.
  • Very fair and sensitive skin. A sort of aristocratic pallor, when it is better to avoid the sun altogether, because the tan will not appear anyway, only burns.
  • period of menstruation.
  • Children under 16 and mature after 60. If necessary, you can choose an infrared solarium, it is the most gentle.
  • Stress procedures for the skin: epilation, peeling.
  • Physiotherapy sessions with UVI.

Learning to sunbathe with benefit

How to sunbathe? It would seem that difficult? I climbed into the booth, got a portion of ultraviolet - that's it. But no. If you want a healthy and healthy tan, there are certain rules:

  1. The session time should initially be no more than 10 minutes (or even less if the skin is light), we increase it gradually.
  2. Shower an hour before the procedure, not after. And preferably without soap, so as not to degrease the skin.
  3. Wash off all makeup before the session. And don't use perfume.
  4. Any creams are prohibited, but protective is welcome, but not standard, namely for a solarium. Otherwise, all the work will go down the drain. We take special care of the skin of the face, plus a lip balm.
  5. Remove lenses if you wear them.
  6. Close sensitive areas. We put on sunglasses, breast pads, cover our hair with a scarf or a disposable cap, and it is advisable to seal age spots, large moles. Again, if the doctor allowed them to take sunbaths at all.
  7. After a session in the solarium, try not to be in direct sunlight.
  8. Sign up for the next session no earlier than the next day. And, if there is a break, preferably in the near future after it. The solarium is probably being processed at this time, you will sunbathe in a clean cabin. I found this advice on the forum, in the review of a regular client. The case speaks.
  9. Immediately, as we left the booth, we drink clean, we restore the supply of liquid. On this day, you need foods containing carotene (carrots, for example) - this will strengthen the tan. And definitely antioxidants (berries, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seaweed, green tea, milk) - we neutralize free radicals that provoked UV rays.
  10. At home, it is better to take a shower and apply a moisturizing lotion. Or, again, special cosmetics after sunburn in the solarium.
  11. If the skin reacts well, then sessions can be increased to 20 minutes. But no more than every other day for 3 weeks if the goal is to create an even tan. If with a supporting goal, then a couple of times a month will be enough.

By the way, there is such a disorder - tanorexia, when there is a dependence on sunbathing and solarium. The addict is unable to stop even when cancer is found. Terrible business.

So let's sunbathe wisely. I wish you all to meet the warmth fully armed, shining with golden skin and health. I believe this guide will help you!

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